Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Teaching and Learning Astronomy Effective Strategies for Educators Worldwide

Teaching and Learning Astronomy Effective Strategies for Educators Worldwide
Buku Ini  diterbitkan tahun 2005  oleh  Cambridge Universty Press  adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Teaching and Learning Astronomy Effective Strategies for Educators Worldwide
Oleh:  Jay M.Pasachoff, et al
Penerbit:  Cambridge Universty Press
Tahun: 2005
Jumlah Halaman: 283 hal.

Peter H. Siedenberg

Anthony Beutler

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini mengemukakan bahwa pengajaran  yang efektif dan belajar astronomi di tingkat sekolah, dengan penekanan pada strategi yang bisa terbukti efektif oleh penelitian, pengkajian, atau pengalaman. Buku ini menyajikan hasil konferensi oleh 18 pembicara yang diundang dari seluruh dunia. Pertanyaan, komentar, dan diskusi lainnya setelah makalah ini dicatat dalam buku ini.  Di samping itu buku ini juga menjajikan hasil  diskusi umum  tentang astronomi di kurikulum sekolah, dan arah masa depan dan inisiatif dalam pengajaran yang efektif dan belajar astronomi. . Selain itu, ada beberapa lusin makalah  yang disajikan sebagai poster di konferensi.

Daftar Isi:

List of illustrations page ix
Preface xiii
Introduction 1
Part I Astronomy in the curriculum around the world  Introduction 7

    1     Why astronomy is useful and should be included in the school curriculum 10
            John R. Percy
    2     Astronomy and mathematics education 14
            Rosa M. Ros
           Open discussion 25
    3     Engaging gifted science students through astronomy 27
           Robert Hollow
           Poster highlights 34

Part II Astronomy education research Introduction 41
    4     Astronomy education research down under 44
           John M. Broadfoot and Ian S. Ginns
    5     A contemporary review of K–16 astronomy education research 58
           Janelle M. Bailey and Timothy F. Slater
    6     Implementing astronomy education research 66
           Leonarda Fucili
    7     The Astronomy Education Review: report on a new journal 80
           Sidney C. Wolff and Andrew Fraknoi
           Poster highlights 87

Part III Educating students Introduction 95
    8     Textbooks for K–12 astronomy 97

           Jay M. Pasachoff
    9     Distance/Internet astronomy education 104
           David H. McKinnon
           Open discussion 117
           Poster highlights 119

Part IV Educating teachers Introduction 137
    10   Pre-service astronomy education of teachers 139
           Mary Kay Hemenway
    11   In-service astronomy education of teachers 146
           Mich`ele Gerbaldi
           Poster highlights 153

Part V Astronomy and pseudoscience Introduction 163
    12   Astronomy, pseudoscience and rational thinking 164
           Jayant V. Narlikar
    13   Astronomical pseudosciences in North America 172
           John R. Percy and Jay M. Pasachoff

Part VI Astronomy and culture Introduction 179
    14   Teaching astronomy in other cultures: archeoastronomy 181

           Julieta Fierro
           Poster highlights 191

Part VII Astronomy in developing countries Introduction 195
    15   Astronomy curriculum for developing countries 197

           Case Rijsdijk
    16   Science education resources for the developing countries 206
           James C. White II

Part VIII Public outreach in astronomy Introduction 215
    17   What makes informal education programs successful? (Total Solar Eclipse 2001 – 
           live from Africa) 217
           Nahide Craig and Isabel Hawkins
    18   The role of science centers and planetariums 221
            Nick Lomb
    19   Science education for the new century – a European perspective 227
           Claus Madsen
    20   Communicating astronomy to the public 235
           Charles Blue
            Poster highlights 238

Part IX  The education programs of the International Astronomical Union Introduction 247
    21   A short overview of astronomical education carried out by the IAU 249

           Syuzo Isobe
Part X Conclusions Closing discussion 257
Conclusion 260
Author index 264
Subject index 267

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Teaching and Learning Astronomy Effective Strategies for Educators Worldwide Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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