Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling

Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling  (Tren dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Pemodelan Matematika)

Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali Tahun 2011 Oleh  Apringer

Judul: Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling  (Tren dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Pemodelan Matematika)
Oleh: Gabriele Kaiser
Penerbit: Apringer
Tahun: 2011
Jumlah Halaman: 747  hal.


Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan diskusi akademis tentang pengajaran dan pembelajaran dari pemodelan matematika di berbagai tingkat pendidikan di seluruh dunia. Serial ini akan menerbitkan buku-buku dari berbagai perspektif teoritis di seluruh dunia yang berhubungan dengan pengajaran dan pembelajaran pemodelan matematika pada tingkat sekolah menengah dan tingkat sekolah tinggi. Seri ini akan memungkinkan International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications (ICTMA), sebuah Kelompok Studi ICMI berafiliasi, untuk menerbitkan buku-buku berseri yang keluar dua tahunan. ICTMA adalah kelompok yang unik di seluruh dunia, di mana tidak hanya pendidik matematika bertujuan untuk pendidikan di tingkat sekolah, tetapi termasuk juga matematikawan tertarik dalam pengajaran dan pemodelan belajar di tingkat tinggi.

Daftar Isi:

1  Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling — Preface  1
    Gabriele Kaiser, Werner Blum, Rita Borromeo Ferri, and Gloria Stillman
Part I     Modelling from Primary to Upper Secondary School: Findings of Empirical Research

2     Modelling from Primary to Upper Secondary School: Findings of Empirical Research – Overview  9
      Thomas Lingefjärd
3     Can Modelling Be Taught and Learnt? Some Answers from Empirical Research   15
       Werner Blum
4     Can Modelling Be Taught and Learnt? – A Commentary   31
       Marcelo C. Borba
5     Upper Secondary Students’ Handling of Real-World Contexts    37
       Andreas Busse
6     Word Problem Classification: A Promising Modelling Task  at the Elementary Level  4 7
       Wim Van Dooren, Dirk de Bock, Kim Vleugels, and Lieven Verschaffel
7     Understanding and Promoting Mathematical Modelling  Competencies: An Applied     Perspective  57
       George Ekol
8     Secondary Teachers’ Beliefs About Teaching Applications – Design and Selected Results of a 
       Qualitative Case Study  65
       Frank Förster
9     Secondary Teachers’ Beliefs on Modelling in Geometry  and Stochastics  75
       Boris Girnat and Andreas Eichler
10   Examining Mathematising Activities in Modelling Tasks  with a Hidden Mathematical     Character   85
       Roxana Grigoraş, Fco. Javier García, and Stefan Halverscheid
11   The Sun Hour Project    97
       Thomas Lingefjärd and Stephanie Meier
12   Mathematical Knowledge Application and Student Difficulties in a Design-Based Interdisciplinary
       Project   107
       Kit Ee Dawn Ng
13   Evaluation of Teaching Activities with Multi-Variable  Functions in Context  117
       Yoshiki Nisawa, and Seiji Moriya
14    Mathematical Modelling in Secondary Education:  A Case Study  127
       José Ortiz and Aldora Dos Santos
15   Students Overcoming Blockages While Building A Mathematical Model: Exploring A Framework  137
       Sanne Schaap, Pauline Vos, and Martin Goedhart
16   What Did Taiwan Mathematics Teachers Think of Model-Eliciting Activities And Modelling
       Teaching? 147
       Shih-Yi Yu and Ching-Kuch Chang

Part II Looking Deeper into Modelling Processes: Studies with a Cognitive Perspective

17      Looking Deeper into Modelling Processes: Studies with a Cognitive Perspective –     Overview  159
         Susana Carreira
18     Applying Metacognitive Knowledge and Strategies in Applications and Modelling Tasks at
         Secondary  School   165
         Gloria Stillman
19     Effective Mathematical Modelling without Blockages – A Commentary   181
         Rita Borromeo Ferri
20     Modelling Tasks: Insight into Mathematical Understanding   187
         Jill P. Brown and Ian Edwards
21     Mathematical Modelling of Daily Life in Adult Education: Focusing on the Notion of  Knowledge  199
        Susana Carreira, Nélia Amado, and Filipa Lecoq
22    Students’ Modelling Routes in the Context of Object Manipulation and Experimentation in
        Mathematics  211
        Susana Carreira and Ana Margarida Baioa
23    Engineering Model Eliciting Activities for  Elementary School Students  221
        Nicolas G. Mousoulides and Lyn D. English
24    Project Modelling Routes in 12 to 16-Year-Old Pupils   231
        Manuel Sol, Joaquin Giménez, and Núria Rosich

Part III Mathematical Modelling in Teacher Education
25     Mathematical Modelling in Teacher Education – Overview  243
         Jill P. Brown
26     Models and Modelling Perspectives on Teaching and Learning  Mathematics in the Twenty-First
         Century  247
         Helen M. Doerr and Richard Lesh
27     Mathematical Modelling in a Distance Course for Teachers  269
         Maria Salett Biembengut and Thaís Mariane Biembengut Faria
28     In-Service and Prospective Teachers’ Views About Modelling Tasks in the Mathematics Classroom –
        Results of a Quantitative  Empirical Study  279
        Sebastian Kuntze
29     Pre-service Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Affinity  with Using Modelling Tasks in Teaching Years
        8–10   289
        Gloria Stillman and Jill P. Brown

Part IV Using Technologies: New Possibilities of Teaching and Learning Modelling
30     Using Technologies: New Possibilities of Teaching and Learning Modelling – Overview  301
         Gilbert Greefrath
31     Factors Affecting Teachers’ Adoption of Innovative Practices with Technology and Mathematical
         Modelling  305
         Vince Geiger
32     Modelling Considering the Influence of Technology  315
         Gilbert Greefrath, Hans-Stefan Siller, and Jens Weitendorf
33     Improving Learning in Science and Mathematics with Exploratory and Interactive Computational
         Modelling   331
         Rui Gomes Neves, Jorge Carvalho Silva, and Vítor Duarte Teodoro
Part V Modelling Competency: Teaching, Learning and Assessing Competencies
34     Modelling Competency: Teaching, Learning and Assessing  Competencies – Overview  343
         Morten Blomhj
35     Drivers for Mathematical Modelling: Pragmatism in Practice  349
         Christopher Haines
36     Identifying Drivers for Mathematical Modelling– A Commentary  367
         Katja Maaß
37     Documenting the Development of Modelling Competencies of Grade 7 Mathematics Students  375
         Piera Biccard and Dirk C.J. Wessels
38     Students’ Reflections in Mathematical Modelling Projects   385
         Morten Blomhøj and Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen
39     From Data to Functions: Connecting Modelling Competencies and Statistical Literacy   397
         Joachim Engel and Sebastian Kuntze
40     First Results from a Study Investigating Swedish Upper Secondary Students’ Mathematical
         Modelling Competencies   407
         Peter Frejd and Jonas Bergman Ärlebäck
41     Why Cats Happen to Fall from the Sky or On Good and Bad Models  417
         Hans-Wolfgang Henn
42     Assessing Modelling Competencies Usin a Multidimensional IRT-Approach  427
         Luzia Zöttl, Stephan Ufer, and Kristina Reiss

Part VI Modelling in Tertiary Education
43     Modelling in Tertiary Education – Overview   441
         Peter Galbraith
44     The Mathematical Expertise of Mechanical Engineers: Taking and Processing Measurements   445
         Burkhard Alpers
45     Mathematical Modelling Skills and Creative Thinking Levels:  An Experimental Study  457
         Qi Dan and Jinxing Xie
46     Modelling the Evolution of the Belgian Population Using Matrices, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors   467
         Johan Deprez
47     Modelling and the Educational Challenge in Industrial Mathematics  479
         Matti Heilio
48     Modelling of Infectious Disease with Biomathematics: Implications for Teaching and Research  489
          Sergiy Klymchuk, Ajit Narayanan, Norbert Gruenwald, Gabriele Sauerbier, and Tatyana   
49     Using Response Analysis Mapping to Display Modellers’ Mathematical Modelling Progress  499
         Akio Matsuzaki

Part VII Modelling Examples and Modelling Projects: Concrete Cases
50     Modelling Examples and Modelling Projects – Overview   511
         Hugh Burkhardt
51     Modelling Chemical Equilibrium in School Mathematics with Technology  519
         Mette Andresen and Asbjoern Petersen
52     Real-World Modelling in Regular Lessons: A Long-Term Experiment   529
         Martin Bracke and Andreas Geiger
53     Modelling Tasks at the Internet Portal “Program for Gifted”   551
         Matthias Brandl
54     Modelling at Primary School Through a French-German Comparison of Curricula and Textbooks  559
         Richard Cabassut and Anke Wagner
55     Modifying Teachers’ Practices: The Case of a European Training Course on Modelling and
         Applications  569
         Fco. Javier García and Luisa Ruiz-Higueras
56     Google’s PageRank - A Present: Day Application of Mathematics in Classroom  579
         Hans Humenberger
57     Authentic Modelling Problems in Mathematics Education   591
         Gabriele Kaiser, Björn Schwarz, and Nils Buchholtz
58     Using Modelling Experiences to Develop Japanese Senior High School Students’ Awareness of the
          Interrelations Between Mathematics and Science  603
         Tetsushi Kawasaki and Seiji Moriya
59     Stochastic Case Problems for the Secondary Classroom with Reliability Theory  617
          Usha Kotelawala
60     LEMA – Professional Development of Teachers in Relation to Mathematical Modelling   629
         Katja Maaß and Johannes Gurlitt
61     Modelling in the Classroom: Obstacles from the Teacher’s Perspective   641
         Barbara Schmidt
62     Teachers’ Professional Learning: Modelling at the Boundaries  653
         Geoff D. Wake

Part VIII Theoretical and Curricular Reflections on Mathematical Modelling
63     Theoretical and Curricular Reflections on Mathematical Modelling – Overview   665
         Pauline Vos
64     Making Connections Between Modelling and Constructing Mathematics Knowledge: An Historical
         Perspective   669
         Toshikazu Ikeda and Max Stephens
65     Practical Knowledge of Research Mathematicians, Scientists and Engineers About the Teaching of
         Modelling   679
         Jeroen Spandaw
66     Evolution of Applications and Modelling in a Senior Secondary  Curriculum  689
         Gloria Stillman and Peter Galbraith
67     Sense of Reality Through Mathematical Modelling  701
         Jhony Alexander Villa-Ochoa and Carlos Maria Jaramillo López
68     What Is ‘Authentic’ in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling? 713
         Pauline Vos
Corresponding Authors   723
Index   727


Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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