Thursday, June 19, 2014

Models Discovery and Creativity

Models Discovery and Creativity

Buku ini pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 2009 Oleh  Springer Science + Business Media

Judul: Models Discovery and Creativity
Oleh: J. Meheus, etal
Penerbit: Springer Science + Business Media
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman: 261 hal.



Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini teriri atas 10 bagian: Bagian 1  membahas tentang Penemuan tak terduga, Struktur nilai, dan Perbedaan antara Penerimaan dan  Pengabaiak/Penolakan, Bagian 2 tentang Perbandingan Konseptual  dan Inovasi Konseptual, Bagian 3 Mekanisme Menemukan pada  Biologi Molekuler, Menemukan dan Memperbaiki ketidaklengkapan dan ketidakbenaran, Bagian 4  perihal Peran Pemikiran-Percobaan pada Penemuan di bidang Matematika, Bagian 5 mengemukakan tentang System Eksperimental, Persiapan Investigasi, dan Nature Discovery, Bagian 6 tentang Kreatifitas dan Penarikan Hipotesis, Bagian 7 menyajikan perihal Perubahan Konseptual: Kreativitas, Kognisi, dan Kebudayaan, Bagian 8 Kisah yang Menarik tentang Metode Ilmiah, Bagian 9 tentang Tradisi dan Inovasi: Menggali dan Transformasi Struktur Konseptual, dan Bagian 10 perihal Sebuah Aliansi Jaringan Kuat Peneliti dengan maksud tertentu di Dinas Penelitian Kreatif.

Daftar Isi Buku:

Foreword vii
Preface ix
Unexpected discoveries, Graded Structures, and the Difference between Acceptance and 
Neglect 1
Hanne Andersen
1 The Conceptual Analysis 3
2 Nuclear Physics 4
3 Philosophical Morals 22
Conceptual Comparison and Conceptual Innovation 29
Harold I. Brown
Discovering Mechanisms in Molecular Biology
Finding and Fixing Incompleteness and Incorrectness 43

Lindley Darden
1 Introduction 43
2 Characterization of Mechanisms 45
3 Revision of Incomplete Schemata 47
4 Revision of Incorrect Schemata 50
5 Conclusion 53
On the Role of Thought-Experiments in Mathematical Discovery 57
Eduard Glas
1 Archimedes’s Method 58
2 Impossible Numbers 60
3 Conclusion 63
Experimental Systems, Investigative Pathways, and the Nature of Discovery 65
Frederic L. Holmes
Abduction as a Heuristic Constraint 81
Scott A. Kleiner
1 Introduction 81
2 The Problem of Abduction 83
3 Evolutionary Biology 86
4 Conclusions 92
Creative Abduction and Hypothesis Withdrawal 95
Lorenzo Magnani
1 Change in Theoretical Systems 95
2 Abduction: Sentential, Model-Based, Manipulative 97
3 Governing Inconsistencies in Abductive Reasoning 104
4 Withdrawing Unfalsifiable Hypotheses 114
Conceptual Change: Creativity, Cognition, and Culture 127
Nancy J. Nersessian
1 Introduction 127
2 Interpreting Conceptual Practices: Cognitive-Historical Analysis 127
3 Cognition and Culture: Situated and Distributed Cognition 131
4 Creativity in Conceptual Change: The Role of Model-Based Reasoning 137
5 Model-based Reasoning as Situated and Distributed Reasoning 153
6 Culture and Cognition: Implications for Creativity 158
The Strange Story of Scientific Method 167
Thomas Nickles
1 Introduction 167
2 Traditional Views of Method and Discovery 169
3 Scientific Method (So-Conceived) Is Impossible 171
4 Reasons for Optimism? 181
5 Two Objections 184
6 The Triumph of the Darwinian Method? 186
7 BV+SR: Madness or Method? 190
8 The Generality Question and the NFL Theorems 198
9 The Classical Discovery Program Revisited 200
Tradition and Innovation: Exploring and Transforming Conceptual Structures 209
Matti Sintonen
1 Introduction 209
2 Taditionalists and Iconoclasts 210
3 Scientific Structures 212
4 Applied and Intractable Fields 214
5 Discovery in the Mature Sciences 216
6 Exploring Paradigms 218
A Purposeful Alliance in the Service of Creative Research The Network of Vitamin 
Investigators 223
Petra Werner
1 Introduction 223
2 The Significance of Collective Work 224
3 How are the Results Evaluated from the Current Perspective? 226
4 How Effective was the Network? 234
5 Conclusion 235
Index 237


Models Discovery and Creativity Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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