Thursday, October 30, 2014

Introduction to Physical Science

Introduction to Physical Science
Buku ini  diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 2008 oleh McGraw-Hill Companie Inc.

Judul:   Introduction to Physical Science
Oleh:  Patricia Horton, et al
Penerbit:  Mcgraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman: 823  hal.

Patricia Horton
Mathematics and Science Teacher
Summit Intermediate School  Etiwanda, CA
Deborah Lillie
Math and Science Writer
Sudbury, MA
Thomas McCarthy, PhD
Science Department Chair
St. Edward’s School Vero Beach, FL
Eric Werwa, PhD
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Otterbein College
Westerville, OH
Dinah Zike
Educational Consultant
Dinah-Might Activities, Inc.
San Antonio, TX
Margaret K. Zorn
Science Writer Yorktown, VA
Cathy Ezrailson
Science Department Head
Academy for Science and Health Professions
Conroe, TX
Nicholas Hainen
Chemistry/Physics Teacher, Retired
Worthington City Schools
Worthington, OH

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 7 Unit utama. Masing-masing Unit terdiri atas Bab-bab. Selanjutnya setiap Bab dibahas secara rinci menjadi seksi-seksi yang dilengkapi dengan kegiatan Lab. Unit 1 The Nature of Science mencakup Bab 1 The Nature of Science  dan Bab 2 Pengukuran. 
Unit 2  Zat, Unit ini meliputi pembahasan  Bab 3 Atom, Elements, dan Tabel Periodik , Bab 4  Himpunan Zat, dan Bab 5 Sifat Zat dan Perubahan. Unit 3 Kimia meliputi pembahasan  Bab 6 Struktur Atom dan Ikatan Kimia, Bab 7 Reaksi Kimia,  Bab 8 Zat, Campuran, dan Kelarutan, dan Bab 9  Kimia Karbon.
Unit 4 Gerak dan Gaya, mencakup pembahasan Bab 10 Gerak dan Momentum, Bab 11  Gaya dan Hukum Newton, dan Bab 12 Angkatan dan Fluids. Unit 5 Energi meliputi pembahasan Bab 13 Energi dan Sumber Daya Energi, Bab 14 Kerja dan Pesawat Sederhana, Bab 15 Energi  Panas. Unit 6  Gelombang, Bunyi, dan Cahaya mencakup pembahasan Bab 16 Gelombang, Bab 17 Suara,  Bab 18 Gelombang Elektromagnetik, dan Bab 19 Cahaya, Cermin, dan Lensa. Terakhir Unit 7 Listrik dan Magnet mencakup
Bab 20 Listrik,  Bab 21 Magnetism, dan  Bab 22 Elektronika dan Komputer.

Daftar Isi:
Unit 1 The Nature of Science  2

Chapter 1 The Nature of Science  4
    Section 1     What is science?  6
    Section 2     Science in Action  12
    Section 3     Models in Science  21
    Section 4     Evaluating Scientific Explanation  27
                       Lab What is the right answer?  31
                       Lab Identifying Parts of an Investigation  32
Chapter 2 Measurement   40
    Section 1     Description and Measurement   42
    Section 2     SI Units  50
                        Lab Scale Drawing  55
    Section 3     Drawings, Tables, and Graphs 56
                        Lab: Design Your Own
                        Pace Yourself  60

Unit 2 Matter    68
Chapter 3 Atoms, Elements, and the Periodic Table   70
    Section 1     Structure of Matter   72
    Section 2     The Simplest Matter   80
                    Lab Elements and the Periodic Table   86
    Section 3     Compounds and Mixtures    87
                    Lab Mystery Mixture   92
Chapter 4 States of Matter   100
    Section 1     Matter   102
    Section 2     Changes of State  107
                        Lab The Water Cycle  115
    Section 3     Behavior of Fluids  116
                        Lab: Design Your Own
                        Design Your Own Ship   124
Chapter 5 Matter—Properties and Changes   132
    Section 1     Physical Properties   134
    Section 2     Chemical Properties   139
    Section 3     Physical and Chemical Changes   143
                        Lab Sunset in a Bag   149
                        Lab: Design Your Own
                        Homemade pH Scale  150

Unit 3 Chemistry   158
Chapter 6 Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonds  160

    Section 1     Why do atoms combine?  162
    Section 2     How Elements Bond  170
                        Lab Ionic Compounds  179
                        Lab: Model and Invent
                        Atomic Structure    180
Chapter 7 Chemical Reactions   188
    Section 1     Chemical Formulas and Equations  190
    Section 2     Rates of Chemical Reactions  200
                        Lab Physical or Chemical Change?  207
                        Lab: Design Your Own
                        Exothermic or Endothermic?  208
Chapter 8 Substances,Mixtures, and Solubility  216
    Section 1     What is a solution?  218
    Section 2     Solubility  224
                        Lab Observing Gas Solubility  231
    Section 3     Acidic and Basic Solutions  232
                        Lab Testing pH Using Natural Indicators  240
Chapter 9 Carbon Chemistry  248
    Section 1     Simple Organic Compounds   250
    Section 2     Other Organic Compounds   257
                        Lab Conversion of Alcohols  261
    Section 3     Biological Compounds  262
                        Lab Looking for Vitamin C   270

 Unit 4 Motion and Forces   278
Chapter 10 Motion and Momentum   280

    Section 1     What is motion?   282
    Section 2     Acceleration   288
    Section 3     Momentum  293
                        Lab Collisions   299
                        Lab: Design Your Own
                        Car Safety Testing   300
Chapter 11 Force and Newton’s Laws   308
    Section 1     Newton’s First Law  310
    Section 2     Newton’s Second Law  316
    Section 3     Newton’s Third Law  323
                        Lab Balloon Races  329
                        Lab: Design Your Own
                        Modeling Motion in Two Directions  330
Chapter 12 Forces and Fluids   338
    Section 1     Pressure   340
    Section 2     Why do objects float?   348
                        Lab Measuring Buoyant Force   355
    Section 3     Doing Work with Fluids  356
                        Lab Barometric Pressure and Weather   362

Unit 5 Energy  370
Chapter 13 Energy and Energy Resources   372

    Section 1     What is energy?   374
    Section 2     Energy Transformations  379
                        Lab Hearing with Your Jaw   386
    Section 3     Sources of Energy   387
                       Lab: Use the Internet
                       Energy to Power Your Life  396

Chapter 14 Work and Simple Machines   404
    Section 1     Work and Power   406
                        Lab Building the Pyramids   411
    Section 2     Using Machines   412
    Section 3     Simple Machines   417
                        Lab Pulley Power   424
Chapter 15 Thermal Energy  432
    Section 1     Temperature and Thermal Energy  434
    Section 2     Heat   438
                       Lab Heating Up and Cooling Down   444
    Section 3     Engines and Refrigerators  445
                       Lab: Design Your Own
                       Comparing Thermal Insulators  450

Unit 6 Waves, Sound, and Light   458
Chapter 16 Waves   460

    Section 1     What are waves?   462
    Section 2     Wave Properties   467
                        Lab Waves on a Spring  472
    Section 3     Wave Behavior   473
                        Lab: Design Your Own Wave Speed   480
Chapter 17 Sound    488
    Section 1     What is sound?  490
                        Lab Observe and Measure Reflection of Sound   500
    Section 2     Music   501
                        Lab: Design Your Own Music   510
Chapter 18 Electromagnetic Waves   518
    Section 1     The Nature of Electromagnetic  Waves  520
    Section 2     The Electromagnetic Spectrum  525
                        Lab Prisms of Light   534
    Section 3     Using Electromagnetic Waves   535
                        Lab: Design Your Own
                        Spectrum Inspection  540
Chapter 19 Light,Mirrors, and Lenses  548
    Section 1     Properties of Light   550
    Section 2     Reflection and Mirrors  555
                       Lab Reflection from a Plane Mirror   561
    Section 3     Refraction and Lenses    562
    Section 4     Using Mirrors and Lenses  567
                        Lab Image Formation by a Convex Lens   572

Unit 7 Electricity and Magnetism   580
Chapter 20 Electricity  582

    Section 1     Electric Charge  584
    Section 2     Electric Current   591
    Section 3     Electric Circuits   596
                        Lab Current in a Parallel Circuit   603
                        Lab A Model for Voltage and Current   604
Chapter 21 Magnetism   612
    Section 1     What is magnetism?   614
                        Lab Make a Compass   620
    Section 2     Electricity and Magnetism   621
                        Lab How does an electric motor work?     632
Chapter 22 Electronics and Computers   640
    Section 1     Electronics   642
                        Lab Investigating Diodes   648
    Section 2     Computers   649
                        Lab: Use the Internet
                        Does your computer have a virus?  660
Student Resources—668
Science Skill Handbook—670
Scientific Methods  670
Safety Symbols   679
Safety in the Science Laboratory   680
Extra Try at Home Labs—682
Technology Skill Handbook—693
Computer Skills   693
Presentation Skills   696
Math Skill Handbook—697
Math Review    697
Science Applications  .707
Reference Handbook—712
Periodic Table of the Elements 712
English/Spanish Glossary—714
In Brief
Contents In Brief


Introduction to Physical Science Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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