Friday, August 28, 2015

Organ Transplantation 2nd Edition

Organ Transplantation  2nd Edition
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2003  oleh  Landes Bioscience, USA,  merupakan buku edisi Kedua.

Judul:  Organ Transplantation  2nd Edition
Oleh:  Frank P. Stuart, M.D., et al (Editor)
Penerbit:  Landes Bioscience, USA
Tahun: 2003
Jumlah Halaman:  637  hal.

Frank P. Stuart, M.D.
James Roscoe Miller Professor of Surgery
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
Chief, Division of Organ Transplantation
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Michael M. Abecassis, M.D., M.B.A.
Associate Professor of Surgery
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
Director, Liver Transplantation
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Dixon B. Kaufman, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
and Vice Chair of Surgery
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini berisi 21  bab dan dua belas esai;  mengemukakan standar praktek dan juga isu-isu kontroversial seperti dilema etika daftar tunggu yang panjang, ketidakpatuhan dengan imunosupresi jangka panjang, hubungan antara akut dan penolakan kronis, organ donor hidup, donor cadaver tua, nefrektomi laparoskopi, retransplantation, bank organ dan jaringan transplantasi nasional kriteria untuk mengalokasikan organ untuk calon penerima, dan janji xenotransplantasi. Lampiran I berisi informasi rinci tentang obat imunosupresif.

Daftar Isi: 

1.    Immunologic Concepts   1
       Philip F. Halloran, Thomas D. Batiuk, Nelson Goes and Patricia M. Campbell
       Introduction  1
       The Fate of Allografts  1
       The Principal Molecules of Allorecognition  3
       T-Cell Recognition And Triggering  13
       Specific Immune Responses of T Cells and B Cells  18
       Organization of Inflammation  22
       Changes in the Target Tissue  26
       Target Injury  27
       Host And Graft Adaptation  30
       Chronic Rejection  32
2.    Overview of Living and Deceased Organ Donors, Immunosuppression and Outcomes   44
       Frank P. Stuart
       Origins of Immunosuppression and Solid Organ Transplantation  44
       Cadaveric Donors  46
       Living Donors  51
       Immunosuppression  54
       Steroid Free Immunosuppression  61
       Outcomes  62
3.    Organ Allocation in the United States  66
       Frank P. Stuart and Michael Abecassis
       The National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA)  66
       Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs)   66
       The Division of Transplantation (DOT). 66
       The Organ Center  71
       Allocation of Abdominal Organs  72
       Increasing Disparity Between Organ Supply and Waiting Lists   72
       Recent Developments   73
4.    Organ Procurement Organizations   74
       Stephen D. Haid, James A. Kisthard and Jarold A. Anderson
       Introduction   74
       Legislation and Regulation   75
       OPO Functions   80
       The Organ Procurement Process    83
       Initiatives to Increase Donation   88
       Discussion   91
5.    Procurement and Short-Term Preservation of Cadaveric Organs   93
       Anthony M. D’Alessandro and James H. Southard
       Organ Donation   93
       Determination of Death   93
       Evaluation and Selection of Donors   95
       The Expanded Donor    97
       Donor Resuscitation and Stabilization  97
       Coordination of Multiorgan Retrieval    99
       Surgical Techniques of Organ Procurement   99
       Safe Transport of Organs   103
       Short-Term Organ Preservation   103
       Clinical Organ Preservation   104
       Renal Preservation   104
       Pancreas Preservation   104
       Liver Preservation   104
       Heart and Lung Preservation  105
       Strategies to Minimize Ischemic Damage  105
       Conclusion   106
6.    Kidney Transplantation  107
       Dixon B. Kaufman, Illustrations by Simon Kimm
       Introduction   107
       The Evaluation of Candidates For Kidney Transplantation  109
       Cadaver and Living Kidney Donation  120
       Transplantation Surgery and Post-Surgical Considerations  123
       Renal Allograft Parenchymal Dysfunction  132
       Transplant Nephrectomy  136
       Immunosuppression For Kidney Transplantation  138
       Outcomes of Kidney Transplantation  146
       Summary  152
7.    Pancreas Transplantation  154
       Dixon B. Kaufman, Illustrations by Simon Kimm
       Rationale of Pancreas Transplantation for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus  154
       Indications and Contraindications to Pancreas Transplantation  155
       Evaluation of Candidates for Pancreas Transplantation  158
       Transplant Surgery and Surgical Complications  159
       Immunological Aspects of Pancreas Transplantation  173
       Results of Pancreas Transplantation  177
8.    Islet Transplantation 183
       Dixon B. Kaufman, Bernhard J. Hering, Illustrations by Simon Kimm
       Introduction  183
       Rationale of Islet Transplantation for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes    183
       Human Clinical Trials of Islet Transplantation  184
       Indications and Contraindications to Islet Transplantation  185
       HumaN Islet Processing, Production Testing and Transplantation  190
       Posttransplant Management  195
       Future Directions  199
9.    Liver Transplantation   205
       Michael Abecassis, Andres Blei, Alan Koffron, Steven Flamm, and Jonathan Fryer
       Introduction     205
       Liver Transplantation for Patients with Chronic Liver Disease  210
       Pathophysiology of Chronic Liver Disease    211
       Selection Criteria and Listing Process    216
       Clinical Management While Awaiting Liver Transplantation  217
       Recipient Operation  217
       Standard Surgical Technique  219
       Alternative Techniques  222
       Immediate Postoperative Care  224
       Investigation of Liver Function Test Abnormalities  226
       Postoperative Care  232
10.  Intestinal Transplantation 244
       Jonathan P. Fryer
       History  244
       Indications  244
       Contraindications  245
       Pretransplant Recipient Evaluation  246
       Donor Evaluation and Management  246
       Donor Procurement  248
       Recipient Procedure  250
       Postoperative Management  252
       Postoperative Surveillance  253
       Posttransplant Function  255
       Patient and Graft Survival  256
       Morbidity  257
       Mortality  258
       Future Directions  258
       Summary  258
11.  Heart Transplantation  261
       Keith A. Horvath and David A. Fullerton
       Introduction  261
       Pretransplant Management of the Recipient  261
       Indications  262
       Contraindications  267
       Transplant Operation  267
       Postoperative Management  272
       Immunosuppression  272
       Rejection  274
       Outcomes  275
12.  Lung Transplantation  280
      Alberto de Hoyos and Matthew Blum
      Introduction  280
      Indications  280
      Recipient Selection  281
      Donor Selection  283
      Chioce of Procedure  284
      Donor Lung Extraction and Preservation 285
      Technique of Lung Transplantation  287
      Post-Operative Management 293
      Bronchial Anastomotic Complications  298
      Follow-Up Strategies and Procedures Required in Lung Transplant Recipients  300
      Rejection in the Lung Transplant Recipient  301
      Results of Lung Transplantation 304

13.  Pediatric Transplantation 309
    Part A: Heart Transplantation 309
    Carl L. Backer, Elfriede Pahl, Constantine Mavroudis

        History  309
        Indications for Heart Transplantation in Children  309
        Donor Selection and Procurement  311
        Operative Techniques of Implant  312
        Postoperative Management  313
        Immunosuppression  314
        Rejection Surveillance and Treatment 316
        Childhood Diseases  317
        Outcomes and Late Complications  317
        Conclusions  318
    Part B: Kidney Transplantation  321
    P. Stephen Almond

        Causes of Kidney Failure  321
        Recipient Evaluation  322
        Pretransplant management  324
        Anesthetic Considerations  325
        Transplant Procedure  325
        Recovery  325
        Immunosuppression  326
        Rejection  327
        Radiologic Considerations  327
        Early Surgical Complications  328
        Early Outpatient Care  329
        Recurrence of Disease  329
        Long-term Outcome  329
    Part C: Liver Transplantation 333
    Estella M. Alonso, Riccardo A. Superina

        Causes of Liver Failure Unique to Children 333
        Recipient Evaluation, Selection Criteria, Listing Process  333
        Anesthetic Considerations  335
        Transplant Procedure and IntrAoperative Considerations  335
        Recovery and Intensive Care  337
        In-Patient Care After ICU  338
        Special Consideration for Immunosuppression  338
        Assessment of Graft Function, Diagnosis and Treatment of Rejection  339
        Diagnostic Radiology  340
        Interventional Radiology Considerations  340
        Early Surgical Complications  341
        Overall Results  344
    Part D: Pediatric Lung Transplantation 347
    David A. Fullerton

        Introduction  347
        Indications for Lung Transplantation  347
        Pretransplant Management  349
        Transplant Procedure  349
        Postoperative Management  351
        Immunosuppression  351
        Rejection  352
        Surgical Complications  352
        Outcomes  352
14.  Anesthesia for Organ Transplantation 355
       Andre DeWolf, Yoogoo Kang and Laurence Sherman
       Liver Transplantation  355
       Anesthetic Management  358
       Intraoperative Care  360
       Heart Transplantation  365
       Lung Transplantation  370
       Kidney Transplantation  373
       Pancreas Transplantation  376
15.  Psychiatric Issues in Organ Transplantation 378
       John E. Franklin and Roslyn M. Paine
       General Psychosocial Issues in Transplantation  378
       The Differential of Common Psychiatric Disorders in Transplantation  383
       Neuropsychiatric Side Effects of Common Transplant Medications  391
       Psychotropic Medications  392
       Special Issues in Organ Transplantation  394
       Conclusion  398
16.  Infections in Transplant Recipients  399
       Valentina Stosor
       Introduction  399
       Bacterial Infections  402
       Mycobacterial Infections  409
       Fungal Infections  411
       Viral Infections  416
       Parasitic Infections  423
       Vaccination in Transplant Recipients  424
17.  Early Medical Problems Common to Many Recipients  426
       Joseph P. Leventhal and William A. Schlueter
       Early Medical Problems Common to Many Recipients  426
       Renal Transplantation  426
       Hemodialysis     429
       Hyperkalemia  431
       Hypomagnesemia 432
       Hypophosphatemia  433
       Ocular Disease    433
       Muscle Weakness  434
       Nonmalignant Skin Disease   434
       Hyper- and Hypocalcemia   435
       Hypochloremic Metabolic Acidosis   435
18.  Late Complications of Transplantation   437
       Bruce Kaplan and Herwig-Ulf Meier-Kriesche
       Chronic Allograft Nephropathy   437
       Hypertension   439
       Hyperlipidemia    441
       Posttransplant Diabetes Mellitus   442
       Recurrent Renal Disease   442
       Pregnancy   443
       Posttransplant Erythrocytosis (PTE)  444
       Posttransplant Malignancies   444
19.  Organ Transplantation Finance   448
       Michael M. Abecassis, Dixon B. Kaufman and Frank P. Stuart
       Introduction . 448
       Medicare Reimbursement Basics   448
       Transplantation Market Overview   454
       Business Fundamentals  455
       Conclusions   460
20.  Regulatory and Fiscal Relationships between Transplant Centers and Transplant   
       Surgeons/Physicians  461
       Frank P. Stuart, Michael M. Abecassis and Dixon B. Kaufman
       Introduction   461
       Review   461
21.  Pregnancy and Transplantation  468
       Vincent T. Armenti, Michael J. Moritz, John S. Radomski, Gary A. Wilson, William J.
       Gaughan,  Lisa A. Coscia and John M. Davison
       Introduction   468
       Immunosuppression During Pregnancy   468
       Reports of Pregnancy Outcomes in Female Transplant Recipients 469
       Pregnancies Fathered by Male Transplant Recipients  475
       Obstetric Management Issues  475
       Essay 1: Dominant Transplantation Tolerance  479
                     Luis Graca and Herman Waldmann
       Essay 2: Antigen Receptor Revision as a Mechanism of Peripheral T Cell Tolerance  489
                     Cristine J. Cooper and Pamela J. Fink
       Essay 3: T Cell Autoreactivity by Design: A Theoretical Framework for Understanding
                      Autoimmunity and Transplant Rejection 500
                      Peter S. Heeger
        Essay 4: Male Infertility in the Transplant Patient  512
                      Robert E. Brannigan and Robert Nadler
        Essay 5: Spontaneous and Transplanted Malignancy 520
                      Israel Penn
        Essay 6: Retransplantation of Vital Organs 528
                      Susan M. Lerner, Paige Porrett, James F. Markmann, and Ronald W. Busuttil
        Essay 7: Noncompliance with Immunosuppressive Regimens  539
                      Thomas E. Nevins and Arthur J. Matas
        Essay 8: Relationship between Acute and Chronic Rejection  546
                      Abhinav Humar and Arthur J. Matas
        Essay 9: Elective and Emergency Surgery in the Stable Transplant Recipient  550
                      Amy L. Friedman, Giacomo P. Basadonna and Marc I. Lorber
         Essay 10: Dental Issues before and after Organ Transplantation. 560
                       Peter Hurst
         Essay 11: The Living Organ Donor: Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy  566
                       Joseph R. Leventhal
         Essay 12: Xenotransplantation 573
                       Jonathan P. Fryer, Joseph R. Leventhal
Appendix I  589
Index   613


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