Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Photosynthetic Nitrogen Assimilation and Associated Carbon and Respiratory Metabolism

Photosynthetic Nitrogen Assimilation and Associated Carbon and Respiratory Metabolism
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2003  oleh Kluwer Academic Publishers, London adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Photosynthetic Nitrogen Assimilation and Associated Carbon and Respiratory Metabolism
Oleh:   Christine H. Foyer, et al (Editor)
Penerbit:  Kluwer Academic Publishers, London
Tahun: 2002
Jumlah Halaman: 305 hal.


Christine H. Foyer

Crop Performance and Improvement Division,
IACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden, U.K.

Graham Noctor
Université Denis Diderot Paris VII,
Institut de la Biotechnologie des Plantes, Orsay, France

Lingkup Pembahasan: 
Buku ini memiliki dua tujuan utama. Yang pertama adalah untuk menyediakan rincian komprehensif perkembangan sangat terbaru dalam pemahaman kita tentang bagaimana hijau sel reductively

Daftar Isi:
Editorial   v
Contents   viii
Preface xiii
Color Plates CP-1
1     Photosynthetic Nitrogen Assimilation: Inter-Pathway Control and Signaling    1-22
       Christine H. Foyer and Graham Noctor
       Summary   1
       I.     Introduction   2
       II.   Control of Leaf Amino Acid Contents   4
       III.  Integration and Control of Nitrogen and Carbon Metabolism    11
       IV.  The Carbon-Nitrogen Signal Transduction Network: Interactions Between Nitrate,
              Sugars and Abscisic Acid      16
       V.   Conclusions and Perspectives
    References   18
2     Photosynthesis and Nitrogen-Use Efficiency    23-34
       P. Ananda Kumar, Martin A. J. Parry, Rowan A. C. Mitchell, Altaf Ahmad and Yash P. Abrol
       Summary   23
       I.    Introduction   24
       II.  Nitrogen in the Photosynthetic Apparatus   24
       III. Optimization of Amounts of Photosynthetic Components for Different Environments    26
       IV.  Role of Regulation of Rubisco Activity    29
       V.   Approaches to Improving Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in Crops   30
       Acknowledgments    31
       References    31
3     Molecular Control of Nitrate Reductase and Other Enzymes Involved in Nitrate 
       Assimilation    35-48
       Wilbur H. Campbell
       Summary   35
       I.    Introduction    36
       II.  Transcriptional Control of Nitrate Reductase and Other Nitrogen Metabolism Genes   39
       III. Post-Translational Control of Nitrogen Metabolism Enzymes   41
       IV. Protein Kinases and Control of Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism   44
       V.   Future Prospects for the Control of Nitrogen Metabolism    45
      Acknowledgment    46
      References    46
4    Soluble and Plasma Membrane-bound Enzymes Involved in Nitrate and Nitrite        
      Metabolism    49 - 62
      Christian Meyer and Christine Stöhr
      Summary   49
      I.    Introduction     50
      II.  Nitrate Reduction at the Plasma Membrane    50
     III.  Nitrite Transport and Reduction     54
     IV.  Conclusions    59
     Acknowledgments     60
     References    60
5   What Limits Nitrate Reduction in Leaves?  63–70
     Werner M. Kaiser, Maria Stoimenova and Hui-Min Man
     Summary    63
     I.     Introduction   64
     II.    Nitrate Reduction and Nitrate Reductase Activity in Photosynthesizing Leaves    64
     III.   Nitrate Reduction after Artificial Activation of Nitrate Reductase  65
     IV.   Is Cytosolic Nitrate Concentration Rate-Limiting?  66
     V.    Is Nitrate Reduction Limited by NAD(P)H?    68
     VI.  Conclusions   68
     Acknowledgments    70
     References    70
6    The Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetic Manipulation of Primary Ammonia               Assimilation    71-92
      Bertrand Hirel and Peter J. Lea
      Summary    71
       I.    Introduction: Glutamine Synthetase and Glutamate Synthase, Two Enzymes at the
             Crossroads Between Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism    72
       II.  Glutamine Synthetase   72
      III.  Glutamate Synthase   79
      IV.  Glutamate Dehydrogenase   85
       References    86
7     Regulation of Ammonium Assimilation in Cyanobacteria   93-113
       Francisco J. Florencio and José C. Reyes
       Summary   93
       I.    Introduction    94
       II.  Ammonium Uptake    94
       III. The Glutamine Synthetase/Glutamate Synthase Pathway    96
       IV.  Regulation of Ammonium Assimilation    103
       V.   Future Perspectives    109
       Acknowledgments    109
       References    109
8     Photorespiratory Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling: Evidence from Studies of Mutant and 
       Transgenic Plants     115-134
       Alfred J. Keys and Richard C. Leegood
       Summary    115
       I.    Introduction    116
       II.   Entry of Carbon into the Photorespiratory Pathway    119
       III.  Recycling of Carbon to the Reductive Pentose Phosphate Pathway     120
       IV.  Recycling of Nitrogen Associated with Photorespiration     124
       V.   Feedback from Photorespiration on Other Processes    127
       VI.  Role of Photorespiration During Stress     129
       Conclusions    130
       References    130
9    The Regulation of Plant Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase by Reversible       
      Phosphorylation   135-150
      Jean Vidal, Nadia Bakrim and Michael Hodges
      Summary    135
      I.     Introduction    136
      II.    Properties of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase    136 
      III.  The Enzyme‘s Physiological Context    137
      IV.   Reversible Modulation in vivo by a Regulatory Phosphorylation Cycle   139
      V.    Significance of Regulatory Phosphorylation of the Photosynthetic Isoform    144
      VI.  Regulatory Phosphorylation of the Form: Importance in Anaplerosis    145
      VII. Conclusions and Perspectives    148
    References    148
10   Mitochondrial Functions in the Light and Significance to Carbon-Nitrogen 
       Interactions    151-172
       Per Gardeström, Abir U. Igamberdiev and A. S. Raghavendra
       Summary    152
       I.     Introduction    152
       II.    Export of Photosynthate from the Chloroplast    153
       III.   Mitochondrial Products of Photorespiration    154
       IV.   Products of Glycolysis in the Light     155
       V.    Operation of the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle     157
       VI.   Electron Transport and Redox Levels in Plant Mitochondria   160
       VII. Participation of Mitochondria in the Regulation of Metabolism during Transitions between 
               Light  and Darkness     163
       VIII.Mitochondrial Respiration and Photoinhibition     164
       IX.  The Role of Mitochondria in Photosynthesis    165
       X    Glycolate Metabolism in Algal Mitochondria    165
       XI   Concluding Remarks   166
       Acknowledgments    166
       References    167
11   Alternative Oxidase: Integrating Carbon Metabolism and Electron Transport in Plant
       Respiration    173-191

       Greg C. Vanlerberghe and Sandi H. Ordog
       Summary   173
       I.     Integration in Plant Respiration   174
       II.   The Alternative Oxidase in Plant Mitochondrial Electron Transport    174
       III.  Regulation of Alternative Oxidase    176
       IV.  Physiological Function of Alternative Oxidase 181
       Acknowledgments   188
       References    188
12  Nitric Oxide Synthesis by Plants and its Potential Impact on Nitrogen and Respiratory
      Metabolism     193-2004

       A. Harvey Millar, David A. Day and Christel Mathieu
       Summary    193
       I.    Nitric Oxide as a Biological Messenger Molecule    194
       II.   Evidence of Nitric Oxide Synthesis and Accumulation in Plants    194
       III.  Evidence of Nitric Oxide Modulation of Plant Signaling, Metabolism and
              Development     196
       IV.  So What is the Role of Nitric Oxide in Plants?   201
       Acknowledgments   202
       References    202
13  Nitrogen and Signaling    205-225
      Anne Krapp, Sylvie Ferrario-Méry and Bruno Touraine
      Summary   206
      I.    Introduction    206
      II.   Processes Regulated by Nitrate and Reduced Nitrogen-Compounds   206
      III.  Molecular Mechanisms of Nitrogen Signal Perception and Transduction   216
      IV.  Concluding Remarks   220
      Acknowledgments   220
      References   220
14  Regulation of Carbon and Nitrogen Assimilation Through Gene Expression    227-238
      Tatsuo Sugiyama and Hitoshi Sakakibara
      Summary   227
      I.      Introduction    228
      II.    Physiological and Biochemical Nature of Plant Response to Nitrogen    228
      III.   Regulation of Nitrogen-Responsive Genes for Carbon Assimilation   230
      IV.   Regulation of Nitrogen-Responsive Genes for Assimilation and Subsequent Metabolism
              of Nitrogen   231
      V.    Regulation of Partitioning of Nitrogen into Proteins: A Model for Sensing and
              Signaling   234
      Acknowledgments   235
      References    235
15  Intracellular And Intercellular Transport Of Nitrogen And Carbon   239-263
      Gertrud Lohaus and Karsten Fischer
      Summary    239
      I.      Introduction    240
      II.    Transport Processes of Plastids     240
      III .  Transport Processes Involved in Phloem Loading    246
      IV.    Concluding Remarks     257
      Acknowledgments    257
      References    258
16   Optimizing Carbon-Nitrogen Budgets: Perspectives for Crop Improvement    265-274
       John A. Raven, Linda L. Handley and Mitchell Andrews
       Summary    265
       I.     Introduction    266
       II.   The Nature of Crops    268
       III. What Are We Seeking to Optimize in Carbon-Nitrogen Budgets?    269
       IV.  How Can We Change Carbon-Nitrogen Budgets?   269
       V.   What are the Outcomes of Changing Carbon-Nitrogen Budgets?    271
       VI.  Prospects and Conclusions    272
       Acknowledgments     272
       References   272
Index 275

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

menggabungkan nitrat dan ammonium ke dalam senyawa organik yang diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan.
Dari partisi nitrogen organik dalam aparat fotosintesis, melalui primer proses reduksi nitrat dan amonia asimilasi dan bersepeda di fotorespirasi, dengan transportasi intraseluler dan antar karbon dan nitrogen, proses yang terlibat dalam fotosintesis asimilasi nitrogen dijelaskan dan baru yang menarik perkembangan seperti produksi nitrat oksida dievaluasi. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk memberikan yang rincian mekanisme crosstalk yang komprehensif antara karbon dan nitrogen metabolisme. Kunci Tema buku ini adalah koordinasi proses fotosintesis dan pernapasan dalam nitrogen asimilasi. Muncul konsep saling ketergantungan kloroplas dan mitokondria yang dijelaskan, dan komunikasi yang penting, transportasi dan proses sinyal yang disorot.
Buku ini juga megemukakan data baru pada interaksi karbon / nitrogen menunjukkan bahwa, dari
penangkapan cahaya untuk sintesis asam amino dan ekspor karbon dan nitrogen, banyak substrat,
intermediet dan produk yang dipantau oleh sel dan informasi yang ditransduksi menjadi peraturan di
tingkat ekspresi gen dan aktivitas enzim.

Daftar Isi:


Photosynthetic Nitrogen Assimilation and Associated Carbon and Respiratory Metabolism Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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