Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Management Elevebth Edition

Management Elevebth Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2012  Oleh  Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, adalah buku edisi Sebelas.

Judul:  Management Elevebth Edition
Oleh:  Stephen P. Robbins, et al
Penerbit:   Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall
Tahun: 2012
Jumlah Halaman: 672  hal.


STEPHEN P. ROBBINS (Ph.D., University of Arizona) adalah profesor emeritus bidang manajemen di San Diego State University dan penulis buku di bidang manajemen dan perilaku organisasi terlaris di dunia.
Buku-bukunya digunakan di lebih dari 1.000 perguruan tinggi dan universitas di AS, telah diterjemahkan ke dalam 19 bahasa, dan telah diadaptasi untuk edisi Kanada, Australia, Afrika Selatan, dan India.
Dr. Robbins juga penulis terlaris  The Truth About Managing People, 2nd ed. (Financial Times / Prentice Hall, 2008) dan  Decide & Conquer  (Financial Times / Prentice Hall, 2004).
Dalam bukunya "kehidupan lainnya," Dr. Robbins aktif berpartisipasi dalam track master ' kompetisi. Sejak bweusia 50 tahun 1993, dia memenangkan 21 kejuaraan nasional dan 12 gelar juara dunia. Ia dilantik ke AS Masters'Track & Field Balai of Fame pada tahun 2005. Dr. Robbins adalah pemegang rekor dunia 100m di (12.37) dan 200m (25.20) untuk pria dan 65 lebih.

MARY Coulter (Ph.D., University of Arkansas) adalah profesor emeritus di Missouri State University. Dr Coulter telah menerbitkan buku-buku lain dengan Prentice Hall, termasuk Strategic Management in Action sekarang dalam edisi kelima, dan Entrepreneurship in Action, yang dalam edisi kedua. Selama dia "bebas" waktu, Dr. Coulter menikmati puttering sekitar di kebun bunga, mencoba resep baru pada anggota keluarga (biasanya berhasil!), membaca berbagai buku, dan menikmati banyak kegiatan.

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini adalah tentang manajemen dan manajer. Manajer adalah mutlak diperlukan oleh semua organisasi-tidak peduli ukuran, jenis, atau lokasi-kebutuhan. Dan tidak ada keraguan bahwa
wajah manajer dunia telah berubah, berubah, dan akan terus berubah.  Sifat dinamis dari organisasi saat ini berarti baik imbalan dan tantangan bagi individu yang akan mengelola organisasi-organisasi. Manajemen adalah subjek yang dinamis, dan buku di atasnya harus mencerminkan perubahan-perubahan untuk membantu mempersiapkan  seseorang untuk mengelola kondisi ganisasi  di bawahnya.  Buku Manajemen edisi 11 untuk menyediakan seseorang dengan sebaik mungkin tentang
pemahaman apa artinya menjadi seorang manajer menghadapi perubahan.

Kunci Perubahan  untuk Edisi 11
Berikut adalah beberapa perubahan utama  pada edisi ke-11:
1. Dua bab baru: Mengelola Keanekaragaman dan Desain Organisasi Adaptive
2. Dua aplikasi kasus di setiap bab
3. Pemimpin baru Siapa yang Membuat Perbedaan di setiap bab
4. Dengan Angka Baru di setiap bab
5. Visi Baru Masa Depan: Dunia Kerja pada tahun 2020 di 9 bab
6. Dilema Baru  Manajer di setiap bab
7. 43 persen dari catatan akhir telah diperbarui dengan referensi dari 2009 dan 2010
8. Baru video-up-to-date video yang menunjukkan topik manajemen dalam aksi, dan akses video
manajemen lengkap ke perpustakaan, tersedia di Kunjungi ada
untuk mendapatkan akses dan mempelajari lebih lanjut.

Daftar Isi:   
Preface xxiii
Part I Introduction to Management

    Chapter 1 Management and Organizations 2
        Why Are Managers Important? 4
        Who Are Managers and Where Do They Work? 5
        What Do Managers Do? 8
        How Is the Manager’s Job Changing? 13
        Why Study Management? 17
        Boxed Features
        BY THE NUMBERS 5
        FUTURE VISION | The Working World in 2020 7
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Andrew Cherng 12
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 20
        Review and Discussion Questions 21
        Preparing for: My Career 21
        Module Management History 27
    Chapter 2 Understanding Management’s Context: Constraints and Challenges 42
        The External Environment: Constraints and Challenges 46
        Organizational Culture: Constraints and Challenges 51
        Current Issues in Organizational Culture 58
        Boxed Features
        FUTURE VISION | The Working World in 2020 47
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Betsy McLaughlin 50
        BY THE NUMBERS 56
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 62
        Review and Discussion Questions 63
        Preparing for: My Career 63
        Case Application 1: Out of Control 65
        Case Application 2: Dressing Up 66

Part II Integrative Managerial Issues
    Chapter 3 Managing in a Global Environment 68

        Managing in a Global Environment 80
        Boxed Features
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Indra Nooyi 72
        BY THE NUMBERS 77
        Chapter Summary by Learning
        Outcomes 88
        Review and Discussion Questions 89
        Preparing for: My Career 89
        Case Application 1: Held Hostage 91
        Case Application 2: Global Stumble 93
    Chapter 4 Managing Diversity 96
        Diversity 101 98
        The Changing Workplace 102
        Types of Workplace Diversity 105
        Challenges in Managing Diversity 110
        Workplace Diversity Initiatives 112
        Boxed Features
        BY THE NUMBERS 109
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Kenneth I. Chenault 112
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 117
        Review and Discussion Questions 118
        Preparing for: My Career 118
        Case Application 1: Mission Possible: Strategic Diversity 120
        Case Application 2: Women in Management at
        Deutsche Telekom: Part 2 121
    Chapter 5 Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics 122
        What Is Social Responsibility? 124
        Green Management and Sustainability 127
        Managers and Ethical Behavior 129
        Encouraging Ethical Behavior 135
        Social Responsibility and Ethics Issues
        In Today’s World 139
        Boxed Features
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Yvon Chouinard 128
        BY THE NUMBERS 132
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 143
        Review and Discussion Questions 144
        Preparing for: My Career 145
        Case Application 1: Lessons from Lehman Brothers: Will We Ever Learn? 147
        Case Application 2: Green Up on Aisle Two 148
    Chapter 6 Managing Change and Innovation 150
        The Change Process 152
        Types of Organizational Change 154
        Managing Resistance to Change 158
        Contemporary Issues in Managing Change 159
        Stimulating Innovation 165
        Boxed Features
        FUTURE VISION | The Working World in 2020 156
        BY THE NUMBERS 162
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Ratan Tata 168
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 170
        Review and Discussion Questions 171
        Preparing for: My Career 171
        Case Application 1: Too Big to Change? 174
        Case Application 2: Stress Kills 175

Part III Planning
    Chapter 7 Managers as Decision Makers 176

        The Decision-Making Process 178
        Managers Making Decisions 182
        Types of Decisions and Decision-Making Conditions 185
        Decision-Making Styles 190
        Effective Decision Making in Today’s World 192
        Boxed Features
        FUTURE VISION | The Working World in 2020 187
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Mikhail D. Prokhorov 189
        BY THE NUMBERS 193
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 195
        Review and Discussion Questions 196
        Preparing for: My Career 196
        Case Application 1: The Curtain Falls 199
        Case Application 2: Underwater Chaos 200
    Chapter 8 Foundations of Planning 202
        The What and Why of Planning 204
        Goals and Plans 205
        Setting Goals and Developing Plans 208
        Contemporary Issues in Planning 212
        Boxed Features
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Jeff Bezos 208
        BY THE NUMBERS 211
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 216
        Review and Discussion Questions 217
        Preparing for: My Career 217
        Case Application 1: Icelandic Volcano, 1; Global Commerce, 0 219
        Case Application 2: Building a Future 220
    Chapter 9 Strategic Management 222
        Strategic Management 224
        The Strategic Management Process 226
        Corporate Strategies 228
        Competitive Strategies 231
        Current Strategic Management Issues 234
        Boxed Features
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Ursula Burns 230
        BY THE NUMBERS 234
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 240
        Review and Discussion Questions 241
        Preparing for: My Career 242
        Case Application 1: Gaga Over Gaga 244
        Case Application 2: Faded Signal 246
        Module Planning Tools and Techniques 248
        Techniques for Assessing the Environment 248
        Techniques for Allocating Resources 251

Part IV Organizing
    Chapter 10 Basic Organizational Design 262

        Designing Organizational Structure 264
        Mechanistic and Organic Structures 273
        Contingency Factors Affecting Structural Choice 274
        Traditional Organizational Designs 277
        Boxed Features
        BY THE NUMBERS 273
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Andrea Jung 276
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 280
        Review and Discussion Questions 281
        Preparing for: My Career 281
        Case Application 1: Ask Chuck 283
        Case Application 2: A New Kind of Structure 284
    Chapter 11 Adaptive Organizational Design 286
        Contemporary Organizational Designs 288
        Organizing for Collaboration 293
        Flexible Work Arrangements 297
        Contingent Workforce 299
        Today’s Organizational Design Challenges 300
        Boxed Features
        FUTURE VISION | The Working World in 2020 292
        BY THE NUMBERS 297
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | John T. Chambers 301
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 303
        Review and Discussion Questions 304
        Preparing for: My Career 304
        Case Application 1: In the Driver’s Seat 307
        Case Application 2: The Virus Hunters 308
    Chapter 12 Managing Human Resources 310
        The Human Resource Management Process 312
        Identifying and Selecting Competent Employees 318
        Providing Employees with Needed Skills and Knowledge 323
        Retaining Competent, High-Performing Employees 326
        Contemporary Issues in Managing Human Resources 328
        Boxed Features
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Lisa Brummel 317
        BY THE NUMBERS 324
        FUTURE VISION | The Working World in 2020 331
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 334
        Review and Discussion Questions 335
        Preparing for: My Career 336
        Case Application 1: Thinking Outside the Box 338
        Case Application 2: Social Connections 339
        Module Managing Your Career 340
    Chapter 13 Managing Teams 344
        Groups and Group Development 346
        Work Group Performance and Satisfaction 348
        Turning Groups into Effective Teams 357
        Current Challenges in Managing Teams 361
        Boxed Features
        BY THE NUMBERS 349
        FUTURE VISION | The Working World in 2020 356
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Marissa Mayer 361
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 365
        Review and Discussion Questions 366
        Preparing for: My Career 366
        Case Application 1: Aiming Higher 368
        Case Application 2: Making Order Out of Chaos 369

Part V Leading
    Chapter 14 Understanding Individual Behavior 370

        Focus and Goals of Organizational Behavior 372
        Attitudes and Job Performance 374
        Personality 380
        Perception 387
        Learning 390
        Contemporary Issues in Organizational Behavior 392
        Boxed Features
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Chew Choon Seng 380
        BY THE NUMBERS 383
        FUTURE VISION | The Working World in 2020 385
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 396
        Review and Discussion Questions 397
        Preparing for: My Career 398
        Case Application 1: Understanding HCLites: Part 2 400
        Case Application 2: Odd Couples 401
    Chapter 15 Managers and Communication 402
        The Nature and Function of Communication 404
        Methods of Interpersonal Communication 406
        Effective Interpersonal Communication 409
        Organizational Communication 412
        Information Technology and Communication 416
        Communication Issues in Today’s Organizations 417
        Boxed Features
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Steve Jobs 407
        FUTURE VISION | The Working World in 2020 416
        BY THE NUMBERS 418
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 422
        Review and Discussion Questions 423
        Case Application 1: Gossip Girls 425
        Case Application 2: Delivery Disaster 426
    Chapter 16 Motivating Employees 428
        What Is Motivation? 430
        Early Theories of Motivation 431
        Contemporary Theories of Motivation 435
        Current Issues in Motivation 445
        Boxed Features
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | John Goodnight 436
        FUTURE VISION | The Working World in 2020 447
        BY THE NUMBERS 449
        My Response to A Manager’s Dilemma 451
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 452
        Review and Discussion Questions 453
        Preparing for: My Career 453
        Case Application 1: Searching For? 455
        Case Application 2: Best Practices at Best Buy 456
    Chapter 17 Managers as Leaders 458
        Who Are Leaders and What Is Leadership? 460
        Early Leadership Theories 460
        Contingency Theories of Leadership 464
        Contemporary Views of Leadership 469
        Leadership Issues in The Twenty-First Century 472
        Boxed Features
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Ajay Banga 469
        BY THE NUMBERS 471
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 478
        Review and Discussion Questions 479
        Preparing for: My Career 479
        Case Application 1: Growing Leaders 482
        Case Application 2: Master and Commander 483

Part VI Controlling
    Chapter 18 Introduction to Controlling 484

        What Is Controlling and Why Is It Important? 486
        The Control Process 488
        Controlling for Organizational Performance 491
        Tools for Measuring Organizational Performance 493
        Contemporary Issues in Control 499
        Boxed Features
        BY THE NUMBERS 500
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 507
        Review and Discussion Questions 508
        Preparing for: My Career 508
        Case Application 1: Deepwater in Deep Trouble 510
        Case Application 2: Baggage Blunders 511
    Chapter 19 Managing Operations 514
        The Role of Operations Management 516
        What Is Value Chain Management and Why Is It Important? 519
        Managing Operations Using Value Chain Management 521
        Boxed Features
        LEADER WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE | Muhtar Kent 519
        BY THE NUMBERS 525
        Chapter Summary by Learning Outcomes 531
        Review and Discussion Questions 532
        Preparing for: My Career 532
        Case Application 1: Stirring Things Up 534
        Case Application 2: Smooth Ride 535
        Appendix Managing Entrepreneurial Ventures 537
        The Context of Entrepreneurship 537
        Start-Up and Planning Issues 540
        Organizing Issues 547
        Leading Issues 552
        Controlling Issues 555
Endnotes 561
Name Index 607
Organization Index 624
Glindex 628
Photo Credits 643


Management Elevebth Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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