Polar Lakes and Rivers Limnology of Arctic and Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystems
Buku ini pertama kali diterbitkan Tahun 2008 oleh Oxford University Press
Judul: Polar Lakes and Rivers Limnology of Arctic and
Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystems
Pengarang: Warwick F. Vincent, et al (Editor)
Penerbit: Oxford University Press
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman: 364 hal.
Warwick F. Vincent
Johanna Laybourn-Parry
Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini ditujukan untuk Arctic dan ilmuwan Antartika dan pembaca yang lebih umum. Untuk membantu memperoleh informasi secara mudah bagian akhir buku ini memasukkan daftar istilah. Warna lempeng juga dimaksudkan untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih baik habitat dan organisme untuk mereka yang tidak terbiasa dengan mereka.
Buku ini terdiri atas 17 Bab. Bab 1 Pengantar limnologi dari danau High-latitude dan sungai ekosistem,
Bab 2 Asal dan geomorfologi danau di daerah kutub, Bab 3 High-latitude paleolimnology, Bab 4 limnologi fisik danau High-latitude, Bab 5 sungai High-latitude dan sungai, Bab 6 ekosistem air tawar berbasis Ice, Bab 7 Antartika air subglacial: asal, evolusi, dan ekologi, Bab 8 proses biogeokimia di danau High-latitude dan sungai, Bab 9 Fitoplankton dan produksi primer, Bab 10 bentuk produksi primer di danau kutub dan sungai, Bab 11 proses mikroba heterotrofik di danau kutub, Bab 12 keanekaragaman hayati mikroba dan biogeografi, Bab 13 Zooplankton dan zoobenthos di badan air lintang tinggi, Bab 14 Ikan di danau High-latitude Arktik, Bab 15 Makanan hubungan-web dan struktur masyarakat di danau High-latitude,
Bab 16 dampak manusia langsung di danau High-latitude dan sungai, dan Bab 17 arah masa depan di kutub limnologi.
Preface v
About international polar year vii
Contributors xvii
1 Introduction to the limnology of high-latitude lake and river ecosystems 1
Warwick F. Vincent, John E. Hobbie, and Johanna Laybourn-Parry
Outline 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 History of polar limnology 4
1.3 Limnological diversity 5
1.4 Controlling variables for biological production 7
1.5 Food webs in polar lakes 10
1.6 Polar lakes and global change 12
1.7 Conclusions 14
Acknowledgements 14
References 14
Appendix 1.1 18
2 Origin and geomorphology of lakes in the polar regions 25
Reinhard Pienitz, Peter T. Doran, and Scott F. Lamoureux
Outline 25
2.1 Introduction 25
2.2 Lake origins 26
2.3 Geographical regions 35
2.4 Effects of landscape evolution and climate change on polar lakes 37
2.5 Conclusions 38
Acknowledgments 38
References 38
3 High-latitude paleolimnology 43
Dominic A. Hodgson and John P. Smol
Outline 43
3.1 Introduction 43
3.2 Lake geomorphology and ontogeny 45
3.3 Applied studies: tracking environmental change 49
3.4 Synthesis studies 55
3.5 Prospects 56
3.6 Conclusions 59
Acknowledgments 59
References 60
4 The physical limnology of high-latitude lakes 65
Warwick F. Vincent, Sally MacIntyre, Robert H. Spigel, and Isabelle Laurion
Outline 65
4.1 Introduction 65
4.2 Snow and ice dynamics 66
4.3 Underwater radiation 67
4.4 Stratifi cation regimes 70
4.5 Hydrological balance and fl ow pathways under the ice 72
4.6 Mixing and circulation beneath the ice 73
4.7 Mixing and fl ow paths during ice-off and open-water conditions: Alaskan lakes 74
4.8 Stratifi cation and mixing beneath perennial ice: McMurdo Dry Valley lakes 77
4.9 Conclusions 79
Acknowledgments 80
References 80
5 High-latitude rivers and streams 83
Diane M. McKnight, Michael N. Gooseff, Warwick F. Vincent, and Bruce J. Peterson
Outline 83
5.1 Introduction 83
5.2 Antarctic streams 84
5.3 Case study: effect of fl ow restoration on microbial mats and ecosystem processes 88
5.4 Arctic streams 89
5.5 Case study: long-term effect of nutrient enrichment 90
5.6 Large Arctic rivers 93
5.7 Arctic fl ood-plain lakes 95
5.8 Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic fl uvial ecosystems 96
5.9 Conclusions 97
Acknowledgments 98
References 98
6 Ice-based freshwater ecosystems 103
Ian Hawes, Clive Howard-Williams, and Andrew G. Fountain
Outline 103
6.1 Introduction 103
6.2 Ecosystems on and in glacial ice 104
6.3 Ecosystems on fl oating ice shelves 107
6.4 Lake-ice ecosystems 111
6.5 The signifi cance of ice-based systems 113
6.6 Conclusions 114
Acknowledgments 115
References 115
7 Antarctic subglacial water: origin, evolution, and ecology 119
John C. Priscu, Slawek Tulaczyk, Michael Studinger, Mahlon C. Kennicutt II,
Brent C. Christner, and Christine M. Foreman
Outline 119
7.1 Introduction 119
7.2 Antarctic subglacial lakes and rivers: distribution, origin, and hydrology 120
7.3 Antarctic ice streams: regions of dynamic liquid water movement that influence ice-sheet
dynamics 124
7.4 Subglacial environments as habitats for life and reservoirs of organic carbon 125
Acknowledgments 132
References 132
8 Biogeochemical processes in high-latitude lakes and rivers 137
W. Berry Lyons and Jacques C. Finlay
Outline 137
8.1 Introduction 137
8.2 Carbon cycle 139
8.3 Nutrient cycling 142
8.4 Geochemical linkages 147
8.5 Future responses to a warming climate 148
8.6 Conclusions 151
Acknowledgments 152
References 152
9 Phytoplankton and primary production 157
Michael P. Lizotte
Outline 157
9.1 Introduction 157
9.2 Photosynthetic plankton 157
9.3 Biomass 162
9.4 Primary production 166
9.5 Environmental stressors 172
9.6 Conclusions 174
Acknowledgments 175
References 175
10 Benthic primary production in polar lakes and rivers 179
Antonio Quesada, Eduardo Fernández-Valiente, Ian Hawes, and Clive Howard-Williams
Outline 179
10.1 Introduction 179
10.2 Types of benthic community 180
10.3 Benthic primary production 188
10.4 Conclusions 192
Acknowledgments 193
References 193
11 Heterotrophic microbial processes in polar lakes 197
John E. Hobbie and Johanna Laybourn-Parry
Outline 197
11.1 Introduction 197
11.2 Food webs 198
11.3 Bacteria 198
11.4 Photosynthetic plankton: autotrophs and mixotrophs 199
11.5 Heterotrophic microplankton: fl agellates, ciliates, and rotifers 200
11.6 Viruses 201
11.7 Microbial heterotrophic processes and controls 202
11.8 Carbon and microbial heterotrophy 208
11.9 Conclusions 209
References 210
12 Microbial biodiversity and biogeography 213
David A. Pearce and Pierre E. Galand
Outline 213
12.1 Microbial biodiversity 213
12.2 Bacteria 215
12.3 Cyanobacteria 218
12.4 Archaea 218
12.5 Eukaryotes 218
12.6 Viruses 221
12.7 Survival 221
12.8 Dispersal 222
12.9 Biogeography 223
12.10 Endemism 225
12.11 Conclusions 225
Acknowledgments 226
References 226
13 Zooplankton and zoobenthos in high-latitude water bodies 231
Milla Rautio, Ian A.E. Bayly, John A.E. Gibson, and Marjut Nyman
Outline 231
13.1 Introduction 231
13.2 The origin of polar fauna 232
13.3 Species diversity between poles 234
13.4 Habitats and their key species 236
13.5 Implications of climate change 242
13.6 Conclusions 245
References 245
14 Fish in high-latitude Arctic lakes 249
Michael Power, James D. Reist, and J. Brian Dempson
Outline 249
14.1 Introduction 249
14.2 Fish population structure in Arctic lakes 251
14.3 Adaptations for high-latitude life 252
14.4 Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus 253
14.5 Lake char, Salvelinus namaycush 261
14.6 Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar 262
14.7 The coregonines 263
14.8 Other species 264
14.9 Conclusions 264
Acknowledgments 265
References 265
15 Food-web relationships and community structures in high-latitude lakes 269
Kirsten S. Christoffersen, Erik Jeppesen, Daryl L. Moorhead, and Lars J. Tranvik
Outline 269
15.1 Introduction 269
15.2 Food webs 271
15.3 Climate as a stressor 279
15.4 Case studies 281
15.5 Conclusions 285
Acknowledgments 285
References 285
16 Direct human impacts on high-latitude lakes and rivers 291
Martin J. Riddle and Derek C.G. Muir
Outline 291
16.1 Introduction 291
16.2 Physical impacts 293
16.3 Chemical impacts 294
16.4 Conclusions 301
Acknowledgments 301
References 302
17 Future directions in polar limnology 307
Johanna Laybourn-Parry and Warwick F. Vincent
Outline 307
17.1 Introduction 307
17.2 Wireless networks 308
17.3 Underwater sensors and imaging systems 309
17.4 Surface imagery 310
17.5 Environmental genomics 311
17.6 Extremophiles and bioprospecting 312
17.7 Model development 313
17.8 Conclusions 314
References 314
Glossary 317
Index 321
Email: zanetapm@gmail.com
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