Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Science Level Green

Science Level Green Interactive Student Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2008  The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Science Level Green Interactive Student Edition
Oleh:   Alton Biggs, et al
Penerbit:   The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman:  926  hal.


Alton Biggs
Retired Biology Teacher
Allen High School
Allen, TX
Lucy Daniel, PhD
Rutherford County Schools
Rutherfordton, NC
Ralph M. Feather Jr., PhD
Assistant Professor
Geoscience Department
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA
Edward Ortleb
Science Consultant   St. Louis, MO
Susan Leach Snyder
Retired Teacher, Consultant
Jones Middle School
Upper Arlington, OH
Dinah Zike
Educational Consultant
Dinah-Might Activities, Inc.
San Antonio, TX

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini terdiri atas 6 Unit Utama. Pada Setiap Unit terdiri atas beberapa Bab. UNIT 1  Material Bumi yang mencakup pembahasan  Bab 1 Sifat Ilmu, Bab 2 Mineral, dan Bab 3  Batuan.
UNIT 2  Atmosfere Bumi dan Angkasa Luar, meliputi pembahasan Bab 4  Atmosfere.
Bab 5 Cuaca,  Bab 6 Iklim, dan  Bab 7 Bumi dan Angkasa.  UNIT 3  Hakikat  Hidup, mencakup bahasan  Bab 8  Struktur dan Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup, Bab 9 Proses Sel,  Bab 10 Reproduksi Sel,  Bab 11 Keturunan, dan  Bab 12 Adaptasi lebih Waktu. UNIT 4 Sistem Tubuh Manusia, mencakup  Bab 13 Sirkulasi dan Imunitas, Bab 14 Pencernaan, Respirasi, dan Ekskresi, Bab 15 Support, Gerakan, dan  Respon, dan Bab 16 Pengaturan dan Reproduksi.  UNIT 5  Ketergantungan Kehidupan. Meliputi pembahasan   Bab 17 Tanaman,  Bab 18 Interaksi Hal Hidup, dan Bab 19 Konservasi Sumber Daya.
UNIT 6   Zat dan Energi  yang membahas  Bab 20 Sifat dan Perubahan  Bahan, Bab 21 Zat, Campuran, dan Kelarutan, Bab 22  Sifat Bahan,  Bab 23 Gerak Hukum Newton, dan  Bab 24 Energi dan Sumber Daya Energi.

Daftar Isi:

UNIT 1 Earth’s Materials  2
Chapter 1 The Nature of Science   4

Section 1 How Science Works   6
Section 2 Scientific Problem Solving   12
        Lab Advertising Inferences   19
        Lab Model an Archaeological Dig    20
Chapter 2 Minerals  28
    Section 1 Minerals   30
        Lab Crystal Formation    34
    Section 2 Mineral Identification   35
    Section 3 Uses of Minerals .41
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Mineral Identification   48
Chapter 3 Rocks   56
    Section 1 The Rock Cycle  .58
    Section 2 Igneous Rocks  .62
        Lab Igneous Rock Clues  .66
    Section 3 Metamorphic Rocks   67
    Section 4 Sedimentary Rocks  .71
        Lab Sedimentary Rocks .78

UNIT 2  Earth’s Atmosphere and Beyond   86
Chapter 4 Atmosphere   88

    Section 1 Earth’s Atmosphere 90
        Lab Evaluating Sunscreens 98
    Section 2 Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere 99
    Section 3 Air Movement  103
        Lab: Design Your Own
        The Heat is On   108
Chapter 5 Weather   116
    Section 1 What is weather?  118
    Section 2 Weather Patterns   126
    Section 3 Weather Forecasts   134
        Lab Reading a Weather Map  137
        Lab:Model and Invent
        Measuring Wind Speed  138
Chapter 6 Climate  146
    Section 1 What is climate? 148
    Section 2 Climate Types   152
    Section 3 Climatic Changes   156
        Lab The Greenhouse Effect  167
        Lab Microclimates  .168
Chapter 7 Earth in Space  176
    Section 1 Earth’s Motions and Seasons   178
    Section 2 Earth’s Moon   184
        Lab Viewing the Moon   193
    Section 3 Our Solar System   194
        Lab:Model and Invent
        The Slant of the Sun’s Rays   202

UNIT 3 The Basis of Life  210
Chapter 8 Life’s Structure and Classification 212

    Section 1 Living Things   214
    Section 2 How are living things classified?   218
    Section 3 Cell Structure   221
        Lab Comparing Cells   231
    Section 4 Viruses   .232
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Comparing Light Microscopes  236
Chapter 9 Cell Processes   244
    Section 1 Chemistry of Life   246
    Section 2 Moving Cellular Materials   254
        Lab Observing Osmosis   260
    Section 3 Energy of Life   261
        Lab Photosynthesis and Respiration   266
Chapter 10 Cell Reproduction  274
    Section 1 Cell Division and Mitosis   276
        Lab Mitosis in Plant Cells    283
    Section 2 Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis  284
    Section 3 DNA   290
        Lab: Use the Internet
        Mutations   296
Chapter 11 Heredity  304
    Section 1 Genetics   306
        Lab Predicting Results   313
    Section 2 Genetics Since Mendel   314
    Section 3 Advances in Genetics  321
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Tests for Color Blindness   324
Chapter 12 Adaptations over Time  332
    Section 1 Ideas About Evolution   334
        Lab Hidden Frogs   342
    Section 2 Clues About Evolution   343
    Section 3 The Evolution of Primates   350
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Recognizing Variation in a Population   354

UNIT 4 Human Body Systems  362
Chapter 13 Circulation and Immunity 364

    Section 1 Blood   366
    Section 2 Circulation   371
    Section 3 Immunity   377
    Section 4 Diseases  .381
        Lab Microorganisms of Disease   389
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Blood Types   390
Chapter 14 Digestion, Respiration, and Excretion   398
    Section 1 The Digestive System  .400
    Section 2 Nutrition  .405
        Lab Identifying Vitamin C Content  411
    Section 3 The Respiratory System   412
    Section 4 The Excretory System    .419
        Lab Particle Size and Absorption   424
Chapter 15 Support,Movement, and Responses  432
    Section 1 The Skin   434
        Lab Measuring Skin Surface   438
    Section 2 The Muscular System   439
    Section 3 The Skeletal System   444
    Section 4 The Nervous System     449
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Skin Sensitivity    458
Chapter 16 Regulation and Reproduction  466
    Section 1 The Endocrine System   468
    Section 2 The Reproductive System   473
        Lab Interpreting Diagrams   478
    Section 3 Human Life Stages   479
        Lab Changing Body Proportions   488

UNIT 5 The Interdependence of Life  496
Chapter 17 Plants  498

    Section 1 An Overview of Plants    500
    Section 2 Seedless Plants   506
    Section 3 Seed Plants   512
        Lab Identifying Conifers   521
        Lab: Use the Internet
        Plants as Medicine    522
Chapter 18 Interactions of Living Things  530
    Section 1 The Environment   532
        Lab Delicately Balanced Ecosystems   538
    Section 2 Interactions Among Living Organisms     539
    Section 3 Matter and Energy   544
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Identifying a Limiting Factor   550
Chapter 19 Conserving Resources  558
    Section 1 Resources   560
    Section 2 Pollution    568
        Lab The Greenhouse Effect     577
    Section 3 The Three Rs of Conservation    578
        Lab:Model and Invent
        Solar Cooking   582

UNIT 6 Matter and Energy    590
Chapter 20 Properties and Changes of Matter  592
    Section 1 Physical and Chemical Properties  .594
        Lab Finding the Difference     599
    Section 2 Physical and Chemical Changes   600
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Battle of the Toothpastes   610
Chapter 21 Substances,Mixtures, and Solubility   618
    Section 1 What is a solution?   620
    Section 2 Solubility   626
        Lab Observing Gas Solubility     633
    Section 3 Acidic and Basic Solutions  .634
        Lab Testing pH Using Natural Indicators    642
Chapter 22 States of Matter   650
    Section 1 Matter   652
    Section 2 Changes of State  .657
        Lab The Water Cycle    665
    Section 3 Behavior of Fluids    666
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Design Your Own Ship    674
Chapter 23 Newton’s Laws of Motion   682
    Section 1 Motion    684
    Section 2 Newton’s First Law    690
    Section 3 Newton’s Second Law   694
        Lab Static and Sliding Friction   701
    Section 4 Newton’s Third Law   702
        Lab: Design Your Own
        Balanced and Unbalanced Forces   706
Chapter 24 Energy and Energy Resources   714
    Section 1 What is energy?   716
    Section 2 Energy Transformations   721
        Lab Hearing with Your Jaw   728
    Section 3 Sources of Energy   729
        Lab: Use the Internet
        Energy to Power Your Life    738

In Student Resources—746
Science Skill Handbook—748

    Scientific Methods   748
    Safety Symbols   757
    Safety in the Science Laboratory   759
Extra Try at Home Labs—760
Technology Skill Handbook—772

    Computer Skills    772
    Presentation Skills   775
Math Skill Handbook—776
    Math Review   776
    Science Applications   786
Reference Handbooks—791
    Rocks   791
    Minerals    792
    Weather Map Symbols    794
    Use and Care of a Microscope  .795
    Diversity of Life: Classification of
    Living Organisms    796
    Periodic Table of the Elements   800

English/Spanish Glossary—802

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Science Level Green Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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