Tuesday, March 31, 2015

HIV Medicine 2007 15th Edition

HIV Medicine 2007   15th Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan Tahun 2003  Oleh  McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc adalah buku edisi  Dua.

Judul:  HIV Medicine 2007   15th Edition
Oleh: Christian Hoffmann, et al (Editor)
Penerbit:  Flying Publisher
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman:  818  hal.

Christian Hoffmann, M.D., Ph.D.
Infektionsmedizinisches Centrum Hamburg (ICH)
Grindelallee 35
D – 20146 Hamburg
Phone +49 40 413 2420

Jürgen K. Rockstroh, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Medicine I
University of Bonn
Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25
D – 53105 Bonn
Phone: + 49 228 287 6558
Fax: + 49 228 287 5034
email: Juergen.Rockstroh@ukb.uni-bonn.de

Bernd Sebastian Kamps, M.D.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 33 topik bahasan, meliputi 1. Pendahuluan,  2. Infeksi  HIV-1 akut,  3. Tes HIV,
4. Infeksi Patogenesis HIV-1,  5. ART 2007, 6. Pengelolaan Efek Samping, 7. Lipodistrofi Syndrome,
8. Nucleoside Analog mitokondria toksisitas , 9. Pengujian Perlawanan HIV, 10. Kehamilan dan HIV,
11. Antiretroviral Therapy pada Anak, 12. Infeksi Oportunistik (IO), 13. Sarkoma Kaposi, 14. Limfoma ganas , 15.  Pasien Baru HIV, 16. Vaksinasi dan HIV, 17. Bepergian dengan HIV, 18.  Infeksi Co HIV dan HBV / HCV, 19.  Infeksi GBV-C, 20. HIV dan fungsi ginjal, 21. Penyakit kulit  terkait HIV dan mukokutan,
22. Penyakit Menular HIV dan Seksual, 23. Penyakit HIV dan Jantung, 24. HIV terkait Hipertensi Paru,
25. HIV dan Penyakit Paru, 26. HIV-1 Ensefalopati terkait dan Myelopathy, 27. Penyakit neuromuscular,
28. HIV dan Gangguan Jiwa, 29. Disfungsi Seksual HIV / AIDS, 30. HIV dan Harapan untuk Parenthood,
31. Pasca-Exposure Profilaksis (PEP), 32. Profil Obat, dan 33. Interaksi Obat-Obat.

Daftar Isi:
1.     Introduction   23
        Transmission routes   23
        Natural history   .25
        CDC classification system   26
        Epidemiology  28
        Conclusion   .29
        References    29
2.     Acute HIV-1 Infection   33
        Introduction    33
        Immunological and virological events during acute HIV-1 infection    33
        Signs and symptoms   34
        Diagnosis   35
        Treatment   37
        References   38
3.     HIV Testing   41
        How to test   41
        HIV antibody diagnosis   .41
        Problem: The "diagnostic window" .  48
        HIV nucleic acid testing (NAT)  50
        Test results   50
        Special case: Babies born to HIV-infected mothers  51
        Special case: occupational HIV exposure (see also chapter on PEP)   52
        What is relevant in practice?   53
        Useful Internet sources relating to HIV testing   54
        References .54
4.     Pathogenesis of HIV-1 Infection   .59
        1.     The structure of HIV-1   60
        2.     The HIV replication cycle    64
        3.     HIV and the immune system  .72
        References   81
5.     ART 2007   89
        1.     History  89
        2.     Overview of antiretroviral agents     93
        3.     ART 2007/2008: The horizon and beyond   127
        4.     Therapeutic Goals   160
        5.    When to start HAART.  176
        6.     Which HAART to start with?  189
        7.     When to change HAART  .210
        8.     How to change HAART   218
        9.     Salvage therapy    226
        10.   When to stop HAART   238
        11.   Monitoring.    252
        12.   Costs, Prevention, Compliance    263
6.     Management of Side Effects   273
        Gastrointestinal side effects    273
        Hepatotoxicity 275
        Renal problems   .278
        Neurological side effects    280
        CNS disorders    280
        Haematological changes    281
        Increased bleeding episodes    282
        Allergic reactions    282
        Lactic acidosis     284
        Avascular necrosis    285
        Osteopenia/osteoporosis    286
        Specific side effects  287
        References   288
7.     Lipodystrophy Syndrome  .293
        Background   293
        Clinical manifestation   293
        HAART, lipodystrophy syndrome and cardiovascular risk   295
        Pathogenesis  .297
        Diagnosis  299
        Therapy and Prevention  301
        References  305

8.     Mitochondrial Toxicity of Nucleoside Analogs   309
        Introduction   309
        Pathogenesis of mitochondrial toxicity   309
        Clinical manifestations    310
        Monitoring and diagnosis    314
        Treatment and prophylaxis of mitochondrial toxicity  314
        References  317
9.     HIV Resistance Testing   321
        Assays for resistance testing    321
        Background   324
        Interpretation of genotypic resistance profiles   .328
        Summary   338
        Resistance tables   340
        References   344
10.   Pregnancy and HIV   353
        HIV therapy in pregnancy   353
        References  366
11.   Antiretroviral Therapy in Children   369
        Characteristics of HIV infection in childhood    369
        Diagnosis of HIV infection < 18 months of age   372
        Diagnosis of HIV infection > 18 months of age   373
        When to initiate antiretroviral therapy    373
        General considerations for treatment of HIV-infected children   375
        Strategy  377
        Classes of Antiretrovirals    378
        Drug interaction   382
        Monitoring of therapy efficacy and therapy failure   382
        Change of therapy    383
        Supportive therapy and prophylaxis    383
        Conclusion  384
12.   Opportunistic Infections (OIs)   389
        OIs in the HAART era   389
        Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)   392
        Cerebral toxoplasmosis    400
        CMV retinitis   406
        Candidiasis   412
        Tuberculosis   416
        Atypical mycobacteriosis (MAC)   433
        Herpes simplex  437
        Herpes zoster   440
        Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy  442
        Bacterial pneumonia   446
        Cryptosporidiosis  449
        Cryptococcosis   452
        Salmonella septicemia   456
        Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)   458
        Wasting syndrome   464
        Rare OIs   467
13.   Kaposi’s Sarcoma   477
        Signs, symptoms and diagnosis     478
        Prognosis and staging    479
        Treatment.  480
        Local therapy   481
        Chemotherapy   481
        Immunotherapy   483
        Monitoring and follow-up care   484
        References  484
14.   Malignant Lymphomas   489
        Systemic non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL)   490
         Primary CNS lymphoma   501
        Hodgkin.s disease (HD)   504
        Multicentric Castleman’s Disease (MCD)  506
15.   The New HIV Patient   513
        The initial interview    513
        The Laboratory   514
        The examination   515
16.   Vaccinations and HIV   517
        Practical approach to vaccinations    519
        Details on individual vaccines 519
17.   Traveling with HIV   .531
        Travel preparations   531
        Antiretroviral therapy (ART)  531
        General precautions   532
        Vaccinations   .532
        Malaria prophylaxis    533
        Entry regulations and travel insurance  .533
        Special risks   534
        Medical problems after traveling     536
18.   HIV and HBV/HCV Coinfections   539
        HIV and HCV Coinfection   539
        HIV and HBV coinfection 550
19.   GBV-C infection   559
        GBV-C: Harmless or rather a friendly virus?   559
        Proposed pathomechanisms: One question and multiple answers  .561
        How to deal with GBV-C-viremia in HIV-infection?  562
        References  563
20.   HIV and Renal Function   567
        Nephroprotection   567
        Clinical manifestation/diagnosis of nephropathy  .567
        Routine tests for renal impairment  .568
        HIV-associated nephropathy (HIV-AN)   569
        Post-infectious glomerulonephritis   .570
        Principles of therapy of glomerulonephritis   570
        Renal safety of antiretroviral therapy   571
        Dosage of antiretrovirals in renal insufficiency   573
        OIs and renal insufficiency 575
        References .577
21.   HIV-associated Skin and Mucocutaneous Diseases  581
        Introduction    581
        Dermatological examination and therapy in HIV-infected patients  583
        HAART: Influence on (muco-) cutaneous diseases  585
        Conclusions    586
        Most frequent HIV-associated skin diseases   587
        Skin and mucocutaneous disease related to antiretroviral drugs   598
        References  600
22.   HIV and Sexually Transmitted Diseases   609
        Syphilis    609
        Gonorrhea    611
        Chlamydia infection   612
        Chancroid    614
        Condylomata acuminata   615
23.   HIV and Cardiac Diseases    617
        Coronary artery disease (CHD)   617
        Congestive heart failure   619
        Pericardial effusion   621
        Cardiac arrhythmias   622
        Valvular heart disease   622
        Further cardiac manifestations  623
        References  623
24.   HIV-associated Pulmonary Hypertension  627
        Etiology, pathogenesis, classification    627
        Diagnosis   628
        Therapy   629
        Conclusion for clinicians   634
        References and Internet addresses   634
25.   HIV and Pulmonary Diseases    637
        Anamnesis    638
        Pulmonary complications   640
        References  643
26.   HIV-1 associated Encephalopathy and Myelopathy  645
        HIV encephalopathy   645
        HIV-associated myelopathy    650
        References  651
27.   Neuromuscular Diseases   653
        Polyneuropathy and polyradiculopathy  653
        Myopathy  661
28.   HIV and Psychiatric Disorders   665
        Major depression   665
        Psychotic disorders   671
        Acute treatment in psychiatric emergency   674
        References  675
29.   Sexual Dysfunction in HIV/AIDS  677
        Introduction  .677
        Definitions   677
        Etiology of sexual dysfunction in HIV/AIDS  677
        Ongoing research   679
        Diagnosis of sexual dysfunction   679
        Therapy for sexual dysfunction  680
30.   HIV and Wish for Parenthood   685
        Introduction   685
        Pre-conceptual counseling    687
        Male HIV infection    687
        Female HIV infection   .689
        HIV infection of both partners   690
        Psychosocial aspects   690
        The future   691
31.   Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)     695
        Transmission   695
        Transmission risk    695
        Effectiveness and limitations of PEP    696
        When is PEP indicated?   697
        Potential risks of PEP   697
        Initial interventions   698
        Initiation of PEP   699
        Management of PEP  700
        References  701
32.   Drug Profiles   705
        3TC . Lamivudine  705
        Abacavir (ABC  706
        Acyclovir   707
        Amphotericin B   708
        Amprenavir  709
        Atazanavir    710
        Atovaquone  711
        Atripla®   712
        Azithromycin   712
        AZT . Zidovudine  713
        Cidofovir   715
        Clarithromycin  .716
        Clindamycin    717
        Combivir  717
        Co-trimoxazole   718
        d4T . Stavudine   719
        Dapsone    720
        Daunorubicin, liposomal   722
        ddC . Zalcitabine   722
        ddI . Didanosine  723
        Delavirdine   724
        Doxorubicin (liposomal)  724
        Efavirenz  725
        Emtricitabine (FTC)   726
        Erythropoietin 727
        Ethambutol   728
        Etravirin (TMC-125)   729
        Fluconazole 730
        Fosamprenavir   731
        Foscarnet  732
        Ganciclovir   733
        G-CSF   734
        Indinavir  .735
        Interferon alfa 2a/2b   736
        Interleukin-2   737
        Isoniazid (INH)   738
        Itraconazole   .739
        Kivexa. (USA: Epzicom.)   740
        Lopinavir   741
        Maraviroc   742
        Nelfinavir   744
        Nevirapine    745
        Pentamidine    747
        Pyrimethamine   748
        Raltegravir (MK-0518)   749
        Ribavirin   .749
        Rifabutin    751
        Rifampin (or rifampicin)   752
        Ritonavir    753
        Saquinavir   755
        Sulfadiazine    756
        T-20 (Enfuvirtide)   757
        Tenofovir   758
        Tipranavir   760
        Trizivir   762
        Truvada   762
        Valganciclovir   763
33.   Drug-Drug Interactions 767

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

HIV Medicine 2007 15th Edition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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  2. Irrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption.Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Cancer,Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
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