Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Esentials of Meteorology An Invitation to the Atmosfere Third Edition

Esentials of  Meteorology An Invitation to the Atmosfere Third Edition

Judul:  Esentials of  Meteorology An Invitation to the Atmosfere Third Edition
Oleh:   C. Donald  Ahrens
Penerbit:  -
Tahun: -
Jumlah Halaman:  463  hal.


C. Donald  Ahrens

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Pembahasan buku ini mencakup: Atmosfer Bumi;  Pemanasan Bumi dan Atmosfer; Suhu Udara;
Kelembaban, Kondensasi, dan Awan; Pembentukan Awan dan Pengendapan;  Tekanan udara dan Angin;
Sirkulasi  Atmosfer;  Masa Udara, Front, dan Siklon Tengah-Latitude;  Peramalan cuaca;  Petir dan Tornado;  Badai;  Polusi Udara; Iklim; Perubahan Iklim; Serta  Cahaya, Warna, dan Atmosfer Optik.

Daftar Isi:


Chapter 1 The Earth’s Atmosphere  1
    Overview of the Earth’s Atmosphere
        Composition of the Atmosphere
        The Early Atmosphere
    Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
        A Brief Look at Air Pressure and Air Density
        Layers of the Atmosphere
        Focus on an Observation: The Radiosonde
        The Ionosphere
    Weather and Climate
        A Satellite’s View of the Weather
        Storms of All Sizes
        A Look at a Weather Map
        Weather and Climate in Our Lives
        Focus on a Special Topic: Meteorology—A Brief History
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 2  Warming the Earth and the Atmosphere   25
    Temperature and Heat Transfer
        Temperature Scales
        Latent Heat—The Hidden Warmth
        Focus on a Special Topic: Rising Air Cools and Sinking
        Air Warms
        Focus on a Special Topic: Sun Burning and UV Rays
    Balancing Act—Absorption, Emission, and Equilibrium
        Selective Absorbers and the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect
        Enhancement of the Greenhouse Effect
        Warming the Air from Below
    Incoming Solar Energy
        Scattered and Reflected Light
        The Earth’s Annual Energy Balance
        Why the Earth Has Seasons
        Focus on an Observation: The Aurora—A Dazzling Light Show
        Seasons in the Northern Hemisphere
        Seasons in the Southern Hemisphere
        Focus on a Special Topic: Is December 21 Really
        the First Day of Winter?
        Local Seasonal Variations
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 3  Air Temperature
    Daily Temperature Variations
        Daytime Warming
        Nighttime Cooling
        Cold Air Near the Surface
        Focus on a Special Topic: Record High Temperatures
        Protecting Crops from the Cold
        Night Air
        Focus on a Special Topic: Record Low Temperatures
    The Controls of Temperature
    Air Temperature Data
        Daily, Monthly, and Yearly
        Focus on a Special Topic: When It Comes to Temperature, What’s Normal?
        The Use of Temperature Data
    Air Temperature and Human Comfort
        Focus on a Special Topic: A Thousand Degrees and Freezing to Death
    Measuring Air Temperature
        Focus on an Observation: Thermometers Should Be Read in the Shade
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 4 Humidity, Condensation, and Clouds  75
    Circulation of Water in the Atmosphere
    Evaporation, Condensation, and Saturation
        Vapor Pressure
        Relative Humidity
        Relative Humidity and Dew Point
        Relative Humidity and Human
        Measuring Humidity
        Focus on a Special Topic: Humid Air and Dry Air Do Not Weigh the Same
        Dew and Frost
        Foggy Weather
        Focus on a Special Topic:  Fog Dispersal
        Classification of Clouds
        Cloud Identification
        High Clouds
        Middle Clouds
        Low Clouds
        Clouds with Vertical Development
        Some Unusual Clouds
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 5 Cloud Development and Precipitation 109
    Atmospheric Stability
    Determining Stability
        Stable Air
        Unstable Air
        Conditionally Unstable Air
    Cloud Development and Stability
        Convection and Clouds
        Topography and Clouds
    Precipitation Processes
        Collision and Coalescence Process
        Ice-Crystal Process
        Cloud Seeding and Precipitation
        Precipitation in Clouds
        Focus on a Special Topic: Does Cloud Seeding Enhance Precipitation?
    Precipitation Types
        Focus on a Special Topic: Are Raindrops Tear-Shaped?
        Sleet and Freezing Rain
        Focus on an Observation: Aircraft Icing
        Snow Grains and Snow Pellets
    Measuring Precipitation
        Doppler Radar and Precipitation
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 6  Air Pressure and Winds   139
    Atmospheric Pressure
    Measuring Air Pressure
        Focus on a Special Topic: The Atmosphere Obeys the Gas Law
        Pressure Readings
    Surface and Upper-Air Charts
        Focus on a Special Topic: Isobaric Maps
    Why the Wind Blows
        Newton’s Laws of Motion
        Forces That Influence the Wind
        Pressure Gradient Force
        Coriolis Force
        Straight-Line Flow Aloft
        Curved Winds Around Lows and Highs Aloft
        Focus on an Observation: Winds Aloft in the Southern Hemisphere
        Winds on Upper-Level Charts
    Surface Winds
        Focus on an Observation: Estimating Wind Direction and Pressure Patterns Aloft
    Winds and Vertical Air Motions
    Measuring and Determining Winds
        The Influence of Prevailing Winds
        Wind Instruments
        Focus on a Special Topic: Wind Power
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 7 Atmospheric Circulations   165
    Scales of Atmospheric Motion
    Eddies—Big and Small
    Local Wind Systems
        Thermal Circulations
        Focus on an Observation: Eddies and “Air Pockets”
        Sea and Land Breezes
        Seasonally Changing Winds— The Monsoon
        Mountain and Valley Breezes
        Katabatic Winds
        Focus on a Special Topic: Snow Eaters and Rapid Temperature Changes
        Chinook (Foehn) Winds
        Santa Ana Winds
        Desert Winds
    Global Winds
        General Circulation of the
        Single-Cell Model
        Three-Cell Model
        Average Surface Winds and
        Pressure: The Real World
        The General Circulation and
        Precipitation Patterns
        Westerly Winds and the Jet Stream
    Global Wind Patterns and the Oceans
        Winds and Upwelling
        El Niño and the Southern Oscillation
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 8 Air Masses, Fronts, and Middle-Latitude Cyclones   197
    Air Masses
        Source Regions
        Air Masses of North America
        cP (Continental Polar) and cA
        (Continental Arctic) Air Masses
        Focus on a Special Topic: Lake-Effect (Enhanced) Snows
        mP (Maritime Polar) Air Masses
        Focus on a Special Topic: The Return of the Siberian Express
        mT (Maritime Tropical) Air Masses
        cT (Continental Tropical) Air Masses
        Stationary Fronts
        Cold Fronts
        Warm Fronts
        Occluded Fronts
    Middle-Latitude Cyclones
        Polar Front Theory
        Where Do Mid-Latitude Cyclones
        Tend to Form?
        Developing Mid-Latitude Cyclones and Anticyclones
        Focus on a Special Topic: Northeasters
        Focus on a Special Topic: A Closer Look at Convergence and Divergence
        Jet Streams and Developing
        Mid-Latitude Cyclones
        Focus on a Special Topic: Waves in the Westerlies
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 9 Weather Forecasting  227
    Acquisition of Weather Information
        Focus on a Special Topic: Watches, Warnings, and Advisories
    Weather Forecasting Methods and Tools
        The Computer and Weather
        Forecasting: Numerical
        Weather Prediction
        Why Forecasts Go Awry
        Tools for Forecasting the Weather
        Satellites and Weather Forecasting
        Other Forecasting Methods
        Accuracy and Skill in Weather
        Focus on an Observation: TV Weathercasters—How Do They Do It?
        Predicting the Weather from Local Signs
    Weather Forecasting Using Surface Charts
        Determining the Movement of
        Weather Systems
        A Forecast for Six Cities
        Weather Forecast for Augusta, Georgia
        Rain or Snow for Washington, D.C.?
        Big Snowstorm for Chicago
        Mixed Bag of Weather for Memphis
        Cold Wave for Dallas
        Clear but Cold for Denver
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 10 Thunderstorms and Tornadoes   253
    What Are Thunderstorms?
    Ordinary (Air-Mass) Thunderstorms
    Severe Thunderstorms
        The Gust Front and Microburst
        Supercell and Squall-Line
        Severe Thunderstorms and the Dryline
    Mesoscale Convective Complexes
    Floods and Flash Floods
        Focus on a Special Topic: The Terrifying Flash Flood in the Big Thompson Canyon
    Distribution of Thunderstorms
    Lightning and Thunder
        Electrification of Clouds
        The Lightning Stroke
        Lightning Detection and Suppression
        Focus on an Observation: Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree
        Tornado Occurrence
        Tornado Winds
        Tornado Formation
        Observing Tornadoes
        Focus on an Observation: Thunderstorm Rotation
    Severe Weather and Doppler Radar
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 11 Hurricanes   289
    Tropical Weather
    Anatomy of a Hurricane
    Hurricane Formation and Dissipation
        Hurricane Stages of Development
        Hurricane Movement
        Focus on a Special Topic: How Do Hurricanes Compare with Middle-Latitude Storms?
        Destruction and Warning
        Focus on a Special Topic: Modifying Hurricanes
    Naming Hurricanes
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 12 Air Pollution   313
    A Brief History of Air Pollution
    Types and Sources of Air Pollutants
        Principal Air Pollutants
        Ozone in the Troposphere
        Ozone in the Stratosphere
        Air Pollution: Trends and Patterns
        Focus on a Special Topic: The Ozone Hole
    Factors that Affect Air Pollution
        The Role of the Wind
        The Role of Stability and Inversions
        Focus on an Observation: Smokestack Plumes
        The Role of Topography
        Severe Air Pollution Potential
    Air Pollution and the Urban Environment
        Focus on an Observation: Five Days in Donora— An Air Pollution Episode
        Acid Deposition
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 13 Global Climate   339
    A World with Many Climates
        Global Temperatures
        Global Precipitation
        Focus on a Special Topic: Precipitation Extremes
    Climatic Classification— The Köppen System
    The Global Pattern of Climate
        Tropical Moist Climates (Group A)
        Dry Climates (Group B)
        Moist Subtropical Mid-Latitude Climates (Group C)
        Focus on a Special Topic: A Desert with Clouds and Drizzle
        Moist Continental Climates (Group D)
        Polar Climates (Group E)
        Highland Climates (Group H)
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 14  Climate Change  371
    The Earth’s Changing Climate
        Determining Past Climates
        Climate Through the Ages
        Climate During the Last 1000 Years
    Possible Causes of Climatic Change
        Climate Change and Feedback Mechanisms
        Focus on a Special Topic: The Greenhouse Effect on Venus
        Climate Change, Plate Tectonics, and Mountain-Building
        Climate Change and Variations in  the Earth’s Orbit
        Climate Change and Atmospheric Particles
        Aerosols in the Troposphere
        Volcanic Eruptions and Aerosols in the Stratosphere
        Focus on a Special Topic: Nuclear Winter, Cold Summers, and Dead Dinosaurs
        Climate Change and Variations in Solar Output
    Carbon Dioxide, the Greenhouse Effect, and Recent Global Warming
        Oceans, Clouds, and Global Warming
        Possible Consequences of Global Warming
        Focus on a Special Topic: The Ocean Conveyor Belt and Climate Change
        Is the Warming Real?
        In Perspective
        Focus on a Special Topic: The Sahel—An Example of Climatic Variability and Human Existence
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Chapter 15 Light, Color, and Atmospheric Optics   399
White and Colors
White Clouds and Scattered Light
Blue Skies and Hazy Days
Red Suns and Blue Moons
Twinkling, Twilight, and the Green Flash
The Mirage: Seeing Is Not Believing
Focus on an Observation: The Fata Morgana
    Halos, Sundogs, and Sun Pillars
    Coronas and Cloud Iridescence
        Focus on an Observation: Glories and the Heiligenschein
    Key Terms
    Questions for Review
    Questions for Thought and Exploration

Additional Reading Material   437
APPENDIX A  Units, Conversions, Abbreviations, and Equations   421
APPENDIX B  Equations and Constants   424
APPENDIX C  Weather Symbols and the Station Model   427
APPENDIX D  Humidity and Dew-Point Tables (Psychromatic Tables)   429
APPENDIX E  Köppen’s Climatic Classification System   433
APPENDIX F  Heat Index (HI) Table   434
APPENDIX G Beaufort Wind Scale (Over Land)   435
APPENDIX H  Standard Atmosphere   436
Credits   438
Glossary    439


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