Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Respiratory Medicine An Asian Perspective

Respiratory Medicine An Asian Perspective
Buku ini terbit tahun 2005  oleh Hong Kong University Press. Hong Kong adalah buku edisi Pertama

Judul:  Respiratory Medicine An Asian Perspective
Oleh:   Mary Ip, et al. (Editor)
Penerbit:  Hong Kong University Press. Hong Kong
Tahun: 2005
Jumlah Halaman: 513 hal.


Professor of Medicine, University Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong,
Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China

Moira Chan-Yeung, MBBS(HK), FRCPC, FRCP
Professor of Medicine, University Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong,
Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China

Professor of Medicine, University Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong,
Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China

Nan Shan Zhong, MD, FHKCP
Professor of Medicine, Director of Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Medicine,
Guangzhou Medical College, Guangzhou, China

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 5 bagian utama dengan cakupan pembahasan Bagian I. Penyakit Airway (Jalan Udara/Pernafasan) meliputi 1) Asma Epidemiologi, 2) Manajemen Asma, 3) Bronkiektasis, 4) Penyakit obstruktif paru kronis: Epidemiologi, 5) Penyakit obstruktif paru kronis: Pengobatan Farmakologi,  6) Ventilasi Teknik Non-invasif pada PPOK, 7) Rehabilitasi paru, 8) Volume Paru Reduction Surgery, 9) Panbronchiolitis membaur, dan 10) Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Bagian II. Infeksi  mencakup pembahasan 11)  Komunitas Acquired Pneumonia x, 12) AIDS dan Paru-paru, 13) Influenza, 14) Infeksi Tropis dan Paru-paru, 15) Tuberkulosis: Epidemiologi dan Surveilans,  16) Tuberkulosis: Fitur klinis pada Dewasa, 17) Tuberkulosis: Diagnosis dan Pengobatan Obat, dan 18) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Bagian III. Penyakit Paru lingkungan dan Kerja mencakup pembahasan 190 Polusi Udara dan Kesehatan Paru, 20)  Merokok dan Kesehatan Paru, 21) Kerja Penyakit Airway, dan 22) Pneumokoniosis. Bagian IV. Neoplasma meliputi 23) Kanker Paru: Epidemiologi dan Faktor Risiko, 24) Kanker Paru: Diagnosis dan Staging, dan 25) Kanker Paru: Pengobatan. Bagian V. Prosedur meliputi 26) Transplantasi  Paru,  27. Akses Minimal Bedah Toraks, dan 28. Fungsi Pengujian Paru di Asia.

Daftar Isi:

Foreword ix
Preface xi
Contributors xiii

Part I. Airway Diseases 1
1.   Asthma Epidemiology 3
Gary W K Wong and Moira Chan-Yeung
2.    Asthma Management 25
Mary Ip and Moira Chan-Yeung
3.    Bronchiectasis 43
Kenneth Tsang, Clara Ooi and Mary Ip
4.    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Epidemiology 61
Wan Cheng Tan
5.    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Pharmacological Treatment 73
Wan Cheng Tan
6.    Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation in COPD 83
Rong Chang Chen and Nan Shan Zhong
7.    Pulmonary Rehabilitation 93
Teresita de Guia and Percival Punzal
8.    Lung Volume Reduction Surgery 103
Wataru Hida, Yoshimochi Kurokawa and Hajime Kurosawa
9.    Diffuse Panbronchiolitis 123
Young Whan Kim and Yukihiko Sugiyama
10.   Obstructive Sleep Apnea 135
Mary Ip and C G Guilleminault

Part II. Infections 159
11.   Community Acquired Pneumonia x 161
Amita V Doshi and Zarir F Udwadia
12.   AIDS and the Lungs 179
Cham Kiatboonsri and Chaicharn Pothirat
13.    Influenza 209
Joseph S M Peiris and Kwok Yung Yuen
14.    Tropical Infections and the Lungs 223
Chaicharn Pothirat and Suchai Charoenratanakul
15.    Tuberculosis: Epidemiology and Surveillance 259
Donald Enarson, Li Xing Zhang and Cheuk Ming Tarn
16.    Tuberculosis: Clinical Features in Adults 273
S K Jindal and V K Vijayan
17.    Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Drug Treatment 283
Wing Wai Yew
18.    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 307
Wah Kit Lam, Kenneth Tsang, Clara Ooi, Mary Ip and Moira Chan-Yeung

Part III. Environmental and Occupational Lung Diseases 325
19.    Air Pollution and Lung Health 327
Michael Brauer and Moira Chan-Yeung
20.    Smoking and Lung Health 347
Somchai Bovornkitti, Wah Kit Lam and Moira Chan-Yeung
21.    Occupational Airway Diseases 365
Moira Chan-Yeung and Ng Tze Pin
22.    Pneumoconiosis 379
Moria Chan-Yeung and Ng Tze Pin

Part IV. Neoplasms 401
23.   Lung Cancer: Epidemiology and Risk Factors 403
Wah Kit Lam and Mei Lin Liao
24.    Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Staging 423
Wah Kit Lam and Pan Chyr Yang
25.   Lung Cancer: Treatment 437
Perng Reury Perng and Yuh-Min Chen

Part V. Procedures 455
26.   Lung Transplantation 457
Pantpis Sakornpant and Shui Wah Chiu
27.   Minimal Access Thoracic Surgery 467
Anthony PC Yim, C Peter Clarke and Hui Ping Liu
28.   Pulmonary Function Testing in Asians 477
Zheng Jin Ping and Nan Shan Zhong

Index 491

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com


Respiratory Medicine An Asian Perspective Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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