Saturday, December 13, 2014

Credit Repair 10th Edition

Credit Repair 10th Edition
Buku Ini   adalah buku edisi  sepuluh yang diterbitkan tahun 2011 oleh NOLO Law for All.

Judul:   Credit Repair 10th Edition
Oleh:   Robin Leonard & Attorney Margaret Reiter
Penerbit:  NOLO Law for All
Tahun: 2011
Jumlah Halaman: 458  hal.

Robin Leonard lulus dari Cornell Law School pada tahun 1985. Dia adalah penulis atau co-penulis banyak buku Nolo, termasuk Solve Your Money Troubles: Debt, Credit & Bankruptcy, How to File for Chapter 7
Bankruptcy, and Chapter 13  Bankruptcy: Keep Your Property & Repay Debts Over Time.
Margaret Reiter adalah penyidik konsumen dengan Los Angeles County Consumer Affairs Department  selama empat tahun dan bekerja selama 20 tahun sebagai jaksa konsumen dengan California Attorney General’s Consumer Law Section. Dia telah melibatkan diri dalam urusan bisnis  terlibat penipuan konsumen, termasuk penyitaan "konsultan," pemberi pinjaman hipotek, penyelesaian utang perusahaan, sekolah kejuruan, kepercayaan hidup mill / anuitas penjual, prabayar perusahaan kartu telepon, dan penyedia pinjaman antisipasi pengembalian pajak. Dia telah menyusun undang-undang  konsumen undang-undang perlindungan, menganjurkan untuk perlindungan konsumen yang lebih kuat sebelum ke badan hukum, jaksa dan dilatih peneliti lainnya, dan menyiapkan peringatan konsumen dan berbicara kepada publik Kebenaran-in-Pinjaman, membanting telepon dan menjejalkan, kebenaran dalam tagihan telepon, kebangkrutan, dan sekolah kejuruan, antara topik konsumen lainnya.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 13 Bab meliputi: 1) Unsur Perbaikan Kredit, 2) Laporan Kredit dan Skor Kredit: The Intisari, 3) Langkah Pertama-Membersihkan Up Kredit Laporan, 4) Menilai Situasi Keuangan,
5) Mengurangi Beban Lancar dan Hutang, 6) Mengurangi Mortgage Hutang Anda, 7) Mengurangi Hutang Melalui Kepailitan, 8) Menemukan Uang untuk Bayar Utang Anda, 9) Negosiasi Dengan Kreditor dan Agen Koleksi, 10) Mendapatkan Bantuan Negosiasi dan Mengelola Hutang, 11) Bangunan Positif Kredit Sejarah, 12) Memilih dan Menggunakan Kartu Kredit dan Debit, dan 13) Menghindari dan Mengatasi Pencurian Identitas.

Daftar Isi:
Your Credit Repair Companion  1

1     The Elements of Repairing Credit  3
2     Credit Reports and Credit Scores: The Nuts and Bolts   5

       How Creditors Evaluate Your Credit Worthiness   7
       Credit Reports and Credit Scores: What’s the Difference?   8
       Your Credit Report   9
       Getting Your Credit Report     11
       What Is in a Credit Report? 17
       Investigative Reports  22
       Who Can Look at Your Credit Report     23
       Your Credit Score: What It Is and Why It Matters   27
       How Credit Scores Are Calculated   28
       What Credit Score Do You Need to Get Credit?    33
       Getting Your Credit Score   34
3     The First Step—Cleaning Up Your Credit Report    39
       Common Errors in Credit Reports   41
       Your Right to an Accurate Credit Report  42
       Review Your Report for Errors and Incomplete or Prohibited  Information   45
       Dispute Incomplete and Inaccurate Information  .47
       Add an Explanatory Statement to Your Credit File    57
       Add Positive Information to Your Credit Report   59
       Check Your Credit Reports Often   62
       Avoid Credit Repair Clinics    64
4     Assess Your Financial Situation    69
       How to Assess Your Financial Situation   71
       Determining Your Credit Repair Options Based on Your  Financial Situation   81
5     Reducing Current Expenses and Debts   87
       Cutting Expenses    88
       Reducing Current Debt Obligations   98
6     Reducing Your Mortgage Debt   113
       How a Foreclosure Works    115
       How Foreclosure Affects Your Credit   118
       Federal Programs for Homeowners Having Difficulty Paying Their Home Mortgage 120
       Short-Term Solutions   121
       Refinance  122
       Modify Your Loan Terms   124
       Leaving Your Home  127
       How a Modification, Short-Sale, or Deed-in-Lieu
       Affects Your Credit    131
7     Reducing Debt Through Bankruptcy  135
       Chapter 7 Bankruptcy  136
       Chapter 13 Bankruptcy   139
       Bankruptcy and Credit Repair: Does It Help or Hurt?  140
8     Finding Money to Pay Your Debts  143
       Ways to Raise Money   144
       Options to Avoid   154
9     Negotiating With Creditors and  Collection Agencies  161
       Prepare a Negotiating Plan  162
       Negotiating With Creditors and Debt Collectors    169
       Dealing With Collection Agencies   179
       Tax Consequences of Forgiven Loans  194
10   Getting Help to Negotiate and Manage Debts  197
       Avoid Most Debt Relief Services     198
       How Does a Debt Repayment Plan Work?   201
       Debt Repayment Plans vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy  203
       Choosing a Good Credit Counseling Organization    204
       After You’ve Chosen an Agency, Monitor Your Plan   210
11   Building Positive Credit History   211
       First Steps to Rebuilding Credit   212
       Ways to Improve Your Credit History Without Getting New Credit.   216
       Next Steps to Rebuilding Credit—Getting New Credit     223
       Putting It All Together: Preventing Future Financial Problems   232
       Be on Guard for Credit Discrimination   235
12   Choosing and Using Credit and Debit Cards   247
       The New Credit CARD Act: What’s in It for You   248
       Choosing Credit Cards   252
       Using Credit Cards: How to Protect Yourself   262
       Why You Should Avoid Debit Cards   269
       Avoid Prepaid Debit Cards   273
13   Avoiding and Dealing with Identity Theft    275
       The Crime of Identity Theft: The Scope of the Problem.  .276
       What’s in a Stolen Name?  277
       How Can an Identity Be Stolen?   278
       How to Protect Yourself   279
       Protecting Your Social Security Number  284
       If Your Identity Is Stolen.   286
       Identity Theft Protection Products and Insurance   294

A     Resources  297
        Debtors Anonymous   298
       Nolo Publications   298
       Other Publications   299
       Online Resources  300
       Where to Complain: Federal Agencies    301
       State Consumer Protection Agencies   304
B    Forms and Letters   311
       Form F-1 Request Credit Report
       Form F-2 Request Reinvestigation
       Form F-3 Request to Furnishing Creditor to Reinvestigate
       Form F-4 Request Follow-Up After Reinvestigation
       Form F-5 Request Removal of Incorrect Information by Creditor
       Form F-6 Creditor Verification
       Form F-7 Request Addition of Information Showing Stability
       Form F-8 Request Addition of Account Histories
       Form F-9 Monthly Income
       Form F-10 Your Debts
       Form F-11 Daily Expenses
       Form F-12 Payments to Savings and Debt Reduction
       Form F-13 Monthly Budget
       Form F-14 Inform Creditor of Judgment Proof Status
       Form F-15 Request Short Term Lower Payments
       Form F-16 Request Long Term Lower Payments
       Form F-17 Request to Pay Nothing Short-Term
       Form F-18 Request to Pay Nothing Long-Term
       Form F-19 Request Rewrite of Loan Terms
       Form F-20 Offer (Delayed) Payment of Past Due Amounts
       Form F-21 Offer (Reduced) Lump Sum Payment
       Form F-22 Offer Payment Schedule to Pay Off (Reduced) Debt Form  F-23 Cashing Check
          Constitutes Payment in Full (Outside of California)
       Form F-24 Cashing Check Constitutes Payment in Full—First Letter (California)
       Form F-25 Cashing Check Constitutes Payment in Full—Second Letter (California)
       Form F-26 Cashing Check Constitutes Release of All Claims
       Form F-27 Offer to Give Secured Property Back
       Form F-28 Request Direct Negotiation With Creditor
       Form F-29 Request for Verification of Debt/Identity of Original Creditor/Return of Debt to Original 
       Form F-30 Complaint about Debt Collector Violation of Law
       Form F-31 Debt Collector: Cease All Contact
       Form F-32 Request for Basis of Unfavorable Credit Offer or Action
       Form F-33 Identity Theft Dispute Letter for Existing Accounts
       Form F-34 Identity Theft Dispute Letter for New Accounts
       Form F-35 Notice of Billing Error Dispute on Credit Card Bill
       Form F-36 Notice of Claim or Defense Dispute on Credit Card Bill
       Identity Theft Victim’s Complaint and Affidavit
       Annual Credit Report Request Form
       FTC Law Enforcement Cover Letter
C   Additional State Protections Concerning Credit Repair Clinics   407
D   How to Use the CD-ROM   415
       Installing the Files Onto Your Computer   417
       Using the Word Processing Files to Create Documents   418
       Using Government Forms   420
       Using the Spreadsheets    421
       Files on the CD-ROM    423
Index    427


Credit Repair 10th Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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