Thursday, October 30, 2014

Economic Evaluations in Exploration 2nd Edition

Economic Evaluations in Exploration 2nd Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali pada tahun 1986  oleh  Verlag Ellen Pilger. Tahun 1989 oleh Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg . Buku ini dicetak tahun 2008  juga oleh Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Judul:   Economic Evaluations in Exploration 2nd Edition
Oleh:  Friedrich-Wilhelm Wellmer, et al
Penerbit:  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman: 263  hal.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. Friedrich-Wilhelm Wellmer
Neue Sachlichkeit 32, 30655 Hannover, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)511 614522
Dr. Manfred Dalheimer
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften
und Rohstoffe (BGR)
Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)511 643 2385
Dr.-Ing. Markus Wagner
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften
und Rohstoffe (BGR)
Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)511 643 3852

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini ditujukan untuk ahli geologi ekonomi yang berkaitan dengan evaluasi deposito pada tahap awal pengembangan. Buku ini mengemukakan bahwa  setelah proyek eksplorasi telah mencapai tahap kelayakan, perhitungan yang tepat yang diperlukan untuk teknis yang komprehensif dan penilaian ekonomi akan dilakukan oleh tim ahli geologi, pertambangan insinyur, metallurgists, dan ekonom. Pada tahap awal eksplorasi, bagaimanapun, setiap evaluator deposito harus mampu menutupi seluruh spektrum sendiri.
Buku ini dimulai dengan konversi. Dikemuakan bahwa meskipun sistem metrik sedang diadopsi di seluruh dunia, Data yang lebih tua dari negara-negara Anglo-Amerika akan selalu non-metrik. setiap deposito Evaluasi harus didasarkan pada penelitian sejarah yang solid. Banyak deposito memiliki sejarah eksplorasi panjang. Investigasi teliti data yang lebih tua sering menjawab banyak pertanyaan dan menghindari kesalahan.

Daftar Isi:
Introduction. 1

1  Conversions  3
    1.1 Conversion of Units   5
    1.2 Conversion of Derived Quantities    12
    1.3 Conversion of Chemical Compounds   19
2  First Estimates of Grade and Tonnages and Potential Grade and Tonnages    21
    2.1 Estimation of Volume and Tonnage of Ore Deposits   22
    2.2 Grade Estimation and Weighting    29
3  Dealing with Data of Multi-Element Deposits   41
    3.1 Metal Ratios    41
    3.2 Ternary Diagrams     42
    3.3 Regression Analysis    43
    3.4 Standardizations    48
    3.5 Calculating Metal and Value Equivalents    50
4  Conversion of Geological Data into Mining Data for Ore Deposits    55
    4.1 Dilution    55
    4.2 Mining Recovery of Tonnages or Loss of Tonnages Respectively    56
    4.3 Metal Recovery in the Beneficiation Plant    56
    4.4 Concentration Factor and Mass Recovery   58
    4.5 Special Case Uranium  . 58
5  Introduction to Economic Evaluations   61
6  Metal Prices  . 63

    6.1 Introduction           63
    6.2 Choice of Currency    63
    6.3 Calculation of Average Prices Adjusted for Inflation  65
    6.4 Calculating Prices with Moving Averages    67
    6.5 Deriving Prices from Cost Charts    68
7  Calculation of the Net Smelter Return (NSR) of a Mine   71
    7.1 Simple Cases on the Basis of Prices Per Unit or Direct Concentrate Prices   71
    7.2 Non-Ferrous Metals    72
8  Production Lifetime   79
    8.1 Rules-of-Thumb for the Lifetime of Deposits     79
    8.2 Market Barriers as a Determinant for a Mine Capacity   83
    8.3 Lifetime Considerations in the Construction Minerals Industry   84
    8.4 Ratio of Lifetime of Reserves    84
9  Calculation of Cost Data    87
    9.1 Provision of Cost Data   87
    9.2 Processing of Cost Data   90
    9.3 Further Rules-of-Thumb    99
    9.4 Freight Costs    107
10 Additional Economic Planning Methods   113
    10.1 Calculation of Cutoff Grades . 113
    10.2 Linear Optimization   117
11 Economic Evaluations   123
    11.1 Static Methods  123
    11.2 Dynamic Methods  126
    11.3 Aspects of Taxation    145
    11.4 Equity and Debt Financing  147
    11.5 Example of a Cash Flow Calculation   148
    11.6 The Concept of Profit    153
    11.7 Sensitivity Analysis   154
    11.8 Breakeven Calculations    157
    11.9 The Expected Monetary Value (EMV) Method    160
    11.10 The Option Pricing Method     162
    11.11 Dealing with Start-up Problems in Economic Evaluations   168
12  Quantitative Valuation of Exploration Projects without Known Mineralization    171
    12.1 Introduction    171
    12.2 Valuation of Properties without Known Exploitable Reserves    171
13  Comparison of Deposits    175
    13.1 Comparison of Deposits Via the Metal Content    175
    13.2 The Borderline of Viability   178
    13.3 The Breakeven Curve in a Grade-Capacity Diagram     179
    13.4 Grade-Capacity Diagram with Lines of Equal Economic Parameters   181
    13.5 Comparison of Deposits with Cost Charts   184
    13.6 Comparison of Deposits with Auxiliary Criteria    184
14  Calculating Growth Rates  185
    14.1 Calculating Growth Rates Using the Geometrical Mean   185
    14.2 Calculating Growth Rates with Logarithmic Values and Linear Regression   186
    14.3 Doubling Periods    189
15  Equity Calculations  191
    15.1 Equity Calculations with Several Partners   191
    15.2 Calculation of Foreign Equity in Exploration and Mining Projects. 193

References    197
Appendices   201

    A    Diagrams for Conversion between Imperial and Metric Units    201
    B    Diagrams to Determine the Thickness Reduction Factors for Drilling Oblique to Strike and Dip
          at  Different Angles of Inclination and Diagram to Determine the Optimal Angle of Inclination
          of Drill Holes for Drilling Oblique to Strike    206
    C   Part 1 • Derivation of the Formula for Calculating a Density Equivalent of Sect. 3.5.3     209
          Part 2 • Spreadsheet to Calculate Densities of Complex Ore   211
    D   Tables    212
    E    Problems Created by the Application of Geometrical Series    228
    F    Sources of Information, Internet Addresses, Abbreviations, Conversions    230
    G    Scales (for the Field Book)    235
Index   239


Economic Evaluations in Exploration 2nd Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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