Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 10th Edition

A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 10th Edition
Buku ini  diterbitkan Tahun 2006  oleh  Kogan Page, London, Philadelphia merupakan buku edisi ke sepuluh.

Judul:  A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 10th Edition
Oleh:  Michael Armstrong
Penerbit:   Kogan Page, London, Philadelphia
Tahun: 2006
Jumlah Halaman: 957  hal.

Michael Armstrong merupakan kehormatan lulus di bidang ekonomi dari London School of
Ekonomi, seorang mitra dari Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development dan anggota Institute of Management Consultancy.
Ia adalah seorang praktisi personil, awalnya dalam industri rekayasa, yang mengkhususkan diri dalam hubungan industri, dan kemudian dalam rekayasa dan industri makanan sebagai spesialis pengembangan karyawan.
Selama 12 tahun ia adalah seorang direktur eksekutif dengan tanggung jawab untuk HR dalam besar
perusahaan penerbitan dan selama tiga tahun periode yang juga bertindak sebagai manajer umum untuk sebuah divisi operasi. Selama 10 tahun ia memimpin divisi konsultasi SDM Coopers & Lybrand. Dia adalah Managing Partner dari dan juga praktek sebagai konsultan independen. Pengalaman ini telah dilengkapi baru-baru ini  dengan  sejumlah proyek penelitian yang dilakukan atas nama Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Publikasi untuk Kogan Page meliputi Reward Management, Performance Management, How to Be an Even Better Manager, A Handbook of Management Techniques and A Handbook of Employee Reward, Management and Leadership.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini  mengemukakan perkembangan utama dalam praktek SDM di dua sampai tiga tahun seperti pengembangan teori dan praktek manajemen manusia sebagai modal, manajemen bakat dan pendekatan untuk pembelajaran dan pengembanga. Di samping itu buku ini juga mengemukakan  proyek penelitian yang signifikan termasuk yang dilakukan oleh CIPD, IES dan e-hadiah. Topik-topik yang dikemukakan meliputi:
● manajemen sumber daya manusia;
● peran fungsi SDM;
● peran praktisi HR;
● manajemen sumber daya manusia strategis;
● HRM berbasis kompetensi;
● pengiriman pembelajaran dan pelatihan;
● manajemen kinerja;
● fundamental manajemen reward;
● kelas dan struktur membayar.

Daftar Isi:

List of figures xvii
List of tables xxi
About the author xxiii
Preface xxv

1     Human resource management 3

       Human resource management defined 3; Human resource system 4; Models of HRM 5; Aims of
       HRM 8; Policy goals of HRM 10; Characteristics of HRM 11; Reservations about HRM 15; HRM and
       personnel management 18; How HR impacts on organizational performance 20; HRM in context 24
2     Human capital management 29
       Human capital management defined 29; Human capital management and human resource        
       management 30; The concept of human capital 33; Human capital management: practice and
       strategy 36; Human capital measurement 37; Human capital reporting 47
3     Role of the HR function 53
       The overall role of the HR function 54; The role of HR in facilitating and managing change 54;
       Variations in the practice of HR 56; Organizing the HR function 57; Marketing the HR function 59;
       Preparing, justifying and protecting the HR budget 60; Outsourcing HR work 61; Shared HR
       services 63; Using management consultants 64; Evaluating the HR function 66
4     The role of the HR practitioner 71
       The basic roles 71; Models of the practitioners of HR 76; Gaining support and commitment 81;
       Ethical considerations 84; Professionalism in HRM 85; Ambiguities in the role of HR
        practitioners 87; Conflict in the HR contribution 88; The competencies required by HR
        professionals 89
5     Role of the front-line manager 93
       The basic role 93; The line manager and people management 94; The respective roles of HR and line
       management 95; The line manager’s role in implementing HR policies 97; How to improve front-line    
       managers as people managers 98
6     International HRM 99
       International HRM defined 99; Issues in international HRM 99; International organizational models 100;
       Convergence and divergence 101; Cultural diversity 102; Think globally and act locally 104;
       International HR policies 104; Managing expatriates 104

7     Strategic HRM 113

       The concept of strategy 113; Strategic HRM defined 115; Aims of strategic HRM 116; Approaches to
       strategic HRM 117; Implementing strategic HRM 121
8     HR strategies 123
       HR strategies defined 123; Purpose 124; The distinction between strategic HRM and HR
       strategies 124; Types of HR strategies 124; Criteria for an effective HR strategy 129
9     Developing and implementing HR strategies 131
       Propositions about the development process 132; Levels of strategic decision-making 132; Strategic
       options and choices 133; Approaches to HR strategy development 134; Methodology for strategy
       development 140; Conducting a strategic review 141; Setting out the strategy 143; Implementing HR 
       strategies 143
10   HRM policies 147
       What human resource policies are 147; Why have HR policies 147; Do policies need to be
        formalized? 148; HR policy areas 148; Formulating HR policies 156; Implementing HR policies 157
11   Competency-based HRM 159
       Types of competencies 160; Competency frameworks 161; Reasons for using competencies 163; 
       Coverage of competencies 164; Use of competencies 165; Developing a competency
       framework 167; 
       Defining technical competencies 169; Keys to success in using competencies 169;
       Emotional intelligence 170
12   Knowledge management 173
       Knowledge management defined 174; The concept of knowledge 175; The purpose and significance of
       knowledge management 176; Approaches to knowledge management 176; Knowledge management
       systems 178; Knowledge management issues 178; The contribution of HR to knowledge
       management 180
13   Analysing roles, competencies and skills 181
        ole analysis 187; Competency analysis 193; Skills analysis 198

14   The nature of work 205

       What is work? 205; Theories about work 206; Organizational factors affecting work 208; Changing
        patterns of work 210; Unemployment 212; Attitudes to work 212; Job-related well-being 212
15   The employment relationship 215
       The employment relationship defined 215; Nature of the employment relationship 215; Basis of the
       employment relationship 217; Defining the employment relationship 217; Significance of the 
       employment   relationship concept 218; Changes in the employment relationship 218;
       Managing the employment relationship 218; Trust and the employment relationship 220
16   The psychological contract 225
       The psychological contract defined 225; The significance of the psychological contract 227; The nature
       of the psychological contract 228; How psychological contracts develop 229; The changing nature of
       the psychological contract 231; The state of the psychological contract 233;
       Developing and maintaining a positive psychological contract 234; The state of the psychological
       contract 2004 235

17   Characteristics of people 239

       Individual differences 239; Attitudes 244; Influences on behavior at work 244; Attribution theory –
       how we make judgements about people 245; Orientation to work 246; Roles 247; Implications for
       HR specialists 248
18   Motivation 251
       The process of motivation 252; Types of motivation 253; Motivation theory 254; Instrumentality
       theory 254; Content (needs) theory 255; Process theory 258; Herzberg’s two-factor model 262;
       The relationship between motivation, job satisfaction and money 263; Job satisfaction 264;
       Motivation and money 267; Motivation strategies 268
19   Organizational commitment and engagement 271
       The concepts of commitment and engagement 271; Organizational commitment 273; Influences on
       commitment and employee satisfaction 279; Engagement 281
20   How organizations function 283
       Basic considerations 283; Organization theories 283; Organization structure 288; Types of
       organization 289; Organizational processes 292
21   Organizational culture 303
       Definitions 303; The significance of culture 305; How organizational culture develops 306; The diversity
       of culture 306; The components of culture 307; Classifying organizational culture 309; Assessing   
       organizational culture 311; Measuring organizational climate 312; Appropriate cultures 313;
       Supporting and changing cultures 314

22   Organization design 319

       The process of organizing 319; Aim 320; Conducting organization reviews 321; Organization
       analysis 321; Organization diagnosis 322; Organization planning 324; Responsibility for organization
       design 325
23   Job design and role development 327
       Jobs and roles 327; Factors affecting job design 328; Job design 330; Job enrichment 332;
       Self-managing teams 333; High-performance work design 334; Role development 334
24   Organizational development, change and transformation 337
       What is organizational development? 337; Organization development 338; Change
       management 343; Organizational transformation 352; Development and change processes 355

       People resourcing defined 359; People resourcing and HRM 359;
       Plan 361
25   Human resource planning 363
       The role of human resource planning 363; Aims of human resource planning 368; The process of   
       human  resource planning 368; Resourcing strategy 371; Scenario planning 372; Estimating future
       human resource requirements 373; Labour turnover 375; Action planning 382; The contribution of HR
       to human resource planning 388
26   Talent management 389
       Talent management defined 390; The elements of talent management 390; Creating a great place to
       work 394; Attraction strategies 395; Retention strategies 397; Career management 399;
       Talent management for knowledge workers 407; Talent management in practice 407
27   Recruitment and selection 409
       The recruitment and selection process 409; Defining requirements 409; Attracting candidates 414;  
       Advertising 416; E-recruitment 420; Outsourcing recruitment 423; Educational and training
       establishments 424; Application forms 425; Sifting applications 425; Selection methods 429; Types of
       interviews 430; Assessment centres 430; Graphology 431; Choice of selection methods 432;
       Improving  the effectiveness of recruitment and selection 432; References, qualifications and offers 434;
       Final stages 436
28   Selection interviewing 439
       Purpose 439; Advantages and disadvantages of interviews 440; The nature of an interview 441; 
       Interviewing arrangements 442; Preparation 443; Timing 444; Planning and structuring
       interviews 444; Interviewing approaches 445; Interview techniques – starting and finishing 450;   
       Interviewing techniques – asking questions 450; Selection interviewing skills 457; Coming to a
       conclusion 458; Dos and don’ts of selection interviewing 459
29   Selection tests 461
       Psychological tests: definition 461; Purpose of psychological tests 461; Characteristics of a good
       test 462; Types of test 463; Interpreting test results 467; Choosing tests 468; The use of tests in a
       selection procedure 468
30   Introduction to the organization 471
       Induction defined 471; Why taking care about induction is important 472; Reception 473;
       Documentation 474; Company induction – initial briefing 475; Introduction to the workplace 475;
       Formal induction courses 476; On-the-job induction training 477
31   Release from the organization 479
       General considerations 479; Redundancy 482; Outplacement 485; Dismissal 487; Voluntary
       leavers 490; Retirement 490

32   The basis of performance management 495

        Performance management defined 495; Aims of performance management 496; Characteristics of  
        performance management 496; Understanding performance management 497; Guiding principles of
        performance management 499; Performance appraisal and performance management 500; Views on
        performance management 500
33   The process of performance management 503
       Performance management as a process 503; Performance management as a cycle 503; Performance
       agreements 504; Managing performance throughout the year 508; Reviewing performance 509; Rating
       performance 512; Dealing with under-performers 515; Introducing performance management 517
34   360-degree feedback 521
       360-degree feedback defined 521; Use of 360-degree feedback 522; Rationale for 360-degree  
       feedback 523; 360-degree feedback – methodology 524; Development and implementation 526;
       360-degree feedback – advantages and disadvantages 527; 360-degree feedback – criteria for
        uccess 528

35   Strategic human resource development 533

       Strategic HRD defined 533; Strategic HRD aims 534; Components of HRD 534; HRD and
       HRM 535;  The process of learning and development 535; Strategies for HRD 536; Human resource  
       development philosophy 537
36   Organizational learning and the learning organization 539
       Organizational learning 540; The learning organization 543
37   How people learn 549
       Learning defined 549; The learning process 550; Learning theory 550; Learning styles 552; Learning
       to learn 554; The learning curve 554; The motivation to learn 555; The implications of learning theory
       and concepts 556
38   Learning and development 559
       Learning 559; Development 570; Training 575
39   E-learning 583
      What is e-learning? 583; Aim of e-learning 584; The technology of e-learning 584; The e-learning
       process 585; The business case for e-learning 586; Developing e-learning processes 588
40   Management development 591
       Aims of management development 592; Management development: needs and priorities 592;
       The requirements, nature and elements of management development 593; Management development
       activities 594; Approaches to management development 596; Emotional intelligence and leadership
       qualities 602; Responsibility for management development 603
41   Formulating and implementing learning and development strategies 607
       Making the business case 607; Developing a learning culture 609; Identifying learning needs 610;
       Planning and implementing learning and development programmes 612; Evaluation of learning 615

42   Reward management 623

       Reward management defined 623; The aims of reward management 624; The philosophy of reward
       management 624; The elements of reward management 625; Total reward 629; Reward management
       for directors and executives 634; Reward management for sales staff 636; Paying manual workers 636
43   Strategic reward 643
       Reward strategy defined 643; Why have a reward strategy? 644; The structure of reward
       strategy 644; The content of reward strategy 645; Guiding principles 649; Developing reward
       strategy 649; Components of an effective reward strategy 651; Reward strategy priorities 652;
       Examples of reward strategies 653; Implementing reward strategy 656; Reward strategy and line
       management capability 657
44   Job evaluation 659
       Job evaluation defined 660; Analytical job evaluation 660; Non-analytical job evaluation 664;
       The incidence of job evaluation 666; Computerassisted job evaluation 667; Criteria for choice 668;
       The case for and against job evaluation 671; Designing a point-factor job evaluation scheme 672;  
       Conclusions 679
45   Market rate analysis 681
       Purpose 681; The concept of the market rate 681; The information required 682; Job matching 682;
       Presentation of data 683; Sources of nformation 683
46   Grade and pay structures 689
       Grade structure defined 689; Pay structure defined 690; Guiding principles for grade and pay
       structures 690; Types of grade and pay structure 691; Designing grade and pay structures 698
47   Contingent pay 707
       Contingent pay defined 708; The incidence of contingent pay 708; The nature of individual
       contingent pay 709; Individual contingent pay as a motivator 709; Arguments for and against
       individual  contingent pay 710; Alternatives to individual contingent pay 712; Criteria for
       success 713; Performance-related pay 713; Competence-related pay 714; Contribution-related
       pay 716; Skill-based pay 718; Service-related pay 720; Choice of approach 721; Readiness for
       individual contingent pay 721; Developing and implementing individual contingent pay 724; Team-
       based pay 724; Organization-wide schemes 725
48   Employee benefits, pensions and allowances 729
       Employee benefits 729; Occupational pension schemes 731; Allowances and other payments to
       employees 734
49   Managing reward systems 737
       Reward budgets and forecasts 737; Evaluating the reward system 739; Conducting pay reviews 740;
       Control 744; Reward procedures 745; Responsibility for reward 746; Communicating to
       employees 748

       Employee relations defined 751; Plan 752
50   The framework of employee relations 753
       The elements of employee relations 754; Industrial relations as a system of rules 754; Types of
       regulations and rules 755; Collective bargaining 756; The unitary and pluralist views 758; The
       reconciliation of interests 759; Individualism and collectivism 759; Voluntarism and its decline 759;
       The HRM approach to employee relations 761; The context of industrial relations 762; Developments
       in industrial relations 763; The parties to industrial relations 766; Role of the HR function in
       employee relations 771
51   Employee relations processes 773
       Employee relations policies 774; Employee relations strategies 778; Employee relations climate 779;
       Union recognition and de-recognition 781; Collective bargaining arrangements 783; Informal
       employee relations processes 788; Other features of the industrial relations scene 789; Managing
       with trade unions 791; Managing without trade unions 792
52   Negotiating and bargaining 795
       The nature of negotiating and bargaining 795; Negotiating 796; Negotiating and bargaining
       skills 803; The concept of employee voice 807; Involvement and participation 808; Purposes of
       employee voice 808; The framework for employee voice 808; Expression of employee voice 809;
       Factors affecting choice 810; Forms of employee voice 810; Joint consultation 811; Attitude
       surveys 812; Suggestion schemes 814; Planning for voice 815
54   Communications 817
       Communication areas and objectives 819; Communications strategy 819;
       Communication systems 821

55   Health and safety 829

       Managing health and safety at work 830; The importance of health and safety in the
       workplace 830; Benefits of workplace health  and safety 831; Health and safety policies 832;   
       Conducting risk assessments 833; Health and safety audits 836; Safety inspections 838; Occupational
        health programmes 838; Managing stress 839; Accident prevention 841; Measuring health and safety 
        performance 841; Communicating the need for better health and safety  practices 842;  Health and
        safety training 843; Organizing health and safety 843
56   Welfare services 845
       Why provide welfare services? 845; What sort of welfare services? 847; Individual services 848;
       Group welfare services 851; Provision of employee welfare services 851; Internal counselling
        services 852; Employee assistance programmes 852

57   Employment practices 857

       Terms and conditions and contracts of employment 858; Mobility clauses 860; Transfer
        practices 860; Promotion practices 861; Flexible working 862; Attendance management 863;
       Equal  opportunity 866; Ethnic monitoring 867; Managing diversity 868; The Data Protection Act 869;
       Sexual harassment 870; Smoking 872; Substance abuse at work 873; Bullying 873; AIDS 874;
       E-mails 874; Work-life balance 875
58   HRM procedures 879
       Grievance procedure 880; Disciplinary procedure 881; Capability procedure 883; Redundancy
       procedure 885
59   Computerized human resource information systems 889
       Benefits of a computerized human resource information system 890; HR information strategy 890;
       The functions of a computerized HR system 891; The technical infrastructure 892; Rating of
       system features 892; An effective system 893; Problems and how to deal with them 894;
       Developing a computerized HR information system 895; Applications 899; Auditing the system 906

Appendix: Example of an attitude survey 907
References 911
Subject index 953
Author index 977


A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 10th Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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