Friday, October 24, 2014

Glencoe Weiter’s Choise Grammar and Compositions Grade 11

Glencoe Weiter’s Choise Grammar and Compositions Grade 11
Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali Tahun 1999  Oleh  Psychology Press,Ltd.

Judul:  Glencoe Weiter’s Choise Grammar and Compositions Grade 11
Oleh:  -
Penerbit:   Glencoe McGeaw-Hill Compani, Inc.
Tahun: 2001
Jumlah Halaman: 958  hal.


Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 3 Bagian pokok. Kemudian tiap bagian didukung oleh Unit-Unit. Unit-unit kemudian dibahas secara rinci menjadi pokok bahasan. Bagian 1 Komposisi, mencakup Unit 1 Menulis Pribadi, 
Unit 2  Proses Menulis Proses, Unit 3 Menulis Deskriptif, Unit 4 Menulis Narasi, Unit 5  Menulis Ekspositori, Unit 6  MenulisPersuasif, Unit 7 Menulis Laporan Penelitian, Unit 8 Menggabungkan Kalimat,
dan Unit 9 Troubleshooter.  Bagian 2 Grammar, Penggunaan, dan Mekanika. Bagian ini  mencakup
Unit 10 Bagian dari Pidato, Unit 11 Bagian dari Kalimat , Unit 12 Frase, Unit 13 Klausul dan Atruktur Kalimat,  Unit 14 Diagram Kalimat, Unit 15 Bentuk Kata Verba, suara, dan mood, Unit  16 Kesepakatan   Subjek-Verb, Unit 17 Menggunakan Kata ganti dengan benar, Unit 18 Menggunakan Pengubah Benar,
Unit 19 Penggunaan Istilah, Unit 20 Kapitalisasi, dan Unit 21 Tanda baca, Singkatan, dan Nomor.
Bagian 3 Sumber Daya dan Keterampilan. Meliputi Unit 22 Sejarah dan Perkembangan Bahasa Inggris,
Unit 23 Sumber Daya Perpustakaan, Unit 24 Menggunakan Kamus, Unit 25 Kosakata, Unit 26 Spelling, Unit 27 Studi Keterampilan, Unit 28 Mengambil Tes, Unit 29 Mendengarkan dan Berbicara,
Unit 30 Melihat dan Mewakili, Unit 31 Menggunakan Elektronik sebagai Sumber Daya.

Daftar Isi:

Part 1 Composition
Unit 1 Personal Writing   2

    1.1     Writing to Discover   8
    1.2     Writing in a Journal   12
    1.3     Writing to Learn  16
    1.4     Writing a Letter    20
    1.5     Writing a College Application Essay   24
    1.6     Writing About Nonfiction   28
    1.7     Writing About Poetry   32
              Write a Response to a Poem; Cross-Curricular Activity; Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
               Personal Writing Project  36
              Write a personal narrative.
               • Prewriting • Drafting • Revising • Editing/Proofreading • Publishing/Presenting
               from Black Ice by Lorene Cary  40
               Linking Writing and Literature Analyzing Cary’s autobiographical writing  44
               Reflecting on the Unit Adding to Your Portfolio Writing Across the Curriculum    45

Unit 2 The Writing Process   46
Writing in the Real World    48
Brandon’s Comic Strips Cartoons by Barbara Brandon
Instruction and Practice
    2.1   Writing: A Five-Stage Process    52
            Write About Yourself as a Writer; Cross-Curricular
            Activity; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
    2.2   Prewriting: Finding Ideas   56
            Determine a Topic; Using Computers; Listening and
            Speaking; Grammar Link
    2.3   Prewriting: Questioning to Explore a Topic    60
            Explore Your Topic;Viewing and Representing;  Cross-Curricular Activity; Grammar Link
    2.4   Prewriting:Audience and Purpose   64
            Identify Audience and Purpose; Cross-Curricular
            Activity; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
    2.5   Prewriting: Observing 68
            Select Appropriate Details; Listening and Speaking;  Using Computers; Grammar Link
    2.6   Drafting:Achieving Unity  . 72
            Begin Your Draft; Listening and Speaking; Using  Computers; Grammar Link
    2.7   Drafting: Organizing an Essay   76
            Write Your First Draft; Listening and Speaking;  Using Computers; Grammar Link
    2.8   Drafting:Writing with Coherence    82
            Check Your Draft for Coherence; Viewing and Representing; Using Computers; Grammar Link
    2.9   Revising: Using Peer Responses   86
            Revise with a Peer; Using Computers; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
    2.10 Editing and Presenting: Completing  Your Essay   90
            Edit and Present Your Essay; Using Computers;  Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
            Writing About Literature
    2.11  Analyzing a Character in a Play    96
            Write a Character Analysis; Using Computers; Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
            Writing Process in Action Writing Process Project    100
            Write an essay about your childhood.
            • Prewriting • Drafting • Revising
            • Editing/Proofreading • Publishing/Presenting from An American Childhood
            by Annie Dillard   104
            Linking Writing and Literature Discovering what makes Dillard’s anecdotes
                effective   109
Unit 3 Descriptive Writing   122

Writing in the Real World   124
The Excavation Scientific Journal Article by Donald Chrisman,
Richard S.MacNeish, Jamshed Mavalwala, and Howard Savage
Instruction and Practice
    3.1   Creating Vivid Description . 128
            Write a Description; Using Computers; Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
    3.2   Using Sensory Details   132
            Write a Description; Listening and Speaking; Cross-Curricular Activity; Grammar Link
    3.3   Creating a Mood   136
            Write Scene Descriptions; Cross-Curricular Activity; Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
    3.4   Writing a Character Sketch   140
            Write a Character Sketch; Viewing and Representing; Using Computers; Grammar Link
    3.5   Describing an Event  144
            Write a News Story;Viewing and Representing; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
            Writing About Literature 3.6 Writing About Mood in a Play    148
            Write a Review; Using Computers; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link 
            Writing Process in Action Descriptive Writing Project    152
            Describe an idea for a TV screenplay.
            • Prewriting • Drafting • Revising
            • Editing/Proofreading • Publishing/Presenting
            “The Signature” by Elizabeth Enright    156
            Linking Writing and Literature Exploring Enright’s descriptions   164

Unit 4  Narrative Writing   166
Writing in the Real World    168
from Viva Baseball! Latin Major Leaguers and Their
Special Hunger Sports writing by Samuel Regalado
Instruction and Practice
    4.1   Characters in Biographical Narratives    172
            Write a Narrative that Reveals Character; Cross-Curricular
            Activity; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
    4.2   Writing a Biographical Sketch   178
            Write a Biographical Sketch;Viewing and Representing; Cross-Curricular Activity;
            Grammar Link
    4.3   Structuring the Long Narrative   182
            Write a Biographical Narrative; Listening and Speaking;
            Cross-Curricular Activity; Grammar Link
            Writing About Literature
    4.4   Identifying Theme in a Narrative  186
            Write a Paragraph Explaining a Theme; Cross-Curricular
            Activity;Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
            Writing About Literature
    4.5   Responding to Narrative Poetry    190
            Write a Response; Cross-Curricular Activity; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
            Writing Process in Action Narrative Writing Project   194
            Write a narrative about a person who inspires you.
            • Prewriting • Drafting • Revising
            • Editing /Proofreading • Publishing/Presenting from The Case of Harry Houdini by Daniel
                    Mark Epstein. . 198
            Linking Writing and Literature Examining how Epstein captures a character’s
                Personality   206
Unit 5 Expository Writing   208
Writing in the Real World    210
Instruction and Practice
    5.1   Writing Expository Paragraphs  214
            Write an Expository Paragraph; Using Computers; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
    5.2   Explaining a Process   218
            Write to Explain a Process; Listening and Speaking; Cross-Curricular Activity; Grammar Link
    5.3   Analyzing Cause-and-Effect Connections  222
            Write a Cause-and-Effect Article; Viewing and Representing; Using Computers; Grammar Link
    5.4   Writing an Essay to Compare and Contrast   226
            Write an Article that Compares and Contrasts;Viewing and  Representing; Cross-Curricular
            Activity;  Grammar Link
    5.5  Analyzing Problems, Presenting Solutions    232
            Write a Problem-and-Solution Essay; Cross-Curricular Activity; Listening and Speaking;
            Grammar Link
    5.6   Using Time Lines and Process Diagrams   236
            Create a Time Line or a Process Diagram; Using Computers; Viewing and Representing;
            Grammar Link
    5.7   Building a Reasonable Hypothesis   240
            Write a Hypothesis; Cross-Curricular Activity;Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
            Writing About Literature
    5.8   Comparing and Contrasting Two Authors   244
            Write a Compare-and-Contrast Article; Using Computers; Viewing and Representing;
            Grammar Link
            Writing About Literature
    5.9   Comparing and Contrasting Two Poems   248
            Compare and Contrast Two Poems;Viewing and Representing; Using Computers;
            Grammar Link
            Writing Process in Action Expository Writing Project   252
            Write an essay explaining the benefits of having an item.
            • Prewriting • Drafting • Revising
            • Editing/Proofreading • Publishing/Presenting
            from The Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder    256
            Linking Writing and Literature Evaluating Kidder’s expository writing   262
            Reflecting on the Unit
            Adding to Your Portfolio
            Writing Across the Curriculum    263

Unit 6  Persuasive Writing   264
    Persuasive Writing   264
    Writing in the Real World    266
    Native American Burials: Legal and Legislative Aspects
    Speech by Walter R. Echo-Hawk
Instruction and Practice
6.1    Stating Your Case   270
         Write a Persuasive Note; Viewing and Representing; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
6.2    Sifting Fact from Opinion   274
         Write an Opposing Editorial; Listening and Speaking; Using Computers; Grammar Link
6.3    Evaluating Evidence    278
         Write an Editorial; Cross-Curricular Activity; Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
6.4    Inductive and Deductive Reasoning   282
         Write a Persuasive Paragraph; Cross-Curricular Activity; Using Computers; Grammar Link
6.5    Recognizing Logical Fallacies  288
         Write a Letter Exposing Logical Fallacies; Cross-Curricular Activity;Viewing and Representing;
         Grammar Link
6.6    Writing and Presenting a Speech   294
         Write a Persuasive Speech; Using Computers; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
6.7    Writing a Letter to an Editor   298
         Write a Letter to an Editor; Cross-Curricular Activity; Using Computers; Grammar Link
         Writing About Literature
6.8     Evaluating a Speech   302
         Write an Evaluation; Listening and Speaking;Viewing  and Representing; Grammar Link
         Writing Process in Action Persuasive Writing Project    306
         Prepare a persuasive speech.
         • Prewriting • Drafting • Revising
         • Editing/Proofreading • Publishing/Presenting
         from Of Accidental Judgments and Casual Slaughters by Kai Erikson   310
         Linking Writing and Literature Exploring Erikson’s persuasive techniques    320
         Reflecting on the Unit
         Adding to Your Portfolio
         Writing Across the Curriculum    321

Unit 7 Research Paper Writing   322
7.1     Prewriting: Planning and Researching   324
          Decide Where to Start; Investigate and Limit a Topic; Find Information; Take Notes from Sources
7.2     Prewriting: Developing an Outline   330
          Make a Formal Outline; Consider Other Organizing Tools; Create and Revise a Thesis Statement
7.3     Drafting   334
          Draft from an Outline; Manage Information; Draft an Effective Introduction; Draft a Conclusion
7.4     Citing Sources    338
          Document Sources; Format Citations; Evaluate Your Treatment of Sources
7.5     Revising   344
          Revise in Stages; Use Revision Strategies; Consider Special Issues
7.6     Editing and Presenting: A Model Paper   348
          Use the Final Edit Checklist; Present Your Paper Contrasting Images of America: The Art of Grant
          Wood and Edward Hopper  350
Unit 8 Sentence Combining  358
Style Through Sentence Combining    360
Varying Sentence Length and Structure; Using Parallelism,
Interrupting Elements, and Unusual Patterns for Emphasis
8.1     Description   364
8.2     Narration   368
8.3     Exposition   372
8.4     Persuasion  376
8.5     Literature Exercises  380

Unit 9 Troubleshooter   382
Problems and Solutions
9.1     Sentence Fragment   384
9.2     Run-on Sentence   386
9.3     Lack of Subject-Verb Agreement   388
9.4     Lack of Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement  392
9.5     Lack of Clear Pronoun Reference   394
9.6     Shift in Pronoun    396
9.7     Shift in Verb Tense   397
9.8     Incorrect Verb Tense or Form   398
9.9     Misplaced or Dangling Modifier  400
9.10   Missing or Misplaced Possessive Apostrophe 402
9.11   Missing Commas with Nonessential Element 404
9.12   Missing Commas in a Series   406

Part 2 Grammar,Usage, and Mechanics
Unit 10 Parts of Speech    434

10.1    Nouns    435
10.2    Pronouns   442
10.3    Verbs    449
10.4    Adjectives   456
10.5    Adverbs   462
10.6    Prepositions  468
10.7    Conjunctions  472
10.8    Interjections   479
           Parts of Speech   480
           from Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
           Writing Application Conjunctions in Writing; Techniques with
           Conjunctions; Practice   487

Unit 11 Parts of the Sentence   488
11.1    Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates   489
11.2    Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates   490
11.3    Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates   492
11.4    Order of Subject and Predicate   495
11.5    Complements   497
           Parts of the Sentence   504
           from Main Street by Sinclair Lewis
           Writing Application Sentences in Writing; Techniques with Sentences; Practice   511

Unit 12 Phrases    512
12.1     Prepositional Phrases   513
12.2     Appositives and Appositive Phrases   515
12.3     Verbals and Verbal Phrases  517
12.4     Absolute Phrases   523
            Phrases   526
            From The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane
            Writing Application Phrases in Writing; Techniques with Phrases; Practice   533

Unit 13 Clauses and Sentence Structure 534
13.1     Main Clauses   535
13.2     Subordinate Clauses   536
13.3     Simple and Compound Sentences  538
13.4     Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences    540
13.5     Adjective Clauses    542
13.6     Adverb Clauses  545
13.7     Noun Clauses    547
13.8     Four Kinds of Sentences   550
13.9     Sentence Fragments   551
13.10   Run-on Sentences    553
            Grammar Review Clauses and Sentence Structure   556
            from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
            Writing Application Variety of Sentence Structure; Techniques with Variety of Sentence
            Structures;   Practice   563

Unit 14 Diagraming Sentences   564
14.1    Diagraming Simple Sentences   565
14.2    Diagraming Simple Sentences with Phrases    568
14.3    Diagraming Compound and Complex Sentences    571

Unit 15 Verb Tenses,Voice, and Mood   574
15.1    Principal Parts of Verbs    575
15.2    Regular and Irregular Verbs   576
15.3    Tense of Verbs   579
15.4    Perfect Tenses    583
15.5    Progressive and Emphatic Forms   585
15.6    Compatibility of Tenses    587
15.7    Voice of Verbs    589
15.8    Mood of Verbs    591
           Verb Tenses,Voice, and Mood    594
           from Roots by Alex Haley
           Writing Application Using the Active Voice for Clearer Writing; Techniques  with Active Voice;
           Practice  599

Unit 16 Subject-Verb Agreement      600
16.1    Intervening Prepositional Phrases   601
16.2    Agreement with Linking Verbs   603
16.3    Agreement in Inverted Sentences    604
16.4    Agreement with Special Subjects    606
16.5    Agreement with Compound Subjects    608
16.6     Intervening Expressions   609
16.7     Indefinite Pronouns as Subjects   611
16.8     Agreement in Adjective Clauses   613
            Subject-Verb Agreement   616
            from The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett
            Writing Application Subject-Verb Agreement in Writing; Techniques with Subject-Verb
            Agreement; Practice   621

Unit 17 Using Pronouns Correctly     622
17.1    Case of Personal Pronouns   623
17.2    Pronouns with and as Appositives   626
17.3    Pronouns After Than and As    628
17.4    Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns   629
17.5    Who and Whom in Questions and Subordinate Clauses  630
17.6    Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement   632
17.7    Clear Pronoun Reference   637
           Using Pronouns Correctly   642
           from I Wonder As I Wander by Langston Hughes
           Writing Application Pronouns in Writing; Techniques with Pronouns; Practice   647
Unit 18 Using Modifiers Correctly    648
18.1    The Three Degrees of Comparison   649
18.2     Irregular Comparisons   651
18.3     Double Comparisons   654
18.4     Incomplete Comparisons    656
18.5     Good or Well; Bad or Badly    657
18.6     Double Negatives   658
18.7     Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers   660
            Using Modifiers Correctly    666
            from A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway
            Writing Application Modifiers in Writing; Techniques with Modifiers; Practice   671
Unit 19 Usage Glossary    672
19.0    Usage Glossary   673
           Usage Glossary   688
           Quotations About Freedom
           Writing Application Troublesome Words in Writing; Techniques for Troublesome
           Words; Practice   691
Unit 20 Capitalization   692
20.1     Capitalization of Sentences and  the Pronoun   693
20.2     Capitalization of Proper Nouns    696
20.3     Capitalization of Proper Adjectives  702
            Grammar Review Capitalization   708
            Writing Application Capitalization in Writing; Techniques with Capitalization; Practice   711
Unit 21 Punctuation,Abbreviations, and Numbers    712
21.1     The Period   713
21.2     The Exclamation Point   714
21.3     The Question Mark   715
21.4     The Colon   717
21.5     The Semicolon  720
21.6     The Comma  722
21.7     The Dash  731
21.8      Parentheses   732
21.9      Brackets and Ellipsis Points   734
21.10    Quotation Marks   735
21.11    Italics (Underlining)   739
21.12    The Apostrophe   741
21.13    The Hyphen   744
21.14    Abbreviations   747
21.15    Numbers and Numerals  749
             Punctuation  751

Part 3 Resources and Skills
Unit 22 History and Development of English   758
History and Development of English   758
Instruction and Practice
22.1     A Multicultural Linguistic Heritage   759
            BLENDS AND COMPOUNDS . 761
22.2     An African-English Creole   762
22.3     Immigration and American English  765
            CONTRONYMS   767
22.4     Regional American English   768
            PUSH- BUTTON WORDS   770
22.5     Impact of the Mass Media   771
            ARGOT   773

Unit 23 Library Resources    774
23.1     How to Locate Books and Other Library Materials 775
23.2     Reference Sources   779
23.3     The Internet   781

Unit 24 Using Dictionaries   783
Instruction and Practice
24.1     Varieties of Dictionaries   784
24.2     Kinds of Thesauruses   786

Unit 25 Vocabulary  788
25.1     Expanding Your Vocabulary   789
25.2     Analyzing Word Parts  792

Unit 26 Spelling    797
26.1     Mastering the Basics  798
26.2     Spelling Challenges   802

Unit 27 Study Skills    804
27.1     Boost Your Study Skills   805
27.2     Understanding Graphics    808

Unit 28 Taking Tests   811
28.1    Taking Essay Tests  812
28.2     Preparing for Standardized Tests  814
28.3     Standardized Test Items   816
28.4     Standardized Test Practice    822

Unit 29 Listening and Speaking   848
29.1     Listening Effectively and Critically   849
29.2     Speaking Effectively   852
29.3     Group Participation   855
29.4     Taking Part in an Interview   856

Unit 30 Viewing and Representing   858
30.1     Interpreting Visual Messages   859
30.2     Analyzing Media Messages   863
30.3     Producing Media Messages   865

Unit 31 Electronic Resources    869
31.1     Word Processing    870
31.2     Finding Information   877
31.3     Communicating Visually   882
31.4     Producing in Multimedia   887
            Writing and Language Glossary   890

Spanish Glossary   901
Index   914
Acknowledgments   929


Glencoe Weiter’s Choise Grammar and Compositions Grade 11 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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