Wednesday, June 17, 2015

International Handbook of Comparativre Education

International Handbook of Comparativre Education
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2009  Oleh  Springer Science + Business Media B.V. New York adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  International Handbook of Comparativre Education
Oleh:  Robert Cowen, et al (Editor)
Penerbit:   Springer Science + Business Media B.V. New York
Tahun: 2009
Jumlah Halaman:  1321  hal.

Professor Robert Cowen
Institute of Education
University of London
Professor Andreas M. Kazamias
Department of Educational Policy Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 8 bagian utama:  Bagian 1: Penciptaan dan Re-penciptaan sebuah bidang, Bagian 2: Formasi Politik dan Sistem Pendidikan, Bagian 3: The National, The International, dan The Global,  Bagian 4: Industrialisasi, Ekonomi Pengetahuan dan Pendidikan, Bagian 5: Pascakolonialisme, Bagian 6: Budaya, Pengetahuan dan pedagogi, Bagian 7: Berpikir Inovatif, dan Bagian 8: The Cutting Ujung - Mempertanyakan Masa Depan.

Daftar Isi:

Preface v
Section 1: The Creation and Re-creation of a Field
    1     Joint Editorial Introduction 3

           Robert Cowen and Andreas Kazamias
    2     On History and on The Creation of Comparative Education 7
           Robert Cowen
    3     The Modernist Beginnings of Comparative Education: The Proto-scientifi c and The
            Reformist-meliorist Administrative Motif 11

           Pella Kaloyannaki and Andreas M. Kazamias
    4     Forgotten Men, Forgotten Themes: The Historical-philosophicalcultural and Liberal 
           Humanist  Motif in Comparative Education 37
           Andreas M. Kazamias
    5     The Scientifi c Paradigm in Comparative Education 59
           Dimitris Mattheou
    6     Theories of The State, Educational Expansion, Development, and Globalizations:   
           Marxian and Critical Approaches 73
           Liliana Esther Olmos and Carlos Alberto Torres
    7     Comparative Education in Europe 87
           Wolfgang Mitter
    8     World-systems Analysis and Comparative Education in the Age of Globalization 101
           Robert F. Arnove
    9     Reflections on the Development of Comparative Education 121
           Val D. Rust, Brian Johnstone, and Carine Allaf
    10   Comparative Education: Historical Refl ections 139
           Andreas M. Kazamias

Section 2: Political Formations and Educational Systems
    11   Paideia and Politeia: Education, and The Polity/state in Comparative Education 161

           Andreas M. Kazamias
    12   Empires and Education: The British Empire 169
           Gary McCulloch
    13   Comparing Colonial Education Discourses in the French and Portuguese African 
           Empires: An Essay on Hybridization 181
          Ana Isabel Madeira
    14   Education and State Formation in Italy 195
           Donatella Palomba
    15   Social Change and Confi gurations of Rhetoric: Schooling and Social Exclusion–
           inclusion in Educational Reform in Contemporary Spain 217
           Miguel A. Pereyra, J. Carlos González Faraco, Antonio Luzón, and Mónica Torres
    16   Modernity, State-formation, Nation Building, and Education in Greece 239
           Andreas M. Kazamias
    17   The Developmental State, Social Change, and Education 257
           Wing-Wah Law
    18   The Developing States and Education: Africa 277
           John Metzler
    19   Varieties of Educational Transformation: The Post-socialist States Central/southeastern
           Europe and the Former Soviet Union 295

           Iveta Silova
    20   The European Union and Education in Spain 321
           José Luis García Garrido

Section 3: The National, The International, and The Global
    21  Editorial Introduction: The National, The International, and The Global 337

          Robert Cowen
    22  Who is Strolling Through The Global Garden? International Agencies and Educational
          Transfer 341

           Jason Beech
    23   Mobility, Migration and Minorities in Education 359
           Noah W. Sobe and Melissa G. Fischer
    24   Fundamentalisms and Secularisms: Education and La Longue Durée 373
           David Coulby
    25   The Double Gestures of Cosmopolitanism and Comparative Studies of Education 385
           Thomas S. Popkewitz
    26   Multicultural Education in a Global Context: Addressing The Varied Perspectives and
           Themes 403

           Carl A. Grant and Ayesha Khurshid
    27   International Development Education 417
           Nancy Kendall
    28   The OECD and Global Shifts in Education Policy 437
           Fazal Rizvi and Bob Lingard
    29   Can Multilateral Banks Educate The World? 455
           Claudio De Moura Castro
    30   Towards The European Panopticon: EU Discourses and Policies in Education and        
           Training 1992–2007 479
           George Pasias and Yiannis Roussakis

Section 4: Industrialisation, Knowledge Economies and Education
    31   Editorial Introduction: Industrialisation, Knowledge Societies and Education 499

           Robert Cowen
    32   Industrialization and Public Education: Social Cohesion and Social Stratifi cation 503
           Jim Carl
    33   Industrialisation, Knowledge Economies and Educational Change: A Note on Argentina 
           and  Brazil 519
           Márcia Cristina Passos Ferreira
    34   Education, Jobs, and Vocational Training 539
           Leslie Bash
    35   The Evaluative State as Policy in Transition: A Historical and Anatomical Study 551
           Guy Neave
    36   From Coherence to Differentiation: Understanding (Changes In) The European Area for 
           Higher Education and Research 569
           Wim Weymans
    37   Mammon, Markets, and Managerialism – Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Contemporary
           Educational Reforms 587

           Anthony Welch
    38   Lifelong Learning and Globalisation: Towards a Structural Comparative Model 601
           Peter Jarvis
    39   Education in Network Society: Critical Refl ections 619
           Eva Gamarnikow
    40   Education and Economic Development: Evaluations and Ideologies 633
           Eleni Karatzia-Stavlioti and Haris Lambropoulos

Section 5: Postcolonialism
    41   Editorial Introduction 653

           Elaine Unterhalter
    42   Reflecting on Postcolonialism and Education: Tensions and Dilemmas of an Insider 655
          Vinathe Sharma-Brymer
    43   Democratic Inequalities: The Dilemma of Elementary Education in India 669
           Vimala Ramachandran
    44   Curriculum Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: When Local Meets Global 685
           Linda Chisholm and Ramon Leyendecker
    45   Gender and Education in Developing Contexts: Postcolonial Reflections on Africa 703
           Deevia Bhana, Robert Morrell, and Rob Pattman
    46   Reinventing Educational Spaces, Building Active Citizenship: Two Brazilian 
           Experiences 715
           Tristan McCowan and Luís Armando Gandin
    47   Perspectives on Children and Violence 733
           Jenny Parkes
    48   An Indigenous Discourse to Cradle our Cognitive Heritage and Script our Aspirations:                Reflections from India and Africa 749
           Anita Rampal
    49   Human Rights and the Limitations of Releasing Subaltern Voices in a Post-Apartheid 
           South Africa 765
           Nazir Carrim
    50   Social Justice, Development Theory and the Question of Education 781
           Elaine Unterhalter

Section 6: Cultures, Knowledge and Pedagogies
    51    On Educational Knowledge – A Neglected Theme in Comparative Education 803

            Andreas Kazamias
    52   What Knowledge is of Most Worth? An Old Question Revisited in England 813
            Denis Lawton
    53    The Enlightenment and Religion, Knowledge and Pedagogies in Europe 823
            Thyge Winther-Jensen
    54    The Church and the State in Argentina and Brazil: Knowledge, Religion and 
            Pedagogy 837
            Maria C. M. De Figueiredo-Cowen and Silvina Gvirtz
    55    Confucianism, Modernities and Knowledge: China, South Korea and Japan 857
            Terri Kim
    56    Hinduism, Modernity and Knowledge: India 873
            Joseph W. Elder
    57    Reflections on Educational Transitions in Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey 889
            Jennifer Ashkenazi
    58    Christianity, Modernities and Knowledge 907
            Gerald Grace
    59    Towards a Comparative Pedagogy 923
            Robin Alexander
    60    Pedagogical and Educational Change for Sustainable Knowledge Societies 943
            Andy Hargreaves

Section 7: New Thinking
    61   Editorial Introduction: New Thinking 961

           Robert Cowen
    62   Mapping Comparative Education after Postmodernity 965
           Rolland G. Paulston
    63   Politics, Theory, and Reality in Critical Pedagogy 991
           Michael W. Apple and Wayne Au
    64   The Future of Intercultural Studies in Multicultural Societies 1009
           Jagdish S. Gundara
    65   Feminism, Liberation, and Education 1027
           Nelly P. Stromquist
    66   Comparative Education, Postmodernity and Historical Research: Honouring 
           Ancestors 1045
           Marianne A. Larsen
    67   Aspects of Educational Transfer 1061
           David Phillips
    68   Agamemnon Contra Prometheus: Globalisation, Knowledge/learning Societies and 
           Paideia in The New Cosmopolis 1079
           Andreas M. Kazamias
    69   Beyond Methodological ‘Isms’ in Comparative Education in an Era of Globalisation 1113
           Roger Dale and Susan Robertson
    70   Education, Philosophy and the Comparative Perspective 1129
           Terence H. McLaughlin

Section 8: The Cutting Edge - Questioning the Future
    71   Comparison: Quo Vadis? 1143
           Gita Steiner-Khamsi
    72   Digital Technology and Education: Context, Pedagogy and Social Relations 1159
           Andrew Brown
    73   Rethinking Context in Comparative Education 1173
           Michael Crossley
    74   Big Stories, Small Stories: Beyond Disputatious Theory Towards ‘Multilogue’ 1189
           Sonia Mehta
    75   Comparative Education in Two Asian Contexts: A Juxtaposition and Some 
           Questions 1209
           Chengxu Wang, Jianhong Dong, and Masako Shibata
    76   National Cultural Identities, Discourse Analysis and Comparative Education 1225
  Eleftherios Klerides
    77   Time for a Scientifi c Revolution? From Comparative Education to Comparative
           Learnology 1249

           Patricia Broadfoot
    78   Reclaiming a Lost Legacy: The Historical Humanist Vision in Comparative 
           Education 1267
           Andreas M. Kazamias
    79   Then and Now: Unit Ideas and Comparative Education 1277
           Robert Cowen
    80   Conclusion 1295
           Robert Cowen and Andreas M. Kazamias

Biographical Notes 1297
Subject Index 1319
Author Index 1327


International Handbook of Comparativre Education Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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