Monday, January 26, 2015

Social Psychology Thirteenth Edition

Social Psychology Thirteenth Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2012  Oleh  Pearson Education, Inc., adalah buku edisi Tigabelas.

Judul:  Social Psychology Thirteenth Edition
Oleh:  Robert A. Baron, et al
Penerbit:   Pearson Education, Inc.
Tahun: 2012
Jumlah Halaman: 539  hal.


Robert A. Baron adalah Spears Profesor Kewirausahaan di Oklahoma State University. Dia menerima gelar Ph.D. bidang psikologi sosial dari University of Iowa (1968). Profesor Baron telah mengadakan janji fakultas di Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Purdue, Universitas Minnesota, Texas, South Carolina,
Washington, Princeton University, dan Universitas Oxford.
Dari 1979-1981 ia adalah Direktur Program Sosial dan Psikologi Perkembangan di NSF. Pada tahun 2001 ia diangkat sebagai Visiting Senior Research Fellow oleh  French Ministry of Research (Universite de Toulouse & LIRHE). Profesor Baron adalah Anggota APA dan Piagam Fellow APS. Dia telah menerbitkan
lebih dari 120 artikel dan 45 bab, dan penulis atau Penulis bersama dari 49 buku dalam psikologi dan manajemen. Dia melayani sebagai dewan redaksi  beberapa jurnal utama, dan telah menerima banyak
penghargaan untuk penelitian (misalnya, "Pemikiran Pemimpin" penghargaan, Divisi Kewirausahaan,
Akademi Manajemen, 2009). Dia memegang tiga paten AS dan pendiri dan CEO dari IEP, Inc (1993-2000). Minat penelitiannya saat ini berfokus pada penerapan temuan dan prinsip-prinsip psikologi sosial untuk bidang kewirausahaan, di mana ia telah mempelajari topik seperti peran persepsi dalam pengakuan peluang, bagaimana pengusaha ' keterampilan sosial mempengaruhi keberhasilan mereka, dan peran positif mempengaruhi dalam berwirausaha.
Nyla R. Branscombe adalah Profesor Psikologi di Universitas Kansas. Dia menerima dia B.A. dari York University di Toronto, MA dari University of Western Ontario, dan Ph.D. dari Universitas Purdue. Dia telah menjabat sebagai Associate Editor untuk Kepribadian dan Psikologi Sosial Bulletin, British Journal of Social Psychology, dan Proses Group dan Hubungan antarkelompok.
Profesor Branscombe telah menerbitkan lebih dari 120 artikel dan bab, telah co-penerima hadiah Otto Kleinberg untuk penelitian tentang Hubungan Antarbudaya dan Hubungan Internasional, 1996 dan 2001 Society of Personality and Social Psychology Publikasi Award. Dia co-diedit volume 2004  “Collective Guilt: International Perspectives,” diterbitkan oleh Cambridge University Press, volume 2007  “Commemorating Brown: The Social Psychology of Racism and Discrimination,” diterbitkan oleh American Psychological Association, dan 2010 volume “Rediscovering Social Identity,” diterbitkan oleh Psychology Press. Penelitian Profesor Branscombe saat ini berfokus pada dua isu utama: psikologi
kelompok  istimewa dari sejarah dan mengapa mereka mungkin merasa bersalah secara kolektif, dan
psikologi kelompok yang kurang beruntung terutama bagaimana mereka mengatasi diskriminasi.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini bertujuan  untuk mengubah cara hidup orang seluruh dunia. Jelas, kemudian, dunia-dan dunia sosial yang merupakan fokus utama  pembahasan buku ini. Buku berubah sangat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, mungkin lebih cepat dan dramatis daripada setiap saat di masa lalu. Selanjutnya seluruh
Buku ini memiliki implikasi penting untuk sisi kehidupan sosial, dan untuk psikologi sosial, cabang psikologi yang mempelajari semua aspek perilaku kita dengan dan terhadap orang lain, perasaan dan pikiran tentang mereka, dan hubungan kita kembangkan dengan mereka.
Buku ini terdiri atas 12 BaB.
BAB 1 Social Psychology, Ilmu tentang sisi Kehidupan Sosial, Bab 2 Sosial Kognisi: Bagaimana Berpikir Tentang Dunia Sosial, Bab 3 Persepsi Sosial: Pasrah dan Memahami yang Lainnya, Bab 4 Diri: Menjawab Pertanyaan "Siapakah Aku?" , Bab 5 Sikap: Mengevaluasi dan Menanggapi Dunia, Bab 6  Sosial: Penyebab, Efek, dan Cures dari Stereotip, prasangka, dan Diskriminasi, Bab 7 objek wisata Interpersonal, Tutup Hubungan, dan Cinta,  Bab 8 Pengaruh Sosial: Mengubah Perilaku Orang Lain, Bab 9 Perilaku prososial: Membantu Orang Lain, Bab 10 Agresi Nature, Penyebab, dan Kontrol, Bab 11 Kelompok dan Individu Konsekuensi of Belonging, dan Bab 12 Psikologi Sosial:Sebuah Panduan untuk Berurusan dengan Kesulitan dan Mencapai Hidup Bahagia.

Daftar Isi:   

Special Features xviii
Preface xix
About the Authors xxviii

1     Social Psychology  The Science of the Social Side of Life 2
       Social Psychology: An Overview 5
       Social Psychology: Advances at the Boundaries 12
       How Social Psychologists Answer the Questions They Ask: Research as the Route to Increased          
           Knowledge 19
       The Role of Theory in Social Psychology 26
       The Quest for Knowledge and the Rights of Individuals: In Search of an Appropriate Balance 28
       Getting the Most Out of This Book: A User’s Guide 31
       KEY TERMS 33
2     Social Cognition  How We Think About the Social World 34
       Heuristics: How We Reduce Our Effort in Social Cognition 37
       Schemas: Mental Frameworks for Organizing Social Information 43
       Automatic and Controlled Processing: Two Basic Modes of Social Thought 48
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: Dealing with Information Overload and Improving
           Choices 51
       Potential Sources of Error in Social Cognition: Why Total Rationality Is Rarer Than You Think 52
       Affect and Cognition: How Feelings Shape Thought and Thought Shapes Feelings 59
       EMOTIONS AND SOCIAL COGNITION: Why We Can’t Always Predict Our Responses to
         Tragedy 62
       KEY TERMS 67
3     Social Perception  Perceiving and Understanding Others 68
       Nonverbal Communication: The Unspoken Language of Expressions, Gazes, Gestures, and Scents 70
       EMOTIONS AND SOCIAL PERCEPTION: Cultural Differences in Inferring Others’ Emotions 79
       Attribution: Understanding the Causes of Others’ Behavior 81
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: Understanding Other People Through the Internet 
             —Attribution and Computer-Mediated Communication 91
        Impression Formation and Impression Management: Combining Information About Others 93
       KEY TERMS 101
4     The Self  Answering the Question “Who Am I?” 102
       Self-Presentation: Managing the Self in Different Social Contexts 105
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: Does Facebook Use Change Our Offline
             Behavior? 107
       Self-Knowledge: Determining Who We Are 110
       Who Am I?: Personal versus Social Identity 114
       Self-Esteem: Attitudes Toward Ourselves 122
       The Measurement of Self-Esteem 122
       EMOTIONS AND THE SELF: Does Talking Positively to Ourselves Really Work? 124
       Social Comparison: How We Evaluate Ourselves 127
       Self-Serving Biases and Unrealistic Optimism 129
       The Self as Target of Prejudice 131
        KEY TERMS 137
5     Attitudes  Evaluating and Responding to the Social World 138
       Attitude Formation: How Attitudes Develop 144
       When and Why Do Attitudes Influence Behavior? 149
       EMOTIONS AND ATTITUDE FORMATION: When What the Ad Promises Matches How
            We Feel 154
       How Do Attitudes Guide Behavior? 155
       The Fine Art of Persuasion: How Attitudes Are Changed 158
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: Electronic Word-of-Mouth Marketing and
            Persuasion 163
       Resisting Persuasion Attempts 165
       Cognitive Dissonance: What Is It and How Do We Manage It? 169
       KEY TERMS 175
6     The Causes, Effects, and Cures of Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination 176
       How Members of Different Groups Perceive Inequality 179
       The Nature and Origins of Stereotyping 183
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: Representations of Female and Male Figures in Video
            Games 186
       Prejudice: Feelings Toward Social Groups 195
       EMOTIONS AND PREJUDICE: When Are People Willing to Die and Kill for Their Group? 201
       Discrimination: Prejudice in Action 204
       Why Prejudice Is Not Inevitable: Techniques for Countering Its Effects 207
       KEY TERMS 213
7     Interpersonal Attraction, Close Relationships, and Love 214
       Internal Sources of Attraction: The Role of Needs and Emotions 216
       EMOTIONS AND ATTRACTION: Feelings as a Basis for Liking 219
       External Sources of Attraction: The Effects of Proximity and Physical Beauty 221
       Factors Based on Social Interaction: Similarity and Mutual Liking 228
       Close Relationships: Foundations of Social Life 235
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do, But Help Is
            Available 245
       KEY TERMS 251
8     Social Influence Changing Others’ Behavior 252
       Conformity: Group Influence in Action 255
       EMOTIONS AND SOCIAL INFLUENCE: Emotional Contagion 269
       Compliance: To Ask—Sometimes—Is to Receive 273
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: The Use of Social Influence Tactics by Scammers on
           the Web—Internet Daters, Beware! 278
       Symbolic Social Influence: How We Are Influenced by Others Even When They Are Not There 279
       Obedience to Authority: Would You Harm an Innocent Stranger If Ordered to Do So? 281
       KEY TERMS 287
9     Prosocial Behavior Helping Others 288
       Why People Help: Motives for Prosocial Behavior 291
       Responding to an Emergency: Will Bystanders Help? 296
       Factors That Increase or Decrease the Tendency to Help 301
       EMOTIONS AND PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR: Mood, Feelings of Elevation, and Helping 306
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: Helping Others via the Internet—the Case of
            Kiva 312
       The Effects of Being Helped: Why Perceived Motives Really Matter 314
       Final Thoughts: Are Prosocial Behavior and Aggression Opposites? 316
       KEY TERMS 319
10   Aggression Its Nature, Causes, and Control 320
       Perspectives on Aggression: In Search of the Roots of Violence 323
       Causes of Human Aggression: Social, Cultural, Personal, and Situational 327
       EMOTIONS AND AGGRESSION: Does Arousal Play a Role? 329
       Bullying: Singling Out Others for Repeated Abuse 348
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: Cyberbullying 350
       The Prevention and Control of Aggression: Some Useful Techniques 351
       KEY TERMS 357
11   Groups and Individuals The Consequences of Belonging 358
       Groups: When We Join . . . and When We Leave 362
       Effects of the Presence of Others: From Task Performance to Behavior in Crowds 373
       Coordination in Groups: Cooperation or Conflict? 379
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: Working with Others via Computer-Mediated
            Communication 379
       Perceived Fairness in Groups: Its Nature and Effects 384
       EMOTIONS AND GROUPS: When Members of One Group Perceive Members of Another
            Group as Rejecting Them 386
       Decision Making by Groups: How It Occurs and the Pitfalls It Faces 387
       The Downside of Group Decision Making 389
       The Role of Leadership in Group Settings 391
       KEY TERMS 395
12   Social Psychology A Guide to Dealing with Adversity and Achieving a Happy Life 396
       Some Basic Causes of Social Adversity—and Coping with Them 398
       The Social Side of Personal Health 409
       Obesity: Why Its Roots Are Social as Well as Biological 409
       SOCIAL LIFE IN A CONNECTED WORLD: Can Internet Sites Help People Lose Weight? 412
       Making the Legal System More Open, Fair, and Effective: The Social Side of the Law 416
       Personal Happiness: What It Is, and How to Attain It 420
       EMOTIONS AND PERSONAL HAPPINESS: Is It Possible to Be Too Happy? 426
       KEY TERMS 428
Glossary 429
References 437
Photo Credits 483
Name Index 485
Subject Index 499


Social Psychology Thirteenth Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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