Friday, March 4, 2016

Introduction to Forensic Psychology

Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Issues and Controversies in Crime and Justice
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2003  oleh Elsevier Science (USA). adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Issues and Controversies in Crime and Justice
Oleh:   Bruce A. Arrigo
Penerbit:  Elsevier Science (USA).
Tahun: 2003
Jumlah Halaman: 386  hal.


BRUCE A. Arrigo
adalah Profesor Kriminologi dan Psikologi Forensik dan Direktur Institut Psikologi, Hukum, dan Kebijakan Publik di California School of Professional Psikologi-Fresno. Sebelum karirnya di akademisi, dia adalah seorang organizer masyarakat dan aktivis sosial untuk para tunawisma, sakit mental, pekerja miskin, yang lemah lansia, dan yang secara kimia kecanduan. Dia adalah penulis lebih dari 60 artikel jurnal, buku akademik bab, dan esai ilmiah menjelajahi teoritis dan diterapkan topik di kriminologi kritis, peradilan pidana dan kesehatan mental, dan sosiologi hukum. beasiswa baru-baru ini telah muncul di majalah seperti Criminal Justice and Behavior; Crime, Law, and Social Change;
Justice Quarterly; International Journal of Law and Psychiatry; Critical Criminology; Journal of
Offender Rehabilitation; Social Justice; Law and Psychology Review, and the International Journal
for the Semiotics oj Law.Sia penulis dan Co-penulis, serta editor o 4 books. Karya terbarunya adalah proyek buku yang panjang termasuk  Madness, Language, and the Law (1994); The Contours of Psychiatric Justice (1996); Social Justice /Criminal Justice: The Maturation of Critical Theory in Law, Crime, and Deviance (1998); and, with T. R. Young, The Dictionary of Critical Social Science (1999).
Professor Arrigo  juga editor of the peer-reviewed quarterly Humanity and Society and
the founding editor of the periodical Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Pertama, buku ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian besar: (1) Polisi dan Penegakan Hukum, (2) Pengadilan dan Sistem Hukum, dan (3) Koreksi dan Praktek Penjara. Kedua, masing-masing dari tiga bagian luas untuk teks mencakup empat subbagian, menciptakan total 12 bab. subbagian ini meliputi: (1) Dewasa Forensik, (2) Juvenile Forensik, (3) Forensik Sipil, dan (4) Keluarga Forensik. Ketiga, dalam setiap ayat dari pasal tertentu, sejumlah isu yang dipilih atau disajikan kontroversial. Secara kolektif, topik ini tidak mendalam kampas kedalaman kemungkinan tematik bab tertentu.

Daftar Isi:
About the Author  xi
Acknowledgments    xiii
Preface   xv

P A R T I   Police and Law Enforcement
1  Adult Forensics

    Overview   3
    Power, Authority, and Discretionary Decision Making     4
    Use of Force   8
    Evidence Tampering   12
    Adult Criminal Profiling    17
    Coerced Confessions    23
2  Juvenile Forensics
    Overview    31
    Dealing with Troubled Youths    32
    Policing Juvenile Gangs    39
    Juveniles' Attitudes toward the Police 43
    Adolescent Female Prostitutes: Criminals or Victims? 48
3  Civil Forensics
    Overview 55
    Public Attitudes toward Police 56
    Exploring the Police Personality 61
    Police and the Mentally 111 68
    Community Policing: Trendy or Effective? 72
    Police Training: Communication Skills and
    Conflict Resolution 76
    Policing Minority Populations 82
4  Family Forensics
    Overview 89
    Police as Mediators in Domestic Disputes 90
    Police Stress 95
    Police Work and Family Stress 103
    Homosexual Police Officers 108

P A R T II  Court and the Legal System
5  Adult Forensics

    Overview 115
    Plea Bargaining 117
    Competency to Stand Trial 121
    Jury Selection 124
    Psychological Tests and Forensic Assessment Instruments in the Courtroom 127
    Risk Assessment 132
    Forensic Verdicts or Psychiatric Justice: NGRI and GBMI 136
6  Juvenile Forensics
    Overview 141
    Defining the Age of Criminal Responsibility 142
    Children/Juveniles and the Reliability of Their Courtroom Testimony 148
    Best Interests of the Child Doctrine 152
    Sentencing: Psychology of Juvenile Rehabilitation 156
7  Civil Forensics
    Overview 161
    Defining Mental Illness 163
    Right to Refuse Treatment 168
    Least Restrictive Alternative Doctrine 172
    Duty to Inform vs Client Confidentiality 177
    Victim Compensation Programs 181
    Victim-Offender Mediation 186
8  Family Forensics
    Overview 195
    Family Trauma and the Cycle of Crime 197
    Family Violence: Homicide 200
    Impact of Mental Health Law Doctrines on Families: Paternalism and Parens Patriae 206
    Family Law and Emotional Rights 210
    Domestic Violence 217
    Gay/Lesbian Rights and Definitions of the Family 221

P A R T IIl Corrections and Prison Practices
9  Adult Forensics

    Overview   229
    Offender s Right to Refuse Treatment   231
    Incarcerating and Executing the Mentally 111 233
    Sex-Offender Treatment 239
    Electronic Monitoring: Technology and Managing Offenders 243
    Prison Violence 248
    Underground Economy of Prison 254
10  Juvenile Forensics
    Overview 261
    Juveniles in Adult Jails 262
    Juveniles on Death Row 266
    Juvenile Boot Camp 269
    Suicide among Incarcerated Juveniles 273
    Incarceration of Status Offenders 277
11  Civic Forensics
    Overview 283
    Psychological Stress and Correctional Work 284
    Community Corrections 289
    Mentally Disabled Inmates 295
    Society's Reaction to Sex Offenders 299
    Women Working in Male Prisons 304
    Inmate Sexuality 309
12  Family Forensics
    Overview 315
    "Make-Believe" Families 316
    Pregnant Women in Prison 321
    Female Prisoners and Mother—Child Separation 326
    Other Family Members of Inmates 331
    Female Inmates: Mothers in Prison 334
    References 339
    Index 361


Introduction to Forensic Psychology Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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