Thursday, April 2, 2015

Teaching, Learning & Study Skills A Guide for Tutors

Teaching, Learning & Study Skills A Guide for Tutors
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2004  Oleh  A SAGE Publications Company, adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Teaching, Learning & Study Skills A Guide for Tutors
Oleh:  Tom Burns, et al
Penerbit:   A SAGE Publications Company
Tahun: 2004
Jumlah Halaman:  289  hal.


Tom Burns  telah menjadi dosen tamu di University of North London, sekarang London Metropolitan University, sejak tahun 1994. Dia telah mengajar Media, Sosiologi dan Sastra tapi sekarang berfokus terutama pada pengembangan studi dan keterampilan akademik dukungan, program dan sumber daya untuk siswa dari yayasan ke tingkat pascasarjana.
Sandra Sinfield telah menjadi dosen tamu di London Metropolitan Universitas sejak tahun 1990. Pada bulan November tahun 2000 ia diangkat  Dosen Senior dan Koordinator Pengembangan Pembelajaran (Utara). Dia adalah diajarkan Sastra dan Media tapi sekarang berfokus pada mendukung akses, retensi, kemajuan dan prestasi mahasiswa.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini  terdiri atas 15 pokok bahasan utama, yaitu 1 Pendahuluan dan bagaimana menggunakan buku ini, 2 mengajar di Universitas, memperluas partisipasi dan kemampuan belajar, 3 Cara untuk menilai - kata pengantar singkat pada penilaian, 4 Cara untuk memahami siswa , 5 Cara untuk mempromosikan transisi yang efektif ke HE, 6 Cara untuk mempromosikan kepercayaan diri siswa, 7 Cara untuk mempromosikan organisasi yang efektif dan manajemen waktu, 8 Cara untuk mempromosikan strategi penelitian dan membaca yang efektif, 9 Cara untuk mempromosikan efektif pembuatan catatan ,
10 Cara untuk mempromosikan presentasi dan seminar yang efektif, 11 Cara untuk mempromosikan tulisan yang efektif, 12 Cara untuk mempromosikan revisi dan teknik ujian yang efektif, 13 Cara mempromosikan kerja kelompok yang efektif, 14 Cara untuk mempromosikan praktek reflektif, dan
15 Cara untuk mempromosikan keberhasilan secara keseluruhan.

Daftar Isi:

List of resources x
1     Introduction and how to use this book 1

       Coverage 1
       Welcome 1
       Background 1
       Study skills, teaching and learning development 2
       How to use this book 3
       Essential Study Skills 4
       Finally 5
2     University teaching, widening participation and study skills 6
       Coverage 6
       Introduction – but is it ‘education’? 6
       What is happening to university education? 7
       Management generation of strategy 7
       Widening participation 8
       Changing HE – the discourses of learning development 10
       Learning development and ‘skills’ 11
       HE and the skills agenda 11
       Resolution 12
       What can the HE practitioner do? 12
       Notes 13
       Bibliography and further reading 13
3     How to assess – a short preface on assessment 16
       Coverage 16
       Introduction 16
       Assessment per se 16
       How will I assess that? 17
       The changing HE environment 19
       Conclusion 20
       Bibliography and further reading 20
4     How to understand our students 22
       Coverage 22
       Our students 22
       WP students’ expressed aims 23
       Attitudes to our students 24
       Self-perception 24
       Embedding learning development – helping our students succeed in HE 25
       Does HE orientation and learning development make a difference? 27
       Final comments 29
       Conclusion 30
       Note 31
       Bibliography and further reading 31
5     How to promote an effective transition to HE 33
       Coverage 33
       Introduction 33
       Problematising HE not the student 34
       Choosing a university 34
       Supporting HE orientation 37
       Sixth-form and FE tutors and institutions 37
       HE tutors/institutions 38
       HE orientation – some things to consider 38
       More orientation: academic communities, teaching and learning practices and cultural capital 39
       Conclusion 43
       Resources 44
       Note 44
       Bibliography and further reading 44
6     How to promote student self-confidence 46
       Coverage 46
       Introduction 46
       Caught on the cultural cusp 47
       The non-traditional student in HE 48
       How we do it 49
       Overall conclusion 58
       Bibliography and further reading 58
7     How to promote effective organisation and time management 60
       Coverage 60
       Introduction 60
       How we do it 63
       Overall conclusion 72
       Resources 72
       Further reading 73
8     How to promote effective research and reading strategies 74
       Coverage 74
       Targeted research and active reading – and the reflexive student 74
       How we do it 77
       Overall conclusion 94
       Resources 95
       Further reading 95
9     How to promote effective note-making 96
       Coverage 96
        Introduction 96
        Notes and creative learning 99
        How we do it 100
        The practice lecture – note-making from lectures 105
        Resources 111
        Bibliography and further reading 112
10    How to promote effective presentations and seminars 113
        Coverage 113
        Why oral assignments? 113
        How we do it 117
        How to promote effective seminars 130
        Overall conclusion 132
        Resources 133
11    How to promote effective writing 134
        Coverage 134
        Introduction 134
        Changes in the HE environment 135
        Writing and learning development 135
        Embedding learning development – again 136
        How we do it 136
        Overall conclusion 154
        Resources 154
        Notes 154
        Bibliography and further reading 155
12    How to promote effective revision and exam techniques 156
        Coverage 156
        Introduction 156
        Exams – the feared event 157
        How we do it 158
        Overall conclusion 170
        Resources 170
        Note 170
        Bibliography and further reading 170
13    How to promote effective group work 171
        Coverage 171
        Introduction 171
        How we do it 174
        Overall conclusion – mourning the group 182
        Resources 182
        Note 182
        Bibliography and further reading 182
14    How to promote reflective practice 184
        Coverage 184
        Introduction 184
        Learning development and the learning log 185
        Model it first 187
        How we do it 188
        Personal development portfolios 190
        Overall conclusion 192
        Resources 193
        Notes 193
        Bibliography and further reading 193
15    How to promote overall success 194
        Coverage 194
        Introduction 194
        An embedded approach 195
        Conclusion 198
Bibliography and further reading 199

    A: Bibliographic and online resources for ‘HE orientation’ 201
    B: EA199 An introduction to academic studies: reflecting, learning and communicating 203

Resources 217
Index 263


Teaching, Learning & Study Skills A Guide for Tutors Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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