Monday, January 26, 2015

Child Development Thirteenth Edition

Child Development Thirteenth Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2011  oleh  McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc  adalah buku edisi Tigabelas.

Judul:  Child Development Thirteenth Edition
Oleh:   John W. Santrock
Penerbit:   McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc
Tahun: 2011
Jumlah Halaman: 649  hal.
John Santrock menerima gelar Ph.D. dari University of Minnesota pada tahun 1973. Dia mengajar di Universitas Charleston dan University of Georgia sebelum bergabung dengan program dalam Psikologi dan Pembangunan Manusia di University of Texas di Dallas, di mana ia saat ini mengajar sejumlah mata kuliah untuk tingkat sarjana.
John telah menjadi anggota dewan editorial dari Perkembangan Anak dan Psikologi Perkembangan. Penelitiannya pada ayah tahanan secara luas dikutip dan digunakan dalam saksi ahli kesaksian untuk mempromosikan fleksibilitas dan pertimbangan alternatif dalam sengketa hak asuh. John juga penulis luar biasa McGraw-Hill teks:  Psychology (edisi ke-7),  Children (edisi 11),  Adolescence  (edisi 13),
Life-Span Development  (edisi 13), dan Educational Psychology  (5th edition).

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 5 bagian utama yang mana setiap bagian didukung oleh bebera bab. BAGIAN 1 PERKEMBANGAN SIFAT ANAK mengemukakan Bab 1 pendahuluan, BAGIAN 2 PROSES BIOLOGI, PERKEMBANGAN FISIK DAN PERKEMBANGAN PERSEPSI mencakup Bab  2 Biologi Awal, Bab   3 Perkembangan Prenatal  dan Kelahiran,  Bab 4  Perkembangan Fisik dan Kesehatan, dan  5 Motor, Sensory, dan Perkembangan perseptual.  BAGIAN 3 KEMAMPUAN KOGNITIF DAN BAHASA terdiri atas Bab 6 Pendekatan Perkembangan Kognitif , Bab 7 Informasi Pengolahan, Bab 8 Inteligensi, dan  Bab 9 Perkembangan Bahasa. BAGIAN 4 PERKEMBANGAN SOSIOEMOSIONAL meliputi  Bab 10  Perkembngan Emosional,  Bab 11  Diri dan Identitas, Bab 12 Jenis Kelamin, dan Bab 13  Perkembangan Moral.     BAGIAN 5 PERKEMBANGAN KONTEKS SOSIAL  mencakup  Bab 14 Keluarga, Bab 15 Peer,  Bab 16 Sekolah dan Prestasi, dan Bab  17 Budaya dan Keanekaragaman.

Daftar Isi:   
    CHAPTER 1  Introduction 4

        Child Development—Yesterday and Today 6
        Caring for Children 8
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Luis Vargas, Clinical Child Psychologist 9
        Resilience, Social Policy, and Children’s Development 11
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Gender, Families, and Children’s Development 12
        Developmental Processes, Periods, and Issues 14
        CARING CONNECTIONS Strategies for Parenting, Educating, and Interacting with Children Based
            On Erikson’s Theory 23
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH Where Is Child Development Research Published? 37
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Pam Reid, Educational and Developmental Psychologist 39

    CHAPTER 2  Biological Beginnings 50

        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Stories of the Jim and Jim Twins 51
        The Evolutionary Perspective 52
        Genetic Foundations of Development 54
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Holly Ishmael, Genetic Counselor 62
        Reproductive Challenges and Choices 63
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH Do Children Conceived Through In Vitro Fertilization
            Show Signifi cantly Diff erent Outcomes in Adolescence? 65
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY The Increased Diversity of Adopted Children and Adoptive
            Parents 66
        CARING CONNECTIONS Parenting Adopted Children 67
        Heredity and Environment Interaction: The Nature-Nurture Debate 68
    CHAPTER 3  Prenatal Development and  Birth 76
        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Story of Mr. Littles 77
        Prenatal Development 78
        Birth 90
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Linda Pugh, Perinatal Nurse 93
        CARING CONNECTIONS From Waterbirth to Music Therapy 93
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Cross-Cultural Variations in the Incidence and Causes of 
             Low Birth  Weight 97
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH How Does Massage Therapy Aff ect the Mood and
             Behavior of  Babies? 98
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Diane Sanford, Clinical Psychologist and Postpartum Expert 101
             Bonding 102
        Reach Your Learning Goals 103
    CHAPTER 4 Physical Development and Health 105
        Angie and Her Weight 106
        Body Growth and Change 107
        The Brain 113
        Sleep 120
        Health 124
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY The Stories of  Latonya and Ramona: Breast and Bottle
            Feeding In  Africa 130
        CARING CONNECTIONS Improving the Nutrition of Infants and Young Children Living in Low-
            Income Families 132
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS T. Berry Brazelton, Pediatrician 133
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Barbara Deloin, Pediatric Nurse 135
        Exercise 135
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH Are Preschool Children Getting Enough Physical
             Activity? 137
        Reach Your Learning Goals 138
    CHAPTER 5  Motor, Sensory, and Perceptual Development 141
        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Motor Development 143
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Cultural Variations in Guiding Infants’ Motor
            Development 149
        CARING CONNECTIONS Parents, Coaches, and Children’s Sports 151
        Sensory and Perceptual Development 153
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH How Can We Study Newborns’ Perception? 155

    CHAPTER 6 Cognitive Developmental  Approaches 170

        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development 172
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH How Do Researchers Determine Infants’ Understanding
            of  Object Permanence and Causality? 177
        Applying and Evaluating Piaget’s Theory 187
        Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development 190
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Guided Participation and Cultural Contexts 192
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Donene Polson, Elementary School Teacher 193
        CARING CONNECTION Tools of the Mind 194
    CHAPTER 7 Information Processing 199
        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Story of Laura Bickford 200
        The Information-Processing Approach 201
        Attention 204
        Memory 208
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Culture and Children’s Memory 211
        Thinking 216
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Helen Schwe, Developmental Psychologist and Toy Designer 219
        CARING CONNECTIONS Helping Children Learn Strategies 222
        Adolescence 223
        Metacognition 224
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH How Does Theory of Mind Diff er in Children with
            Autism? 227
    CHAPTER 8 Intelligence 233
        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Story of Shiff y Landa 234
        The Concept of Intelligence 235
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH The Abecedarian Project 243
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Larry P.: Intelligent, But Not on Intelligence Tests 245
        The Development of Intelligence 246
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Toosje Thyssen Van Beveren, Infant Assessment Specialist 247
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Sterling Jones, Supervisor of Gifted and Talented Education 252
        CARING CONNECTIONS Guiding Children’s Creativity 253
    CHAPTER 9 Language Development 258
        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Story of Helen Keller 259
        What Is Language? 260
        How Language Develops 263
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Sharla Peltier, Speech Pathologist 267
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH How Does Family Environment Aff ect Young Children’s
            Language Development? 269
        Middle and Late Childhood 270
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Salvador Tamayo, Bilingual Education Teacher 275
        Adolescence 275
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Bilingual Education 276
        Biological and Environmental Infl uences 277
        CARING CONNECTIONS How Parents Can Facilitate Infants’ and Toddlers’ Language
             Development 281
        Language and Cognition 282

    CHAPTER 10 Emotional Development 288

        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Story of Tom’s Fathering 289
        Exploring Emotion 290
        Development of Emotion 292
        Temperament 299
        CARING CONNECTIONS Parenting and the Child’s Temperament 305
        Social Orientation/Understanding, Attachment, and Child Care 306
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Child-Care Policies Around the World 315
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Wanda Mitchell, Child-Care Director 316
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH How Does the Quality and Quantity of Child Care Aff ect
            Children? 317
    CHAPTER 11 The Self and Identity 322
        Self-Understanding and Understanding Others 324
        Self-Esteem and Self-Concept 329
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH How Do Adolescents Rate Their Self-Images Across
            Five  Diff erent Area s? 332
        CARING CONNECTIONS Increasing Children’s Self-Esteem 333
        Identity 334
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Armando Ronquillo, High School Counselor 340
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY The Contexts of Ethnic Identity Development 341
    CHAPTER 12   Gender 344
        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Story of Jerry Maguire: Gender, Emotion, and
            Caring 345
        What Is Gender? 346
        Infl uences on Gender Development 347
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH How Do Young Children Use Gender Schemas to Make
            Judgments About Occupations? 351
        Gender Stereotypes, Similarities, and Diff erences 352
        CARING CONNECTIONS Guiding Children’s Gender Development 358
        Gender-Role Classifi cation 359
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Gender Roles Across Cultures 361
    CHAPTER 13   Moral Development 364
        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Story of  Jewel Cash, Teen Dynamo 365
        Domains of Moral Development 366
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Moral Reasoning in the United States and India 371
        Contexts of Moral Development 377
        CARING CONNECTIONS Parenting Recommendations for Raising a Moral Child 379
        Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior 382
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Rodney Hammond, Health Psychologist 386
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH Can Intervention in Childhood Reduce Delinquency in
            Adolescence? 387
        Religious and Spiritual Development 387

    CHAPTER 14  Families 394

        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Story of a Mother with Multiple Sclerosis 395
        Family Processes 396
        Multiple Developmental Trajectories 398
        Parenting 401
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Janis Keyser, Parent Educator 403
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH Do Marital Confl ict and Individual Hostility Predict
            the Use of Physical Punishment in Parenting? 407
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Darla Botkin, Marriage and Family Therapist 408
        Siblings 413
        The Changing Family in a Changing Social World 415
        CARING CONNECTIONS Communicating with Children About Divorce 418
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Acculturation and Ethnic Minority Parenting 422
        Reach Your Learning Goals 423
    CHAPTER 15  Peers 426
        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Stories of Young Adolescent Girls’ Friends and
            Relational Worlds 427
        Peer Relations 428
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH What Are the Perspective Taking and Moral
            Motivation of  Bullies, Bully-Victims, Victims, and Prosocial Children? 436
        Play 437
        Friendship 440
        CARING CONNECTIONS Making Friends 443
        Peer Relations in Adolescence 445
    CHAPTER 16  Schools and Achievement 452
        Reggio Emilia’s Children 453
        Exploring Children’s Schooling 454
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Yolanda Garcia, Director of Children’s Services/Head Start 459
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY Early Childhood Education in Japan and Developing
              Countries 461
        CARING CONNECTIONS “I Have a Dream” 464
        Socioeconomic Status and Ethnicity 465
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS James Comer, Child Psychiatrist 467
        Children with Disabilities 468
        Achievement 472
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH How Do Different Cultures Compare in Their
            Attitudes and  Behaviors Regarding Learning Math and Math Instruction? 479
    CHAPTER 17  Culture and Diversity 483
        IMAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT The Stories of Sonya’s and Michael’s Cultural
             Confl icts 484
        Culture and Children’s Development 485
        CONNECTING THROUGH RESEARCH What Risks Are Experienced by Children Living in
            Poverty? 492
        CARING CONNECTIONS The Quantum Opportunities Program 493
        CONNECTING WITH CAREERS Carola Suárez- Orozco, Immigration Studies Researcher and
            Professor 495
        CONNECTING WITH DIVERSITY The United States and Canada: Nations with Many
            Cultures 498
        Technology 499
        Media Use 500
Glossary 509
References 519
Credits 573
Name Index 577
Subject Index 594


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