Friday, October 24, 2014

Writer’s Choice Grammar abd Composition Grade 12 Interactive Student Edition

Writer’s Choice Grammar abd Composition Grade 12 Interactive Student Edition
Buku Ini  diterbitkan tahun 2009  oleh Glencoe  McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Judul:  Writer’s Choice Grammar abd Composition Grade 12 Interactive Student Edition
Oleh:  -
Penerbit:  Glencoe, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman: 972  hal.


Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 3 Bagian Utama. Setiap bagian mencakup beberapa unit dan Masing-masing unit dibahas secara rinci dalam topic-topik.
Bagian 1 Komposisi,  Unit 1 Menulis Pribadi,   Unit 2 Proses Menulis, Unit 3 Deskriptif Menulis, Unit 4 Menulis Narasi, Unit 5 Menulis Ekspositori, Unit Menulis 6 Persuasif, Unit 7 Menulis Laporan Penelitian,
Unit 8 Menggabungkan Kalimat, dan Unit 9 Troubleshooter.  Bagian 2 Grammar, Penggunaan, dan Mekanika. Bagian ini meliputi Unit 10 Bagian Speech , Unit 11 Bagian Kalimat tersebut , Unit 12 Frase, Unit 13 Klausul dan Struktur Kalimat, Unit 14 diagraming Kalimat, Unit 15 Bentuk Kata Verba, suara, dan mood, Unit 16  Kesepakatan Subjek-Verb, Unit 17 Menggunakan Kata ganti dengan benar, Unit 18 Menggunakan Pengubah dengan Benar, Unit 19 Penggunaan Istilah, Unit 20 Kapitalisasi, dan Unit 21 Tanda baca, Singkatan,  dan Numbers. Bagian 3 Sumber Daya dan Keterampilan mencakup Unit 22 Bahasa Inggris, Unit 23 Sumber Daya Perpustakaan, Unit 24 Menggunakan Kamus, Unit 25 Kosakata,  Unit 26 Spelling, Unit 27 Keterampilan Studi, Unit 28 Tes Essay dan Tes standar, Unit 29 Listening dan Speaking, Unit 30 Melihat dan Mewakili, Unit 31 Electronic Resources , Menulis dan Bahasa Istilah.  

Daftar Isi:

Part 1 Composition
Unit 1 Personal Writing  2

Writing in the Real World   4
from The Winged Seed: A Remembrance
Memoir by Li-Young Lee
Instruction and Practice
1.1  Writing as Self-Discovery  8
       Write a News Feature; Cross-Curricular Activity; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
1.2  Using a Journal   12
       Write a Contract; Cross-Curricular Activity; Listening and Speaking;
       Grammar Link
1.3  Learning with a Learning Log   16
      Write a Summary; Using Computers; Listening and Speaking;
       Grammar Link
1.4  Writing a College Application Essay  20
       Write an Essay; Using Computers; Listening and Speaking;
       Grammar Link
1.5  Writing a Résumé  24
       Write a Résumé; Cross-Curricular Activity; Collaborative Writing;
       Grammar Link
       Writing About Literature 1.6 Expressing Opinions About Literature   28
       Write a Book Review; Using Computers;Viewing and Representing;
       Grammar Link
       Writing About Literature 1.7 Creative Responses to Literature  32
       Writing a Parody; Cross-Curricular Activity;Viewing and Representing;
       Grammar Link
Unit 2 The Writing Process  50
Writing in the Real World  52
“This Land is Your Land—For Now”
Editorial from the Chicago Tribune
Instruction and Practice
2.1  An Overview of the Writing Process   56
       Write a Paragraph; Viewing and Representing;  Cross-Curricular Activity;
       Grammar Link
2.2   Prewriting: Finding a Topic  60
       Make a Cluster Diagram and Freewrite a Paragraph;
       Using Computers; Listening and Speaking;
       Grammar Link
2.3   Prewriting: Establishing Purpose and Audience 64
       Write a Thesis Statement; Listening and Speaking; Viewing and Representing;
       Grammar Link
2.4  Drafting: Ordering Your Thoughts   68
       Draft Your Introduction; Collaborative Writing; Viewing and Representing;
       Grammar Link
2.5  Drafting:Writing with Unity and Coherence   74
       Write a Draft; Cross-Curricular Activity; Viewing and Representing;
       Grammar Link
2.6   Revising: Checking Content and Structure  78
       Revise Your Essay;Viewing and Representing; Using Computers;
       Grammar Link
2.7  Revising: Replacing Clichés, Jargon, and Sexist Language   82
       Rewrite to Eliminate Clichés, Jargon, and Sexist Language;
       Collarborative Writing; Listening and Speaking; Using Computers;
       Grammar Link
2.8  Editing/Proofreading: Finalizing   86
       Do a Final Edit; Listening and Speaking; Cross-Curricular Activity;
       Grammar Link
2.9  Publishing/Presenting: Sharing Your Writing    90
       Present Your Work;Viewing and Representing;
       Using Computers; Grammar Link
       Writing About Literature
2.10  Analyzing Tone     94
       Analyze the Tone of Your Essay; Cross-Curricular Activity; Listening and Speaking;
       Grammar Link

Unit 3 Descriptive Writing   120
Writing in the Real World    122
Museum Exhibit
Multimedia Presentation for the Art Institute of Chicago
Instruction and Practice
3.1  Organizing Descriptions    126
       Write a Descriptive Paragraph; Using Computers; Collaborative Writing;
       Grammar Link
3.2   Writing a Unified and Coherent Description  132
       Write an Essay Describing a Photograph; Using Computers; Viewing and Representing;
       Grammar Link
3.3   Using Figurative Language    136
       Write a Descriptive Essay; Cross-Curricular Activity; Using Computers;
       Grammar Link
3.4  Using Analogies   140
       Write an Analogy; Using Computers; Listening and Speaking;
       Grammar Link
       Writing About Literature
3.5  Analyzing Imagery in Descriptive Writing   144
       Write an Essay Analyzing Imagery; Using Computers; Viewing and Representing;
       Grammar Link
       Writing Process in Action Descriptive Writing Project    148
       Write a vivid description of a scenic photograph of your area.
       • Prewriting • Drafting • Revising
       • Editing/Proofreading • Publishing/Presenting
       from The Road from Coorain by Jill Ker Conway   152
       Linking Writing and Literature Learning to Learn; Talk About Reading;
       Write About Reading    158

Unit 4 Narrative Writing   160
Writing in the Real World   162
from“The Awakening” TV Script by Steve Fayer
Instruction and Practice
4.1  Setting the Narrative Landscape  166
       Describe a Story Setting; Cross-Curricular Activity; Viewing and Representing;
       Grammar Link
4.2  Ordering Time in a Narrative   172
       Write a Personal Narrative; Collaborative Writing; Using Computers;
       Grammar Link
4.3  Building Narrative Suspense   176
       Write a Suspenseful Story; Cross-Curricular Activity; Speaking and Listening;
       Grammar Link
4.4  Using Point of View    180
       Rewrite a Fairy Tale or Fable; Speaking and Listening; Using Computers;
       Grammar Link
4.5  Writing a Short-Short Story   184
       Write a Short-Short Story; Cross-Curricular Activity; Listening and Speaking;
       Grammar Link
       Writing About Literature
4.6  Analyzing a Narrative for Film Adaptation   188
       Write a Scene; Using Computers;Viewing and Representing;
       Grammar Link
       Writing Process in Action Narrative Writing Project    192
       Write about an important “chapter” in your life.
       • Prewriting • Drafting • Revising
       • Editing/Proofreading • Publishing/Presenting from My Left Foot by Christy Brown   196
       Linking Writing and Literature Learning to Learn; Talk About Reading;Write About
           Reading    204
       Writing Across the Curriculum    205

Unit 5 Expository Writing    206
Writing in the Real World    208
from the Business Plan for “Gone Birding!”
Business Proposal by Alfred Wilson and Oliver Komar
Instruction and Practice
5.1  Writing an Expository Essay   212
       Write an Expository Essay; Listening and Speaking; Cross-Curricular Activity;
       Grammar Link
5.2  Writing Instructions   216
       Write a Feature Article; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
5.3  Explaining Causal Relationships   220
       Write a Cause-and-Effect Essay; Collaborative Writing; Cross-Curricular Activity; Grammar Link
5.4  Explaining by Using an Analogy   226
       Write an Analogy;Viewing and Representing; Cross-Curricular Activity; Grammar Link
5.5  Using Visuals That Speak   230
       Present Survey Results in a Visual; Using Computers;Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
5.6  Explaining Problems, Proposing Solutions   234
       Write a Problem-Solution Essay; Listening and Speaking; Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
5.7  Writing an Analysis  238
       Write an Analysis; Collaborative Writing; Using Computers; Grammar Link
5.8  Writing a Business Letter   244
       Write a Business Letter; Using Computers; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
5.9   Comparing and Contrasting Opinions   248
        Write a Comparison-and-Contrast Essay;Viewing and Representing; Using Computers; Grammar Link
        Writing About Literature
5.10 Comparing and Contrasting Biographies  252
        Write a Comparison-and-Contrast Essay; Using Computers; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
        Writing Process in Action Expository Writing Project   256
        Write an essay that explores the connections between an invention and its effects.
         • Prewriting • Drafting • Revising
         • Editing/Proofreading • Publishing/Presenting
        from“What’s That Pig Outdoors?” by Henry Kisor   260
        Linking Writing and Literature Learning to Learn; Talk About Reading;Write About Reading  266

Unit 6 Persuasive Writing    268
Writing in the Real World.   270
“Beige Badge of Courage”
Newspaper Column by Dave Barry
Instruction and Practice
6.1  Writing a Persuasive Essay   274
       Write an Editorial; Cross-Curricular Activity; Listening and
        Speaking; Grammar Link
6.2   Analyzing and Using Evidence   280
        Write a Persuasive Article; Cross-Curricular Activity; Grammar Link
6.3   Detecting Errors in Logic   284
        Write a Humorous Essay; Using Computers;Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
6.4   Using Inductive and Deductive Reasoning . . . . 288
        Write a Persuasive Paragraph; Cross-Curricular Activity; Using Computers; Grammar Link
6.5   Writing a Satirical Essay    294
        Write a Scene for a TV Show; Viewing and Representing;
        Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
6.6   Creating a Satirical Cartoon  298
        Create a Satirical Cartoon; Using Computers; Listening and Speaking; Grammar Link
        Writing About Literature 6.7 Analyzing a Critical Review   302
        Write a Comparative Essay; Using Computers;Viewing and Representing; Grammar Link
        Writing Process in Action Persuasive Writing Project   306
        Write about the importance of cultural characteristics to a person’s character.
        • Prewriting • Drafting • Revising
        • Editing/Proofreading • Publishing/Presenting
       “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan  310
       Linking Writing and Literature Learning to Learn; Talk About Reading;Write About
          Reading  316

Unit 7 Research Paper Writing   318
7.1  Prewriting: Planning and Researching  320
       Choose and Limit a Topic; Get the Big Picture; Identify
       Sources; Prepare a Working Bibliography; Take Notes
7.2  Prewriting: Developing an Outline  326
       Develop an Outline; Consider Alternative Forms of Organization; Develop a Thesis Statement
7.3  Drafting   330
       Write from an Outline; Manage Information; Draft Introductions and Conclusions
7.4  Citing Sources    334
       Document Information; Format Your Citations; Insert Parenthetical Documentation; Create
       Your  Works-Cited List
7.5  Revising   340
       Revise the Research Paper; Analyze a Revision; Revise a History Paper
7.6  Editing and Presenting: A Model Paper   344
       Use the Final Editing Checklist; Present Your Paper
       Czar and Commissar by Marie-Corrine Gilbert
       Writing Across the Curriculum   353

Unit 8 Sentence Combining  354
Style Through Sentence Combining   356
Varying Sentence Length and Structure; Using Parallelism, Interrupting Phrases, and Unusual Patterns for Emphasis
8.1  Descriptive Writing   360
8.2  Narrative Writing   364
8.3  Expository Writing     368
8.4  Persuasive Writing    372
8.5  Literature Exercises    375

Unit 9 Troubleshooter  378
9.1   Sentence Fragment    380
9.2   Run-on Sentence    382
9.3   Lack of Subject-Verb Agreement    384
9.4   Lack of Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement   388
9.5   Lack of Clear Pronoun Reference   390
9.6   Shift in Pronoun    392
9.7   Shift in Verb Tense   393
9.8   Incorrect Verb Tense or Form    394
9.9   Misplaced or Dangling Modifier    396
9.10  Missing or Misplaced Possessive Apostrophe    398
9.11  Missing Commas with Nonessential Element   400
9.12  Missing Commas in a Series    402
         Business and Technical Writing   404

Part 2  Grammar,Usage, and Mechanics
Unit 10 Parts of Speech   430

10.1  Nouns  431
10.2   Pronouns   437
10.3   Verbs    444
10.4   Adjectives   452
10.5   Adverbs   458
10.6   Prepositions   464
10.7   Conjunctions    467
10.8   Interjections   475
Parts of Speech    476
from Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Writing Application Conjunctions in Writing; Techniques with Conjunctions; Practice 483

Unit 11 Parts of the Sentence   484
11.1   Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates   485
11.2   Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates 486
11.3   Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates   488
11.4   Order of Subject and Predicate    491
11.5   Complements.   494
Parts of the Sentence    502
from Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
Writing Application Varying Sentences in Writing; Techniques for
Varying Sentences;   509

Unit 12 Phrases   510
12.1   Prepositional Phrases   511
12.2   Appositives and Appositive Phrases   513
12.3   Verbals and Verbal Phrases   515
12.4   Absolute Phrases   521
Phrases    523
from 1984 by George Orwell
Writing Application Phrases in Writing; Techniques with Phrases; Practice   531

Unit 13 Clauses and Sentence Structure 532
13.1   Main Clauses   533
13.2   Subordinate Clauses   534
13.3   Simple and Compound Sentences   535
13.4   Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences   537
13.5   Adjective Clauses   539
13.6   Adverb Clauses   542
13.7   Noun Clauses   543
13.8   Four Kinds of Sentences    546
13.9   Sentence Fragments   547
13.10 Run-on Sentences    548
Clauses and Sentence Structure    552
from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Writing Application Sentence Structure in Writing; Techniques with
Sentence Structure; Practice    559

Unit 14 Diagraming Sentences   560
14.1   Diagraming Simple Sentences    561
14.2   Diagraming Simple Sentences with Phrases     564
14.3   Diagraming Sentences with Clauses   567

Unit 15 Verb Tenses,Voice, and Mood   570
15.1   Principal Parts of Verbs    571
15.2   Regular and Irregular Verbs    572
15.3   Tense of Verbs     575
15.4   Perfect Tenses    579
15.5   Progressive and Emphatic Forms    583
15.6   Compatibility of Tenses    585
15.7   Voice of Verbs    587
15.8    Mood of Verbs    590
Verb Tenses,Voice, and Mood   592
from The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende
Writing Application Active Voice in Writing; Techniques with Active Voice; Practice    597

Unit 16 Subject-Verb Agreement    598
16.1   Intervening Prepositional Phrases    599
16.2   Agreement with Linking Verbs    601
16.3   Agreement in Inverted Sentences     602
16.4   Agreement with Special Subjects    604
16.5   Agreement with Compound Subjects    606
16.6   Intervening Expressions     608
16.7   Indefinite Pronouns as Subjects   609
16.8   Agreement in Adjective Clauses    611
Subject-Verb Agreement     614
from The Radiance of the King by Camara Laye
Writing Application Subject-Verb Agreement in Writing; Techniques
with Subject-Verb Agreement; Practice   619

Unit 17 Using Pronouns Correctly   620
17.1   Case of Personal Pronouns    621
17.2   Pronouns with and as Appositives    624
17.3   Pronouns After Than and As    626
17.4   Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns    627
17.5   Who and Whom in Questions and Subordinate Clauses  628
17.6   Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement    630
17.7   Clear Pronoun Reference    636
Using Pronouns Correctly    640
from The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Writing Application Pronoun Usage in Writing; Techniques with Pronoun
Usage; Practice   645

Unit 18 Using Modifiers Correctly    646
18.1   The Three Degrees of Comparison   647
18.2   Irregular Comparisons    649
18.3   Double Comparisons    652
18.4   Incomplete Comparisons.   653
18.5   Good or Well; Bad or Badly   655
18.6   Double Negatives   656
18.7   Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers    657
Using Modifiers Correctly    664
from The Kitchen God’s Wife by Amy Tan
Writing Application Using Modifiers in Writing; Techniques with Modifiers; Practice . . 669

Unit 19 Usage Glossary   670
19.1   Usage Glossary 671
Usage Glossary 
Quotations About Exploration
Writing Application Correct Expressions in Writing; Techniques
with Correct Expressions; Practice   689

Unit 20 Capitalization   690
20.1   Capitalization of Sentences and the Pronoun    691
20.2   Capitalization of Proper Nouns    694
20.3   Capitalization of Proper Adjectives  700
Capitalization    704
from A House for Mr Biswas by V. S.Naipaul
Writing Application Capitalization in Writing; Techniques with Capitalization; Practice 707

Unit 21 Punctuation,Abbreviations, and Numbers   708
21.1   The Period   709
21.2   The Exclamation Point   710
21.3   The Question Mark  711
21.4   The Colon   712
21.5   The Semicolon   714
21.6   The Comma   716
21.7   The Dash   725
21.8    Parentheses  726
21.9    Brackets.   728
21.10  Ellipsis Points  729
21.11  Quotation Marks   730
21.12  Italics (Underlining)   734
21.13  The Apostrophe   736
21.14  The Hyphen   739
21.15  Abbreviations   742
21.16  Numbers and Numerals   744
Punctuation,Abbreviations, and Numbers   746
from The Old Patagonian Express by Paul Theroux
Writing Application Punctuation,Abbreviations, and Numbers in Writing; Techniques
with Punctuation,Abbreviations, and Numbers; Practice  751
Part 3 Resources and Skills
Unit 22 The English Language  754

22.1   Language Universals   755
          C L I P S    757
22.2   Language Differences: Phonology  758
          MI X E D ME TA P H O R S   760
22.3   Language Differences: Grammar and Syntax.  761
22.4   English Throughout the World   764
          EMPTY LANGUAGE   766
22.5   A Lingua Franca   767
          S E C R E T LANGUAGES  769

Unit 23 Library Resources  770
23.1   Locating Books and Other Library Materials   771
23.2   Reference Sources   776
23.3   The Internet.   778

Unit 24 Using Dictionaries  779
24.1   Varieties of Dictionaries   780
24.2    Kinds of Thesauruses   782

Unit 25 Vocabulary   784
25.1    Analyzing Words in Context    785
25.2    Analyzing Word Parts    788

Unit 26 Spelling   793
26.1     Spelling Rules    794
26.2     Spelling Challenges   797

Unit 27 Study Skills . 800
27.1     Improving Your Study Habits   801
27.2     Evaluating Graphs and Diagrams   804

Unit 28 Essay Tests and Standardized Tests   807
28.1     Writing Essay Tests   808
28.2     Standardized Tests   810
28.3     Standardized Test Items   811
28.4     College Applications    816
28.5     Standardized Test Practice    818

Unit 29 Listening and Speaking    844
29.1     Improving Your Listening Skills    845
29.2     Improving Your Speaking Skills    848
29.3     Participating in Groups    851
29.4     Taking Part in Interviews    853

Unit 30 Viewing and Representing   854
30.1     Interpreting Visual Messages    855
30.2     Analyzing Media Messages    860
30.3     Creating Media Messages   862

Unit 31 Electronic Resources    865
31.1     Word Processing and the Writing Process    866
31.2     The Internet and Planning Your Future    868
31.3     Communicating Visually    873
31.4     Creating Multimedia Projects   877
            Writing and Language Glossary   882
Spanish Glossary   894
Index .


Writer’s Choice Grammar abd Composition Grade 12 Interactive Student Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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