Friday, February 13, 2015

How to Probate an Estate in California 18th Edition

How to Probate an Estate in California 18th Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2007  Oleh   Nolo adalah buku edisi  Delapan belas.

Judul:  How to Probate an Estate in California 18th Edition
Oleh:  Julia Nissley
Penerbit:   Nolo
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman: 475  hal.

Julia Nissley adalah Probate Administrator dengan firma hukum Los Angeles Silverberg, Rosen, Leon & Behr selama bertahun-tahun. Dia adalah lulusan kehormatan Program Pelatihan Asisten Administrasi Jaksa di Probate di University of California-Los Angeles School of Law, dan anggota Asosiasi California Asisten Dokumen Hukum.
Julia sekarang beroperasi  dalam layanan berupa wasiat persiapan sendiri untuk semua kabupaten California, penanganan segala macam dokumen melalui pos atau orang.

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana untuk:
•     Mengidentifikasi properti yang pemiiliknya meninggali, termasuk di dalamnya aset yang mungkin telah
•     Menentukan siapa yang berwenang membubarkan urusan mendiang (pelaksana atau administrator).
•     Tentukan siapa yang secara hukum berhak untuk mewarisi estate, apakah orang yg meninggal
       meninggalkan wasiat atau meninggal tanpa satu pewasiatpun.
•     Transfer dan judul yang jelas ke properti orang yg meninggal dimiliki di sewa bersama dengan orang lain.
•     Menangani estat kecil kompeten dan efisien dengan satu halaman sederhana affidavit.
•     Mentransfer properti untuk pasangan yang masih hidup atau mitra dalam negeri dalam hitungan minggu
      dengan proses pengadilan singkat.
•     Transfer sekuritas, real properti, motorik kendaraan, reksa dana pasar uang account, dan     
       sebagian aset lainnya kepada orang-orang yang mewarisi.
•     Melakukan proses peradilan pidana hakim sederhana seluruhnya melalui surat tanpa menginjakkan
       kaki di dalam gedung pengadilan.
•     Pajak penghasilan file dan, jika perlu, pajak real kembali atas nama orang yg meninggal.

Buku ini juga mencakup semua bentuk yang Anda perlukan. Salinan kosong setiap form yang terkandung dalam lampiran.
Dalam kebanyakan kasus, Anda mungkin hanya merobek mereka, mengisi kekosongan sesuai dengan instruksi kami, membuat salinan tambahan menggunakan mesin fotokopi, dan mengajukan mereka ke pengadilan, lembaga keuangan, mentransfer agen, dll

Daftar Isi:

I     Introduction
    1    An Overview
          What Is Probate?   6
          What Is Involved in Settling an Estate?  6
          How Long Does It Take to Settle an Estate?  7
          What This Book Covers 7
          Simple Estate Checklist   8
          Important Terms Defined    8
          Insolvent Estates   11
          Estate Taxes    12
          Do You Need an Attorney?  12
   2     First Steps in Settling an Estate
          Who Should Act as the Estate Representative?   16
          Responsibilities of the Estate Representative  18
          Specific Duties of the Estate Representative  19
   3     Who Are the Heirs and Beneficiaries?
          Where to Start   34
          How to Read a Will    37
          Table of Contents
          Compare Schedule of Assets With Property Left in Will   42
          Who Inherits When the Will Is Ineffective?  45
          If There Is No Will   47
          The Concept of Right of Representation  48
   4     What Is the Decedent’s Estate?
          Real Property   56
          Personal Property   63
          What Establishes Ownership of Property?   64
          How Was the Decedent’s Property Owned?   64
          How to Determine Whether Property Is Community or Separate   67
          Actions That Change the Character of Property   69
          Property That Is a Mixture of Community and Separate Property   70
          Examples of Property Ownership   71
          Property Acquired by Couples Before They Moved to California   73
   5     Preparing a Schedule of the Assets and Debts
          Describe Each Asset    77
          Value Each Asset (Column A)    77
          How to Determine Ownership of Property   78
          List the Value of the Decedent’s Interest (Column D)   79
          Determine Whether Property Is Probate or Nonprobate Asset (Column E)   79
          List All Debts    80
          Checklist of Property to List on Schedule of Assets  80
          Schedule of Assets for a Sample Estate 95
   6     How to Identify the Best Transfer Procedure
          Nonprobate Assets 104
          Assets That May Be Subject to Formal Probate  105
          Examples of How Assets Are Transferred in Typical Estates  107
          Sample Estates  107
   7     What About Taxes?
          Decedent’s Final Income Tax Returns 112
          Fiduciary Income Tax Returns 114
          Other Income Tax Returns 115
          Stepped-Up Tax Basis Rules for Inherited Property 115
          Federal Estate Tax Return 116
          California Estate Tax Return 120
          California Inheritance Tax 120
          Tax Issues for Some Typical Estates 120
   8     Transferring Title to Real Property
          Ways to Transfer Real Estate After Death  124
          Basic Information on Recording Documents   124
          Change in Ownership Statements   125
          How to Record Your Document Transferring Title  128
          Mortgages  133
   9     How to Transfer Securities
          Documents Required to Transfer Securities   137
          The Stock or Bond Power   139
          The Affidavit of Domicile   141
          The Transmittal Letter   141
          How to Sell Securities    141
          The Stock Transfer Tax  141
  10    Joint Tenancy Property
          Where to Start  146
          How to Clear Title to Real Property in Joint Tenancy   146
          How to Clear Title to Securities Held in Joint Tenancy  149
          How to Clear Title to Motor Vehicles and Small Boats
          Held in Joint Tenancy 149
          How to Clear Title to Joint Tenancy Bank Accounts (and Totten Trust Accounts)  149
          How to Clear Title to Money Market Funds and Mutual Funds  151
          How to Clear Title to U.S. Savings Bonds in Co-Ownership  151
  11    Transferring Small Estates Under $100,000
          Overview of the Simplified Transfer Procedure for Small Estates  154
          How to Determine Whether You Can Use Summary Procedures   155
          How to Transfer the Property  156
  12    How to Transfer Trust Property and Property Subject to Life Estates
          Notifying Heirs and Beneficiaries    172
          Trust Property   172
          Handling Debts and Expenses  174
          How to Transfer Property Held in Living Trusts   174
          Life Tenancy (Life Estate)   177
  13    An Overview of the Probate Court Process
          Do You Really Need a Probate Court Proceeding? 181
          Probate Checklist  181
          Dealing With the Probate Court   181
          Beginning the Probate Process  186
          Taking Care of the Estate During Probate  194
          Closing the Estate  198
  14    Conducting a Simple Probate Court Proceeding
          Step 1: Prepare the Petition for Probate   203
          Step 2: Prepare the Certificate of Assignment   217
          Step 3: Prepare the Notice of Petition to Administer Estate   220
          Step 4: File Your Petition for Probate    222
          Step 5: Complete the Proof of Subscribing Witness Form    225
          Step 6: Complete a Proof of Holographic Instrument   231
          Step 7: Notify Government Agencies   231
          Step 8: Prepare Your Order for Probate  231
          Step 9: Study and Respond to the Calendar Notes  232
          Step 10: Prepare the Letters   236
          Step 11: Prepare the Duties and Liabilities of Personal Representative Form  236
          Step 12: Prepare the Application for Appointment of Probate Referee  241
          Step 13: Prepare Notice of Proposed Action, If Necessary  241
          Step 14: Prepare the Inventory and Appraisal Form   250
          Step 15: Notify Creditors and Deal With Creditors’ Claims and Other Debts   259
          Step 16: Prepare the Petition for Final Distribution  267
                        Filing the Petition for Final Distribution   293
          Step 17: Prepare Notice of Hearing (Probate)   293
          Step 18: Prepare Order of Final Distribution  294
          Step 19: Transfer the Assets and Obtain Court Receipts   297
          Step 20: Request Discharge From Your Duties  303
   15   Handling Property That Passes Outright to the Surviving Spouse or Domestic Partner
          An Overview of These Simplified Procedures   308
          Collecting Compensation Owed the Decedent   309
          Affidavit for Transferring Community Real Property   310
          Survivorship Community Property   314
          The Spousal or Domestic Partner Property Petition   316
          How to Transfer the Assets to the Surviving Spouse or Partner   334
  16    If You Need Expert Help
          What Kind of Expert Do You Need?   338
          Using a Legal Document Assistant   338
          Using a Lawyer   339
Appendix A: California Probate Code §§ 13100–13106
Appendix B: Judicial Council Forms

    DE-111 Petition for Probate
    DE-120 Notice of Hearing
    DE-121 Notice of Petition to Administer Estate
    DE-121 (MA) Attachment to Notice of Petition to Administer Estate
    DE-131 Proof of Subscribing Witness
    DE-135 Proof of Holographic Instrument
    DE-140 Order for Probate
    DE-147 Duties and Liabilities of Personal Representative
    DE-147S Confidential Supplement to Duties and Liabilities of Personal Representative
    DE-150 Letters
    DE-157 Notice of Administration to Creditors
    DE-160 Inventory and Appraisal
    DE-161 Inventory and Appraisal Attachment
    DE-165 Notice of Proposed Action
    DE-174 Allowance or Rejection of Creditor’s Claim
    DE-221 Spousal or Domestic Partner Property Petition
    DE-226 Spousal or Domestic Partner Property Order
    DE-270 Ex Parte Petition for Authority to Sell Securities and Order
    DE-295 Ex Parte Petition for Final Discharge and Order
    DE-305 Affidavit re Real Property of Small Value ($20,000 or Less)
    DE-310 Petition to Determine Succession to Real Property (Estates of $100,000 or Less)
    DE-315 Order Determining Succession to Real Property
Appendix C: Non-Judicial Council Forms
    Declaration Regarding Property Passing to Decedent’s Surviving Spouse or Registered
    Domestic Partner Under Probate Code § 13500
    Who Inherits Under the Will?
    Schedule of Assets
    Notification by Trustee
    Affidavit—Death of Joint Tenant
    Affidavit—Death of Trustee
    Affidavit—Death of Spouse
    Affidavit—Death of Domestic Partner
    Affidavit—Death of Spouse or Domestic Partner—Survivorship Community Property
    Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property Under California Probate Code §§ 13100–13106
    Deed to Real Property
    Probate Case Cover Sheet—Certificate of Grounds for Assignment to District (L.A. County)
    Application and Order Appointing Probate Referee (L.A. County)
    Change in Ownership Statement (Death of Real Property Owner) (L.A. County)
    Affidavit or Declaration for Final Discharge and Order (L.A. County)
    Preliminary Change of Ownership Report


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