Saturday, March 21, 2015

Atlas The Universe Reviced Education

Atlas The Universe Reviced Education
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2005 Oleh  The best introduction to astronomy’ The Journal of the British Astronomical Associatio edisi  Revisi (Tiga).

Judul:  Atlas The Universe Reviced Education
Oleh:  Sir Petrick Moore
Penerbit:   ‘The best introduction to astronomy’
The Journal of the British Astronomical Associatio
Tahun: 2005
Jumlah Halaman:  288  hal.

Sir Patrick Moore


Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini mengemukakan tentang alam semesta, matahari, bintang-bintang, peta bintang, sampai dengan Astronomi Praktis.

Daftar Isi:
7 Foreword by Professor Sir Arnold Wolfendale, FRS
9 Introduction by Sir Patrick Moore


    12 Astronomy through the Ages
    14 Telescopes and the Stars
    16 Observatories of the World
    18 Great Telescopes
    20 Invisible Astronomy
    22 Rockets into Space
    24 Satellites and Space Probes
    26 Man in Space
    28 Space Stations
    30 The Hubble Space Telescope
    34 The Sun’s Family
    36 The Earth in the Solar System
    38 The Earth as a Planet
    40 The Earth’s Atmosphere and Magnetosphere
    42 The Earth–Moon System
    44 Features of the Moon
    46 Lunar Landscapes
    48 The Far Side of the Moon
    50 Missions to the Moon
    52 Clementine and Prospector
    54 The Moon: First Quadrant
    56 The Moon: Second Quadrant
    58 The Moon: Third Quadrant
    60 The Moon: Fourth Quadrant
    62 Movements of the Planets
    64 Mercury
    66 Features of Mercury
    68 Map of Mercury
    70 Venus
    72 Mapping Venus
    74 The Magellan Mission
    76 Mars
    78 Missions to Mars
    80 Satellites of Mars
    82 Map of Mars
    84 Hubble Views of Mars
    85 Mars from Global Surveyor
    86 The Search for Life on Mars
    88 The Pathfinder Mission
    89 Spirit and Opportunity
    90 Asteroids
    92 Exceptional Asteroids
    94 Jupiter
    96 The Changing Face of Jupiter
    98 Missions to Jupiter
    100 Impacts on Jupiter
    102 Satellites of Jupiter
    104 The Galilean Satellites –from Galileo
    106 Maps of Jupiter’s Satellites
    108 Saturn
    110 Rings of Saturn
    112 Details of Saturn’s Rings
    114 Missions to Saturn
    116 Satellites of Saturn
    118 Maps of Saturn’s Icy Satellites
    120 Titan
    122 Uranus
    124 Missions to Uranus
    126 Satellites of Uranus
    128 Maps of the Satellites of Uranus
    130 Neptune
    132 Satellites of Neptune
    134 Pluto
    136 The Surface of Pluto
    137 Boundaries of the Solar System
    138 Comets
    139 Short-period Comets
    140 Halley’s Comet
    142 Great Comets
    144 Millennium Comets
    146 Meteors
    148 Meteorites
    150 Meteorite Craters
    154 Our Star: the Sun
    156 The Surface of the Sun
    158 The Solar Spectrum
    160 Eclipses of the Sun
    162 The Sun in Action
    166 Introduction to the Stars
    168 The Celestial Sphere
    170 Distances and Movement of the Stars
    172 Different Types of Stars
    174 The Lives of the Stars
    176 Double Stars
    178 Variable Stars
    180 Novae
    182 Supernovae
    184 Black Holes
    186 Stellar Clusters
    188 Nebulae
    190 Views from the Very Large Telescope
    194 The Structure of the Universe
    196 Our Galaxy
    198 The Local Group of Galaxies
    200 The Outer Galaxies
    202 Quasars
    204 The Expanding Universe
    206 The Early Universe
    208 Life in the Universe
    212 Whole Sky Maps
    214 Seasonal Charts: North
    216 Seasonal Charts: South
    218 Ursa Major, Canes Venatici, Leo Minor
    220 Ursa Minor, Draco
    222 Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Camelopardalis, Lacerta
    224 Boötes, Corona Borealis, Coma Berenices
    226 Leo, Cancer, Sextans
    228 Virgo, Libra
    230 Hydra, Corvus, Crater
    232 Lyra, Cygnus, Aquila, Scutum, Sagitta, Vulpecula, Delphinus, Equuleus
    234 Hercules
    236 Ophiuchus, Serpens
    238 Scorpius, Sagittarius, Corona Australis
    240 Andromeda, Triangulum, Aries, Perseus
    242 Pegasus, Pisces
    244 Capricornus, Aquarius, Piscis Australis
    246 Cetus, Eridanus (northern), Fornax
    248 Orion, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Monoceros, Lepus, Columba
    250 Taurus, Gemini
    252 Auriga, Lynx
    254 Carina, Vela, Pyxis, Antlia, Pictor, Volans, Puppis
    256 Centaurus, Crux Australis, Triangulum Australe, Circinus, Ara, Telescopium, Norma, Lupus
    258 Grus, Phoenix, Tucana, Pavo, Indus, Microscopium, Sculptor
    260 Eridanus (southern), Horologium, Caelum, Dorado, Reticulum, Hydrus, Mensa, Chamaeleon,
           Musca, Apus, Octans
    264 The Beginner’s Guide to the Sky
    266 Choosing a Telescope
    268 Home Observatories

270 Glossary
280 Index
288 Acknowledgements



Atlas The Universe Reviced Education Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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