Friday, June 26, 2015

Chemistry Concepts and Application

Chemistry Concepts and Application
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun  2002  oleh  The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. New York,  merupakan buku edisi pertama.

Judul:  Chemistry Concepts and Application
Oleh:  John S. Phillips, et al
Penerbit:  The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. New York
Tahun: 2002
Jumlah Halaman:  911  hal.


John S. Phillips adalah seorang guru kimia di Forest Ridge Sekolah di Bellevue, Washington. Dia telah mengajar kimia di sekolah dan tingkat perguruan tinggi untuk 16 tahun. Dr Phillips telah mengkoordinasikan dan memimpimpin program dan lokakarya untuk guru dari TK sampai perguruan tinggi tingkat yang mendorong dan mendukung ilmu mengajar kreatif. Dia meraih B.A. sebuah gelar dalam kimia di Barat Maryland College dan gelar Ph.D. dalam kimia dari Universitas Purdue. Dia adalah anggota dari American Chemical Society, National Science Persatuan Guru, dan Sigma Xi.
Victor S. Strozak adalah profesor kimia di New York Kota Technical College of the City University of New York. Dia telah mengajar kimia di SMA dan tingkat perguruan tinggi selama 34 tahun. Dia meraih B.S. nya di Kimia dari Universitas St. John dan MS nya di Kimia dan Ph.D. Ilmu Pendidikan dari New York University. Dia adalah anggota dari American Chemical Society, the Two Year College Chemistry Conference, dan  the ACS Division of Chemical Education. Dia punya berpartisipasi dalam administrasi hibah untuk Nasional Science Foundation, berkonsentrasi pada perubahan sistemik dan perbaikan dalam pendidikan sains.
Cheryl Wistrom adalah seorang profesor di Saint Joseph’s College in Rensselaer, Indiana. Dia adalah mengajarkan kimia dan pendidikan kimia di Tingkat kampus selama enam tahun. Dia meraih gelar B.S. Gelar di Northern Michigan University dan M.S. and Ph.D. at the University of Michigan, di mana ia melakukan penelitian di ekspresi gen selama proses penuaan sel manusia. Dia berpartisipasi dalam lembaga musim panas untuk pendidik di Pennsylvania State University dan University of Miami Ohio. Dia adalah anggota dari Science Teachers Association Nasional dan American Chemical Society.

Lingkup Pembahasan:

Pembahasan buku ini meliputi Kimia: The Science of Matter (Puzzle Materi dan  Sifat dan Perubahan Zat),  Materi Apakah Terdiri dari Atom (Atom & Struktur Atom dan  Elektron di Atom), Pengantar Tabel Periodik ( Pengembangan Tabel Periodik dan Menggunakan Tabel Periodik),  Pembentukan Senyawa (Ragam Senyawa dan Bagaimana Elemen Pembentuk Senyawa),  Jenis Senyawa (Ionic Senyawa dan Zat Molekuler),  Reaksi Kimia dan Persamaan (Kimia Persamaan, Jenis Reaksi, dan Sifat Reaksi),  Melengkapi Model Atom (Memperluas Teori Atom dan Tabel Periodik &  Struktur Atom),  Periodik Properti Unsur (Grup Utama Elements dan Unsur Transisi), Chemical Bonding  (Ikatan Atom dan Bentuk Molekul & Polaritas). Teori Kinetic dan Teori Unsur (Perilaku fisik Materi dan Energi Kinetic & Perubahan sifat),  Sifat Gas (Tekanan Gas dan Hukum Gas),  Kimia Kuantitas (Partikel Menghitung Materi dan Menggunakan Moles), Air dan larutan Air (Uniknya Air dan  Solusi dan  Sifat-sifat Air), Asam, Basa, dan pH (Asam & Basa dan Kekuatan Asam & Basa)  Reaksi Asam & Basa ( Reaksi Asam & Basa dan Aplikasi Reaksi Asam-Basa),  Reaksi Oksidasi-Reduksi (Sifat Oksidasi-Reduksi Reaksi dan Aplikasi Oksidasi-Reduksi Reaksi),  Elektrokimia (Elektrolisis: Kimia dari Listrik dan Sel Galvanic: Listrik dari Kimia), Kimia Organik (Hidrokarbon, Hidrokarbon tersubstitusi, dan Plastik & Polimer Lainnya), Kimia Kehidupan (Molekul Hidup dan Reaksi Kehidupan),  Reaksi Kimia dan Energi (Energi Perubahan Kimia Reaksi, Mengukur Energi Perubahan, dan Fotosintesis)  Kimia Nuklir (Jenis Radioaktiv, Reaksi Nuklir dan Energi, dan  Alat Nuklir).

Daftar Isi:
Chapter 1 Chemistry: The Science of Matter  4
    1.1 The Puzzle of Matter 4

        A Picture of Matter
        Using Models in Chemistry
        Classifying Matter
        Substances: Pure Matter
        ChemLab 1.1 Observations of a Candle
        ChemLab 1.2 Kitchen Chemicals
        MiniLab 1.1 50 mL _ 50 mL _ ?
        MiniLab 1.2 Paper Chromatography of Inks
        MiniLab 1.3 Copper to Gold—The Alchemists’ Dream
        MiniLab 1.4 Waiter, what’s this stuff doing in my cereal?
    1.2  Properties and Changes of Matter 34
        Identifying Matter by Its Properties
        Chemical Properties and Changes
        ChemLab 1.3 The Composition of Pennies
        MiniLab 1.5 It’s a Liquid, It’s a Solid . . . It’s Slime
Chapter 2 Matter Is Made up of Atoms  51
    2.1  Atoms and Their Structure 52

        Early Ideas About Matter
        Development of the Modern Atomic Theory
        The Discovery of Atomic Structure
        Atomic Numbers and Masses
        MiniLab 2.1 A Penny for Your Isotopes
        ChemLab Conservation of Matter
    2.2  Electrons in Atoms 69
        Electrons in Motion
        The Electromagnetic Spectrum
        Electrons and Light
        The Electron Cloud Model
        MiniLab 2.2 Line Emission Spectra of Elements
Chapter 3 Introduction to the Periodic Table  85
    3.1  Development of the Periodic Table 86

        The Search for a Periodic Table
        The Modern Periodic Table
        MiniLab 3.1 Predicting the Properties of Mystery Elements
    3.2  Using the Periodic Table 95
        Relationship of the Periodic Table to Atomic Structure
        Physical States and Classes of the Elements
        Semiconductors and Their Uses
        MiniLab 3.2 Trends in Reactivity Within Groups
        ChemLab The Periodic Table of the Elements
Chapter 4 Formation of Compounds    119
    4.1  The Variety of Compounds 120

        Salt: A Familiar Compound
        Carbon Dioxide: A Gas to Exhale
        Water, Water Everywhere
        MiniLab 4.1 Evidence of a Chemical Reaction: Iron Versus Rust
    4.2  How Elements Form Compounds 130
        When Atoms Collide
        Ways to Achieve a Stable Outer Energy Level
        How do ionic and covalent compounds compare?
        MiniLab 4.2 The Formation of Ionic Compounds
        ChemLab The Formation and Decomposition of Zinc Iodide
Chapter 5 Types of Compounds   153
    5.1  Ionic Compounds 154

        Formulas and Names of Ionic Compounds
        Interpreting Formulas
        MiniLab 5.1 A Chemical Weather Predictor
    5.2  Molecular Substances 170
        Properties of Molecular Substances
        Molecular Elements
        Formulas and Names of Molecular Compounds
        MiniLab 5.2 Where’s the calcium?
        ChemLab Ionic or Covalent?   
Chapter 6 Chemical Reactions and Equations   189
    6.1  Chemical Equations 190

        Recognizing Chemical Reactions
        Writing Chemical Equations
        Balancing Chemical Equations
        MiniLab 6.1 Energy Change
    6.2  Types of Reactions 202
        Why Reactions Are Classified
        Major Classes of Reactions
        MiniLab 6.2 A Simple Exchange
        ChemLab Exploring Chemical Changes
    6.3  Nature of Reactions 210
        Reversible Reactions
        Reaction Rate
        MiniLab 6.3 Starch-Iodine Clock Reaction
Chapter 7 Completing the Model of the Atom    229
    7.1  Expanding the Theory of the Atom 230

        Developing a Model of Atomic Structure
        The Distribution of Electrons in Energy Levels
        MiniLab 7.1 Colored Flames—A Window into the Atom
        ChemLab Metals, Reaction Capacities, and Valence Electrons
    7.2  The Periodic Table and Atomic Structure 243
        Patterns of Atomic Structure
        The Size of Orbitals
        MiniLab 7.2 Electrons in Atoms

Chapter 8 Periodic Properties of the Elements  257
    8.1  Main Group Elements 258
        Patterns of Behavior of Main Group Elements
        The Main Group Metals and Nonmetals
        MiniLab 8.1 What’s periodic about atomic radii?
        ChemLab Reactions and Ion Charges of the Alkaline Earth Elements
    8.2  Transition Elements 282
        Properties of the Transition Elements
        Other Transition Elements: A Variety of Uses
        Lanthanides and Actinides: The Inner Transition Elements
        MiniLab 8.2 The Ion Charges of a Transition Element

Chapter 9 Chemical Bonding   301
    9.1  Bonding of Atoms 302

        A Model of Bonding
        Electronegativity: An Attraction for Electrons
        The Ionic Extreme
        The Covalent Extreme
        Polar Covalent Bonds
        Bonding in Metals
        MiniLab 9.1 Coffee Filter Chromatography
    9.2  Molecular Shape and Polarity 315
        The Shapes of Molecules
        How Polar Bonds and Geometry Affect Molecular Polarity
        Ions, Polar Molecules, and Physical Properties
        MiniLab 9.2 Modeling Molecules
        ChemLab What colors are in your candy?
Chapter 10 The Kinetic Theory of Matter   339
    10.1 Physical Behavior of Matter 340

        States of Matter
        The Kinetic Theory of Matter
        Other Forms of Matter
        MiniLab 10.1 Molecular Race
    10.2 Kinetic Energy and Changes of State 348
        Temperature and Kinetic Energy
        Changing State
        MiniLab 10.2 Vaporization Rates
        ChemLab Molecules and Energy
Chapter 11 Behavior of Gases   371
    11.1 Gas Pressure 372
        Defining Gas Pressure
        Devices to Measure Pressure
        Pressure Units
        MiniLab 11.1 Relating Mass and Volume of a Gas
    11.2 The Gas Laws 382
        Boyle’s Law: Pressure and Volume
        Kinetic Explanation of Boyle’s Law
        Charles’s Law: Temperature and Volume
        Kinetic Explanation of Charles’s Law
        Combined Gas Law
        The Law of Combining Gas Volumes
        MiniLab 11.2 How Straws Function
        ChemLab Boyle’s Law   
Chapter 12 Chemical Quantities    403
    12.1 Counting Particles of Matter 404

        Molar Mass
        MiniLab 12.1 Determining Number Without Counting
    12.2 Using Moles 414
        Using Molar Masses in Stoichiometric Problems
        Using Molar Volumes in Stoichiometric Problems
        Ideal Gas Law
        Theoretical Yield and Actual Yield
        Determining Mass Percents
        Determining Chemical Formulas
        MiniLab 12.2 Bagging the Gas
        ChemLab Analyzing a Mixture
Chapter 13 Water and Its Solutions   435
    13.1 Uniquely Water 436

        Water: The Molecular View
        Intermolecular Forces in Water
        Water: Physical Properties Revisited
        More Evidence for Water’s Intermolecular Forces
        MiniLab 13.1 How many drops can you put on a penny?
    13.2 Solutions and Their Properties 451
        The Dissolving Process
        Solution Concentration
        Solution Properties and Applications
        Solutions of Gases in Water
        MiniLab 13.2 Hard and Soft Water
        ChemLab Solution Identification
Chapter 14 Acids, Bases, and pH   479
    14.1 Acids and Bases 480

        Macroscopic Properties of Acids and Bases
        Defining Acids and Bases: A Submicroscopic Look
        Acid Ionization
        Submicroscopic Behavior of Bases
        Other Acids and Bases: Anhydrides
        The Macroscopic-Submicroscopic Acid-Base Connection
        MiniLab 14.1 What do acids do?
    14.2 Strengths of Acids and Bases 497
        Strong Acids and Bases
        Weak Acids and Bases
        The pH Scale
        Using Indicators to Measure pH
        MiniLab 14.2 Antacids
        ChemLab Household Acids and Bases
Chapter 15 Acids and Bases React    515
    15.1 Acid and Base Reactions 516

        Types of Acid-Base Reactions
        Strong Acid _ Strong Base
        Strong Acid _Weak Base
        A Broader Definition of Acids and Bases
        Weak Acid _ Strong Base
        MiniLab 15.1 Acidic, Basic, or Neutral?
    15.2 Applications of Acid-Base Reactions 531
        Buffers to Regulate pH
        The Acid-Base Chemistry of Antacids
        Stoichiometry Revisited: Acid-Base Titrations
        MiniLab 15.2 What does a buffer do?
        ChemLab Titration of Vinegar   
Chapter 16 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions   553
    16.1 The Nature of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 554

        What is oxidation-reduction?
        Identifying a Redox Reaction
        Oxidizing and Reducing Agents
        MiniLab 16.1 Corrosion of Iron
        ChemLab Copper Atoms and Ions: Oxidation and Reduction
    16.2 Applications of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 563
        Say Cheese: Redox in Photography
        Having a Blast: Redox in a Blast Furnace
        Redox in Bleaching Processes
        Corrosion of Metals
        Silver Tarnish: A Redox Reaction
        Chemiluminescence: It’s Cool
        Biochemical Redox Processes
        MiniLab 16.2 Testing for Alcohol by Redox

Chapter 17 Electrochemistry    583
    17.1 Electrolysis: Chemistry from Electricity 584

        Redox Revisited
        Applications of Electrolysis
        MiniLab 17.1 Electrolysis
    17.2 Galvanic Cells: Electricity from Chemistry 599
        Electrochemical Cells
        Better and Better Batteries
        MiniLab 17.2 The Lemon with Potential
        ChemLab Oxidation-Reduction and Electrochemical Cells
Chapter 18 Organic Chemistry   621
    18.1 Hydrocarbons 622

        Millions and Millions of Organic Compounds
        Saturated Hydrocarbons
        Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
        Sources of Organic Compounds
        MiniLab 18.1 How unsaturated is your oil?
    18.2 Substituted Hydrocarbons 640
        Functional Groups
        The Sources of Functional Groups
        MiniLab 18.2 A Synthetic Aroma
    18.3 Plastics and Other Polymers 648
        Monomers and Polymers
        Polymerization Reactions
        MiniLab 18.3 When Polymers Meet Water
        ChemLab Identification of Textile Polymers

Chapter 19 The Chemistry of Life   667
    19.1 Molecules of Life 668

        Nucleic Acids
        MiniLab 19.1 DNA—The Thread of Life
        ChemLab Catalytic Decomposition—It’s in the Cells
    19.2 Reactions of Life 692
        MiniLab 19.2 Yeast Plus Sugar—Let It Rise
Chapter 20 Chemical Reactions and Energy  707
    20.1 Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions 708

        Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
        Forces That Drive Chemical Reactions
        MiniLab 20.1 Dissolving—Exothermic or Endothermic?
    20.2 Measuring Energy Changes 719
        Energy Value of Food
        Energy Economics
        MiniLab 20.2 Heat In, Heat Out
        ChemLab Energy Content of Some Common Foods
    20.3 Photosynthesis 733
        The Basis of Photosynthesis
        The Chemistry of Photosynthesis
        Energy and the Role of Photosynthesis

Chapter 21 Nuclear Chemistry   743
    21.1 Types of Radioactivity 744

        Discovery of Radioactivity
        Nuclear Notation
        Radioactive Decay
        Detecting Radioactivity
        Half Life and Radioisotope Dating
        ChemLab The Radioactive Decay of “Pennium”
    21.2 Nuclear Reactions and Energy 761
        The Power of the Nucleus
        Nuclear Fission
        Nuclear Fusion
        MiniLab 21.1 A Nuclear Fission Chain Reaction
    21.3 Nuclear Tools 768
        Medical Uses of Radioisotopes
        Nonmedical Uses of Radioisotopes
        Sources of Radioisotopes
        Problems Associated with Radioactivity
        MiniLab 21.2 Radon—A problem in your home?
    Appendix A Chemistry Skill Handbook
    Appendix B Supplemental Practice Problems
    Appendix C Safety Handbook
    Appendix D Chemistry Data Handbook
    Appendix E Answers to In-Chapter Practice


Chemistry Concepts and Application Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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