Saturday, June 13, 2015

Teacher and Teaching Stratregies: Innovations and Problem Solving

Teacher and Teaching Stratregies: Innovations and Problem Solving
Buku ini diterbitkan  tahun 2008 oleh  Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. Adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:   Teacher and Teaching Stratregies: Innovations and Problem Solving
Oleh:   Gerald F. Ollington (Editor)
Penerbit:  Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman:  430  hal.

Gerald F. Ollington

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Pembahasan buk ini mencakup Aplikasi Teori Perkembangan Intelektual untuk Sains dan Teknik Pendidikan, Penghakiman Guru dari Psikososial Perspektif  Eropa, Pendekatan berbasis masalah untuk Pelatihan Dasar Guru tentang Rencana Ilmu Pelajaran, Sebuah Penekanan pada Kirim dan Notebook Prasasti: Pengembangan Profesional untuk Biologi Sekolah Tengah dan SMA Guru, Memahami Memfasilitasi Guru Ilmu dari Nature of Science, Dampak di-Dinas Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Interaksi Kelas di Sekolah Menengah di Kenya Dasar dan: Studi Kasus Pengembangan Guru Sekolah berbasis dan Penguatan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan di Pendidikan Menengah,  Kelas Wacana: Kontrastif dan Konsensus Percakapan, Mengembangkan Berpikir Kritis Apakah Seperti Journey, Kirim: Waktu Yah Diinvestasikan, Intensif Bahasa Kedua Instruksi untuk Internasional Pengajaran Asisten: Berapa Banyak dan Apa Jenis Apakah Efektif? Cara Mengajar Dinamis Berpikir dengan Konsep Maps, Penilaian berbasis kompetensi di Sekolah Kedokteran: Transisi Alam ke Graduate Medical Education, Keyakinan Kelas Lingkungan dan Pemberdayaan Mahasiswa: Sebuah Analisis Perbandingan Pra-layanan dan Entry Level Guru, Interactionistic Perspektif pada Mahasiswa Pengembangan Guru Selama Masalah berbasis Praktik Mengajar, Mengidentifikasi Apa Saya Tidak Tahu dan Apa yang saya Sudah Tahu: Self Perjalanan ke Realm of Metakognisi, Jejak dan Indikator: Fundamental untuk Mengatur Kegiatan Belajar, Belajar Profesional dan Teknologi untuk Mendukung Reformasi Sekolah, Collaborative Knowledge Konstruksi Selama Tugas Terstruktur dalam Kursus Online di Pendidikan Tinggi Konteks, dan Tantangan Multidisiplin dan Inovatif Pembelajaran.

Daftar Isi:

Preface vii
Chapter 1 Applications of Intellectual Development Theory to Science and Engineering Education 1

    Ella L. Ingram and Craig E. Nelson
Chapter 2 Teachers’ Judgment from a European Psychosocial Perspective 31
    M.C. Matteucci, F. Carugati, P. Selleri, E. Mazzoni and C. Tomasetto
Chapter 3 A Problem-based Approach to Training Elementary Teachers to Plan Science Lessons 55
    Lynn D. Newton and Douglas P. Newton
Chapter 4 An Emphasis on Inquiry and Inscription Notebooks: Professional Development for Middle School and High School Biology Teachers 75
    Claudia T. Melear and Eddie Lunsford
Chapter 5 Facilitating Science Teachers’ Understanding of the Nature of Science 89
    Mansoor Niaz
Chapter 6 The Impact of in-Service Education and Training on Classroom Interaction in Primary and Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case Study of the School-based Teacher Development and Strengthening of Mathematics and Sciences in Secondary Education 101
    Daniel N. Sifuna and Nobuhide Sawamura
Chapter 7 Classroom Discourse: Contrastive and Consensus Conversations 133
    Noel Enyedy, Sarah Wischnia and Megan Franke
Chapter 8 Developing Critical Thinking Is Like a Journey 155
    Peter J. Taylor
Chapter 9 Inquiry: Time Well Invested 171
    Eddie Lunsford and Claudia T. Melear
Chapter 10 Intensive Second Language Instruction for International Teaching Assistants: How Much and What Kind Is Effective? 187
    Dale T. Griffee, Greta Gorsuch, David Britton and Caleb Clardy
Chapter 11 How to Teach Dynamic Thinking with Concept Maps 207
    Natalia Derbentseva, Frank Safayeni and Alberto J. Cañas
Chapter 12 Competency-based Assessment in a Medical School: A Natural Transition to Graduate Medical Education 229
    John E. Tetzlaff, Elaine F. Dannefer and Andrew J. Fishleder
Chapter 13 Beliefs of Classroom Environment and Student Empowerment: A Comparative Analysis of Pre-service and Entry Level Teachers 245
    Joe D. Nichols, Phyllis Agness and Dorace Smith
Chapter 14 Interactionistic Perspective on Student Teacher Development During Problem-based Teaching Practice 257
    Raimo Kaasila and Anneli Lauriala
Chapter 15 To Identify What I Do Not Know and What I Already Know: A Self Journey to the Realm of Metacognition 283
    Hava Greensfeld
Chapter 16 Traces and Indicators: Fundamentals for Regulating Learning Activities 323
    Jean-Charles Marty, Thibault Carron and Jean-Mathias Heraud
Chapter 17 Professional Learning and Technology to Support School Reform 351
    Ron Owston
Chapter 18 Collaborative Knowledge Construction During Structured Tasks in an Online Course at Higher Education Context 359
    Maarit Arvaja and Raija Hämäläinen
Chapter 19 Challenges of Multidisciplinary and Innovative Learning 377
    Jouni Hautala, Mauri Kantola and Juha Kettunen

Index 391


Teacher and Teaching Stratregies: Innovations and Problem Solving Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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