Friday, August 14, 2015

Developments in Hydrobiology The Diversity of Aquatic Ecosystems

Developments in Hydrobiology The Diversity of Aquatic Ecosystems
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2005 oleh  Springer, Netherlands adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Developments in Hydrobiology The Diversity of Aquatic Ecosystems
Oleh:  H. Segers & K. Martens (Editor)
Penerbit:   Springer, Netherlands
Tahun: 2005
Jumlah Halaman:  385  hal.


H. Segers & K. Martens

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Perkembangan Hidrobiologi  Keanekaragaman hayati dalam Ekosistem Perairan

Daftar Isi:    

Target review

The future of freshwater biodiversity research: an introduction to the target review
H. Segers ix–x
The study of biodiversity in freshwater habitats: societal relevance and suggestions
for priorities in science policy

L. De Meester, S. Declerck 1–9
Biodiversity: a resource with a monetary value?
H.J. Dumont 11–14
Linking science and policy for biodiversity
A. Franklin 15–17
Relevance and policy dimensions of research on biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems:
a developing country perspective

B. Gopal 19–21
Conservation of freshwater biodiversity: does the real world meet scientific dreams?
C. Le´veˆque, E.V. Balian 23–26
Taxonomy and systematics in biodiversity research
K. Martens, H. Segers 27–31
Future priorities in science policy for biodiversity studies: a comment on the target
review by Luc De Meester and Steven Declerck

C. Sturmbauer 33–34
Towards a coherent and high-quality science policy on biodiversity
A. Van der Werf 35–37

Review paper
An assessment of animal species diversity in continental waters
C. Le´veˆque, E.V. Balian, K. Martens 39–67

Opinion paper
Does inland aquatic biodiversity have a future in Asian developing countries?
B. Gopal 69–75

Research papers
Recovery in diversity of fish and invertebrate communities following remediation of a
polluted stream: investigating causal relationships

S.M. Adams, M.G. Ryon, J.G. Smith 77–93
Ecological remarks on Mastigodiaptomus nessus Bowman, 1986 (Copepoda:
Calanoida) in a Mexican karstic sinkhole

A. Cervantes-Martı´nez, M. Elias-Gutierrez, M.A. Gutie´rrez-Aguirre, A.A. Kotov 95–102
Consumptive and non-consumptive effects of turbellarian (Mesostoma sp.) predation
on anostracans

E.R.M. De Roeck, T. Artois, L. Brendonck 103–111
Changes in functional biodiversity in an invaded freshwater ecosystem: the Moselle River
S. Devin, J.-N. Beisel, P. Usseglio-Polatera, J.-C. Moreteau 113–120
The impact of stocking on the genetic structure of European grayling (Thymallus
thymallus, Salmonidae) in two alpine rivers

N. Duftner, S. Koblmu¨ ller, S. Weiss, N. Medgyesy, C. Sturmbauer 121–129
Connectivity and nestedness of the meta-community structure of moss dwelling
bdelloid rotifers along a stream

D. Fontaneto, G. Melone, C. Ricci 131–136
Implications of taxonomic modifications and alien species on biological water quality
assessment as exemplified by the Belgian Biotic Index method

W. Gabriels, P.L.M. Goethals, N. De Pauw 137–150
A large-scale stream benthic diatom database
V. Gosselain, M. Coste, S. Campeau, L. Ector, C. Fauville, F. Delmas, M. Knoflacher,
M. Licursi, F. Rimet, J. Tison, L. Tudesque, J.-P. Descy 151–163

A review on the present status and management of mangrove wetland habitat
resources in Bangladesh with emphasis on mangrove fisheries and aquaculture

Md. S. Islam, Md. A. Wahab, Md. M. Haque, M. Tanaka 165–190
Coexistence of two similar copepod species, Eudiaptomus gracilis and E. graciloides:
the role of differential predator avoidance

C.D. Jamieson 191–202
Native and exotic Amphipoda and other Peracarida in the River Meuse: new assemblages
emerge from a fast changing fauna

G. Josens, A.B. de Vaate, P. Usseglio-Polatera, R. Cammaerts, F. Che´ rot, F. Grisez,
P. Verboonen, J.-P.V. Bossche 203–220

Phylogeography and speciation in the Pseudocrenilabrus philander species complex
in Zambian Rivers

C. Katongo, S. Koblmu¨ ller, N. Duftner, L. Makasa, C. Sturmbauer 221–233
Spatial and temporal variation of phytoplankton in a shallow tropical oligotrophic
reservoir, southeast Brazil

M.R.M. Lopes, C.E. de M. Bicudo, C. Ferragut 235–247
The female reproductive organ in podocopid ostracods is homologous to five
appendages: histological evidence from Liocypris grandis (Crustacea, Ostracoda)

R. Matzke-Karasz, K. Martens 249–259
Daphnia species diversity in Kenya, and a key to the identification of their ephippia
J. Mergeay, D. Verschuren, L. De Meester 261–274
Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders
S.A. Ostroumov 275–286
Recent ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) found in lowland springs of the provinces
of Piacenza and Parma (Northern Italy)

G. Rossetti, V. Pieri, K. Martens 287–296
Representation of aquatic invertebrate communities in subfossil death assemblages
sampled along a salinity gradient of western Uganda crater lakes

B. Rumes, H. Eggermont, D. Verschuren 297–314
Life history strategies of cladocerans: comparisons of tropical and temperate taxa
S.S.S. Sarma, S. Nandini, R.D. Gulati 315–333
Phylogeographic history of the genus Tropheus, a lineage of rock-dwelling cichlid
fishes endemic to Lake Tanganyika

C. Sturmbauer, S. Koblmu¨ ller, K.M. Sefc, N. Duftner 335–366
Plankton richness in a eutrophic reservoir (Barra Bonita Reservoir, SP, Brazil)
T. M. Tundisi, J.G. Tundisi 367–378
The effect of turbidity state and microhabitat on macroinvertebrate assemblages:
a pilot study of six shallow lakes

F.V. de Meutter, R. Stoks, L. De Meester 379–390


Developments in Hydrobiology The Diversity of Aquatic Ecosystems Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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