Monday, April 6, 2015

Dairy Chemistry and Animal Nutrition

Dairy Chemistry and Animal Nutrition
Buku ini diterbitkan Tahun  2008  oleh   Manglam Publications, Delhi,  merupakan buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:   Dairy Chemistry and Animal Nutrition
Oleh:   V.K Chhazllani
Penerbit:   Manglam Publications, Delhi
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman:   293  hal.


V.K Chhazllani

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 11 Pokok Bahasan Utama yaitu: 1. Susu dan Produk Susu , 2. Fermentasi Susu,
3. Butter dan produk terkait, 4. Produk Keju, 5. Nutrisi dan Pemeliharaan, 6. Nutrisi dan Otot, 7. Nutrisi dan Pembentukan Tulang Pembentukan, 8. Nutrisi dan Reproduksi, 9. Nutrisi, Regenerasi, dan Perbaikan,  10. Nutrisi dan Senescence, dan 11. Faktor Gizi di Teratology.

Daftar Isi
1.  Milk and Milk Products    1-30
    1.1     Raw Milk Quality  1
    1.2     Microbiological Testing of Raw Milk and Raw Ingredients  8
    1.3     Line Sampling/Testing   12
    1.4     Shelf Life-predicting Tests for Fluid Milk-type Products and Estmation of Actual Product
              Shelf Life  13
    1.5     Microbiological Testing of Milk and Noncultured Products  17
    1.6     Microbiological Testing of Cultured Dairy Products .. 25
    1.7     Microbiological Testing of Ripened Cheeses   27
    1.8     Future of Microbiological Testing of Dairy Products   28
2. Fermented Milk  31-49
    2.1     Microorganisms Used to Manufacture Ferment Milk   31
    2.2     Types of Fermented Milks   34
3. Butter and Related Products   50-63
    3.1     Introduction and Definitions   50
    3.2     Manufacture of Butter   51
    3.3     Microbiological Considerations in Butter  53
    3.4     Microbiological Control of Bu tter ........... "" ........... " 60
    3.5     Microbiology of Related Products   62
4. Cheese Products . 64-102
    4.1     Dairy Chemistry and the Cheese-making Process   65
    4.2     Influences of Microbiological Quality and Milk Composition on Cheese Quality   70
    4.3     Milk Pretreatment: Clarification, Standardization, and Heat Treatment 71
    4.4     Cheese Microbiology  74
    4.5     Cheese Ripening-Influence of Microorganisms   94
    4.6     Assesment of Microbiologically Induced Defects in Cheese  96
5. Nutrition and Maintenance  103-112
    5.1     Energy Requirements for Maintenance  106
    5.2     Protein Requirements for Maintenance  109
6. Nutrition and Muscles   113-130
    6.1     Undernutrition in Lower Vertebrates  113
    6.2     Effect of Various Nutritional Factors on Muscle of Agricultural Animals   115
    6.3     Effects of Undernutrition on Human Muscle  126
    6.4     Studies on Laboratory Animals   127
7. Nutrition and Bone Formation   131-180
    7.1     Bone Formation   131
    7.2     Calcification  134
    7.3     Effects of Nutrients on bone Formation  135
8. Nutrition and Reproduction  181-215
    8.1     Caloric Intake   181
    8.2     Protein    183
    8.3     Lipids    188
    8.4     Carbohydrate   191
    8.5     Restricted Feed Intake  191
    8.6     Vitamins    201
    8.7     Minerals   209
    8.8     Fetal Nutrition and Metabolism    212
    8.9     Conclusion   213
9. Nutrition, Regeneration, and Repair   2t6-234
    9.1     Regeneration in Lower Animals   217
    9.2     Regeneration in Man and Other Animals    219
10.. Nutrition and Senescence   235-246
    10.1 Effect of Age on Nutritional Status of Man   236
    10.2 Relationship of Dietary Restriction and Aging    243
11. Nutritional Factors in Teratology  247-278
    11.1 Major Nurtrients   248
    11.2 Vitamins    254
    11.3 Mineral Elements  268


Dairy Chemistry and Animal Nutrition Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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