Monday, April 20, 2015

Global Perspectives on Tropical Cyclones From Science to Mitigation

Global Perspectives on Tropical Cyclones From Science to Mitigation
Buku ini diterbitkan Tahun 2010  Oleh  World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.

Judul:  Global Perspectives on Tropical Cyclones From Science to Mitigation
Oleh: Johnny C.L  Chan , et al (Editor)
Penerbit:  World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Tahun: 2010
Jumlah Halaman:  428 hal.

Johnny C. L. Chan

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Jeffrey D. Kepert
Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, Australia

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini adalah baru yang benar-benar ditulis ulang, diperbarui dan diperluas, Buku ini mengemukakan  Perspektif Global, Siklon tropis, yang pada gilirannya merupakan revisi dari Global View Badai Tropis. Buku ini muncul dari acara empat tahunan, The International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC) Organisasi Meteorologi Dunia, dalam hal ini keenam, yang diselenggarakan di San Jose, Kosta Rika, selama Desember 2006.

Daftar Isi:

Preface v
Part I. Theory of Tropical Cyclones
Chapter 1 Tropical Cyclone Structure and Dynamics 3

    Jeffrey D. Kepert
Chapter 2 Tropical Cyclone Formation 55
    Kevin J. Tory and William M. Frank
Chapter 3 Air-Sea Interactions in Tropical Cyclones 93
    Lynn K. Shay
Chapter 4  Movement of Tropical Cyclones 133
    Johnny C. L. Chan
Chapter 5 The Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones: Structural Characteristics,
Downstream Impacts, and Forecast Challenges 149

    Patrick A. Harr

Part II. Observations of Tropical Cyclones
Chapter 6  Observing and Analyzing the Near-Surface Wind Field in Tropical Cyclones 177

    Mark D. Powell
Chapter 7 Satellite Observations of Tropical Cyclones 201
    Christopher Velden and Jeffrey Hawkins
Chapter 8 Aircraft Observations of Tropical Cyclones 227
    Sim D. Aberson, Joseph Cione, Chun-Chieh Wu, Michael M. Bell,
    Jeffrey Halverson, Chris Fogarty and Martin Weissmann

Part III. Climate Variations of Tropical Cyclone Activity
Chapter 9 Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change: A Review 243

    Thomas Knutson, Chris Landsea and Kerry Emanuel

Part IV. Forecasting of Tropical Cyclones
Chapter 10  Track and Structure Forecasts of Tropical Cyclones 287

    Julian Heming and Jim Goerss
Chapter 11 The Influence of Natural Climate Variability on Tropical Cyclones, and Seasonal
Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone Activity 325

    Suzana J. Camargo, Adam H. Sobel, Anthony G. Barnston and
    Philip J. Klotzbach

Part V. Hydrological Aspects of Tropical Cyclones
Chapter 12 Storm Surge Modeling and Applications in Coastal Areas 363

    Shishir K. Dube, Tad S. Murty, Jesse C. Feyen, Reggina Cabrera,
    Bruce A. Harper, Jerad D. Bales and Saud Amer

Part VI. Societal Impacts of Tropical Cyclones
Chapter 13 Disaster Mitigation and Societal Impacts 409

    David King, Jim Davidson and Linda Anderson-Berry


Global Perspectives on Tropical Cyclones From Science to Mitigation Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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