Friday, June 26, 2015

California Mathematics Concepts, Skills,and Problem Solving Course 3

California Mathematics Concepts, Skills,and Problem Solving Course 3
Buku Ini  diterbitkan tahun 2007  oleh  The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, Columbus adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  California Mathematics Concepts, Skills,and Problem Solving Course 3
Oleh:  Mary Behr Altieri, et al
Penerbit:  The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, Columbus
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman: 824 hal.

Mary Behr Altieri

Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES
Yorktown Heights, New York
Don S. Balka
Professor Emeritus
Saint Mary’s College Notre Dame, Indiana
Roger Day, Ph.D.
Mathematics Department Chair  Pontiac Township High School
Pontiac, Illinois
Philip D. Gonsalves
Mathematics Coordinator  Alameda County Office of Education and California State  University East Bay   Hayward, California
Ellen C. Grace
Consultant Albuquerque, New Mexico
Stephen Krulik
Mathematics Consultant Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Carol E. Malloy
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Rhonda J. Molix-Bailey
Mathematics Consultant Mathematics by Design
Desoto, Texas
Lois Gordon Moseley
Staff Developer NUMBERS: Mathematics Professional Development
Houston, Texas
Brian Mowry
Independent Math Educational Consultant/Part time Pre-K. Instructional Specialist
Austin Independent School District
Austin, Texas
Christina L. Myren
Consultant Teacher Conejo Valley Unified
School District  Thousand Oaks, California
Jack Price
Professor Emeritus California State Polytechnic University
Pomona, California
Mary Esther Reynosa
Instructional Specialist for Elementary Mathematics Northside Independent
School District San Antonio, Texas
Rafaela M. Santa Cruz
SDSU/CGU Doctoral Program in Education, San Diego State University
San Diego, California
Robyn Silbey
Math Content Coach Montgomery County  Public Schools
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Kathleen Vielhaber
Mathematics Consultant
St. Louis, Missouri

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Pembahassan dalam buku ini mencakup 1) Tempat Nilai dan Number Sense, 2) Penambahan,
3) Pengurangan, 4) Konsep Perkalian dan Fakta, 5) Fakta Perkalian Lebih, 6) Konsep Divisi dan Fakta,  7) Lebih Fakta Divisi Lebih, 8) Pengukuran: Sistem Adat, 9)  Pengukuran: Sistem Metric, 10) Pengukuran dan Geometri, 11) Statistik: Data, Grafik, dan Probabilitas, 12) Fraksi, 13) Pecahan dan Desimal,  14) Kalikan dengan Nomor Satu-Digit, dan 15) Divide dengan Nomor Satu-Digit.

Daftar Isi:

Start Smart
    1.    Problem Solving: The Great Giants   2
    2.    Number Sense: Now That’s Hot!  4
    3.    Algebra and Functions: At the Aquarium   6
    4.    Measurement: Measure Away   8
    5.    Geometry: Food and Geometry  10
    6.    Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability: How Fast Can You Go?  12

Chapter 1 Place Value and Number Sense
    Are You Ready for Chapter 1?  16
    1-1     Number Patterns   17
    1-2     Problem-Solving Skill: Use the Four-Step Plan 20
    Explore Math Activity for 1-3: Place Value  22
    1-3     Place Value through 1,000   24
    1-4     Place Value through 10,000   28
              Mid-Chapter Check  31
    1-5     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy  32
    1-6     Compare Numbers   34
    1-7     Order Numbers   38
              Problem Solving in Geography: The Mighty Mississippi  42
    1-8     Round to the Nearest Ten and Hundred  44
              Game Time: Round Numbers  47
    1-9     Round to the Nearest Thousand  48
    Study Guide and Review  52
    Chapter Test   59
    California Standards Practice  60

Chapter 2 Addition
    Are You Ready for Chapter 2?  64
    2-1     Addition Properties   65
    2-2     Problem-Solving Skill: Estimate or Exact Answer   68
    2-3     Estimate Sums   70
    2-4     Two-Digit Addition  74
              Mid-Chapter Check  77
    2-5     Add Money   78
              Problem Solving in Geography: A Walk in the Park    82
    2-6     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy    84
    Explore Math Activity for 2-7: Add Three-Digit Numbers   86
    2-7     Three-Digit Addition   88
               Time: How Low Can You Go?  91
    2-8     Add Greater Numbers  92
    Study Guide and Review  96
    Chapter Test   101
    California Standards Practice  10

Chapter 3 Subtraction
    Are You Ready for Chapter 3?  106
    3-1     Two-Digit Subtraction  107
    3-2     Estimate Differences   110
    3-3     Subtract Money   114
              Mid-Chapter Check   117
              Problem Solving in Music: The Sounds of the Symphony   118
    3-4     Problem-Solving Skill: Reasonable Answers  120
    Explore Math Activity for 3-5: Subtract Three-Digit Numbers with Regrouping   122
    3-5     Three-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping   124
    3-6     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy  128
    3-7     Subtract Greater Numbers  130
              Game Time: Do Not Zero Out    133
    3-8     Subtract Across Zeros   134
    3-9     Algebra: Expressions and Number Sentences     138
    Study Guide and Review  142
    Chapter Test   149
    California Standards Practice  150

Chapter 4 Multiplication Concepts and Facts
    Are You Ready for Chapter 4?  154
    Explore Math Activity for 4-1: Meaning of Multiplication 155
    4-1     Multiplication as Repeated Addition  157
    4-2    Arrays and Multiplication  160
    4-3     Multiply by 2  164
              Mid-Chapter Check   167
    4-4     Multiply by 4   168
              Game Time: Factor Power   171
    4-5     Problem-Solving Skill: Extra or Missing Information  172
    4-6     Multiply by 5  174
              Facts Practice  177
    4-7     Multiply by 10   178
              Problem Solving in Science: Lots of Arms and Legs   182
    4-8     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy  184
    4-9     Multiply by 0 and 1   186
              Facts Practice   189
    Study Guide and Review  190
    Chapter Test   195
    California Standards Practice  196

Chapter 5 More Multiplication Facts
    Are You Ready for Chapter 5?   200
    Explore Math Activity for 5-1: Multiplication Table  201
    5-1    Multiply by 3   203
    5-2    Multiply by 6   206
              Facts Practice   210
              Game Time: Three in a Row   211
    5-3    Problem-Solving Strategy: Look for a Pattern  212
    5-4    Multiply by 7   214
             Mid-Chapter Check   217
    5-5    Multiply by 8    218
    5-6    Multiply by 9   222
             Facts Practice   225
    5-7    Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy   226
    5-8    Algebra: Associative Property   228
              Problem Solving in Art: Not Just a Blanket  232
    5-9    Algebra: Find a Rule   234
    Study Guide and Review   238
    Chapter Test   245
    California Standards Practice   246

Chapter 6 Division Concepts and Facts
    Are You Ready for Chapter 6?    250
    Explore Math Activity for 6-1: Understand Division  251
    6-1     Relate Division and Subtraction  253
    Explore Math Activity for 6-2: Relate Multiplication to Division  256
    6-2     Relate Multiplication to Division  258
    6-3     Problem-Solving Skill: Choose an Operation 262
    6-4     Divide by 2  264
              Mid-Chapter Check  267
    6-5     Divide by 5   268
              Problem Solving in Community: Communities within Communities  272
    6-6     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy  274
    6-7     Divide by 10   276
              Game Time: Number Cubes  279
    6-8     Division Properties   280
    Study Guide and Review  282
    Chapter Test   287
    California Standards Practice  288

Chapter 7 More Division Facts
    Are You Ready for Chapter 7?   292
    Explore Math Activity for 7-1: Divide Using a Multiplication Table  293
    7-1     Divide by 3   295
    7-2     Divide by 4       298
    7-3     Problem-Solving Strategy: Make a Table  302
    7-4     Divide by 6 and 7   304
              Mid-Chapter Check   307
              Problem Solving in Civics: Stars and Stripes  308
    7-5     Divide by 8 and 9   310
              Game Time: Facts Roll    313
    7-6     Determine Unit Cost   314
    7-7     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy  318
    7-8    Algebra: Expressions and Equations   320
    7-9    Algebra: Translate Words to Expressions  324
    Study Guide and Review  328
    Chapter Test    335
    California Standards Practice   336

Chapter 8 Measurement: Customary System
    Are You Ready for Chapter 8?   340
    Explore Measurement Activity for 8-1: Length to the Nearest Inch   341
    8-1     Length to the Nearest Half Inch  343
    8-2     Customary Units of Length   346
    8-3     Problem-Solving Strategy: Work Backward  350
    Explore Measurement Activity for 8-4: Capacity   352
    8-4    Customary Units of Capacity  354
              Game Time: Capacity Guess   358
              Mid-Chapter Check   359
    8-5     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy  360
    8-6     Customary Units of Weight   362
              Problem Solving in Science: Lengths, Heights, and Weights, Oh My!  366
    8-7     Convert Units of Time 368
    Study Guide and Review   372
    Chapter Test   377
    California Standards Practice  378

Chapter 9 Measurement: Metric System

    Are You Ready for Chapter 9?  382
    Explore Measurement Activity for 9-1: Millimeter and Centimeter  383
    9-1     Metric Units of Length   385
              Game Time: Hit the Target   389
    9-2     Problem-Solving Strategy: Guess and Check  390
    9-3     Metric Units of Capacity    392
              Mid-Chapter Check   395
    9-4     Problem-Solving Ivestigation: Choose a Strategy   396
    9-5     Metric Units of Mass   398
              Problem Solving in Science: A Visit to the Supermarket  402
    9-6     Metric Unit Conversions  404
    Study Guide and Review  408
    Chapter Test   413
    California Standards Practice   414

Chapter 10 Measurement and Geometry
    Are You Ready for Chapter 10?    418
    10-1    Geometry: Polygons   419
    10-2    Measurement: Perimeter   422
    Explore Measurement Activity for 10-3: Area   426
    10-3    Measurement: Area   428
    10-4    Problem-Solving Strategy: Solve a Simpler Problem   432
    10-5    Triangles and Angles   434
                Mid-Chapter Check   437
    10-6     Geometry: Quadrilaterals  438
    10-7     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy   442
    10-8     Geometry: Solid Figures   444
                Game Time: Guess the Shape    447
    10-9     Complex Solid Figures    448
                Problem Solving in Art: Gardens Under Glass   450
    Explore Measurement Activity for 10-10: Volume   452
    10-10    Measurement: Find Volume  454
    Study Guide and Review   458
    Chapter Test   465
    California Standards Practice  466

Chapter 11 Statistics: Data, Graphs, and Probability
    Are You Ready for Chapter 11?   470
    Explore Graphing Activity for 11-1: Make a Bar Graph  471
    11-1     Bar Graphs   473
    11-2     Line Plots  476
    11-3     Problem-Solving Strategy: Make an Organized List    480
                Mid-Chapter Check   482
                Game Time: Catch Me if You Can!   483
    11-4     Identify Probability   484
                Problem Solving in Science: Eggs!   488
    11-5     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy   490
    Explore Probability Activity for 11-6: Outcomes  492
    11-6     Make Predictions   494
    Study Guide and Review   498
    Chapter Test   503
    California Standards Practice  504

Chapter 12 Fractions
    Are You Ready for Chapter 12?   508
    12-1     Parts of a Whole  509
    12-2     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy   512
    Explore Math Activity for 12-3: Equivalent Fractions  514
    12-3     Find Equivalent Fractions   516
                Game Time: Fraction Concentration  519
    12-4     Problem-Solving Strategy: Draw a Picture   520
    12-5     Compare Fractions  522
                 Mid-Chapter Check   525
    Explore Math Activity for 12-6: Add Like Fractions  526
    12-6     Add Like Fractions   528
                Problem Solving in Science: The Buzz on Insects   532
    Explore Math Activity for 12-7: Subtract Like Fractions  534
    12-7     Subtract Like Fractions   536
    Study Guide and Review   540
    Chapter Test   545
    California Standards Practice   546

Chapter 13 Fractions and Decimals
    Are You Ready for Chapter 13?   550
    Explore Math Activity for 13-1: Fractions and Decimals  551
    13-1    Tenths   553
               Game Time: Fractoes and Decimoes  557
    13-2    Hundredths   558
                Mid-Chapter Check    561
                Problem Solving in Science: Continents  562
    13-3    Problem-Solving Strategy: Act It Out   564
    Explore Math Activity for 13-4: Fractions, Decimals, and Money  566
    13-4    Decimals and Money   568
    13-5    Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy  572
    Study Guide and Review  574
    Chapter Test   579
    California Standards Practice    580

Chapter 14 Multiply by One-Digit Numbers
    Are You Ready for Chapter 14?   584
    14-1     Multiply Multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000    585
    14-2     Problem-Solving Strategy: Use Logical Reasoning  588
    14-3     Estimate Products   590
                Mid-Chapter Check   593
    14-4     Multiply by a One-Digit Number   594
    14-5     Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy   598
    Explore Math Activity for 14-6: Multiplication with Rerouping  600
    14-6     Multiply Two-Digit Numbers   602
    14-7     Multiply Greater Numbers  606
                Game Time: High and Low   609
    14-8     Multiply Money   610
        Problem Solving in Art: Stamp Collecting  614
    Study Guide and Review  616
    Chapter Test   621
    California Standards Practice  622

Chapter 15 Divide by One-Digit Numbers
    Are You Ready for Chapter 15?    626
    15-1      Divide Multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000  627
    15-2      Estimate Quotients   630
    Explore Math Activity for 15-3: Division   634
    15-3      Two-Digit Quotients   636
                  Mid-Chapter Check   639
    15-4      Problem-Solving Strategy: Work Backward   640
    15-5      Three-Digit Quotients   642
                  Game Time: That’s Close!    645
                  Problem Solving in Science: Roller Coaster Physics   646
    15-6       Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy  648
    15-7      Divide Money   650
    Study Guide and Review  654
    Chapter Test   659
    California Standards Practice   660
California Standards Review
    Tips for Success    CA1
    Multiple-Choice Questions   CA2
    Practice by Standard   CA4

1.  Algebra: Function Tables (+/-)    664
2.  Algebra: Function Tables (×/÷)   668
3.  Ordered Pairs    672
3.  Geometry: Congruent Figures   676
4.  Geometry: Symmetry   678

Student Handbook
Built-In Workbooks
    Extra Practice   R2
    Facts Practice   R41
    English-Spanish Glossary   R49
    Photo Credits    R69
Index   R70

California Mathematics Concepts, Skills,and Problem Solving Course 3 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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