Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues.

Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues.
(Tes Psikologi: Prinsip-prinsip, Aplikasi, dan Isu-isu)

Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali Tahun 1976  oleh  United States Copyright Act, Pada tahun 2005 secara resmi dicetak di Wadsworth Chengage Learning, Australia, kemudian dicetak lagi tahun 2009 merupakan edisi ke tujuh.

Judul: Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues.
(Tes Psikologi: Prinsip-prinsip, Aplikasi, dan Isu-isu)
Oleh:Robert M Kaplan, etal
Penerbit: Wadsworth Chengage Learning, Australia
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman: 744 hal.


Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini menyangkut suatu jenis pengukuran,  tes psikologi, yang mengukur karakteristik yang berhubungan dengan semua  aspek perilaku manusia.
Buku ini menyediakan gambaran dari banyak aspek tes psikologi dan prinsip-prinsip pengukuran
dalam gaya yang menarik bagi mahasiswa kontemporer. Untuk memahami aplikasi dan isu-isu dalam pengujian psikologis,  mahasiswa harus belajar beberapa prinsip dasar, yang membutuhkan beberapa pengetahuan tentang  Statistik pengantar. Dalam Bagian II buku ini  membuka jalan bagi pemahaman tentang aplikasi. Bagian III membahas isu-isu saat ini, membentuk masa depan pengujian meliputi
masalah tes kecemasan, tes bias, dan antarmuka antara pengujian dan  hukum. Masa depan psikologi terapan mungkin tergantung pada kemampuan psikolog  untuk menghadapi masalah-masalah yang menantang. Sepanjang buku ini,  menyajikan serangkaian diskusi terfokus dan contoh. Bagian-bagian ini menggambarkan materi dalam buku melalui contoh dan memberikan diskusi yang lebih rinci tentang isu tertentu. Kami juga  menggunakan kotak teknis untuk menunjukkan bahan seperti perhitungan statistik.

Daftar Isi:

Part I Principles

CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
    Basic Concepts 6
    Overview of the Book 10
    Historical Perspective 11
    Summary 23
    Web Activity 24
CHAPTER 2 Norms and Basic Statistics for Testing 25
    Why We Need Statistics 26
    Scales of Measurement 27
    Frequency Distributions 31
    Percentile Ranks 34
    Percentiles 38
    Describing Distributions 39
    Norms 53
    Summary 60
    Web Activity 61
CHAPTER 3 Correlation and Regression 62
    The Scatter Diagram 63
    Correlation 65
    Regression 66
    Other Correlation Coefficients 79
    Terms and Issues in the Use of Correlation 80
    Multivariate Analysis (Optional) 86
    Summary 92
    Appendix 3-1: Calculation of a Regression Equation and a
    Correlation Coefficient 93
    Web Activity 98
CHAPTER 4 Reliability 99
    History and Theory of Reliability 100
    The Domain Sampling Model 103
    Models of Reliability 105
    Reliability in Behavioral Observation Studies 117
    Connecting Sources of Error with Reliability
    Assessment Method 119
    Using Reliability Information 120
    Summary 128
    Appendix 4-1: Using Coefficient Alpha to Estimate Split-Half Reliability When the Variances for the
    Two Halves of the Test Are Unequal 129
    Appendix 4-2: The Calculation of Reliability Using KR20 129
    Web Activity 131
CHAPTER 5 Validity 132
    Defining Validity 134
    Aspects of Validity 134
    Summary 155
    Web Activity 156
CHAPTER 6 Writing and Evaluating Test Items 157
    Item Writing 158
    Item Analysis 168
    Summary 181
    Web Activity 182
CHAPTER 7 Test Administration 183
    The Examiner and the Subject 184
    Behavioral Assessment Methodology 195
    Summary 199
    Web Activity 200

Part II Applications

CHAPTER 8 Interviewing Techniques 201
    The Interview as a Test 205
    Reciprocal Nature of Interviewing 206
    Principles of Effective Interviewing 207
    Types of Interviews 216
    Sources of Error in the Interview 224
    Summary 227
    Web Activity 229
CHAPTER 9 Theories of Intelligence and the Binet Scales 230
    The Problem of Defining Intelligence 231
    Binet’s Principles of Test Construction 233
    Spearman’s Model of General Mental Ability 234
    The Early Binet Scales 236
    Terman’s Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 239
    The Modern Binet Scale 244
    Summary 250
    Web Activity 251
CHAPTER 10 The Wechsler Intelligence Scales:WAIS-III, WISC-IV, and WPPSI-III 252
    The Wechsler Intelligence Scales 254
    From the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale to the WAIS-III 256
    Scales, Subtests, and Indexes of the WAIS-III 256
    Interpretive Features of the Wechsler Tests 265
    Psychometric Properties of the Wechsler Adult Scale 268
    Evaluation of the Wechsler Adult Scales 270
    Downward Extensions of the WAIS-III: The WISC-IV and the
    WPPSI-III 270
    Summary 275
    Web Activity 277
CHAPTER 11 Other Individual Tests of Ability in Education and Special Education 278
    Alternative Individual Ability Tests Compared with the Binet and Wechsler Scales 279
    Alternatives Compared with One Another 281
    Specific Individual Ability Tests 283
    Testing Learning Disabilities 299
    Legal Issues in Special Education 308
    Summary 309
    Web Activity 310
CHAPTER 12 Standardized Tests in Education, Civil Service, and the Military 311
    Comparison of Group and Individual Ability Tests 313
    Overview of Group Tests 315
    Group Tests in the Schools: Kindergarten Through 12th Grade 317
    College Entrance Tests 323
    Graduate and Professional School Entrance Tests 330
    Nonverbal Group Ability Tests 339
    Summary 345
    Web Activity 346
CHAPTER 13 Applications in Clinical and Counseling Settings 347
    Strategies of Structured Personality-Test Construction 349
    The Logical-Content Strategy 353
    The Criterion-Group Strategy 355
    The Factor Analytic Strategy 367
    The Theoretical Strategy 371
    Combination Strategies 378
    Frequently Used Measures of Positive Personality Traits 382
    Future of Positive Personality Research 386
    Summary 387
    Web Activity 389
CHAPTER 14 Projective Personality Tests 390
    The Projective Hypothesis 392
    The Rorschach Inkblot Test 393
    An Alternative Inkblot Test: The Holtzman 409
    The Thematic Apperception Test 410
    Alternative Apperception Procedures 415
    Nonpictorial Projective Procedures 416
    Summary 419
    Web Activity 420
CHAPTER 15 Tests Based on Psychological Science and the New Age of Computers 421
    Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment Procedures 423
    Psychophysiological Procedures 435
    Computers and Psychological Testing 437
    Summary 449
    Web Activity 450
CHAPTER 16 Testing in Counseling Psychology 452
    Measuring Interests 453
    Measuring Personal Characteristics for Job Placement 469
    Summary 473
    Web Activity 474
CHAPTER 17 Testing in Health Psychology and Health Care 475
    Neuropsychological Assessment 476
    Anxiety and Stress Assessment 493
    Quality-of-Life Assessment 502
    Summary 506
    Web Activity 507
CHAPTER 18 Testing in Industrial and Business Settings 509
    Personnel Psychology—The Selection of Employees 510
    Base Rates and Hit Rates 512
    Personnel Psychology from the Employee’s Perspective: Fitting People to Jobs 525
    Measuring Characteristics of the Work Setting 527
    Job Analysis 531
    Measuring the Person–Situation Interaction 533
    Summary 537
    Web Activity 537

Part III Issues

CHAPTER 19 Test Bias 538
    Why Is Test Bias Controversial? 539
    Test Fairness and the Law 540
    The Traditional Defense of Testing 544
    Other Approaches to Testing Minority Group Members 553
    Suggestions for Solutions 560
    Changing the Social Environment 568
    Summary 571
    Web Activity 572
CHAPTER 20 Testing in Forensic Settings 573
    Laws Governing the Use of Tests 574
    Major Lawsuits That Have Affected Psychological Testing 586
    Summary 609
    Web Activity 610
CHAPTER 21 Ethics and the Future of Psychological Testing 611
    Issues Shaping the Field of Testing 612
    Current Trends 624
    Future Trends 628
    Summary 633
    Web Activity 633
APPENDIX 1 Areas of a Standard Normal Distribution 634
APPENDIX 2 Publishers of Major Tests 637
APPENDIX 3 Critical Values of r for __.05 and __.01 (Two-Tailed Test) 641
APPENDIX 4 Critical Values of t 642
APPENDIX 5 Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education 644

List of Sample Test Profiles
Figure 9-7 Cover page of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 245
Figure 12-1 Example of a score report for the Stanford Achievement Test 319
Figure 12-2 & Sample items from the verbal and mathematical sections
Figure 12-3 of the Scholastic Aptitude Test 325–326
Figure 12-4 A sample student profile from the ACT 329
Figure 12-5 GRE verbal ability sample items 331
Figure 12-6 GRE quantitative ability sample items 332
Figure 12-7 GRE analytical ability sample items 333
Figure 12-9 MAT sample items 336
Figure 13-2 An MMPI profile sheet 356
Figure 13-3 An MMPI-2 profile sheet 362
Figure 13-4 Jackson Personality Inventory profile 376
Figure 13-5 NEO Personality Inventory profile sheet 379
Table 14-1 Summary of Rorschach Scoring 400

Focused The danger of basing Rorschach interpretations on insufficient
Example 14-2 evidence 406-407

Sentence completion tasks 417
Figure 17-4 Profile of a patient tested with the Luria-Nebraska battery 489
Table 17-4 Some of the questions used in the Test Anxiety Questionnaire 497
Figure 18-2 Sample questions from the Wonderlic 527
Figure 19-8 Sample SOMPA profile 559
Table 20-2 Examples of items from a minimum competence test 597
Table 21-1 Performance testing 631


Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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