Saturday, December 13, 2014

Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing Tenth Edition

Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing Tenth Edition
Buku ini  diterbitkan Tahun  2010   Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins adalah buku edisi Sepuluh.

Judul:  Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing Tenth Edition
Pengarang: Barbara K. Timby, et al
Penerbit:  Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Tahun: 2010
Jumlah Halaman:  1268  hal.


Barbara K. Timby, RN, BC, BSN, MA
Professor Emeritus
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Glen Oaks Community College
Centreville, Michigan
Nancy E. Smith, MS, RN
Professor and Chair
Department of Nursing
Southern Maine Community College
South Portland, Maine

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Diskusi Pengendalian Infeksi dan Standar Kewaspadaan-diperluas pada perubahan respon imun spesifik disertai diagram alir.
Edisi 10 Pengantar Medical-Surgical Nursing  bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterbacaan dan kejelasan. Unit 3, Yayasan Medical-Surgical Nursing dan Unit 4, Merawat Klien dengan Gangguan Multis-System, telah reorganisasi untuk memberikan dasar yang luas untuk kondisi yang dapat menyertai perawatan klien dengan sistem khusus Gangguan dalam bab-bab berikut. Bab yang berjudul Merawat Klien dengan Luka bakar kini dimasukkan sebagai bagian dari Unit 16, Merawat Klien dengan Gangguan Integumen.
Bab tentang Interaksi Tubuh dan Pikiran telah pindah ke unit 17, Merawat Klien dengan Psychobiologic
Edisi ke-10 berisi 72 bab disusun dalam 17 unit:

•     Unit 1, Nursing Roles and Responsibilities, termasuk dasar bab yang meliputi konsep dan tren dalam
       kesehatan, peran keperawatan dan pengaturan, proses keperawatan,wawancara dan penilaian fisik,
       masalah  hukum dan etika, serta  kepemimpinan dan manajemen.
•     Unit2, Client Care Concerns, mengeksplorasi bidang-bidang perawat yang berinteraksi dan bekerja
       sama dengan klien untuk mengelola kesehatan mereka. Topik hubungan perawat-klien, termasuk
       budaya, saling melengkapi dan terapi alternatif, dan perawatan orang meninggal..
•     Unit 3, Foundations of Medical-Surgical Nursing, termasuk bab tentang topik yang sering dan teratur
      dalam perawatan medical bedah. Ini termasuk rasa sakit, infeksi, Terapi intravena, perawatan
       perioperatif, dan bencana.
•     Unit 4, Caring for Clients with Multisystem Disorders, termasuk bab  tentang cairan, elektrolit, dan
       ketidak-seimbangan asam-basa; syok; dan kanker.
•     Unit 5 sampai 16 menyajikan informasi tentang gangguan menurut sistem tubuh. Setiap unit dimulai
      dengan pengantar bab yang meliputi tinjauan umum anatomi dan fisiologi, diskusi penilaian klien, dan tes
      diagnostik dan laboratorium umum yang berhubungan dengan gangguan tertentu.
•     Unit 17, Caring for Clients with Psychobiologic Disorders, berisi bab tentang sering ditemui emosional
      dan masalah perilaku: gangguan kecemasan, gangguan suasana hati, gangguan makan, ketergantungan
      obat, dan demensia dan gangguan berpikir.

Daftar Isi:
UNIT 1     Nursing Roles and Responsibilities  1
    1     Concepts and Trends in Healthcare 1
    2     Settings and Models for Nursing Care 10
    3     The Nursing Process 17
    4     Interviewing and Physical Assessment 27
    5     Legal and Ethical Issues 34
    6     Leadership Roles and Management Functions 48

UNIT 2      Client Care Concerns   55
    7     Nurse–Client Relationships 55
    8     Cultural Care Considerations 68
    9     Complementary and Alternative Therapies 78
    10   End-of-Life Care 87

UNIT 3      Foundations of Medical-Surgical Nursing   97
    11     Pain Management 97
    12    Infection 112
    13    Intravenous Therapy 128
    14    Perioperative Care 144
    15    Disaster Situations 168

UNIT 4     Caring for Clients with Multisystem Disorders   181
    16     Caring for Clients with Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base Imbalances 181
    17     Caring for Clients in Shock 199
    18     Caring for Clients with Cancer 212

UNIT 5    Caring for Clients with Respiratory Disorders   233
    19     Introduction to the Respiratory System 233
    20     Caring for Clients with Upper Respiratory Disorders 246
    21     Caring for Clients with Lower Respiratory Disorders 265

UNIT 6  Caring for Clients with Cardiovascular Disorders  301
    22     Introduction to the Cardiovascular System  301
    23     Caring for Clients with Infectious and Inflammatory Disorders of the Heart and Blood
             Vessels  315
    24     Caring for Clients with Valvular Disorders of the Heart  334
    25     Caring for Clients with Disorders of Coronary and Peripheral Blood Vessels  346
    26     Caring for Clients with Cardiac Dysrhythmias 369
    27     Caring for Clients with Hypertension  383
    28     Caring for Clients with Heart Failure 392
    29     Caring for Clients Undergoing Cardiovascular Surgery 405

UNIT 7    Caring for Clients with Hematopoietic and Lymphatic Disorders   419
    30     Introduction to the Hematopoietic and Lymphatic Systems 419
    31     Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Hematopoietic System 429
    32     Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Lymphatic System 448

UNIT 8     Caring for Clients with Immune Disorders   459
    33     Introduction to the Immune System 459
    34     Caring for Clients with Immune-Mediated Disorders 467
    35     Caring for Clients with HIV/AIDS 485

UNIT 9    Caring for Clients with Neurologic Disorders   503
    36     Introduction to the Nervous System 503
    37     Caring for Clients with Central and Peripheral Nervous System Disorders   516
    38     Caring for Clients with Cerebrovascular Disorders  549
    39     Caring for Clients with Head and Spinal Cord Trauma 566
    40     Caring for Clients with Neurologic Deficits 585

UNIT 10     Caring for Clients with Sensory Disorders   595
    41     Introduction to the Sensory System 595
    42     Caring for Clients with Eye Disorders 606
    43     Caring for Clients with Ear Disorders 624

UNIT 11    Caring for Clients with Gastrointestinal Disorders   635
    44     Introduction to the Gastrointestinal System and Accessory Structures 635
    45     Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract 648
    46     Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract 674
    47     Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Liver, Gallbladder, or Pancreas 702
    48     Caring for Clients with Ostomies 733

UNIT 12 Caring for Clients with Endocrine Disorders   747
    49     Introduction to the Endocrine System 747
    50     Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Endocrine System 756
    51     Caring for Clients with Diabetes  Mellitus 783

UNIT 13     Caring for Clients with Breast and Reproductive Disorders   807
    52     Introduction to the Reproductive  System 807
    53     Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Female Reproductive System 822
    54     Caring for Clients with Breast Disorders 846
    55     Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Male Reproductive System 864
    56     Caring for Clients with Sexually Transmitted Infections 887

UNIT 14    Caring for Clients with Urinary and Renal Disorders  899
    57     Introduction to the Urinary System 899
    58     Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Kidneys and Ureters 912
    59     Caring for Clients with Disorders of the Bladder and Urethra 939

UNIT 15    Caring for Clients with Musculoskeletal Disorders     959
    60     Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System 959
    61     Caring for Clients Requiring Orthopedic Treatment 969
    62     Caring for Clients with Traumatic Musculoskeletal Injuries 989
    63     Caring for Clients with Orthopedic and Connective Tissue Disorders 998

UNIT 16    Caring for Clients with Integumentary Disorders   1023
    64     Introduction to the Integumentary  System 1023
    65     Caring for Clients with Skin, Hair, and Nail Disorders 1034
    66     Caring for Clients with Burns 1053

UNIT 17    Caring for Clients with Psychobiologic Disorders   1069
    67     Interaction of Body and Mind  1069
    68     Caring for Clients with Anxiety Disorders   1078
    69     Caring for Clients with Mood  Disorders   1088
    70     Caring for Clients with Eating  Disorders  1104
    71     Caring for Clients with Chemical  Dependence   1114
    72     Caring for Clients with Dementia and  Thought Disorders  1126

APPENDIX A Nursing Resources 1139
APPENDIX B Commonly Used Abbreviations and Acronyms 1145
APPENDIX C Laboratory Values 1149
Glossary 1152
References and Suggested Readings 1184
Index 1215


Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing Tenth Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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