Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Elementary Technical Mathematics Tenh Edition

Elementary Technical Mathematics Tenh Edition
Buku ini  diterbitkan oleh  Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning  Tahun 2011 merupakan buku edisi Sepuluh.

Judul:  Elementary Technical Mathematics Tenh Edition
Oleh:  Dale Ewen, et al
Penerbit:  Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning
Tahun: 2011
Jumlah Halaman: 651  hal.

Dale Ewen
Parkland Community College
C. Robert Nelson
Champaign Centennial High School

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini  ditujukan untuk teknis, perdagangan, lembaga kesehatan, atau Tech Prep program. Buku ini ditulis untuk siswa yang berencana untuk belajar keterampilan teknis, tetapi yang memiliki latar belakang minimal dalam matematika atau membutuhkan  penjelasan rinci untuk menjadi mahir dalam sebagian besar program teknis,  siswa harus belajar keterampilan dasar matematika. Untuk itu, Bab 1 hingga 4 berisi penjelasan lengkap tentang operasi  aritmatika dasar, pecahan, desimal, persen, sistem metrik, dan angka sebagai pengukuran.
Bab 5 sampai 11  mengemukakan aljabar  yang dibutuhkan dalam program teknis dan perdagangan.
Esensi hubungan-geometri  dan formula untuk dua  pokok bahasan yang paling umum dan  tiga-dimensi yang diberikan secara rinci dalam Bab 12. Bab 13 dan 14 mengemukakan sebuah studi singkat tapi intensif trigonometri yang mencakup segitiga trigonometri sebagai segitiga  miring dan grafik. Konsep statistik yang paling penting untuk bidang teknik dibahas dalam Bab 15. Pengantar biner dan heksadesimal angka ditemukan dalam Bab 16
Buku ini ditulis disesuaikan dengan tingkat teknis pembacaan kebanyakan siswa. Buku ini memuat  visual gambar merangsang proses pemecahan masalah. Kami menekankan bahwa keterampilan ini sangat penting untuk keberhasilan dalam kursus teknis.

Daftar Isi:
List of Applications ix
Preface xiii
1  Basic Concepts 1
    1.1 Review of Basic Operations 2
    1.2 Order of Operations 11
    1.3 Area and Volume 14
    1.4 Formulas 19
    1.5 Prime Factorization Divisibility 23
    Unit 1A: Review 27
    1.6 Introduction to Fractions 27
    1.7 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions 33
    1.8 Multiplication and Division of Fractions 45
    1.9 The U.S. System of Weights and Measures 53
    Unit 1B: Review 56
    1.10 Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Fractions 57
    1.11 Rounding Numbers 66
    1.12 Multiplication and Division of Decimal Fractions 69
    1.13 Percent 75
    1.14 Rate, Base, and Part 80
    1.15 Powers and Roots 89
    1.16 Applications Involving Percent: Personal Finance (Optional) 93
    Unit 1C: Review 97
    Chapter 1: Group Activities 98
    Chapter 1: Summary 99
    Chapter 1: Review 102
    Chapter 1: Test 104
2  Signed Numbers and Powers of 10 107
    2.1 Addition of Signed Numbers 108
    2.2 Subtraction of Signed Numbers 112
    2.3 Multiplication and Division of Signed Numbers 114
    2.4 Signed Fractions 117
    2.5 Powers of 10 122
    2.6 Scientific Notation 125
    2.7 Engineering Notation 131
    Chapter 2: Group Activities 134
    Chapter 2: Summary 134
    Chapter 2: Review 136
    Chapter 2: Test 137
    Chapter 1-2: Cumulative Review 138
3  The Metric System 139
    3.1 Introduction to the Metric System 140
    3.2 Length 143
    3.3 Mass and Weight 146
    3.4 Volume and Area 148
    3.5 Time, Current, and Other Units 152
    3.6 Temperature 154
    3.7 Metric and U.S. Conversion 156
    Chapter 3: Group Activities 161
    Chapter 3: Summary 161
    Chapter 3: Review 162
    Chapter 3: Test 163
4  Measurement 165
    4.1 Approximate Numbers and Accuracy 166
    4.2 Precision and Greatest Possible Error 169
    4.3 The Vernier Caliper 173
    4.4 The Micrometer Caliper 181
    4.5 Addition and Subtraction of Measurements 189
    4.6 Multiplication and Division of Measurements 193
    4.7 Relative Error and Percent of Error 196
    4.8 Color Code of Electrical Resistors 200
    4.9 Reading Scales 204
    Chapter 4: Group Activities 213
    Chapter 4: Summary 213
    Chapter 4: Review 214
    Chapter 4: Test 216
    Chapter 1-4: Cumulative Review 217
5  Polynomials: An Introduction to Algebra 219
    5.1 Fundamental Operations 220
    5.2 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions 222
    5.3 Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials 226
    5.4 Multiplication of Monomials 230
    5.5 Multiplication of Polynomials 232
    5.6 Division by a Monomial 234
    5.7 Division by a Polynomial 236
    Chapter 5: Group Activities 239
    Chapter 5: Summary 239
    Chapter 5: Review 241
    Chapter 5: Test 241
6  Equations and Formulas 243
    6.1 Equations 244
    6.2 Equations with Variables in Both Members 249
    6.3 Equations with Parentheses 251
    6.4 Equations with Fractions 254
    6.5 Translating Words into Algebraic Symbols 259
    6.6 Applications Involving Equations 260
    6.7 Formulas 265
    6.8 Substituting Data into Formulas 268
    6.9 Reciprocal Formulas Using a Calculator 272
    Chapter 6: Group Activities 275
    Chapter 6: Summary 275
    Chapter 6: Review 276
    Chapter 6: Test 277
    Chapter 1-6: Cumulative Review 278
7  Ratio and Proportion 279
    7.1 Ratio 280

    7.2 Proportion 284
    7.3 Direct Variation 290
    7.4 Inverse Variation 295
    Chapter 7: Group Activities 299
    Chapter 7: Summary 299
    Chapter 7: Review 300
    Chapter 7: Test 301
8  Graphing Linear Equations 303
    8.1 Linear Equations with Two Variables 304
    8.2 Graphing Linear Equations 310
    8.3 The Slope of a Line 317
    8.4 The Equation of a Line 323
    Chapter 8: Group Activities 328
    Chapter 8: Summary 329
    Chapter 8: Review 330
    Chapter 8: Test 331
    Chapter 1-8: Cumulative Review 332
9  Systems of Linear Equations 333
    9.1 Solving Pairs of Linear Equations by Graphing 334
    9.2 Solving Pairs of Linear Equations by Addition 340
    9.3 Solving Pairs of Linear Equations by Substitution 345
    9.4 Applications Involving Pairs of Linear Equations 347
    Chapter 9: Group Activities 353
    Chapter 9: Summary 354
    Chapter 9: Review 355
    Chapter 9: Test 356
10   Factoring Algebraic Expressions 357
    10.1 Finding Monomial Factors 358
    10.2 Finding the Product of Two Binomials Mentally 360
    10.3 Finding Binomial Factors 362
    10.4 Special Products 365
    10.5 Finding Factors of Special Products 367
    10.6 Factoring General Trinomials 369
    Chapter 10: Group Activities 372
    Chapter 10: Summary 372
    Chapter 10: Review 373
    Chapter 10: Test 373
    Chapter 1-10: Cumulative Review 374
11  Quadratic Equations 375
    11.1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 376
    11.2 The Quadratic Formula 379
    11.3 Applications Involving Quadratic Equations 381
    11.4 Graphs of Quadratic Equations 386
    11.5 Imaginary Numbers 390
    Chapter 11: Group Activities 393
    Chapter 11: Summary 393
    Chapter 11: Review 394
    Chapter 11: Test 395
12  Geometry 397
    12.1 Angles and Polygons 398
    12.2 Quadrilaterals 405
    12.3 Triangles 410
    12.4 Similar Polygons 419
    12.5 Circles 423
    12.6 Radian Measure 430
    12.7 Prisms 435
    12.8 Cylinders 441
    12.9 Pyramids and Cones 446
    12.10 Spheres 453
    Chapter 12: Group Activities 455
    Chapter 12: Summary 456
    Chapter 12: Review 460
    Chapter 12: Test 462
    Chapter 1-12: Cumulative Review 463
13  Right Triangle Trigonometry 465
    13.1 Trigonometric Ratios 466
    13.2 Using Trigonometric Ratios to Find Angles 470
    13.3 Using Trigonometric Ratios to Find Sides 473
    13.4 Solving Right Triangles 474
    13.5 Applications Involving Trigonometric Ratios 476
    Chapter 13: Group Activities 484
    Chapter 13: Summary 485
    Chapter 13: Review 486
    Chapter 13: Test 487
14  Trigonometry with Any Angle 489
    14.1 Sine and Cosine Graphs 490
    14.2 Period and Phase Shift 496
    14.3 Solving Oblique Triangles: Law of Sines 500
    14.4 Law of Sines: The Ambiguous Case 503
    14.5 Solving Oblique Triangles: Law of Cosines 509
    Chapter 14: Group Activities 514
    Chapter 14: Summary 515
    Chapter 14: Review 516
    Chapter 14: Test 516
    Chapter 1-14: Cumulative Review 517
15  Basic Statistics 519
    15.1 Bar Graphs 520
    15.2 Circle Graphs 523
    15.3 Line Graphs 526
    15.4 Other Graphs 529
    15.5 Mean Measurement 530
    15.6 Other Average Measurements and Percentiles 532
    15.7 Range and Standard Deviation 535
    15.8 Grouped Data 537
    15.9 Standard Deviation for Grouped Data 544
    15.10 Statistical Process Control 546
    15.11 Other Graphs for Statistical Data 550
    15.12 Normal Distribution 553
    15.13 Probability 556
    15.14 Independent Events 558
    Chapter 15: Group Activities 559
    Chapter 15: Summary 560
    Chapter 15: Review 562
    Chapter 15: Test 563
16 Binary and Hexadecimal Numbers 565
    16.1 Introduction to Binary Numbers 566
    16.2 Addition of Binary Numbers 568
    16.3 Subtraction of Binary Numbers 569
    16.4 Multiplication of Binary Numbers 571
    16.5 Conversion from Decimal to Binary System 572
    16.6 Conversion from Binary to Decimal System 573
    16.7 Hexadecimal System 574
    16.8 Addition and Subtraction of Hexadecimal Numbers 576
    16.9 Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion 579
    16.10 Hexadecimal Code for Colors 581
    Chapter 16: Group Activities 582
    Chapter 16: Summary 583
    Chapter 16: Review 584
    Chapter 16: Test 584
    Chapter 1-16: Cumulative Review 585
Appendix A: Tables 587
    Table 1: Formulas from Geometry 587
    Table 2: Electrical Symbols 589
Appendix B: Exponential Equations 591
Appendix C: Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises and All Chapter Review and Cumulative Review Exercises 597

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Elementary Technical Mathematics Tenh Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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