Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Children’s Literature in The Classroom Engaging Lifelong Readers

Children’s Literature in The Classroom Engaging Lifelong Readers

Buku ini pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1949 oleh Dance Horizons, Incorporatedlalu Tahun 1974 dicetak untuk cetakan ke dua di United States of America.

Judul: Children’s Literature in The Classroom Engaging Lifelong Readers
Oleh: Diane M. Barone
Penerbit:The Guildford Press, New York,
Tahun: 2011
Jumlah Halaman: 257 hal.

Diane M. Barone , EdD , adalah Profesor Yayasan Literasi di University of Nevada, Reno. Penelitiannya berfokus terutama pada pengembangan literasi anak-anak dan instruksi di sekolah-sekolah tinggi. Dia telah melakukan dua studi longitudinal keaksaraan: sebuah studi anak-anak usia 4 tahun korban keretakan/ di daerah kokain dan Studi anak-anak usia 7 tahun, terutama pelajar bahasa Inggris , di sebuah sekolah tinggi di daerah miskin.
Dr Barone memiliki artikel yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal seperti Reading Research Quarterly,
Journal of Literacy Research, Elementary School Journal, The Reading Teacher, Gifted Childhood
Quarterly, and Research in the Teaching of English
.Dia juga telah menulis sejumlah buku,
Termasuk Resilient Children, Literacy and Young Children, Narrowing the Literacy Gap, and Your Core Reading Program and Children’s Literature K–3 and 4–6. Dia bekerja sehari-hari di
sekolah umum untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran siswa dalam membaca dan telah membimbing guru mencari Badan Nasional Sertifikasi. Dr Barone menjabat sebagai Editor dari Reading Research
dan anggota dewan Asosiasi International Reading Association and the
National Reading Conference.
Dia telah menerima Albert J. Kingston Award dari National Reading Conference for distinguished service to the organization and the John Chorlton Manning Public School Service Award  dari  the International Reading Association for her work in public schools.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini mengemukakan masalah pengembangan buku bacaan dan pengajaran tentang membaca di dalam kelas anak-anak.

Daftar Isi Buku:

Chapter 1. Engaging Teachers and Their Use of Children’s Literature 1
Reexamining Why We Read 4
What Is Children’s Literature, Anyway? 6
A Brief History of Children’s Literature 8
Current Trends 15
Engaging Students 19
Recommended Reading 21
Student Voices 22
Chapter 2 . Reading Aloud, Independent Reading, and Response in the Classroom Why Reading  
                   Aloud Is Important 26
How to Choose Books 32
Independent Reading 36
Responding to Literature 39
Engaging Students 45
Recommended Reading 49
Student Voices 49
Chapter 3 . Exploring Narrative Genres 50
Books for the Very Young 53
Traditional Literature 60
Fantasy 65
Poetry 67
Historical Fiction 68
Realistic Fiction 69
Multicultural and International Literature 71
Postmodern Picturebooks 73
Graphic Books 74
School-Based Literature 75
Engaging Students 76
Recommended Reading 77
Student Voices 77
Chapter 4 . Exploring Nonfiction/Informational Genres 78
Nonfiction Genres 82
Informational Text Genres 87
Informational Books in the Content Areas (Science, Social Studies,
Math, Art, Music) 91
Multigenre Texts 96
Engaging Students 96
Recommended Reading 97
Student Voices 98
Chapter 5 . Exploring Qualities of Text 99
Plot 100
Characters 107
Setting 111
Theme 113
Style 115
Point of View 118
Engaging Students 120
Recommended Reading 123
Student Voices 123
Chapter 6 . Exploring Qualities of Visual Representation 124
Pragmatic Concerns with Illustration 125
Anatomy of a Picturebook 126
Interplay of Text and Illustration 129
Art Media 130
Artistic Representations 134
Artistic Elements 136
Postmodern Picturebooks 142
Nonfiction Picturebooks 146
Engaging Students 149
Recommended Reading 150
Student Voices 150
Chapter 7. Children’s Views of Children’s Literature 151
Checking the Classroom Library and Determining Student Interests 155
Exploring Girl and Boy Readers 155
Engaging Students 168
Recommended Reading 170
Student Voices 170
Chapter 8 . Learning about Illustrators and Small Text Sets 171
Why Text Sets? 172
Thinking about Student Engagement 173
Website Support 177
Getting Started 178
Learning about an Illustrator 180
A Variety of Text Sets 191
Engaging Students 194
Recommended Reading 196
Student Voices 196
Chapter 9. Learning about Authors and More Extensive Text Sets 197
Learning about an Author 201
Extended Text Sets 206
Engaging Students 216
Recommended Reading 217
Epilogue 218
References 221
Children’s Literature 227
Index 237


Children’s Literature in The Classroom Engaging Lifelong Readers Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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