Thursday, October 30, 2014

Glencoe Literature: The Reader’s Choise British Literature Interactive Student Edition

Glencoe Literature: The Reader’s Choise British Literature Interactive Student Edition
Buku ini pertama kali diterbitkan Tahun  1976  oleh  United States Copyright  Act.  Buku ini merupakan terbitan tahun 2002 oleh Glencoe McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Judul:  Glencoe Literature: The Reader’s Choise British Literature Interactive Student Edition
Pengarang: -
Penerbit:  The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc
Tahun: 2002
Jumlah Halaman: 1439  hal.


Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 6 Unit. UNIT ONE The Anglo-Saxon Periode dan Abad Pertengahan membahas
Tema 1 Heroic dan Humble.  UNIT  DUA The English Renaissance. Unit ini mencakup Tema 2 Cinta Buruh,  Tema 3 Ambisi dan Anguish, dan Tema 4 Inspirasi.  UNIT TIGA Pemulihan dan
Eighteenth Century
meliputi Tema 5 Kritik dan Satir dan Tema 6 Hidup Goes On. UNIT  EMPAT The Romantic Periode, mencakup Tema 7 Alam dan Fantastic dan Tema 8 Kebenaran dan Kecantikan. 
UNIT  LIMA The Victorian Age. Unit ini mengemukakan Tema 9 Responses Emosional dan Tema 10 Tayangan Abadi.  UNIT  ENAM The Twentieth Century  mencakup Tema 11 Ilusi dan Kekecewaan dan  Tema 12 Perspektif modern.

Daftar Isi:
Literary Maps     1
Guide to Active Reading Strategies   3
UNIT _ ONE  The Anglo-Saxon Period  and the Middle Ages 32
Theme 1 The Heroic and the Humble    41

    The Anglo-Saxon Period  41
    Introduction The Anglo-Saxon Period, 449–1066    42
    Literature Focus The Epic and the Epic Hero    46
    Anonymous from Beowulf  . . Epic . . .  .48
    Anonymous from Gilgamesh: The Death of Humbaba.. . . Epic. . .81
    Comparing Selections: from Beowulf and from Gilgamesh  .84
    Henry Beard Media Connection Grendel’s Dog, from Beocat. . Parody . . ..85
    Writing Skills Creating Mood    86
    Anonymous The Seafarer . . . Poem . .  .88
    Grammar Link Avoiding Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers   .94
    Cecile S. Holmes Media Connection Caedmon’s Call Releases CD . .  Newspaper article . .95
    The Venerable Bede from The Ecclesiastical History of the English People. . . Nonfiction ..98
    The Middle Ages
    Introduction The Middle Ages, 1066–1485    104
    Literature Focus The Ballad Tradition  108
    Anonymous Sir Patrick Spens. . . Poem . ..110
    Anonymous Bonny Barbara Allan. . Poem . ..112
    Anonymous Get Up and Bar the Door. . Poem . . 114
    Technology Skills Internet: Mentoring Younger Students   118
    Geoffrey Chaucer from The Canterbury Tales
    from The Prologue. . . Poem . . ..122
    from The Pardoner’s Tale. . . . Poem . ..147
    from The Wife of Bath’s Tale. . Poem . ..153
    Reading & Thinking Skills Understanding Cause-and-Effect Relationships    169
    Anonymous from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. . Romance . ..172
    Interdisciplinary Connection History: Knights in Shining Armor   190
    Listening, Speaking, and Viewing Debating   191
    Sir Thomas Malory from Le Morte d’Arthur. . Legend . . 194
    Vocabulary Skills Context Clues     203
    Margery Kempe from The Book of Margery Kempe  . Nonfiction . .. .205
    Literature Focus Miracle and Morality Plays    209
    Anonymous from Everyman  . . Drama . . .   .211
    Writing Workshop Narrative Writing: Short Story   226
    Unit Assessment    230
    Standardized Test Practice .  .232

UNIT _ TWO The English Renaissance 234
Theme 2 Love’s Labour’s     243

    Literature Focus The Sonnet    244
    Sir Thomas Wyatt Whoso List to Hunt. . Poem . ..247
    The Lover Showeth How He Is Forsaken  . . Poem . . . 248
    Elizabeth I On Monsieur’s Departure. Poem . ..251
    Interdisciplinary Connection History: Elizabeth I: Master Politician. .253
    Edmund Spenser Sonnet 30. Poem . ..257
    Sonnet 75 . . Poem . . . 257
    Rabindranath Tagore 1996  . . Poem . . . 261
    Comparing Selections: Sonnet 75 and 1996    264
    Grammar Link Avoiding Incorrect Verb Tense   265
    Technology Skills E-mail: Project Collaboration    266
    Sir Philip Sidney Sonnet 31. . Poem . . ..269
    Sonnet 39 . . Poem . . . . .270
    Bill Watterson Media Connection Calvin and Hobbes. . Comic strip . . . .272
    Sir Francis Bacon Of Studies. . Nonfiction . . . . .274
    Roger Ebert Media Connection He Said, She Said. . Film review . . . . .277
    Christopher Marlowe The Passionate Shepherd to His Love. . . Poem . . . . .280
    Sir Walter Raleigh The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd. . Poem . . 281
    Listening, Speaking, and Viewing Readers Theater  . . .283
    William Shakespeare Sonnet 116. . Poem . . .  .287
    Sonnet 130. . . Poem . . . . 288
    Sonnet 73. . Poem ..290
    Sonnet 29  . . . Poem . .. .291
    Fear No More the Heat o’ the Sun. . . Song . . ..293
    Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind. . . Song . ..294
    Writing Workshop Expository Writing: Analyzing a Poem. . . .296

Theme 3 Ambition and Anguish    301
    Literature Focus Shakespeare’s Theater    302
    Media Connection Proper Elizabethan Accents  . . Web site . . .304
    William Shakespeare The Tragedy of Macbeth  . . . Drama . . . .306
    Pablo Neruda Sonnet LX. . . Poem . . . .391
    Comparing Selections: The Tragedy of Macbeth and Sonnet LX . .394
    Reading & Thinking Skills Comparing and Contrasting   395
    Writing Workshop Persuasive Writing: Essay  .396

Theme 4 Inspirations    401   
    from Genesis, from the King James Bible. . . Sacred text . 403
    Psalm 23, from the King James Bible. . Sacred text ..407
    Aemilia Lanyer Eve’s Apology. . Poem . . 411
    Literature Focus The Metaphysical Poets    413
    John Donne Song. . . Poem . . . .  416
    A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning. . Poem . .   418
    Death Be Not Proud. . Poem . . . 420
    Meditation 17  . Nonfiction . . 422
    Leo Tolstoy The Long Exile. . Short story . . 427
    Comparing Selections: Meditation 17 and The Long Exile   435
    Vocabulary Skills Understanding Analogies   436
    Ben Jonson On My First Son. . Poem . . ..439
    Song: To Celia.. . . Poem . . 439
    Literature Focus The Cavalier Poets   441
    Media Connection Dead Poets Society . Screenplay . . .442
    Robert Herrick To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time. . Poem . 444
    Sir John Suckling The Constant Lover. . Poem . . 447
    Why So Pale and Wan, Fond Lover?. . . Poem . . . .448
    Richard Lovelace To Lucasta, Going to the Wars. . Poem . .  451
    To Althea, from Prison. . Poem . ..452
    Alberto Betancourt Media Connection Task Force Leaves for Bosnia. . . Newspaper article ..454
    Andrew Marvell To His Coy Mistress. . Poem . . 456
    Literature Focus The Puritans    459
    John Milton How Soon Hath Time . Poem . .   462
    When I Consider How My Light Is Spent. . Poem . ..462
    from Paradise Lost .. Epic . . 464
    Writing Skills Word Choice   475
    John Bunyan from The Pilgrim’s Progress .. . Fiction ..477
    Writing Workshop Creative Writing: Poem    484
    Unit Assessment  .488
    Standardized Test Practice    490

UNIT _ THREE The Restoration and the  Eighteenth Century  492
Theme 5 Criticism and Satire   503

    Literature Focus The Essay   504
    John Dryden from An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. . Nonfiction .. .507
    John Sebastian Media Connection Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?. . Song . ..511
    Aphra Behn On Her Loving Two Equally. . Poem . . 514
    Jonathan Swift A Modest Proposal. . . Nonfiction . ..518
    from Gulliver’s Travels
    from A Voyage to Lilliput. . . . Fiction . . .. .527
    from A Voyage to Brobdingnag. . . Fiction . . . 531
    Interdisciplinary Connection Psychology: Dream Analysis  537
    Alexander Pope Epigrams. . . Poem . . . ..540
    from An Essay on Man. . Poem .. .542
    The Raven and the Fox.. . Fable . 546
    Comparing Selections: from An Essay on Man and The Raven and the   548
    Ann Landers Media Connection Rules for Raising Children . . Newspaper advice column . .549
    Lady Mary Wortley  Montagu Letter to Her Daughter… Nonfiction .. .551
    Vocabulary Skills Understanding Denotation and Connotation .. .557
    Reading & Thinking Skills Identifying the Author’s Purpose  .558
    Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele from The Spectator.. Nonfiction .. .561
    Writing Workshop Narrative Writing: Personal Narrative  566

Theme 6 Life Goes On   571
    from The Diary of Samuel Pepys. . Nonfiction . . 574
    Joan Didion from On Keeping a Notebook. . Nonfiction . ..583
    Comparing Selections: from The Diary of Samuel Pepys and from On Keeping a Notebook   586
    Laurie Garrett Media Connection The Most Dangerous Virus in the World .. . Magazine article ..587
    Daniel Defoe from A Journal of the Plague Year . .. Fiction . . . . . . . .590
    Technology Skills Word Processing: Creating a Professional Résumé  596
    Thomas Gray Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard . .. . Poem . . ..600
    Richard Curtis and Ben Elton Media Connection Ink and Incapability . . Television screenplay . . .606
    Samuel Johnson from A Dictionary of the English Language. . . Nonfiction ..609
    Letter to Lord Chesterfield . . . Nonfiction . . 613
    Grammar Link Avoiding Unclear Pronoun Reference   617
    James Boswell from The Life of Samuel Johnson. . Nonfiction . . . .620
    Listening, Speaking, and Viewing Listening Effectively    628
    Fanny Burney from The Diary of Fanny Burney. . Nonfiction . . . .631
    Writing Skills Writing Dialogue    641
    Writing Workshop Creative Writing: Screenplay   642
    Unit Assessment    646
    Standardized Test Practice    648

UNIT _ FOUR  The Romantic Period 650
Theme 7 The Natural and the Fantastic   661

    A Poison Tree. . Poem . ..664
    The Lamb .. . Poem . ..665
    The Tyger. . Poem . . .. .666
    Vocabulary Skills Dictionary Skills: Pronunciation Guides   669
    John Anderson, My Jo. . . Poem ..672
    To a Mouse  . . . Poem . . . . .673
    Writing Skills Organizing Ideas    676
    Media Connection In Memory of William Moulton Marston (d. 1947), Creator of
            Wonder Woman. . Web site . ..677
    Mary Wollstonecraft from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.. . Nonfiction ..679
    Listening, Speaking, and Viewing Evaluating Persuasive
    Techniques in Media: Advertising   685
    William Wordsworth The World Is Too Much with Us.. . Poem .. .688
    It Is a Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free . . . Poem . ..689
    My Heart Leaps Up. . . Poem . .. .689
    Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey .. . Poem . .. .691
    Rainer Maria Rilke For the Sake of a Single Poem,
    from The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. . Fiction . .. .699
    Comparing Selections: Lines Composed a Few Miles Above
    Tintern Abbey and For the Sake of a Single Poem,
    from The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge  701
    Technology Skills Multimedia: The Hypertext Research Paper   702
    Dorothy Wordsworth from The Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth . .. . Nonfiction .. .705
    Reading & Thinking Skills Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion   707
    Literature Focus Narrative Poetry   708
    Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kubla Khan. . Poem . .. .711
    The Rime of the Ancient Mariner . .. . Poem . . . . . . .714
    Isak Dinesen The Blue Jar. .. Short story . . . . .739
    Comparing Selections: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and The Blue Jar  742
    Grammar Link Making Subjects and Verbs Agree   743
    Media Connection Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature  . On-line exhibition . . .744
    Mary Shelley from The Introduction to Frankenstein . . .. Nonfiction. .746
    Writing Workshop Business Writing: A Letter of Complaint   752

Theme 8 Truth and Beauty   757
    Media Connection Into Cold Water: Talks with Sebastian Junger . . Interview .. .758
    George Gordon, Lord Byron from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage . . . .. . Poem .. .761
    She Walks in Beauty. . Poem . .. .763
    Rick Gore Media Connection Ramses the Great. . Magazine article . . .765
    Percy Bysshe Shelley Ozymandias. . .. . Poem . . ..768
    Ode to the West Wind. . . Poem . ..770
    To a Skylark .. . Poem . . ..773
    Interdisciplinary Connection Science/Ornithology: Bird-Watching: A Lifetime Hobby .779
    John Keats La Belle Dame sans Merci. Poem . .. .782
    When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be .. . Poem . .. .784
    Ode on a Grecian Urn. . . Poem . . .. .786
    To Autumn . . .. . Poem . . .. .788
    Bash¯o Haiku for Four Seasons. . Poem . .. .793
    Comparing Selections: To Autumn and Haiku for Four Seasons. . .795
    Writing Workshop Personal Writing: Reflective Essay .. . .796
    Unit Assessment. . . . . .800
    Standardized Test Practice  .802

UNIT _ FIVE  The Victorian Age 804
Theme 9 Emotional Responses   815

    from In Memoriam A. H. H.. . . . Poem . . .. .818
    Crossing the Bar.. . Poem . . ..822
    Tears, Idle Tears from The Princess. . . . . . . Poem . . . . . . .823
    Ulysses . . . . .. . . . . Poem . . . . . . .825
    Eric Clapton and Martin Sharp Media Connection Tales of Brave Ulysses .. Song . ..829
    Grammar Link Using Commas with Nonessential Elements . . .. . . . .830
    Elizabeth Barrett Browning Sonnet 43. .. . . Poem. .832
    Edna St. Vincent Millay Love Is Not All: It Is Not Meat nor Drink . . . Poem . . . . . . .835
    Comparing Selections: Sonnet 43 and Love Is Not All: It Is Not Meat nor Drink  837
    Technology Skills Active Reading Strategies for Electronic Texts   838
    Robert Browning My Last Duchess .. . Poem . .. .842
    Porphyria’s Lover. . Poem . ..844
    Matthew Arnold Dover Beach. . . Poem . .. .849
    Writing Skills Achieving Variety by Combining Sentences  .851
    Dante Gabriel Rossetti Silent Noon. . . Poem .. .854
    Christina Rossetti A Birthday. . Poem . ..854
    Vocabulary Skills Using Latin Word Parts  .856
    Lewis Carroll Jabberwocky. . Poem . ..858
    Frank Jacobs Media Connection Joystick Jabberwocky . Parody . . .860
    Reading & Thinking Skills Questioning    861
    Writing Workshop Expository Writing: Comparison-Contrast Essay   862

Theme 10 Lasting Impressions   867
    The Darkling Thrush. . Poem . .. .870
    The Man He Killed. . . . Poem .. . .871
    “Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?”.. Poem . .. .872
    Media Connection Roadside Pet Cemetery.. . Web site .. . .875
    Listening, Speaking, and Viewing Making a Persuasive Speech   .876
    Gerard Manley Hopkins Pied Beauty. . . Poem .. . .878
    Spring and Fall: To a Young Child . . Poem . . ..878
    Gabriela Mistral Time .. . Poem ..881
    Comparing Selections: Spring and Fall: To a Young Child and Time   884
    Interdisciplinary Connection Art: Impressionism   885
    Media Connection To an Athlete Dying Young. . . Magazine article . . . . .886
    A. E. Housman To an Athlete Dying Young . . Poem . . . .. .888
    When I Was One-and-Twenty . . . Poem . . .. .889
    Literature Focus The Short Story    891
    Rudyard Kipling Miss Youghal’s Sais .. Short story . .. .894
    Writing Workshop Expository Writing: Critical Essay   .900
    Unit Assessment     904
    Standardized Test Practice   906

UNIT _ SIX  The Twentieth Century 908
Theme 11 Illusion and Disillusion   919

    Pygmalion. . Drama . .. .922
    Alan Jay Lerner Media Connection Why Can’t the English?. . . Song .. .999
    Writing Skills Elaborating on an Idea .. . . .1000
    Rupert Brooke The Soldier .. . Poem . .. .1003
    Wilfred Owen Dulce et Decorum Est. . Poem . .. .1004
    Siegfried Sassoon Dreamers . .. . . Poem . ..1005
    Joseph Conrad The Lagoon. .. . Short story . .. .1010
    William Butler Yeats The Lake Isle of Innisfree . . . Poem .. . .1024
    When You Are Old .. . Poem . . .1024
    The Wild Swans at Coole . . . . Poem . .. . .1026
    Sailing to Byzantium. . . .. . Poem . ..1027
    An Irish Airman Foresees His Death .. Poem . . 1029
    The Second Coming . . Poem . ..1030
    D. H. Lawrence The Rocking-Horse Winner . .. . Short story .. .1036
    James Joyce Araby. . .. . Short story .. .1052
    Frank O’Connor The Duke’s Children . . . .. . . Short story ..1061
    T. S. Eliot Preludes . . . Poem . . 1074
    The Hollow Men . . . Poem . . . 1076
    Ani DiFranco Media Connection Not a Pretty Girl . .. . . Song .. . .1082
    Virginia Woolf from A Room of One’s Own .. . Nonfiction .. . .1085
    Stevie Smith Not Waving but Drowning .. . . Poem . .. .1091
    Pretty. . .. . . Poem .. . . .1092
    Vocabulary Skills Dictionary Skills: Etymologies .. . . .1095
    A Cup of Tea . .. . Short story .. . .1097
    Bessie Head Village People . .. . Short story . . . . .1106
    Comparing Selections: A Cup of Tea and Village People   1110
    Grammar Link Avoiding Run-On Sentences    1111
    Winston Churchill Be Ye Men of Valor . . .. . Nonfiction .. .1113
    Elizabeth Bowen The Demon Lover.. . Short story . . .1119
    Writing Workshop Descriptive Writing: Character Description   1128

Theme 12 Modern Perspectives    1133
    Shocking Accident .. . . Short story . .. .1135
    Listening, Speaking, and Viewing Critiquing Media Coverage   1141
    W. H. Auden Musée des Beaux Arts . . . .. . Poem .. .1144
    Their Lonely Betters. . . .. Poem . . 1145
    Stephen Spender What I Expected . . .. . Poem . ..1150
    Henry Reed Naming of Parts . . .. . Poem . .. .1152
    Dylan Thomas Fern Hill . . . . . .. Poem . . ..1156
    Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night . . .. Poem .. . .1158
    The Force That Through the Green Fuse  Drives the Flower . . . Poem . . ..1159
    George Orwell Shooting an Elephant .. . Nonfiction .. .1164
    Yuan Qiongqiong Empty Seat . . .. . Short story . .. .1173
    Comparing Selections: Shooting an Elephant and Empty Seat   1176
    Media Connection FAQs About Desert Locusts . .. . FAQ . .. . .1177
    Doris Lessing A Mild Attack of Locusts . . .. . Short story .. . .1179
    Nadine Gordimer The Train from Rhodesia . . . Short story . . .. .1189
    Media Connection Zimbabwe Home to
    Some of the World’s Finest Sculpture . . Radio transcript . . . .1195
    Chinua Achebe Dead Men’s Path. . . .. . Short story . .. .1197
    Reading & Thinking Skills Paraphrasing   1202
    from Omeros  . . Poem . . .. .1204
    from Tales of the Islands. . . .. . . Poem . . .. .1206
    Technology Skills Spreadsheet: Estimating Expenses . .. . .1208
    V. S. Naipaul B. Wordsworth . ... . Short story . .. .1211
    E. A. Markham Mammie’s Form at the Post Office .. . Short story . . . .1219
    Interdisciplinary Connection Mathematics: Understanding Rates of Exchange  1224
    Anita Desai Games at Twilight. . . . Short story . . . . . .1226
    Wole Soyinka Telephone Conversation .. . . Poem . . . . . . . .1235
    Janet Frame Two Sheep. .. . . Fable . . .. .1239
    Seamus Heaney Follower. . Poem . . .. .1246
    Ted Hughes Wind . . . . . . Poem . . .. .1248
    Harold Pinter That’s All . .. . . Drama . . . . . . .1251
    Writing Workshop Expository Writing: Research Report. . .1254
    Unit Assessment .. .1258
    Standardized Test Practice   1260


Glencoe Literature: The Reader’s Choise British Literature Interactive Student Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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