Friday, May 22, 2015

Primary Mathematics for Teaching Assistants

Primary Mathematics for Teaching Assistants
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2007 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, USA adalah buku  Edisi  Pertama.

Judul: Primary Mathematics for Teaching Assistants
Oleh: Sylvia Edwards
Penerbit:  Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, USA
Tahun:  2007
Jumlah Halaman:  133  hal.

Sylvia Edwards


Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku panduan ini akan membantu mengembangkan pemahaman tentang pembelajaran murid '
pengalaman dan harapan dalam matematika dan meningkatkan kemampuan untuk mempromosikan keberhasilan mendukung  peserta didik.

Buku Ini bukan hanya sebuah buku tentang cara untuk mengerjakan matematika,  tetapi tentang bagaimana membantu anak sebanyak mungkin untuk mengembangkan potensi matematika mereka. Buku  ini berfokus pada pengajaran matematika di Tahapan Key 1 dan 2, mencerminkan  Kerangka utama (DfES 2006), tetapi membantu untuk mendukung siswa sekunder yang harus bekerja dari Key tahapan sebelumnya. Buku ini juga bertujuan untuk membantu orang dewasa yang mungkin merasa tertantang oleh beberapa bahasa matematika dan konsep yang diajarkan di sekolah-sekolah untuk mengembangkan kepercayaan diri dan merasa lebih mampu mendukung siswa secara mandiri.

Bab pertama buku menjelaskan gagasan matematika dan aplikasi untuk kehidupan dewasa, dengan menguraikan beberapa prinsip mengajar dan belajar yang sukses. Bab selanjutnya menjelajahi urutan perkembangan matematika di sekolah dasar dan strategi penawaran dan sumber daya untuk mendukung tujuan inti. Bab 7 mencakup strategi untuk murid 'self-assessment dan keterlibatan dalam kemajuan mereka. Buku ini diakhiri dengan ide-ide untuk menggunakan sumber interaktif untuk mendukung pengembangan matematika dan meningkatkan motivasi.

Daftar Isi:

Preface viii
1  Mathematics – what do we mean? 1
    How numerate are you? 1
    Mathematics is for life! 2
    What is involved in learning mathematics? 2
    Mathematics across the curriculum 3
    Mathematics and problem-solving 3
2  Principles for success 6
    Linking facts and methods with understanding 6
    Developing cumulative understanding 6
    Making numerical connections 6
    Estimating and self-checking 7
    Having a comprehensive approach to early number skills 7
    Instilling confidence and motivating 8
    Including all pupils 9
    Problem-solving and thinking 10
    Making mathematics relevant to life 10
    Ensuring mathematical language is understood 10
    Using mathematics to develop social and communication skills 10
    Developing active learners 11
3  What happens in mathematics lessons? 12
    What are primary schools aiming for? 12
    How is the daily mathematics lesson structured? 13
    The TA role in the daily mathematics lesson 13
    Encouraging independent learning 14
    Promoting key skills through mathematics 15
    Moving from mental to written methods and using calculators 15
4  The Foundation Stage 17
    Nursery level 17
    What should be achieved during the Foundation Stage? 17
    Say and count the number names in order in familiar contexts 17
    Count reliably up to 10 everyday objects 17
    Recognise numerals 1 to 9 18
    Use language such as ‘more/less’, ‘greater/smaller’, ‘heavier/lighter’ to compare two numbers or
           quantities 19
    Through practical discussion, begin to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting,
           finding one more or one less than a number from 1 to 10, and relate addition to combining
           two groups of objects, and subtraction to taking away 19
    Talk about, recognise and create simple patterns 22
           Use language, such as ‘circle’ or ‘bigger’, to talk about and describe the shape and size of
           flat and solid shapes 23
    Using everyday words to describe position 24
    Use developing mathematical ideas to solve practical problems 24
     Linking ‘good practice’ principles 26
    Activities to support parents 27
5   Key Stage 1 28
    Year 1 28
    Year 2 36
    Assessment at the end of Year 2 43
    Ensuring success for all 45
    Cross-curricular applications in Key Stage 1 46
    Differentiation and the achievement of personal best  46
    Tracking back for children who need reinforcement  48
6  Key Stage 2 50
    Year 3 50
    Year 4 58
    Assessment at the end of Year 4 69
    Key principles that feature in Years 3 and 4 71
    Differentiation in Years 3 and 4 72
    Tracking back from Year 3 and Year 4 work 72
    Year 5 73
    Year 6 81
    Assessment at the end of Year 6 88
    Differentiation in Years 5 and 6 89
    Tracking back from Year 5 and Year 6 work 90
    Supporting parents at Key Stage 2 91
7  Assessment 92
    Why assess? 92
    What should we assess? 92
    Assessing mathematical learning 92
    How often should adults gather information? 93
    Setting measurable targets for intervention 93
    Assessment for learning and pupils with special educational needs (SEN) 93
    General areas for mathematical improvement 94
    Monitoring children’s progress over time 94
    Involving children in their learning and assessment 95
8  Interactive approaches 96
    Interactive and multi-sensory teaching 96
    What are multi-sensory approaches and materials? 96
    Developing listening and memory skills for mathematics 96
    Basic resources for mathematics 97
    Interactive, fun-based resources 98
9  Conclusion 100

References 101
Index 102
Primary Mathematics e 475–490vel store 491–49mall print & Index 495–512


Primary Mathematics for Teaching Assistants Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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