Thursday, May 1, 2014

BSCS Biology A Molecular Approach

BSCS Biology A Molecular Approach
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2006 merupakan edisi ke 9  Oleh Rotladge Taylor & Francis Group, London

Judul: BSCS Biology A Molecular Approach
Oleh: -
Penerbit: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Company, New York
Tahun: 2006
Jumlah Halaman: 890 hal.

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini terdiri atas 6 Unit dengan 25 Bab. Unit 1 membahas tentang Energi, Iklim, Organisasinya. Unit 1 terdiri atas 7 Bab, yaitu Bab 1 sampai dengan Bab 7. Bab 1 mengemukakan tentang Kimia dalam kehidupan, Bab 2 tentang Energi, Kehidupan, dan Biosfer, Bab 3 mengemukakan tentang Pertukaran Bahan dan Lingkungan, Bab 4 menyajikan tentang Autotrophy: Mengumpulkan Energi dari Lingkungan tak hidup, Bab 5 menyajikan perihal Respirasi Sel: Melepaskan Energi Kimia, Bab 6 tentang Struktur Sel dan Fungsinya,  dan Bab 7 tentang Sistim Transportasi. Unit 2 berbicara tentang Sel: Pertumbuhan dan Homeostasis.
Unit 2 ini membahas tentang
Energi, Kehidupan, and Biosfer terdiri atas 4 Bab, yaitu Bab 8 sampai dengan Bab 11. Bab 8 membahas tentang Siklus Sel,   Bab 9  membahas tentang Pengungkapan informasi genetic, Bab 10 mengemukakan Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Hewan, dan Bab 11 membahas tentang Pertumbuhan dan Pengembangan Tanaman. Unit 3 Mengemukakan tentang Keturuanan: Kelangsungan Hidup. Unit 3 terdiri atas 5 Bab, yaitu Bab 12 sampai dengan Bab 16. Bab 12 Membahas tentang reproduksi, Bab 13 mengemukakan tentang Pola Pewarisan, Bab 14 menyajikan tentang Bentuk-bentuk Warisan, Bab 15 membahas tentang Perkembangan dalam Molecular Genetic, dan Bab 16 tentang Populasi Genetik.
Unit 4 Membahas Masalah Evolusi. Unit 4 ini terdiri atas 4 Bab, yaitu Bab 17 sampai dengan Bab 20.   Bab 17 mengemukakan masalah Asal-usul Kehidupan, Bab 18 membahas tentang Keanekaragam dan Variasi, Bab 19 mengemukakan masalah Perubahan Spesies, dan Bab 20 mengenai Evolusi Manusia.
Unit 5 Membahas Masalah Respon terhadap Lingkungan. Unit 5 terdiri atas 3 Bab, yaitu Bab 21, Bab 22, dan Bab 23. Bab 21 mengemukakan masalah Sistem Saraf, Bab 22 membahas tentang Perilaku, dan Bab 23 tentang Sistem kekebalan.
Unit 6  membahas mengenai Interaksi dan Interdependensi. Unit 6 terdiri atas 2 Bab, yaitu Bab 24 dan Bab 25.  Bab 24 mengemukakan masalah Struktur dan Fungsi Ekosistem dan Bab 25 membahasa tentang Perubahan Ekosistem. 

Sebagaimana semua buku terbitan McGraw-Hill, desain buku selalu bagus dan sangat menarik untuk dilihat dan dipelajari. Full gambar dan full color. Di samping itu organisasi penyajian selalu professional dan lengkap.

Daftar Isi Buku:

Prologue Biology and the Molecular Perspective . . . . .1
The New Biology—P.1 Biology in Your World, P.2 A Biological View of AIDS, P.3 Growth Hormone: New Solution, New Problem
The Methods of Science—P.4 Solving Problems, P.5 A Mechanism for Evolution: Science at Work, P.6 The Theory of Natural Selection
Science as a Way of Knowing—P.7 Scientific Perspectives, P.8 Your Role as a Biologist

Unit 1 Energy, Matter, and Organization
Chapter 1 The Chemistry of Life  22
    General Chemistry—1.1 Atoms, Molecules, and Compounds, 1.2 The Structure of Atoms
    Reactions in Living Cells—1.3 Chemical Reactions, 1.4 Chemical Bonds, 1.5 Ions and Living Cells
    Biochemistry—1.6 Organic Compounds and Life, 1.7 Carbohydrates, 1.8 Lipids, 1.9 Proteins, 1.10 Nucleic Acids
    Genetic Coding in Cells—1.11 The Double Helix, 1.12 The Functions of DNA
Chapter 2 Energy, Life, and the Biosphere   50
    Organisms and Energy—2.1 Characteristics of Organisms, 2.2 Energy and Nutrients, 2.3 Energy     and Ecosystems
    Energy Flow—2.4 Energy Conversions, 2.5 Energy and Entropy
    Metabolism and Energy Transfer—2.6 Enzymes and Energy,  2.7 Chemical Reactions in Organisms,     2.8 Energy Transfer and ATP
    Digestion—2.9 Digestion Inside and Outside Cells, 2.10 An Overview of Human Digestion, 2.11 Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, and Absorption
Chapter 3 Exchanging Materials with the Environment   76
    Living Systems as Compartments—3.1 Exchanged Materials, 3.2 Membrane as Barrier
    How Cells Exchange Materials—3.3 Diffusion and Osmosis, 3.4 Passive and Active Transport
    Exchange in Multicellular Organisms—3.5 Gas Exchange in Water, 3.6 Adaptation to Life on Land, 3.7 Waste Removal, 3.8 Human Urinary System
Chapter 4 Autotrophy: Collecting Energy from the Nonliving Environment  100
    Autotrophy and Photosynthesis—4.1 What Are Autotrophs?, 4.2 Overview of Photosynthesis,             4.3 The Light Reactions, 4.4 The Calvin Cycle
    Photosynthesis and the Environment—4.5 Rate of Photosynthesis, 4.6 Photorespiration and Special Adaptations, 4.7 Photosynthesis and the Atmosphere
    Chemoautotrophy—4.8 Varieties of Chemoautotrophs, 4.9 Chemoautotrophs and the Environment
Chapter 5 Cell Respiration: Releasing Chemical Energy   128
    An Overview of Respiration—5.1 Metabolism and Cell Respiration, 5.2 The Stages of Aerobic Respiration
    The Reactions of Respiration—5.3 Glycolysis, 5.4 Mitochondria and Respiration, 5.5 The Krebs Cycle, 5.6 The Electron Transport System, 5.7 Oxygen, Respiration, and Photosynthesis
    Respiration and Cellular Activities—5.8 The Krebs Cycle in Fat and Protein Metabolism, 5.9 Respiration and Heat Production, 5.10 Control of Respiration
Chapter 6 Cell Structures and Their Functions   154
    The Basic Unit of Life—6.1 Cell Study and Technology, 6.2 Two Basic Types of Cells
    Cell Structure—6.3 Prokaryotic Cell Structure, 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
    Multicellular Organization—6.5 Cooperation among Cells, 6.6 Division of Labor, 6.7 Systems
Chapter 7 Transport Systems   184
    Transport Systems in Plants—7.1 Adaptations for Life on Land, 7.2 Water
        Transport, 7.3 Nutrient Transport
    Transport Systems in Animals—7.4 Circulatory Systems, 7.5 Circulation in
        Vertebrates, 7.6 The Human Heart, 7.7 Molecular Basis of Muscle Contraction
    Regulation and Transport—7.8 Blood Pressure, 7.9 Composition of
        Blood, 7.10 The Circulatory System and Homeostasis

Unit 2 The Cell: Homeostasis and Development
Chapter 8 The Cell Cycle     212
    The Life of a Eukaryotic Cell—8.1 Cell Division in Eukaryotes, 8.2 The
        Phases of the Cell Cycle
    DNA Replication—8.3 DNA Structure, 8.4 DNA Synthesis, 8.5 DNA Repair
    Mitosis and Cell Division—8.6 The Stages of Cell Division, 8.7 Differences in Mitosis
    Regulation of the Cell Cycle—8.8 Control of the Cell Cycle, 8.9 Checkpoints
Chapter 9 Expressing Genetic Information   232
     Genetic Code: Using Information—9.1 Genetic Material, 9.2 Importance of Proteins
    Transcription—9.3 RNA Synthesis, 9.4 RNA Processing
    Protein Synthesis—9.5 Translation, 9.6 Transport and Modification of
        Proteins, 9.7 Translation Errors
    Viruses—9.8 Genetic Information and Viruses, 9.9 Impact of Viruses
Chapter 10 Animal Growth and Development   260
    Key Events of Development—10.1 Beginnings of the Embryo, 10.2 Growth, Differentiation,         and Form, 10.3 From One Cell to Many: Making the Organism
    Developmental Diversity—10.4 Developmental Patterns and Evolutionary Relationships,         10.5 Human Development, 10.6 Birth Defects
    Mechanisms of Cell Differentiation—10.7 Exploring the Mechanisms of Differentiation,             10.8 The Genetic Equivalence of Differentiating Cells,
        10.9 Determination and Differentiation, 10.10 Cytoplasmic Determination,
        10.11 Cell-Cell Interactions
Chapter 11 Plant Growth and Development   290
    Plant Development—11.1 The Embryo and the Seed, 11.2 Seed Germination,             11.3 Primary and Secondary Growth
    Control of Growth and Development—11.4 Factors Affecting Plant Growth, 11.5 Auxins,         11.6 Other Growth Stimulants: Gibberellins and Cytokinins, 11.7 Growth Inhibitors:         Abscisic Acid and Ethylene
    Plant Responses—11.8 Plant Movements and Growth Responses, 11.9 Photoperiodism

Unit 3 Heredity: Continuity of Life
Chapter 12 Reproduction    316
    Cell Division and Reproduction—12.1 Asexual Reproduction,
        12.2 Chromosome Numbers, 12.3 Meiosis and the Production of Gametes
    Sexual Reproduction—12.4 Sexual Reproduction in Microorganisms,
        12.5 Sexual Reproduction in Plants, 12.6 Sexual Reproduction in Animals
    Reproduction in Humans—12.7 Egg Production and the Menstrual Cycle,
        12.8 Sperm Production, 12.9 Secondary Sex Characteristics, 12.10 Infertility and Contraception
Chapter 13 Patterns of Inheritance   342
    Genes and Chromosomes—13.1 Heredity and Environment, 13.2 Mendel and the Idea of Alleles, 

    13.3 Genes and Chromosomes
    Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance—13.4 Probability and Genetics, 13.5 Inheritance of Alleles,                  13.6 Sex Determination
    Other Patterns of Inheritance—13.7 Multiple Alleles and Alleles without Dominance,                          13.8 Linked Genes, 13.9 X-Linked Traits, 13.10 Nondisjunction, 13.11 Multigene Traits
Chapter 14 Other Forms of Inheritance  368
    New Explanations of Inheritance—14.1 Understanding Gene Function,
        14.2 Cytoplasmic Inheritance, 14.3 Genomic Imprinting, 14.4 Epistasis
    Special Mechanisms of Inheritance—14.5 Genetic Anticipation,
        14.6 Transposable Elements
Chapter 15 Advances in Molecular Genetics    390
    Studying Genomes—15.1 The Genome Projects, 15.2 Functional Genomics, 15.3 Technologies
    Applications and Issues in Molecular Genetics—15.4 Mutations and DNA Repair, 15.5 Genetic Disorders and Gene Therapy, 15.6 Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues
Chapter 16 Population Genetics    416
    Genetic Variation in Populations—16.1 Populations and Gene Pools,
        16.2 Genetic Variation, 16.3 The Hardy-Weinberg Model
    Changes in Gene Pools—16.4 Microevolution in Large Populations,
        16.5 Microevolution in Small Populations, 16.6 Quantitative Traits

Unit 4 Evolution

Chapter 17 The Origin of Life   438
    The Origin of Earth—17.1 The Big Bang, 17.2 Early Earth
    Evolution of Life on Earth—17.3 The Beginnings of Life, 17.4 Chemical
        Evolution, 17.5 Biological Evolution
    The Record of the Rocks—17.6 Microfossils and Prokaryotes, 17.7 Eukaryotes

Chapter 18 Diversity and Variation   460
    Bringing Order to Diversity—18.1 The Species Concept,
        18.2 Classification and Homologies, 18.3 The Linnean Classification System,
        18.4 Three Ways to Classify Species
    The Kingdoms of Life—18.5 Five Kingdoms, 18.6 Classification and Change
    A Brief Survey of Organisms   483
Chapter 19 Changes in Species    498
    Multiple Lines of Evidence—19.1 Fossil Evidence, 19.2 Evidence from
        Ecology and Homologies, 19.3 Genetic and Molecular Evidence
    Origin of Species—19.4 The Process of Speciation, 19.5 Patterns in Evolution
Chapter 20 Human Evolution   518
    Common Origin of Primates—20.1 Identifying Primates, 20.2 Comparing Skeletal Evidence,         20.3 Comparing Molecular Evidence, 20.4 Dating Human Fossils
    Human Origins and Populations—20.5 Early Hominids, 20.6 The First Humans, 20.7 Gene Pools

Unit 5 Responding to the Environment
Chapter 21 Nervous Systems      546
    Organization of the Nervous System—21.1 Sensory Systems, 21.2 Motor
        Systems, 21.3 The Peripheral Nervous System, 21.4 The Central Nervous System,                                21.5 Cells of the Nervous System
    Cellular Communication—21.6 Transmission of Impulses, 21.7 Synapses,
        21.8 Integration, 21.9 Drugs and the Brain
    Evolution of Nervous Systems—21.10 Evolutionary Trends, 21.11 Molecular Evolution of Nervous    Systems
Chapter 22 Behavior   576
    Major Elements of Behavior—22.1 Stimulus and Response, 22.2 Innate and Learned Behaviors
    Roots of Behavior—22.3 Biological Aspects of Behavior, 22.4 Environmental and Cultural Aspects of Behavior
    Methods of Studying Behavior—22.5 Tools for Measuring Behavior, 22.6 Genetic Methods
    Social Behavior—22.7 Populations and Behavior, 22.8 Animal Communication
Chapter 23 Immune Systems    602
    Protection against Infection—23.1 Immune System Functions,
        23.2 Nonspecific Defenses, 23.3 Specific Defenses and Adaptive Immunity
    Components of the Specific Immune Response—23.4 Lymphocytes,
        23.5 B Cells and the Antibody-Mediated Immune Response, 23.6 T Cells and
        the Cell-Mediated Immune Response, 23.7 Clonal Selection in the Immune Response,         23.8 Antibody Structure, 23.9 Generation of Antibody Diversity
    The Immune System in Action—23.10 Eliminating Invading Pathogens,
        23.11 Regulation of the Immune System, 23.12 Malfunctions and Diseases

Unit 6 Interactions and Interdependence
Chapter 24 Ecosystem Structure and Function   632
    The Structure of Ecosystems—24.1 Abiotic Factors, 24.2 Energy in Food
        Webs, 23.3 Relationships in Ecosystems
    Ecosystem Dynamics—24.4 Nutrient Cycles, 24.5 Limiting Factors,
        24.6 Population Dynamics
Chapter 25 Change in Ecosystems    650
    Ecosystems in Space—25.1 Terrestrial Biomes, 25.2 Aquatic Systems
    Ecosystems in Time—25.3 Species on the Move, 25.4 Succession
    Human Interactions with Ecosystems—25.5 Dependence,
        25.6 Dominance, 25.7 Sustainability
Biological Challenges Theory   
Laboratory Investigations   680


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