Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Textbook of Men’s Health and Aging 2nd Edition

Textbook of Men’s Health and Aging 2nd Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2007 oleh  Informa UK Ltd, England adalah buku edisi Pertama.

Judul:  Textbook of Men’s Health and Aging 2nd Edition
Oleh:  Bruno Lunenfeld MD FRCOG FACOG, et al (Editor)
Penerbit:   Informa UK Ltd, England
Tahun: 2007
Jumlah Halaman:  750  hal.


Bruno Lunenfeld MD FRCOG FACOG [Hon]
Professor Emeritus, Reproductive Endocrinology,
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan
Louis JG Gooren MD
Professor, Vrjie Universiteit Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Alvaro Morales MD
Queen’s University General Hospital,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
John E Morley MB MCh
St Louis University,
St Louis, MO, USA

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri atas 12 bagian utama, Bagian I: Biologi penuaan,  Bagian II: Diagnostik & Assessment Primer, Bagian III: Sistem kemih, Bagian IV: Disfungsi Seksual, Bagian V: Sistem endokrin, Bagian VI: Aging dan Komposisi Tubuh, Bagian VII: Nutrisi, Pencernaan dan Metabolisme, Bagian VIII: Kardiovaskular dan Sistem Pernafasan, Bagian IX: Central Nervous System dan Psyche, Bagian X: Sistem Skeletal, Bagian XI: Organ Sensory, dan Bagian XII: Kulit dan Rambut.

Daftar Isi:   

Introduction 1
History of research on the aging male – selected aspects 1
Micheal Oettel, Sergio Musitelli & Dirk Schultheiss

Section I: Biology of aging 11
    1.     The biology of gender differences in animal models of aging 13
            HJ Armbrecht
    2.     The biologic basis for longevity differences between men & women 23
            Rafi T Kevorkian & Oscar A Cepeda
    3.     The biology of the aging brain 31
            Xi Chen & Shirley Shidu Yan
    4.     The blood-brain barrier: age & gender differences 39
            William A Banks

Section II: Diagnostics & Primary Assessment 47
    5.     Aging men – The challenge ahead 49

            Bruno Lunenfeld
    6.     Screening of the aging male 63
            Louis JG Gooren, Alvaro Morales & Bruno Lunenfeld
    7.     Laboratory tests in the endocrine evaluation of aging males 97
            Michael John Wheeler

Section III: The Genitourinary System 111
    8.     Genitourinary System: an introduction 113
            Claude C. Schulman
    9.     Benign prostatic hyperplasia 115
            Simon RJ Bott & Roger S Kirby
    10.   Prostate cancer 131
            Michaël Peyromaure, Vincent Ravery & Laurent Boccon-Gibod
    11.   Erectile dysfunction in the aging male 147
            Andrea Gallina, Alberto Briganti, Andrea Salonia, Federico Dehò, Giuseppe Zanni,
            Pierre I Karahiewiz & Francesco Montorsi
    12.   Infertility in the aging male 161
           Wolfgang Weidner, Thorsten Diemer & Martin Bergmann
    13.   Urinary incontinence 167
           Adrian Wagg
    14.   Testicular cancer 183
            Axel Heidenreich

Section IV: Sexual Dysfunction 205
    15.  Treatment of erectile dysfunction in the elderly 207

           Kok Bin Lim & Gerald B Brock
    16.  Assessment of the aging man with sexual dysfunction 229
           Sidney Glina

Section V: Endocrine System 239
    17.  Endocrinology of the aging male: an overview 241

           John E Morley
    18.  Androgen deficiency and its management in elderly men 245
           Louis JG Gooren & Bruno Lunenfeld
    19.  Growth hormone and aging in men 265
           Marc R Blackman
    20.  The Thyroid 273
           Mary H Samuels & Jerome M Hershman

Section VI: Aging and Body Composition 281
    21.  Aging testosterone, and body composition 283

           Alex Vermeulen
    22.  Growth hormone & body composition in the aging male 289
           Fred Sattler
    23.  Androgens & lean body mass in the aging male 307
           Melinda Sheffield-Moore, Shanon Casperson & Randall J Urban
    24.  Visceral obesity, androgens and the risks of cardiovascular disease 313
           Louis JG Gooren

Section VII: Nutrition, Digestion and Metabolism 327
    25.  Nutrition in older men 329

           David R Thomas
    26.  Obesity in middle-aged men 345
           Richard YT Chen & Gary A Wittert
    27.  Diabetes in the elderly male: nutritional aspects 355
           John E Morley
    28.  Lipids through the ages 363
           Margaret-Mary G Wilson
    29.  Insulin resistance syndrome in older people 373
           Angela Marie Abbatecola & Giuseppe Paolisso
    30.  Free radicals and vitamins 391
           Seema Joshi
    31.  Resistance exercise 405
           Charles P Lambert
    32.  Constipation & diarrhoea 421
           Syed H Tariq
    33.  Macrovascular complications in the elderly diabetic 431
           Nikiforos Ballian, Mahmoud Malas, and Dariush Elahi
    34.  Upper gastrointestinal complaints 443
           Christopher K Rayner & Michael Horowitz

Section VIII: Cardiovascular and Respiratory System 463
    35.  Atherosclerotic risk assessment of androgen therapy in aging men 465
           David Crook
    36.  Male aging: changes in metabolic, inflammatory, and endothelial indices of 
           cardiovascular risk 473
           Ian F Godsland
    37.  Androgens: Studies in animal models of atherosclerosis 487
           Peter Alexandersen
    38.  Androgens and blood pressure in men 501
           Guy Lloyd
    39.  Androgens and arterial disease 511
           Carolyn M Webb & Peter Collins
    40.  Androgenic influences on ventilation and ventilatory responses to oxygen and carbon 
           dioxide during wakefulness and sleep 517
           Christopher P Cardozo
    41. The role of androgens in respiratory function 521
           Ann M Spungen

Section IX: Central Nervous System and Psyche 529
    42.  Changes in libido/sex life 531

           Syed H Tariq
    43.  Depression 539
           Margaret-Mary G Wilson
    44.  Testosterone, depression and cognitive function 551
           John E Morley
    45.  Modern antidepressants 561
           Margaret-Mary G Wilson
    46.  Sleep disorders 575
           Hosam K Kamel
    47.  Cognitive changes in aging 683
           Syed H Tariq & John E Morley

Section X: Skeletal System 609
    48.  Bone loss and osteoporotic fracture occurrence in aging men 611

           Steven Boonen & Dirk Vanderschueren

Section XI: Sensory Organs 619
    49.  Aging and the eye 621

           Ali R Djalilian & Hamid R Djalilian
    50.  Aging and inner ear dysfunction 631
           Emiro Caicedo, Diego Preciado, George Harris & Frank Ondrey
    51.  Smell and taste 645
           Weiru Shao & Frank Ondrey

Section XII: Skin and Hair 659
    52.  Healthy skin aging 661

           Walter Krause
    53.  Skin disease caused by changes in the immune system and infection 677
           Isaak Effendy and Karen Kuschela
    54.  Skin changes caused by venous diseases 691
           Eberhard Rabe & F Pannier
    55.  Aging of Hair 697
           Ralph Trüeb & Rolf Hoffmann

Epilogue 709
    56.  Hormone treatment and preventative strategies in aging men: whom to treat, when to 
           treat and how to treat 711
           Louis JG Gooren, Alvaro Morales & Bruno Lunenfeld
Index 731


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