Saturday, April 25, 2015

Think Good – Feel Good A Cognitive Behaviour

Think Good – Feel Good A Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Workbook for Children and Young People
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2002  Oleh  John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, England, adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Think Good – Feel Good A Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Workbook for Children and Young People
Oleh:  Paul Stallard
Penerbit:   John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, England
Tahun: 2002
Jumlah Halaman: 201  hal.


Dr Paul Stallard lulus sebagai psikolog klinis dari Birmingham University di tahun 1980. Dia bekerja dengan anak-anak dan remaja di West Midlands sebelum pindah ke Departemen Anak dan Keluarga Psychiatry, Bath, pada tahun 1988. Dia memiliki janji di paruh waktu university of Bath sebagai Profesor Kesehatan Mental `Anak dan Keluarga, dan telah menerima sejumlah hibah penelitian mengeksplorasi efek dari trauma dan penyakit kronis pada anak-anak. Dia telah menerbitkan lebih dari 70 makalah peer-review dan kepentingan penelitian saat ini termasuk penggunaan terapi perilaku kognitif dengan anak-anak, gangguan stres pasca-trauma dan efek psikologis dari penyakit kronis.

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Buku ini dapat digunakan sebagai program komputer interaktif. Versi on-line Think Good – Feel
Good dapat didownload dan latihan selesai dan disimpan pada komputer. Hal ini mungkin sangat menarik bagi remaja dan berpikiran computer anak-anak yang mungkin lebih termotivasi dan tertarik menggunakan ini Format. Bahan-bahan ini dapat digunakan untuk struktur atau menambah klinis
sesi atau dapat diselesaikan oleh orang muda di rumah. Relevan bagian dari buku kerja dapat diberikan kepada anak-anak pada floppy disk untuk mengambil rumah, yang kemudian ditinjau selama sesi klinis dengan terapis.
Akhirnya, terapis juga dapat mengedit beberapa lembar kerja sehingga latihan dapat disesuaikan dengan anak tertentu. Sebagai contoh, terapis bisa mengedit dan mengubah "IF / THEN kuis" atau "kepercayaan umum" dan ketik pertanyaan mereka sendiri bagi anak untuk menjawab. Bentuk selesai kemudian dapat dicetak, disimpan dan digunakan sebanyak yang diperlukan.

Daftar Isi:

About the author ix
1  Cognitive behaviour therapy: theoretical origins, rationale and techniques 1
    The empirical foundations of cognitive behaviour therapy 1
    The cognitive model 3
    Cognitive deficits and distortions 4
    Core characteristics of cognitive behaviour therapy 5
    The goal of cognitive behaviour therapy 7
    The core components of cognitive behavioural interventions 7
    A cautionary note 11
2  Cognitive behaviour therapy with children and young people 15
    Cognitive behaviour therapy with children under 12 years of age 15
    Assessing the basic skills required to engage in cognitive behaviour therapy 16
    Cognitive behaviour therapy with adolescents 20
    Common problems when undertaking cognitive behaviour therapy with children and
        adolescents 22
3  Think good – feel good: an overview of materials 27
    Thoughts, feelings and what you do 28
    Automatic thoughts 29
    Thinking errors 29
    Balanced thinking 30
    Core beliefs 31
    Controlling your thoughts 31
    How you feel 32
    Controlling your feelings 33
    Changing your behaviour 34
    Learning to solve problems 35
4  Thoughts, feelings and what you do 37
    The magic circle 37
    What you think 39
    Core beliefs 39
    Beliefs and assumptions 40
    Important events 41
    Automatic thoughts 41
    How you feel 42
    What you do 42
    Think Good – Feel Good: Thoughts, feelings and what you do: putting it all together 45
    Think Good – Feel Good: The magic circle 46
    Think Good – Feel Good: The negative trap 47
    Think Good – Feel Good: The IF_THEN quiz 48
    Think Good – Feel Good: What I think, what I do, how I feel? 49
5  Automatic thoughts 51
    Me, what I do and my future 51
    Why do I listen to my negative thoughts? 53
    The negative trap 54
    The negative cycle 55
    ‘Hot’ thoughts 55
    Think Good – Feel Good: Thoughts and feelings 58
    Think Good – Feel Good: My ‘hot’ thoughts 60
    Think Good – Feel Good: Nice thoughts about myself 61
    Think Good – Feel Good: Nice thoughts about my future 62
    Think Good – Feel Good: Unpleasant thoughts about myself 63
    Think Good – Feel Good: Worrying thoughts about what I do 64
    Think Good – Feel Good: What are they thinking? 65
6  Thinking errors 69
    The downers 69
    Blowing things up 70
    Predicting failure 71
    Feeling thoughts 72
    Setting yourself up to fail 72
    Blame me! 73
    Think Good – Feel Good: Identifying thinking errors 74
    Think Good – Feel Good: What thinking errors do you make? 75
7  Balanced thinking 79
    So how does it work? 80
    Think Good – Feel Good: Looking for evidence 83
    Think Good – Feel Good: Balanced thinking 85
    Think Good – Feel Good: Thought thermometer 87
8  Core beliefs 89
    Identifying core beliefs 90
    Challenging core beliefs 92
    Talk with someone else 93
    Think Good – Feel Good: Identifying core beliefs 94
    Think Good – Feel Good: Challenging core beliefs 96
    Think Good – Feel Good: Common beliefs 97
9  Controlling your thoughts 101
    Distraction 101
    Absorbing activities 103
    Coping self-talk 104
    Positive self-talk 104
    Thought stopping 105
    Turn the volume down 106
    Test them 107
    Throw them away 108
    Think Good – Feel Good: Test your thoughts and beliefs 109
    Think Good – Feel Good: The thought challenger 110
    Think Good – Feel Good: Looking for the positive 111
    Think Good – Feel Good: Positive self-talk 112
    Think Good – Feel Good: Coping self-talk 113
    Think Good – Feel Good: The ‘worry safe’ 114
    Think Good – Feel Good: Turn the tape off 115
    Think Good – Feel Good: Practise being successful 116
    Think Good – Feel Good: Thought stopping 117
10  How you feel 119
    What feelings do I have? 120
    Feelings and what you do 122
    Feelings and what you think 122
    Putting it all together 123
    Think Good – Feel Good: Thoughts and feelings 124
    Think Good – Feel Good: Activities and feelings 125
    Think Good – Feel Good: The Feeling Finder word search 126
    Think Good – Feel Good: What feeling goes where? 127
    Think Good – Feel Good: My feelings 128
    Think Good – Feel Good: What happens when I feel sad? 129
    Think Good – Feel Good: What happens when I feel angry? 130
    Think Good – Feel Good: What happens when I feel anxious? 131
    Think Good – Feel Good: What happens when I feel happy? 132
    Think Good – Feel Good: Feelings and places 133
    Think Good – Feel Good: The Feeling Thermometer 134
11  Controlling your feelings 135
    Learn to relax 136
    Physical exercise 137
    Controlled breathing 137
    Calming pictures 138
    Relaxing activities 138
    Prevention 139
    Think Good – Feel Good: The ‘feeling strong room’ 142
    Think Good – Feel Good: Feeling Finder: anger volcano 143
    Think Good – Feel Good: Learning to relax 144
    Think Good – Feel Good: My relaxing place 145
    Think Good – Feel Good: My relaxing activities 146
12 Changing your behaviour 147
    Increase fun activities 148
    Map how you feel and what you do 149
    Small steps 150
    Face your fears 151
    Dump your habits 152
    Think Good – Feel Good: Activity diary 156
    Think Good – Feel Good: Next step up the ladder 157
    Think Good – Feel Good: Things that make me feel good 158
    Think Good – Feel Good: Things that make me feel unpleasant 159
    Think Good – Feel Good: Things I would like to do 160
    Think Good – Feel Good: Face your fears 161
    Think Good – Feel Good: Small steps 162
    Think Good – Feel Good: Dump your habits 163
13 Learning to solve problems 165
    Why do problems happen? 165
    Learn to stop and think 166
    Identify different solutions 167
    Think through the consequences 168
    Remind yourself what to do 169
    Practise getting it right 171
    Plan to be successful 172
    Talk yourself through it 173
    Think Good – Feel Good: Identifying possible solutions 174
    Think Good – Feel Good: What are the consequences of my solutions? 175
    Think Good – Feel Good: Looking for solutions 176
    Think Good – Feel Good: Talk yourself through it 177
    Think Good – Feel Good: Stop, plan and go 179
References 181
Index 185


Think Good – Feel Good A Cognitive Behaviour Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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