Friday, October 10, 2014

Predators with Pouuches The Biology of Carnivorous Marsupials

Predators with Pouuches The Biology of Carnivorous Marsupials
Buku Ini pertama kali diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 2003  oleh  CSIRO Publishing.

Judul:  Predators with Pouuches The Biology of Carnivorous Marsupials
Oleh:  Menna Jones, et al (Editor)
Penerbit: CSIRO Publishing
Tahun: 2003
Jumlah Halaman: 505 hal.


Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini terdiri atas 5 bagian. Masing-masing bagian mencakup beberapa pokok bahasan. Bagian 1 tentang Evolusi dan sistematik. Bagian ini mencakup 8 bab. Bagian 2 tentang Reproduksi dan Pengembangan
(5 Bab). Bagian 3 Fisiologi (4 Bab). Bagian 4 Ekologi evolusi dan perilaku (9 Bab). Bagian 5 Konservasi
(7 Bab).

Daftar Isi:
Preface xii
Part 1     Evolution and systematics

        1     Molecular systematics of Dasyuromorphia 3
               Carey Krajewski and Michael Westerman
        2     Evolution of American marsupials and their phylogenetic relationships with Australian
               metatherians 21
                R. Eduardo Palma
        3     Early marsupial radiations in South America 30
                Francisco J. Goin
        4     Comparative anatomy of the Tiupampa didelphimorphs; an approach to locomotory habits
               of early marsupials 43
               Christian de Muizon and Christine Argot
        5     Molecular phylogeography and species limits in rainforest didelphid marsupials of South
               America 63
                James L. Patton and Leonora Pires Costa
        6     Diversity and distribution of (Didelphidae) in South America, with emphasis on species
                from the western side of the Andes 82
                Thylamys Sergio Solari
        7     Australian marsupial carnivores: recent advances in palaeontology 102
                Stephen Wroe
        8     Biogeography and speciation in the Dasyuridae: why are there so many kinds of dasyurid? 124
                Mathew S. Crowther and Mark J. Blacket
Part 2 Reproduction and Development
        9    Sperm maturation and fertilisation in Australian and American insectivorous marsupials 133
              W.G. Breed, D.A. Taggart and H.D.M. Moore
    10      Timing of reproduction in carnivorous marsupials 147
               Bronwyn McAllan
    11       Reproductive biology of some dasyurid marsupials of New Guinea 169
               P.A. Woolley
    12       Male genital system of South American didelphids 183
               J.C. Nogueira and A.C.S. Castro
    13       Perinatal sensory and motor development in marsupials with special reference to the
               Northern Quoll,   205
               Dasyurus hallucatus, John Nelson, Richard M. Knight and Craig Kingham

Part 3 Physiology
    14     Nutrition of carnivorous marsupials 221
              Ian D. Hume
    15     Nutritional and fibre contents of laboratory-established diets of neotropical opossums
             (Didelphidae) 229
              D. Astúa de Moraes, R.T. Santori, R. Finotti and R. Cerqueira
    16     Thermal biology and energetics of carnivorous marsupials 238
             Fritz Geiser
    17     Stress, hormones and mortality in small carnivorous marsupials 254
             Adrian J. Bradley

Part 4 Evolutionary ecology and behaviour
    18     Carnivory and insectivory in Neotropical marsupials 271
             Emerson M. Vieira and Diego Astúa de Moraes
    19     Convergence in ecomorphology and guild structure among marsupial and placental
             carnivores 285
             Menna E. Jones
    20     Latitudinal variation in South American marsupial biology 297
             Elmer C. Birney and J. Adrián Monjeau
    21     Distributional ecology of dasyurid marsupials 318
             Chris R. Dickman
    22     Behaviour of carnivorous marsupials 332
             David B. Croft
    23     Chemical communication in dasyurid marsupials 347
             C.L. Toftegaard and A.J. Bradley
    24     Reproductive biology of carnivorous marsupials: clues to the likelihood of sperm
             competition 358
             D.A. Taggart, G.A. Shimmin, C.R. Dickman and W.G. Breed
    25     Biased sex ratios in litters of carnivorous marsupials: why, when & how? 376
             Simon J. Ward
    26     Parasites of carnivorous marsupials 383
             I. Beveridge and D.M. Spratt
Part 5 Conservation
    27     Marsupials of the New World: status and conservation 399
             Gustavo A.B. da Fonseca, Adriano Pereira Paglia, James Sanderson, Russell A. Mittermeier
    28     Dasyurid dilemmas: problems and solutions for conserving Australia’s small carnivorous
             marsupials 407
             B.A. Wilson, C.R. Dickman and T.P. Fletcher
    29     Carnivore concerns: problems, issues and solutions for conserving Australasia’s marsupial
             carnivores 422
             Menna E. Jones, Meri Oakwood, Chris A. Belcher, Keith Morris, Andrew J. Murray,     
             Patricia A. Woolley, Karen B. Firestone, Brent Johnson and Scott Burnett
    30     Recovery of the threatened chuditch ( Dasyurus geoffroii): a case study 435
             Keith Morris, Brent Johnson, Peter Orell, Glen Gaikhorst, Adrian Wayne and Dorian Moro
    31     Conservation of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) 452
             J. Anthony Friend and Neil D. Thomas
    32     Biology and conservation of marsupial moles (Notoryctes) 464
             Joe Benshemesh and Ken Johnson
    33     The application of genetic research to conservation management in carnivorous marsupials
             with special emphasis on dasyurids 475
              Karen B. Firestone


Predators with Pouuches The Biology of Carnivorous Marsupials Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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