Thursday, October 23, 2014

Legal Guide for Starting & Running A Small Business 10th Edition

Legal Guide for Starting & Running A Small Business 10th Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan pertama kali pada tahun 1992  Oleh Fred Steingold. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED . Printed in the u.s.a. Kemudian berturut-turut diterbitkan lagi tahun 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, dan buku ini terbit tahun 2008 merupakan edisi 10.

Judul:  Legal Guide for Starting & Running A Small Business 10th Edition
Oleh:  Attorney Fred S. Steingold
Penerbit: University of Texas Press, Austin
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman: 486  hal.


Anttoorney Fred S. Steingold praktek hukum di Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dia mewakili dan menyarankan banyak usaha kecil. Dia adalah penulis Legal Forms for Starting & Running a Small Business
(Nolo), The Employer's Legal Handbook (Nolo),. Kolom bulanan, The Legal Advisor, dibawa oleh lebih dari 30 publikasi perdagangan di seluruh negeri.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini akan membantu Anda mengambil kunci pencegahan langkah-langkah yang secara dramatis akan mengurangi jumlah kunjungan mahal ke Kantor Pengacara. Anda akan tahu persis di mana Anda mungkin rentan terhadap tuntutan hukum sehingga Anda dapat dengan bijak mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengurangi risiko. Dan Anda akan tahu ketika masuk akal untuk memanggil seorang pengacara atau pro pajak untuk bantuan khusus sebelum masalah kecil berubah menjadi masalah besar. Anda akan dapat menghabiskan waktu Anda pada apa yang benar-benar penting: menjalankan
bisnis yang sukses dan sehat.

Daftar Isi
Your Legal Companion for  Starting and Running a Small Business  1
1    Which Legal Form Is Best for Your Business?  3
       Sole Proprietorships    6
       Partnerships    9
       Corporations    12
       Limited Liability Companies    23
       Choosing Between a Corporation and an LLC    26
       Special Structures for Special Situations   28
2     Structuring a Partnership Agreement    35
       Why You Need a Written Agreement     36
       An Overview of Your Partnership Agreement   37
       Changes in Your Partnership   46
3     Creating a Corporation    49
       The Structure of a Corporation    50
       Financing Your Corporation   53
       Compensating Yourself   54
       Do You Need a Lawyer to Incorporate?    55
       Overview of Incorporation Procedures   56
       Twelve Basic Steps to Incorporate    57
       After You Incorporate    65
       Safe Business Practices for Your Corporation    65
4     Creating a Limited Liablity Company  .71
       Number of Members Required   72
       Management of an LLC   73
       Financing an LLC   73
       Compensating Members   75
       Choosing a Name   76
       Paperwork for Setting Up an LLC   77
       After You Form Your LLC     81
       Safe Business Practices for Your LLC   82
5     Preparing for Ownership Changes With a Buyout Agreement    87
       Major Benefits of Adopting a Buyout Agreement    89
       Where to Put Your Buyout Provisions   93
       When to Create a Buyout Agreement   94
6     Naming Your Business and Products  .95
       Business Names: An Overview   98
       Mandatory Name Procedures   100
       Trademarks and Service Marks   103
       Strong and Weak Trademarks    104
       How to Protect Your Trademark   105
       Name Searches   106
7     Licenses and Permits   .111
       Federal Registrations and Licenses   113
       State Requirements    114
       Regional Requirements    116
       Local Requirements   116
       How to Deal With Local Building and Zoning Officials    119
8     Tax Basics for the Small Business   121
       Employer Identification Number   122
       Becoming an S Corporation   126
       Business Taxes in General   127
       Business Deductions    133
       Tax Audits    139
9     Raising Money for Your Business   143
       Consider Writing a Business Plan   144
       Two Types of Outside Financing    147
       Thirteen Common Sources of Money    153
       Document All of the Money You Receive   158
10   Buying a Business     163
       Finding a Business to Buy   165
       What’s the Structure of the Business You Want to Buy?    166
       Gathering Information About a Business   170
       Valuing the Business   172
       Other Items to Investigate  174
       Letter of Intent to Purchase  177
       The Sales Agreement  179
       The Closing.   187
       Selling a Business 188
11   Franchises: How Not to Get Burned    193
       What Is a Franchise? 195
       The Downsides of Franchise Ownership    196
       Investigating a Franchise    200
       The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular   201
       The Franchise Agreement   207
       Resolving Disputes With Your Franchisor   211
12   Insuring Your Business   213
       Working With an Insurance Agent  214
       Property Coverage   216
       Liability Insurance   220
       Other Insurance to Consider   224
       Saving Money on Insurance  .226
       Making a Claim  228
13   Negotiating a Favorable Lease   231
       Finding a Place    233
       Leases and Rental Agreements: An Overview   233
       Short-Term Leases (Month-to-Month Rentals)  234
       Written Long-Term Leases   .235
       Additional Clauses to Consider  247
       Shopping Center Leases   .248
       How to Modify a Lease  .250
       Landlord-Tenant Disputes   250
       Getting Out of a Lease   .252
       When You Need Professional Help  253
14   Home-Based Business   255
       Zoning Laws   256
       Private Land Use Restrictions.   261
       Insurance   262
       Deducting Expenses for the Business Use of Your Home  264
15   Employees and Independent Contractors    269
       Hiring Employees  .271
       Job Descriptions   274
       Job Advertisements  275
       Job Applications   275
       Interviews   .276
       Testing    279
       Background Checks    288
       Immigration Law Requirements   290
       Personnel Practices   .290
       Illegal Discrimination   291
       Wages and Hours   293
       Occupational Safety and Health   297
       Workers’ Compensation  .297
       Termination of Employment   298
       Unemployment Compensation    300
       Independent Contractors    301
16   The Importance of Excellent Customer Relations  .311
       Developing Your Customer Satisfaction Policy   313
       Telling Customers About Your Policies    315
17   Legal Requirements for Dealing With Customers   317
       Advertising   318
       Retail Pricing and Return Practices   321
       Warranties   325
       Consumer Protection Statutes    330
       Dealing With Customers Online    331
18   Cash, Credit Cards, and Checks   335
       Cash   336
       Credit Cards   336
       Checks   338
19   Extending Credit and Getting Paid    343
       The Practical Side of Extending Credit  .344
       Laws That Regulate Consumer Credit   349
       Becoming a Secured Creditor    350
       Collection Problems   351
       Collection Options   355
20   Put It in Writing: Small Business Contracts   357
       What Makes a Valid Contract   359
       Unfair or Illegal Contracts   361
       Misrepresentation, Duress, or Mistake  361
       Must a Contract Be in Writing?   362
       Writing Business-to-Business Contracts  366
       Signing Your Contracts   369
       Enforcing Contracts in Court  372
       What Can You Sue For? 374
21   The Financially Troubled Business   377
       Thinking Ahead to Protect Your Personal Assets   378
       Managing the Financially Troubled Business   381
       Seeking an Objective Analysis  384
       Workouts    386
       Selling or Closing the Business   389
       Understanding Bankruptcy   .391
22   Resolving Legal Disputes   401
       Negotiating a Settlement   .402
       Understanding Mediation  403
       Arbitration   405
       Going to Court   408
23   Representing Yourself in Small Claims Court   413
       Deciding Whether to Represent Your self    414
       Learning the Rules    416
       Meeting the Jurisdictional Limits     416
       Before You File Your Lawsuit   416
       Figuring Out Whom to Sue     419
       Handling Your Small Claims Court Lawsuit  .420
       Representing Yourself If You’re the Defendant  422
       Appealing Small Claims Decisions  .423
       Collecting Your Judgment.  423
24   Lawyers and Legal Research  425
       How to Find the Right Lawyer   426
       Fees and Bills   429
       Problems With Your Lawyer  430
       Do-It-Yourself Legal Research   431
    A Checklist for Starting a Small Business   435
    B Federal Trade Commission Offices   441


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