Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Macroeconomics Ninth Edition

Macroeconomics Ninth Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2009  Oleh   McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. adalah buku edisi  Sembilan.

Judul:  Macroeconomics Ninth Edition
Oleh:  Stephen L. Slavin
Penerbit:   McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman:  562 hal.

Stephen L. Slavin
Union County College
Cranford, New Jersey
The New School University
New York City

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 19 Bab meliputi: 1) Sejarah  Singkat Ekonomi Amerika Serikat, 2) Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya, 3) Mixed Economy, 4) Pasokan dan Permintaan, 5)  Sektor Konsumsi Rumah Tangga,
6) Sektor  Investasi Bisnis, 7 Sektor Pemerintah, 8) Sektor  Ekspor-Impor, 9) Produk Domestik Bruto,
10) Fluktuasi Ekonomi, Pengangguran, dan Inflasi, 11) Ekonomi  Klasik dan  Ekonomi Keynesian,
12) Kebijakan Fiskal dan National Debt, 13) Uang dan Perbankan, 14) Federal Reserve dan Kebijakan Moneter, 15)  A Century of Teori Ekonomii,  16) Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Produktivitas,
17) Distribusi Pendapatan dan Kemiskinan, 18)  Perdagangan Internasional, dan 19)  International Finance.

Daftar Isi:   
1     A Brief Economic History of the United States 1
       Introduction 1
       The American Economy in the 19th Century 2
       The American Economy in the 20th Century 6
       Current Issue: America’s Place in History 18
2     Resource Utilization 25
       The Central Fact of Economics: Scarcity 26
       Full Employment and Full Production 29
       The Production Possibilities Curve 32
       Productive Effi ciency 37
       Economic Growth 37
       Current Issue: Will You Be Underemployed When You Graduate? 39
3     The Mixed Economy 49
       The Three Questions of Economics 49
       The Invisible Hand, the Price Mechanism, and Perfect Competition 51
       The Circular Flow Model 54
       The Economic Role of Government 55
       Market Failure 56
       Government Failure 59
       Capital 61
       The “Isms”: Capitalism, Communism, Fascism, and Socialism 63
       Current Issue: The Bridge to Nowhere 68
4     Supply and Demand 71
       Demand 71
       Supply 72
       Equilibrium 74
       Shifts in Demand and Supply 75
       Price Ceilings and Price Floors 79
       Applications of Supply and Demand 84
       Last Word 86
       Current Issue: High Gas Prices: Something Only an Economist Could Love 86
       GDP and Big Numbers 95
       Consumption 96
       Individual Saving 97
       Graphing the Consumption and Saving Function 101
       The Consumption Function 102
       The Saving Function 104
       Autonomous Consumption and Induced Consumption 106
       What the Consumer Buys 107
       Determinants of the Level of Consumption 109
       The Permanent Income Hypothesis 111
       Is the Consumer Really King? 112
       Why Do We Spend So Much and Save So Little? 113
       Current Issue: The American Consumer: World-Class Shopper 115
6     The Business–Investment Sector 121
       Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Corporations 121
       Investment 126
       Investment Defi ned 128
       Why Isn’t Education Spending Classifi ed as Investment? 130
       How Does Savings Get Invested? 132
       Gross Investment versus Net Investment 132
       Building Capital 133
       The Determinants of the Level of Investment 133
       Graphing the C 1 I Line 136
       The Summing Up of Investment 137
       Current Issue: “Benedict Arnold Corporations”? 139
7     The Government Sector 145
       Introduction: The Growing Economic Role of Government 145
       Government Spending 146
       The Economic Role of Government 162
       Current Issue: Will Social Security Be There for You? 165
8     The Export–Import Sector 171
       The Basis for International Trade 171
       Specialization and Exchange 172
       U.S. Exports and Imports 173
       Outsourcing and Offshoring 175
       A Summing Up: C 1 I 1 G 1 X n 176
       World Trade Agreements and Free Trade
       Zones 176
       Current Issue: Is Your School Sweatshirt Sewn in a Sweatshop? 182
9     Gross Domestic Product 189
       What Is Gross Domestic Product? 189
       How GDP Is Measured 191
       Two Things to Avoid When Compiling GDP 193
       Nominal GDP versus Real GNP 195
       International GDP Comparisons 200
       Per Capita Real GDP 200
       Shortcomings of GDP as a Measure of National Economic Well-Being 203
       Current Issue: GDP or GPI? 208
10   Economic Fluctuations, Unemployment, and Infl ation 215
       Economic Fluctuations 215
       Unemployment 222
       Inflation 229
       The Misery Index 241
       Current Issue: Where Are All the Jobs? 242
11   Classical and Keynesian Economics 251
       Part I: The Classical Economic System 251
       The Classical Equilibrium: Aggregate Demand Equals Aggregate Supply 255
       Part II: The Keynesian Critique of the Classical System 261
       Part III: The Keynesian System 264
       Disequilibrium and Equilibrium 267
       Keynesian Policy Prescriptions 268
       Current Issue: Keynes and Say in the 21st Century 269
12   Fiscal Policy and the National Debt 275
       Putting Fiscal Policy into Perspective 275
       Part I: The Recessionary Gap and the Infl ationary Gap 276
       Part II: The Multiplier and Its Applications 278
       Part III: The Automatic Stabilizers 282
       Part IV: Discretionary Fiscal Policy 285
       Part V: Fiscal Policy Lags 288
       Part VI: The Defi cit Dilemma 290
       Part VII: The Crowding-Out and Crowding-In Effects 292
       Part VIII: The Public Debt 294
       Current Issue: Defi cits as Far as the Eye Can See 297
13   Money and Banking 305
       Money 305
       Banking 313
       Bank Regulation 320
       Wal–Mart Bank? 323
       Current Issue: Overdraft Privileges 323
14   The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy 329
       The Federal Reserve System 329
       The Creation and Destruction of Money 335
       Deposit Expansion 336
       The Tools of Monetary Policy 340
       The Fed’s Effectiveness in Fighting Infl ation and Recession 347
       The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980   350
       The Banking Act of 1999   351
       Monetary Policy Lags 351
       Fiscal and Monetary Policies Should Mesh 352
       Who Controls Our Interest Rates? 353
       Current Issue: The Housing Bubble and the Subprime Mortgage Mess 353
15   A Century of Economic Theory 363
       The Equation of Exchange 363
       The Quantity Theory of Money 365
       Keynesian Economics 368
       The Monetarist School 369
       Supply-Side Economics 372
       Rational Expectations Theory 375
       21st Century Economic Theory 378
       Conventional Macropolicy to Fight Recessions 379
       Conventional Macropolicy to Fight Infl ation 380
       Fighting Infl ationary Recessions 380
       The Limits of Macropolicy 381
       Conclusion 381
       Current Issue: Is George W. Bush a Supply-Sider or a Keynesian? 382
16   Economic Growth and Productivity 389
       The Industrial Revolution and American Economic Development 389
       The Record of Productivity Growth 391
       The Role of Technological Change 399
       Rising Health Care Costs and the Shift to a Service Economy 400
       Additional Factors Affecting Our Rate of Growth 402
       Global Warming and Economic Growth 404
       Summary 404
       Output per Employee: An International Comparison 406
       Economic Growth in the Less Developed Countries 407
       Current Issue: Health Care Costs in the Coming Decades 409
17   Income Distribution and Poverty 415
       Income Distribution in the United States 415
       Poverty in America 423
       Current Issue: Will You Ever Be Poor? 439
18   International Trade 447
       Part I: A Brief History of U.S. Trade 448
       Part II: The Theory of International Trade 451
       Part III: The Practice of International Trade 462
           What Are the Causes of Our Trade Imbalance? 462
       Part IV: Our Trade Defi cit with Japan and China 464
           Final Word 468
       Current Issue: Buy American? 469
19   International Finance 475
       The Mechanics of International Finance 475
       Exchange Rate Systems 479
       Running Up a Tab in the Global Economy 489
       Current Issue: Editorial: American Exceptionality 494
Glossary 501
Photo Credits 510
Index 512

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Macroeconomics Ninth Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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