Friday, October 24, 2014

Glencoe Health

Glencoe Health
Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali Tahun 2007  oleh  Glencoe, McGraw-Hill Company, Inc.

Judul:  Glencoe Health
Oleh:   Mary H. Bronson, Ph.D.
Penerbit:  Glencoe, McGraw-Hill Company, Inc.
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman: 849  hal.


Mary H. Bronson, Ph.D., telah mengajarkan pendidikan kesehatan  di kelas K-12, serta metode pendidikan kesehatan  kelas di tingkat sarjana dan pascasarjana. Sebagai Spesialis Pendidikan Kesehatan untuk  Dallas School District, Dr. Bronson  mengembangkan dan menerapkan Program pendidikan kesehatan di wilayah kabupaten secara luas. Keterampilan untuk Hidup, yang digunakan sebagai model oleh lembaga pendidikan negara. dia memiliki distrik sekolah dibantu seluruh negeri  dalam mengembangkan program pendidikan kesehatan setempat. Dia juga penulis Teen Health buku seri Glencoe.
Don MERKI, Ph.D., mengajar pendidikan kesehatan selama 35 tahun. Dia mengajar di Universitas New
Meksiko, menampilkan penyalahgunaan zat dalam kelas, kesehatan mental, menerapkan gaya hidup sehat, HIV / AIDS dan penyakit menular seksual, dan stres dan manajemen keterampilan hidup. Dia mengajar siswa dari latar belakang budaya dan etnis yang luas dari  sekolah SD sampai pascasarjana.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri  dari 9 UNIT. Setiap Unit didukung oleh beberapa Bab. Kemudian masing-masing Bab dirinci menjadi pokok bahasan yang dibahas lebih rinci. UNIT 1  Dasar-dasar Sehat. Unit ini mencakup
Bab 1 tentang Hidup Sehat, Bab 2  Membangun Keterampilan Kesehatan dan Karakter,  dan Bab 3 Menjadi Konsumen Kesehatan-Literate.  UNIT 2 Aktivitas Fisik dan Gizi, meliputi  Bab 4 Aktivitas Fisik for Life, Bab 5 Nutrisi dan Kesehatan Anda, dan  Bab 6 Mengelola Berat dan Komposisi Tubuh.  UNIT 3 Mental dan Kesehatan Emosional. Unit ini mencakup  Bab 7 Mencapai Mental Health yang Baik
Bab 8 Mengelola Stres dan Kecemasan, dan Bab 9 Masalah Mental dan Emosional.
UNIT 4 Mempromosikan Hubungan Aman dan Sehat. Unit ini meliputi pembahasan  Bab 10 Keterampilan untuk Hubungan Sehat, Bab 11 Hubungan Keluarga , Bab 12 Hubungan rekan, dan 
Bab 13 Kekerasan Pencegahan. UNIT 5 Perawatan Pribadi dan Sistem Tubuh, meliputi 
Bab 14 Perawatan dan Perilaku Kesehatan Pribadi,  Bab 15 Skeletal, otot, dan saraf Sistem, Bab 16 Kardiovaskular dan Sistem Respiratory, Bab 17 Pencernaan dan Urinary, dan Bab 18 Endokrin dan Reproduksi.  UNIT 6 Pertumbuhan dan Pembangunan, mencakup Bab 19 Pengembangan Prenatal dan Kelahiran dan  Bab 20 Masa remaja dan Life Cycle. UNIT 7 Tembakau, Alkohol, dan Drugs & Lainnya  Unit ini mencakup Bab 21 Tembakau, Bab 22 Alkohol , dan Bab 23 Obat dan Obat.
UNIT 8 Penyakit dan Gangguan, mencakup Bab 24 Penyakit Menular, Bab 25 Infeksi Seksual Menular dan HIV / AIDS  dan Bab 26 Penyakit Menular dan Cacat.  UNIT 9 Cedera Pencegahan dan Kesehatan Lingkungan. Meliputi  Bab 27 Pencegahan  Cedera dan Perilaku Aman, Bab 28 First Aid dan Darurat , dan Bab 29 Kesehatan Lingkungan.

Daftar Isi:

UNIT   1  A Healthy Foundation
Chapter 1  Living a Healthy Life––2

    Lesson 1     Your Health and Wellness––4
    Lesson 2     Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle––10
    Lesson 3     Your Behavior and Reducing Health Risks––17
                       The Cutting Edge––22
Chapter 2  Building Health Skills and Character––26
    Lesson 1     Building Health Skills––28
    Lesson 2     Making Responsible Decisions and Setting Goals ––33
    Lesson 3     Building Character––37
                       Making a Difference––42
Chapter 3  Being a Health-Literate Consumer––46
    Lesson 1     Making Consumer Choices––48
    Lesson 2     Choosing Community Health Services––54
    Lesson 3     Managing Consumer Problems––60
    Lesson 4     Understanding Public Health Services––64
                       The Trouble with Fat-Burner Pills––68

UNIT  2  Physical Activity and Nutrition
Chapter 4 Physical Activity for Life––72

    Lesson 1     Physical Activity and Your Health ––74
    Lesson 2     Fitness and You––80
    Lesson 3     Planning a Personal Activity Program ––87
    Lesson 4     Training and Safety for Physical Activities––93
    Lesson 5     Physical Activity Injuries––98
                       What Is Everyone Walking About?––104
Chapter 5 Nutrition and Your Health––108
    Lesson 1     Nutrition During the Teen Years––110
    Lesson 2     Nutrients––114
    Lesson 3     Guidelines for Healthful Eating––122
    Lesson 4     Food and Healthy Living––130
                       Cracking a Tough Problem––138
Chapter 6 Managing Weight and Body Composition––142
    Lesson 1     Maintaining a Healthy Weight––144
    Lesson 2     Fad Diets and Eating Disorders––151
    Lesson 3     Nutrition for Individual Needs––157
                Vegans, Pescos, and Pollos––164

UNIT 3   Mental and Emotional Health
Chapter 7 Achieving Good Mental Health––168

    Lesson 1     Your Mental and Emotional Health––170
    Lesson 2     Developing a Positive Identity––178
    Lesson 3     Understanding Emotions––184
    Lesson 4     Managing Emotions––188
                       Five Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence––192

Chapter 8  Managing Stress and Anxiety––196
    Lesson 1     Effects of Stress––198
    Lesson 2     Managing Stress––205
    Lesson 3     Anxiety and Teen Depression––210
    Lesson 4     Being a Resilient Teen––214
                       Battling Depression––218
Chapter 9  Mental and Emotional Problems––222
    Lesson 1     Mental Disorders––224
    Lesson 2     Suicide Prevention––230
    Lesson 3     Getting Help––234
    Lesson 4     Understanding Death and Grief––238
                       Fear Not––242

UNIT 4 Promoting Safe and Healthy Relationships
Chapter 10 Skills for Healthy Relationships––246

    Lesson 1     Foundations of Healthy Relationships––248
    Lesson 2     Communicating Effectively––254
    Lesson 3     Resolving Conflict––262
                       Friends Matter––268
Chapter 11 Family Relationships––272
    Lesson 1     The Role of the Family––274
    Lesson 2     Change and the Family––280
    Lesson 3     Dealing with Family Crises––286
    Lesson 4     Community Support Systems––291
                       It’s All Relative––296
Chapter 12 Peer Relationships––300
    Lesson 1     Safe and Healthy Friendships––302
    Lesson 2    Peer Pressure and Refusal Skills––307
    Lesson 3     Dating and Setting Limits––313
    Lesson 4     Abstinence: A Responsible Decision––318
                       Just Friends––324
Chapter 13 Violence Prevention––328
    Lesson 1     Personal Safety––330
    Lesson 2     Keeping Schools Safe––335
    Lesson 3     Protecting Yourself from Violence––341
    Lesson 4     Preventing and Overcoming Abuse––348
                      When Dating Is Dangerous––354

UNIT 5 Personal Care and Body Systems
Chapter 14 Personal Care and Healthy Behaviors––358

    Lesson 1     Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails––360
    Lesson 2     Caring for the Teeth and Mouth––367
    Lesson 3     ye Care––371
    Lesson 4     Ears and Hearing Protection––376
                       Sunscreen 101: The Basics––380
Chapter 15 Skeletal, Muscular, and Nervous Systems––384
    Lesson 1     The Skeletal System––386
    Lesson 2     Caring for the Skeletal System––390
    Lesson 3     The Muscular System––394
    Lesson 4     The Nervous System––399
    Lesson 5     Caring for the Nervous System––406
                       Some Schooling on Backpacks––410
Chapter 16 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems––414
    Lesson 1     The Cardiovascular System––416
    Lesson 2     Caring for the Cardiovascular System––423
    Lesson 3     The Respiratory System––428
    Lesson 4     Caring for the Respiratory System––432
                       A Heart to Last a Lifetime––436
Chapter 17 Digestive and Urinary Systems 440
    Lesson 1     The Digestive System––442
    Lesson 2     Caring for the Digestive System––447
    Lesson 3     The Urinary System––453
                       Think Drink––458
Chapter 18 Endocrine and Reproductive Systems––462
    Lesson 1     The Endocrine System––464
    Lesson 2     The Male Reproductive System––468
    Lesson 3     The Female Reproductive System––474
                       Bodies on the Move!––480

UNIT 6 Growth and Development
Chapter 19 Prenatal Development and Birth––484

    Lesson 1     The Beginning of the Life Cycle––486
    Lesson 2     Prenatal Care––492
    Lesson 3     Heredity and Genetics––498
    Lesson 4     Infancy and Childhood––504
                       How DNA Works––508
Chapter 20  Adolescence and the Life Cycle––512
    Lesson 1     Adolescence—Understanding Growth and Change––514
    Lesson 2     Moving Toward Adulthood––520
    Lesson 3     Marriage and Parenting––524
    Lesson 4    Health Through the Life Span––529
                      Choosing Abstinence––534

UNIT  7  Tobacco, Alcohol, and  Other Drugs7
Chapter 21 Tobacco––538

    Lesson 1     The Effects of Tobacco Use––540
    Lesson 2     Choosing to Live Tobacco Free––546
    Lesson 3     Promoting a Smoke-Free Environment––551
                       Clearing the Air––556
Chapter 22 Alcohol––560
    Lesson 1     Choosing to Be Alcohol Free––562
    Lesson 2     Harmful Effects of Alcohol Use––568
    Lesson 3     Alcohol, the Individual, and Society––574
                       Keeping the Lid on the Bottle––580
Chapter 23 Medicines and Drugs––584
    Lesson 1     The Role of Medicines ––586
    Lesson 2    Drug Use—A High-Risk Behavior––592
    Lesson 3     Marijuana, Inhalants, and Steroids––598
    Lesson 4     Psychoactive Drugs––603
    Lesson 5     Living Drug Free––611
                      Vaccine: The Battle Within––616

UNIT 8 Diseases and Disorders
Chapter 24 Communicable Diseases––620

    Lesson 1     What Are Communicable Diseases?––622
    Lesson 2     Preventing Communicable Diseases––627
    Lesson 3     Common Communicable Diseases––635
                       A Smallpox Shot––642
Chapter 25 Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS––646
    Lesson 1     The Risks of STIs––648
    Lesson 2     Common STIs––652
    Lesson 3     HIV and AIDS––658
    Lesson 4     Treatment for HIV and AIDS––662
                       Changing the World––668
Chapter 26 Noncommunicable Diseases and Disabilities––672
    Lesson 1     Cardiovascular Diseases––674
    Lesson 2     Cancer––681
    Lesson 3     Allergies, Asthma, Diabetes, and Arthritis––688
    Lesson 4     Physical and Mental Challenges––695
                       Learning to Learn––700

UNIT 9  Injury Prevention and Environmental Health
Chapter 27 Injury Prevention and Safe Behaviors––704

    Lesson 1     Safety at Home and at Work––706
    Lesson 2     Recreation and Water Safety––714
    Lesson 3     Safety on the Road––719
    Lesson 4     Weather Emergencies and Natural Disasters––725
                       Cruise Control––730
Chapter 28 First Aid and Emergencies––734
    Lesson 1     Providing First Aid––736
    Lesson 2     CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking––742
    Lesson 3     Responding to Common Emergencies––749
    Lesson 4     Treatment for Poisonings––755
                       Wilderness 911––760
Chapter 29 Environmental Health––764
    Lesson 1     Air Quality––766
    Lesson 2     Protecting Land and Water––772
    Lesson 3     Advocating for a Healthy Environment––777
                      What You Can Do––782
    A     Health Skills and National Standards––787
    B     Healthy People 2010––788
    C     40 Developmental Assets––790
    D     Physical Activity and Fitness Guidelines––791


Glencoe Health Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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