Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Sport Medicine Resource Manual

Sport Medicine Resource Manual
Buku Ini  diterbitkan tahun 2008  oleh  :  Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Sport Medicine Resource Manual
Oleh:  Peter H. Siedenberg, et al
Penerbit:  Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman: 664  hal.

Peter H. Siedenberg
Anthony Beutler

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Teks ini disusun dalam bagian yang paralel dengan proses diagnosis pengobatan olahraga. Bagian pembukaan berisi filosofi kedokteran olahraga: tugas penting untuk dipertimbangkan bahkan sebelum menginjakkan kaki di sampingan atau melihat atlet dalam ruang pelatihan. Bagian 2 menyajikan sejarah dan pemeriksaan fisik: bagaimana untuk memeriksa dan mendiagnosis atlet terluka. setelah tepat pemeriksaan, diagnosis dan pengobatan disajikan dalam Bagian 3. Pada bagian ini kita telah memberikan dasar-dasarpembinaan, belat, dan perawatan fraktur, serta pengobatan tradisional cedera  jaringan lunak. Bagian 4 menguraikan rehabilitasi dan bracing: seni dan ilmu menambah dan memungkinkan tubuh untuk menyembuhkan dirinya sendiri. Sebuah gambaran prosedur segudang dan tes khusus olahraga Obat berikut dalam Bagian 5. Akhirnya, sebagai  penjuru menyeluruh, lampiran menguraikan peran olahraga dalam menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran di populasi pediatrik, hamil, dan usia lanjut.

Daftar Isi:

Contributor     vii
Foreword   xi
Preface xiii
Chapter  1  The Sideline Physician    1

John H. Wilckens, MD
Chapter 2 The Preparticipation Evaluation   12Jay E. Noffsinger, MD
Chapter 3  The TeamPhysician’s Bag   24
Scott D. Flinn, MD, and Elise T. Gordon, MD
Chapter 4 Mass-Participation Event Coverage   31
Scott W. Pyne, MD, FAAFP, FACSM
Chapter 5  Emergency Planning for Athletic Events    37
Scott D. Flinn, MD, and Timothy Dwyer, MD
Chapter 6 Victimor Culprit: A Pathoanatomic Approach to the Correct Diagnosis   47
Anthony I. Beutler, MD
Chapter 7 Physical Examination of theWrist and Hand    51
William A. Mitchell III, MD, and Ahmed A. Radwan, MD
Chapter 8  Physical Examination of the Elbow    71
Thomas M. Howard, MD; Joel L. Shaw, MD; and James Phillips, MD
Chapter 9 Physical Examination of the Shoulder   79
Sean T. Mullendore, MD
Chapter 10  Physical Examination of the  Cervical and Thoracic Spine   90
Derek A. Woessner, MD, and Charles W. Webb, DO, FAAFP
Chapter 11 Physical Examination of the Lumbar Spine   100
Philip Ham, DO, and James D. Leiber, DO
Chapter 12  Physical Examination of the Hip and Pelvis    110
Peter H. Seidenberg, MD, FAAFP, and Marc A. Childress, MD
Chapter 13  Physical Examination of the Knee    123
Nicholas A. Piantanida, MD, and Nicole T. Yedlinsky, MD
Chapter 14 Physical Examination of the Foot and Ankle    136
Karl B. Fields, MD;Wesley R. Ibazebo, MD; and Ryan E. Modlinski, MD
Chapter 15  General Principles of Fracture Management    147
MAJ Howard J. McGowan, MD
Chapter 16   Splinting and Casting    152
Timothy J. Mazzola, MD
Chapter 17   Radiographic Lines and Angles    163   
 Peter H. Seidenberg, MD, FAAFP
Chapter 18  Wrist and Hand Fractures     178
Stephen J. Titus, MD, and W. Scott Deitche, MD
Chapter 19  Soft-Tissue Injuries of the Hand and Wrist   200
 MAJ Chad Asplund, MD, and MAJ Christopher D. Meyering, DO
Chapter 20  ElbowInjuries   216
 Mark A. Slabaugh, MD
Chapter 21  Injuries of the Shoulder and Arm    233
 Patrick St. Pierre, MD, and MAJ Rodney Gonzales, MD

Chapter 22  Craniomaxillofacial Injuries    253
 Allyson S. Howe, MD
Chapter 23  Cervical Spine Injuries   272
 Barry P. Boden, MD
Chapter 24  Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Injuries    285
 Charles W. Webb, DO, FAAFP, and CPT Richard Geshel, DO
Chapter 25  Pelvic Pain in the Athlete    306
 Adam J. Farber, MD; John H. Wilckens, MD; and MAJ Christopher G. Jarvis, MD, FAAFP
Chapter 26  Knee Injuries    328
 Andrew T. McDonald, MD, and Lyndon B. Gross, MD, PhD
Chapter 27  Lower Leg Injuries     342
 Greg Dammann, MD, and MAJ Duane R. Hennion, MD
Chapter 28  Ankle Fractures     354
  Shawn F. Kane, MD
Chapter 29  Foot Fractures    369
 LTC Kevin deWeber, MD, FAAFP
Chapter 30  Foot and Ankle Soft-Tissue Injuries    387
Ahmed A. Radwan, MD; Peter H. Seidenberg, MD, FAAFP; and Greg Dammann, MD
Chapter 31  Pediatric and Adolescent Injuries    405
 Mark B. Stephens, MD, MS

    ENIGMA    418
    Francis G. O’Connor, MD, MPH; Pierre A. d’Hemecourt, MD; and Melissa Nebzydoski, DO
Chapter 32  Stress Fractures   422
MAJ Christopher M. Prior, DO, FAAFP, and CPT Jessica A. Pesce, MS, PT
Chapter 33  Principles of Sports Rehabilitation    431
Jennifer Reed, MD, FAAPMR, and Jimmy D. Bowen, MD, FAAPMR, CSCS
Chapter  34  Practical Applicationof Osteopathic Manipulation in SportsMedicine    437
 Lori A. Boyajian-O’Neill, DO, and Dennis A. Cardone, DO
Chapter 35   Core Stabilization   444
Daniel L. Munton, MD; Geof D. Manzo, MS, ATC; and Elizabeth J. Caschetta, MS, ATC
Chapter 36  PhysicalTherapyModalities    453
MAJ Guy R. Majkowski, PT, DSc, OCS, FAAOMPT, and Norman W. Gill III, PT, DSC, Cert MPT, OCS, FAAOMPT
Chapter 37  Athletic Taping    465
 Raymond D. Chronister, ATC, and Gregg Calhoon, ATC
Chapter 38  Proper Indications and Uses of Orthopedic Braces    483
LTC Jeff C. Leggitt, MD, and MAJ Christopher G. Jarvis, MD, FAAFP
Chapter 39  Exercise Prescription   497
CPT David D. Farnsworth, MD, and Michael Cannon, MD, MS
Chapter 40  Cardiovascular Testing   507
 David A. Djuric, MD, and Francis G. O’Connor, MD, MPH
Chapter 41  Testing forMaximal Aerobic Power   520

 Patricia A. Deuster, PhD, MPH, and Yuval Heled, PhD
Chapter 42  Exercise-Induced Asthma Testing   529
 Rochelle M. Nolte, MD, and Christopher J. Lettieri, MD
Chapter 43  Gait Analysis    536
 Timothy L. Switaj, MD, and Francis G. O’Connor, MD, MPH
Chapter 44  Concussion Testing and Management   543
 Scott A. Playford, MD
Chapter 45 Running Shoes: Assessment and  Selection   555
Charles W. Webb, DO, FAAFP, and Marc A. Childress, MD
Chapter 46  Compartment SyndromeTesting   561
Brandon D. Larkin, MD, and Janiece N. Stewart, MD
Chapter 47  Electrodiagnostic Testing   568
Jimmy D. Bowen, MD, FAAPMR, CSCS
Chapter 48  Therapeutic and Diagnostic Injections and Aspirations   574
Thomas M. Howard, MD, and LCDR Leslie H. Rassner, M
Chapter 49    Ergogenic Aids   598
Jeffrey L. Levy, DO; Jorge Cabrera, MD, PhD; Sean Thomas, MD;
and Fred H. Brennan, Jr, DO, FAOASM, FAAFP

Chapter 50 Evidence-Based Regenerative Injection Therapy (Prolotherapy) in Sports
Medicine  611
K. Dean Reeves, MD; Bradley D. Fullerton, MD, FAAPMR; and Gaston Topol, MD

APPENDIX  I     TeamPhysician Consensus Statement   620
APPENDIX II     Sports and Physical Activity in Youth   622

                             Bernard Purcell, MS, and Mark B. Stephens, MD, MS
APPENDIX III     Exercise Prescription for Pregnant Patients   628
                             Pamela M. Williams, MD, and Michael Barron, MD
APPENDIX IV     Exercise Prescription  for Geriatric Patients   633
                             Brian K. Unwin, MD
INDEX        643

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Sport Medicine Resource Manual Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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