Sunday, October 5, 2014

Teen Health Interactive Students Edition Cource 1

Teen Health Interactive Students Edition Cource 1

Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali Tahun 2007  Oleh  Glencoe, McGraw-Hill

Judul:  Teen Health Interactive Students Edition Cource 1
Oleh: Mary H. Bronson, Ph.D.
Penerbit: Glencoe,McGraw-Hill, et al
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman: 369 hal.

Mary H. Bronson, Ph.D., baru-baru ini pensiun setelah mengajar selama 30 tahun di sekolah umum Texas. Dr Bronson mengajarkan pendidikan kesehatan di tingkat K-12, serta metode pendidikan kesehatan di tingkat sarjana dan pascasarjana. Dr Vronson juga Sebagai Spesialis Pendidikan Kesehatan
untuk School District Dallas, Dr Bronson mengembangkan dan menerapkan suatu program pendidikan kesehatan secara luas. Dia telah dihormati sebagai Texas Health Educator of the Year oleh Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance and selected Teacher of the Year twice, by her colleagues. Dr Bronson telah membantu sekolah distrik di seluruh negara  mengembangkan program pendidikan kesehatan setempat. Dia juga salah satu penulis buku teks Kesehatan di Glencoe.
Betty M. Hubbard. Ed.D., C.H.E.S.,  Dia adalah seorang profesor di University of Central Arkansas, di mana, selain mengajar, dia melakukan pelatihan in-service untuk pendidikan kesehatan guru di sekolah kabupaten di seluruh Arkansas. Dalam 1991, Dr Hubbard menerima penghargaan keunggulan dalam kaitannya dengan pengajaran universitas. Publikasinya berfokus pada Guru, hibah, dan presentasinya berbasis pada penelitian, pengajaran kesehatan komprehensif. Dr Hubbard adalah anggota American Association for Health Education and serves juga berkontribusi sebagai editor the Teaching
Ideas feature of the American Journal of Health Education.
Michael J. Cleary, Ed.D., CHES, adalah seorang profesor di Slippery Rock University di mana ia mengajar metode kursus dan pengalaman mengawasi lapangan. Pendidikan kesehatan yang diajarkan di Evanston Township Sekolah Tinggi di Illinois dan kemudian menjabat sebagai Lead Guru Spesialis di McMillen Pusat Pendidikan Kesehatan di Fort Wayne, Indiana. Dr Cleary telah menerbitkan secara luas pada pengembangan kurikulum dan penilaian di K-12 dan pendidikan kesehatan perguruan tinggi. Dr Cleary juga rekan penulis buku Glencoe Kesehatan.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 12 Bab. Setiap bab terdiri atas Mata ajar, Aktivitas, SkillsActivity, Hnsds On, Reading Review, dan Assessment.
Bab 1 membahas tentang Kesehatan dan Kebugaran, Bab 2 tentang Kesehatan Mental dan Emosional, Bab 3 tentang Hubungan Sehat, Bab 4 Nutrisi, Bab 5 tentang Aktivitas Fisik, Bab 6  Kesehatan Individu, Bab 7 mengenai Sistem Tubuh, Bab 8 tentang Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan, Bab 9 tentang Tembako, Bab 10  Alkohol dan Minuman Lain, Bab 11 membahas tentang Pencegahan Penyakit, dan Bab 12 tentang Lingkungan dan Keselamatan.

Daftar Isi:

Chapter 1 Your Health And Wellness
Lesson 1 Your Total Health  4
Lesson 2 Influences on Your Health  8
Lesson 3 Building Health Skills   12
Health Skills Activity: Too Good To Be True?  14
Lesson 4 Making Responsible Decisions  16
Health Skills Activity: A Test of Friendship 19
Lesson 5 Setting Health Goals  20
Building Health Skills: Evaluating Influences on Your Health (Analyzing Influences) 24
HANDS ON HEALTH: Your Personal Health  26
Chapter 1 Reading Review  27
Chapter 1 Assessment   28

Chapter 2 Mental And Emotional Wellness
Lesson 1 A Healthy Self-Concept  32
Health Skills Activity: How Do the Media Influence Your Self-Concept? 34
Lesson 2 Your Character Counts  36
Lesson 3 Expressing Emotions   41
Lesson 4 Coping with Stress   45
Health Skills Activity: Relaxation Exercises 48
Lesson 5 Emotional Problems  50
Health Skills Activity: Helping a Troubled Friend  53
Building Health Skills: Dealing With Feelings (Practicing Healthful Behaviors)  54
HANDS-ON HEALTH: Developing Good Character  56
Chapter 2 Reading Review 57
Chapter 2 Assessment  58

Chapter 3 Healthy Relationships
Lesson 1 Communication Skills  62
Health Skills Activity: Safety Online  64
Lesson 2 Your Family  67
Health Skills Activity: Family Meetings 70
Lesson 3 Your Friends and Peers  73
Lesson 4 Refusal Skills  78
Health Skills Activity: Saying No  79
Lesson 5 Resolving Conflicts  81
Building Health Skills: Working Things Out (Conflict Resolution)  86
Health News: School Torment   88
Chapter 3 Reading Review  89
Chapter 3 Assessment  90

Chapter 4 Nutrition
Lesson 1 Your Body’s Nutrient Needs 94
Lesson 2 Following a Healthful Eating Plan  98
Lesson 3 Making Healthful Food Choices  102
Health Skills Activity: Mastering Nutrition Facts  104
Lesson 4 Managing Your Weight  108
Health Skills Activity: Help for a Friend with an Eating Disorder 111
Building Health Skills: Choosing Health-Promoting Foods  (Decision Making)  112
Hands-On Health: Keeping a Food Diary  114
Chapter 4 Reading Review 115
Chapter 4 Assessment  116

Chapter 5 Physical Activity
Lesson 1 Physical Activity and Your Health  120
Health Skills Activity: Fun for the Family   122
Lesson 2 Creating a Personal Fitness Plan    126
Health Skills Activity: Exercise with “Eye Appeal”   130
Lesson 3 Safety in Sports and Physical Activities  132
Building Health Skills: Developing a Personal Fitness Plan (Goal Setting)   136
Health News: How to Stay Fit for Life  138
Chapter 5 Reading Review  139
Chapter 5 Assessment   140

Chapter 6 Personal Health
Lesson 1 Your Teeth, Skin, and Hair   144
Lesson 2 Protecting Your Eyes and Ears   151
Lesson 3 Choosing Health Products   155
Health Skills Activity: Persuasive Advertising  157
Lesson 4 Using Medicines Responsibly  159
Lesson 5 Health Care in Your Community  163
Health Skills Activity: Doing Your Part for Community Health   166
Building Health Skills: Buyer Beware! (Accessing Information)   168
HANDS-ON HEALTH: Observing the Eye   170
Chapter 6 Reading Review  171
Chapter 6 Assessment  172

Chapter 7  Your Body Systems
Lesson 1 From Cells to Body Systems  176
Lesson 2 Bones and Muscles  181
Health Skills Activity: Building Strong Bones  183
Lesson 3 Digestion and Excretion  185
Lesson 4 Heart, Blood, Lungs, and Nerves  188
Building Health Skills: Maintaining Healthy Body Systems (Practicing Healthful Behaviors)  194
Health News: The Mystery of Sleep  196
Chapter 7 Reading Review  197
Chapter 7 Assessment  198

Chapter 8 Growth And Development
Lesson 1 Adolescence: A Time of Change  202
Lesson 2 Human Reproduction  206
Health Skills Activity: Care of the Reproductive System  209
Lesson 3 Heredity and the Life Cycle   210
Building Health Skills: Coping With Changes During Puberty (Accessing Information)  214
HANDS-ON HEALTH: Looking Ahead 216
Chapter 8 Reading Review  217
Chapter 8 Assessment  218

Chapter 9 Tobacco
Lesson 1 Tobacco: A Harmful Drug  222
Lesson 2 Teens and Tobacco  227
Lesson 3 Staying Tobacco Free  230
Health Skills Activity: Spreading the Word About Tobacco  233
Building Health Skills: Taking A Stand Against Tobacco (Refusal Skills)  234
Health News: Kick Butts   236
Chapter 9 Reading Review   237
Chapter 9 Assessment   238

Chapter 10 Alcohol And Other Drugs
Lesson 1 The Dangers of Alcohol Use  242
Lesson 2 Alcoholism and Addiction  246
Lesson 3 What Are Illegal Drugs?  249
Lesson 4 Drug Abuse  253
Lesson 5 Staying Alcohol-and Drug-Free  256
Health Skills Activity: Getting SADD About Substance Abuse   257
Building Health Skills: Avoiding Drug Abuse (Decision Making)  260
HANDS-ON HEALTH: “Say No to Drugs” Skit  262
Chapter 10 Reading Review  263
Chapter 10 Assessment  264

Chapter 11 Preventing Diseases
Lesson 1 What Causes Disease? 268
Lesson 2 Communicable Diseases 272
Health Skills Activity: Handwashing for Health  276
Lesson 3 Understanding STDs   277
Health Skills Activity: Accurate Information on HIV and AIDS  281
Lesson 4 Noncommunicable and Hereditary Diseases  282
Building Health Skills: Protecting Your Health (Goal Setting)  288
Health News: Don’t Panic!   290
Chapter 11 Reading Review  291
Chapter 11 Assessment   292

Chapter 12 Safety And The Environment
Lesson 1 Personal Safety Habits   296
Health Skills Activity: Building Safe Habits  299
Lesson 2 Safety at Home and Away   300
Health Skills Activity: Fire Escape Plan   302
Lesson 3 Safety Outdoors   305
Lesson 4 Safety In Severe Weather   308
Lesson 5 First Aid for Emergencies   312
Lesson 6 Protecting Your Environment   318
Building Health Skills: Reduce Waste (Advocacy)  322
HANDS-ON HEALTH: Are You Earth Friendly?  324
Chapter 12 Reading Review  325
Chapter 12 Assessment  326


Teen Health Interactive Students Edition Cource 1 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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