Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Development of Shyness and Social Withdrawal

The Development of Shyness and Social Withdrawal
Buku ini  diterbitkan Tahun 2010  oleh  The Guilford Press, New York adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  The Development of Shyness and Social Withdrawal
Oleh:  Kenneth H. Rubin, et al (Editor).
Penerbit:   The Guilford Press, New York
Tahun: 2010
Jumlah Halaman: 353  hal.


Kenneth H. Rubin, PhD, adalah Guru Besar Human Development and Director of the Center for Children, Relationships, and Culture di University of Maryland. Minat penelitiannya termasuk rekan dan keluarga hubungan anak dan perkembangan sosial dan emosional mereka. Dr Rubin adalah penerima dari Killam Research Fellowship (Canada Council) dan Ontario Mental Health Senior Research Fellowship, adalah mantan presiden the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, dan telah menerbitkan 11 buku dan lebih dari 240 bab peer-review dan artikel. Dia adalah anggota dari the Canadian and American Psychological Associations and the Association for Psychological Science.
Robert J. Coplan, PhD, adalah seorang psikologi perkembangan dan Profesor Psikologi di Carleton University di Ottawa, Kanada. Minat penelitiannya menyangkut tumpang tindih antara fungsi anak-anak sosial-emosional dan psikopatologi perkembangan, dengan fokus utama pada pengembangan rasa malu dan kecemasan sosial di masa kanak-kanak. Dr. Coplan adalah Editor Social Development and the author of the forthcoming books What Teachers Need to Know about Shyness and Social Development in Childhood and Adolescence: A Contemporary Reader.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 5 Bagian utama, mencakup I. Pendahuluan, II  Konstruksi dan Pendekatan Konseptual, III Proses pribadi dan Interpersonal, IV Konteks (Hubungan), dan V  Penelitian klinis, Praktek, dan Pengobatan.

Daftar Isi:

I.     Introduction
    1     Social Withdrawal and Shyness in Childhood: H istory, Theories, Definitions, and
          Assessments     3

          Robert J. Coplan and Kenneth H. Rubin

II.     Constructs and Conceptual Approaches
    2     Understanding Shyness: Four Questions and Four Decades of Research  23
           Louis A. Schmidt and Arnold H. Buss
    3     Shyness and the Development of Embarrassment and the Self-Conscious Emotions 42
           W. Ray Crozier
    4     Unsociability and the Preference for Solitude in Childhood 64
           Robert J. Coplan and Murray Weeks
    5     Biological Moderators of Infant Temperament and Its Relation to Social Withdrawal 84
           Nathan A. Fox and Bethany C. Reeb-Sutherland

III.     Personal and  Interpersonal Processes
    6     Shyness, Parenting, and Parent–Child Relationships 107
           Paul D. Hastings, Jacob N. Nuselovici, Kenneth H. Rubin, and Charissa S. L. Cheah
    7     Social Withdrawal in Childhood and Adolescence: Peer Relationships and Social 
           Competence 131
           Kenneth H. Rubin, Julie Bowker, and Heidi Gazelle
    8     Long-Term Development of Shyness: Looking Forward and Looking Backward  157
           Jens B. Asendorpf.

IV. Contexts
    9     Language Performance, A cademic Performance, and Signs of Shyness: A 
           Comprehensive Review 179
           Mary Ann Evans
    10   Shyness–Inhibition in Childhood and Adolescence: A Cross-Cultural Perspective  213
           Xinyin Chen
    11   Electronic Communication: E scape Mechanism or Relationship-Building Tool for Shy,
           Withdrawn Children and Adolescents?  236

           Barry H. Schneider and Yair Amichai-Hamburger
    12  “Once Upon a Time There Were a Blushful Hippo and a Meek Mouse”: A Content 
           Analysis of Shy  Characters in Young Children’s Storybooks   262
           Robert J. Coplan, Kathleen Hughes, and Hilary Claire Rowsell

V. Clinical Research, Practice, and Treatment
    13  Temperament and the Etiology of Social Phobia 277
          Ronald M. Rapee
    14  Treating Social Anxiety in Youth 300
         Matthew P. Mychailyszyn, Jeremy S. Cohen, Julie M. Edmunds, Sarah A. Crawley, and Philip 
         C. Kendall
Index 325


The Development of Shyness and Social Withdrawal Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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