Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tourism Principles, Practices, Philoshophies

Tourism Principles, Practices, Philoshophies
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2009 Oleh Jogn Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Judul:  Tourism Principles, Practices, Philoshophies
Oleh:  Charles R. Goeldner, et al
Penerbit:   John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman: 655  hal.

Charles R. Goeldner
J. R. Brent Ritchie

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini dimaksudkan terutama sebagai buku teks untuk kuliah di universitas dan kursus di bidang pariwisata. Namun, buku ini juga memberikan informasi dan bimbingan yang berharga untuk nasional / negara / provinsi / lokal pejabat pariwisata ces, konvensi dan pengunjung biro, kamar dagang, organisasi perencanaan dan pengembangan pariwisata, promotor pariwisata, akomodasi wisata, atraksi dan bisnis lainnya, operator transportasi, perusahaan minyak dan otomotif, dan organisasi lain yang tertarik
atau terlibat dalam gerakan orang-orang dari rumah mereka atau tujuan bisnis.
Buku ini membahas konsep-konsep utama dalam pariwisata, apa yang membuat pariwisata mungkin, dan bagaimana pariwisata dapat menjadi faktor penting dalam kekayaan negara mana pun. Hal ini ditulis dalam dan luas, istilah global, membahas prinsip-prinsip, praktik, dan filosofi dari tourismthat telah ditemukan untuk membawa  pada kesuksesan. Dalam edisi kesebelas Pariwisata, memberikan  perhatian yang lebih besar kepada dampak global pariwisata, baik secara ekonomi dan sosial.
Agar pariwisata menjadi sukses, berbagai macam komponen harus bekerja sama secara mulus untuk menciptakan pengalaman perjalanan yang positif. Buku ini dibagi menjadi enam bagian, yang meneliti berbagai komponen pariwisata, fungsi mereka, dan cance signifi mereka.
Bagian 1 memberikan gambaran yang luas tentang pariwisata, dengan bab dikhususkan secara spesifik tentang dampak global pariwisata, sejarah, dan peluang karir.
Bagian 2 terlihat pada pemerintah dan swasta - organisasi sektor yang memberikan layanan, produk, dan tujuan bagi wisatawan. Masing-masing bab membahas organisasi wisata, angkutan penumpang, penginapan dan makanan layanan penyedia, perjalanan agen dan grosir, dan atraksi wisata.
Bagian 3, siswa belajar tentang motivasi perjalanan, perilaku, dan sosiologi yang mewarnai pariwisata.
Bagian 4 dikhususkan untuk perencanaan pariwisata dan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut dari komponen
pariwisata. Sebuah bab tentang merumuskan kebijakan pariwisata termasuk dalam bagian ini.
Bab lain mencakup topik seperti pasokan pariwisata, peramalan permintaan, ekonomi
dampak pariwisata, perencanaan pariwisata, dan masalah lingkungan. Mengingat pentingnya pertumbuhan lingkungan, upaya tertentu telah dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi sepenuhnya
masalah manajerial pada antarmuka pariwisata / lingkungan - titik di mana ada banyak potensi untuk
Bagian 5 meneliti medan penting dari penelitian pariwisata dan pemasaran pariwisata.
Bagian 6 melihat proyeksi untuk pariwisata di tahun 2020 dan menunjukkan bagaimana industri hari ini
dapat mempersiapkan diri untuk mengakomodasi pertumbuhan di masa depan dan memenuhi tantangan besok.

Daftar Isi:
Preface xiii
CHAPTER 1 Tourism in Perspective 3

    Introduction 4
    What Is Tourism? 4
    Components of Tourism and Tourism Management 12
    Basic Approaches to the Study of Tourism 21
    Economic Importance 25
    Benefits and Costs of Tourism 31
    Summary 33
    Key Concepts 33
    Internet Exercises 34
    Questions for Review and Discussion 34
    Case Problems 34
CHAPTER 2 Tourism through the Ages 35
    Introduction 36
    Early Beginnings 37
    Early (and Later) Tourist Attractions 49
    Early Economic References 52
    The First Travel Agents 52
    Historic Transportation 53
    Accommodations 57
    Chronologies of Travel 57
    Summary 62
    Key Concepts 63
    Internet Exercises 63
    Questions for Review and Discussion 64
CHAPTER 3 Career Opportunities 65
    Introduction 66
    Job Forecasts 66
    Job Requirements 66
    Career Possibilities 67
    Career Paths in Tourism 79
    Internships 80
    Other Sources of Career Information 84
    Summary 84
    Key Concepts 84
    Internet Exercises 85
    Questions for Review and Discussion 85
    Case Problems 86

CHAPTER 4 World, National, Regional, and Other Organizations 89

    Introduction 90
    International Organizations 91
    Developmental Organizations (International and National) 98
    Regional International Organizations 99
    National Organizations 100
    Regional Organizations 109
    State and Community Organizations 109
    Summary 113
    Key Concepts 114
    Internet Exercises 114
    Questions for Review and Discussion 115
    Case Problems 116
CHAPTER 5 Passenger Transportation 117
    Introduction 118
    The Airline Industry 120
    The Rail Industry 129
    The Motorcoach Industry 133
    The Automobile 136
    The Cruise Industry 143
    Other Modes of Transportation 148
    Summary 149
    Key Concepts 150
    Internet Exercises 150
    Questions for Review and Discussion 151
    Case Problems 152
CHAPTER 6 Hospitality and Related Services 153
    Introduction 154
    The Lodging Industry 155
    The Food Service Industry 169
    Meeting Planners 175
    Summary 177
    Key Concepts 179
    Internet Exercises 179
    Questions for Review and Discussion 179
    Case Problems 180
CHAPTER 7 Organizations in the Distribution Process 181
    Introduction 182
    Travel Agents 183
    The Internet 196
    Consolidators 200
    The Tour Wholesaler 201
    Specialty Channelers 206
    Choosing Channels 208
    Summary 208
    Key Concepts 209
    Internet Exercises 209
    Questions for Review and Discussion 210
    Case Problems 210
CHAPTER 8 Attractions, Entertainment, Recreation, and Other 212
    Introduction 213
    Attractions 214
    Gaming 223
    Recreation 226
    Entertainment 234
    Festivals and Events 234
    Shopping 236
    Education 238
    Publishing 240
    Marketing and Publicity Organizations 241
    Miscellaneous Services 241
    Summary 241
    Key Concepts 242
    Internet Exercises 242
    Questions for Review and Discussion 243
    Case Problem 243

CHAPTER 9 Motivation for Pleasure Travel 247

    Introduction 248
    A Focus on Customers 248
    The Need for a Theory 258
    The Development of Motivation Models 262  
    Summary 263
    Key Concepts 264
    Internet Exercises 264
    Questions for Review and Discussion 265
    Case Problems 266
CHAPTER 10 Cultural and International Tourism for Life’s Enrichment 267
    Introduction 268
    Importance 268
    Life-Seeing Tourism 270
    The Romance of Pleasure Travel 273
    Developmental and Promotional Measures 273
    Anthropography (Geography of Humankind) 277
    Types of Destinations as Travel Experiences 277
    Other Tourist Appeals 280
    Tourism and Peace 291
    Summary 300
    Key Concepts 301
    Internet Exercises 301
    Questions for Review and Discussion 302
    Case Problems 302
CHAPTER 11 Sociology of Tourism 303
    Introduction 304
    Effects on the Individual 304
    Effects on the Family 304
    Effects on Society 305
    Life Characteristics and Travel 309
    Emergence of Group Travel Patterns 317
    Social (Subsidized) Tourism 319
    Summary of the Principal Social Effects of Tourism 322
    The International Tourist 323
    Barriers to Travel 326
    Summary 327
    Key Concepts 328
    Internet Exercises 328
    Questions for Review and Discussion 329
    Case Problems 329

CHAPTER 12 Tourism Components and Supply 333

    Introduction 334
    Supply Components 335
    Natural Resources 336
    Built Environment 337
    Operating Sectors 340
    Spirit of Hospitality and Cultural Resources 347
    Matching Supply with Demand 353
    Summary 359
    Key Concepts 360
    Internet Exercises 360
    Questions for Review and Discussion 361
    Case Problems 361
CHAPTER 13 Measuring and Forecasting Demand 362
    Introduction 363
    Why Demand Is Important 363
    Demand to a Destination 363
    Measuring Demand 366
    Projection Methodology 369
    Summary 376
    Key Concepts 376
    Internet Exercises 377
    Questions for Review and Discussion 377
    Case Problems 378
CHAPTER 14 Tourism’s Economic Impact 379
    Introduction 380
    Tourism’s Economic Impact: An International Perspective 380
    Comparing International and Domestic Expenditures 383
    Optimization 386
    Economic Multipliers 396
    More Advanced Economic Concepts Related to Tourism 404
    Summary 408
    Key Concepts 410
    Internet Exercises 410
    Questions for Review and Discussion 411
    Case Problems 411
CHAPTER 15 Tourism Policy: Structure, Content, and Process 412
    Introduction 413
    Tourism Policy: A Defi nition 414
    The Focus of Tourism Policy: The Competitive/Sustainable Destination 416
    The Major Parameters of Tourism Destination Management 418
    Tourism Policy: Structure, Content, and Process 425
    The Process of Tourism Policy Formulation 430
    Translating Policy into Reality 435
    Formulating Policy to Deal with Crises 435
    Summary 437
    Key Concepts 438
    Internet Exercises 438
    Questions for Review and Discussion 439
CHAPTER 16 Tourism Planning, Development, and Social Considerations 440
    Introduction 441
    Planning for a Competitive/Sustainable Destination 441
    The Nature of Tourism Planning 444
    Relating Tourism Planning to Tourism Policy 444
    Why Tourism Planning Is Necessary 448
    The Planning Process 450
    Goals of Tourism Development 454
    Political Aspects of Tourism Development 456
    Development of Tourist Potential 459
    Summary 465
    Key Concepts 466
    Internet Exercises 466
    Questions for Review and Discussion 467
    Case Problems 467
CHAPTER 17 Tourism and the Environment 469
    Introduction 470
    Does Tourism Threaten the Environment? The WTTC Position 470
    Sustainable Development 474
    Ecotourism: Common Terms Used 483
    Current Tourism Industry Practices 491
    Summary 500
    Key Concepts 501
    Internet Exercises 501
    Questions for Review and Discussion 502
    Case Problems 502

CHAPTER 18 Travel and Tourism Research 507

    Introduction 508
    Illustrative Uses of Travel Research 508
    The Travel Research Process 509
    Sources of Information 511
    Basic Research Methods 515
    Who Does Travel Research? 522
    The State of the Art 526
    Travel and Tourism Research Association 528
    Summary 529
    Key Concepts 529
    Internet Exercises 529
    Questions for Review and Discussion 530
CHAPTER 19 Tourism Marketing 531
    Introduction 532
    Marketing Concept 532
    The Marketing Mix 533
    Market Segmentation 553
    Marketing Planning: The Tourism Marketing Plan 559
    Joint Marketing Efforts 560
    Summary 561
    Key Concepts 561
    Internet Exercises 562
    Questions for Review and Discussion 563
    Case Problem 564

CHAPTER 20 Tourism’s Future 567

    Introduction 568
    Tourism in the Third Millennium 568
    The World of Tourism in 2020 569
    The Nature of Future Growth 571
    Leisure, Tourism, and Society in the Third Millennium 572
    New Realities—New Horizons: Forces Impacting the Future of Tourism 573
    The Tourist of the Future 583
    The Changing Nature of Tourism Products 591
    Managing the Future Effectively 594
    Summary 594
    Key Concepts 595
    Internet Exercises 595
    Questions for Review and Discussion 596
    Selected References 597
Glossary 613
Index 619

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Tourism Principles, Practices, Philoshophies Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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