Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Respiratory Management in Critical Care

Respiratory Management in Critical Care
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2004  oleh  BMJ Publishing Group, London adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Respiratory Management in Critical Care
Oleh:   MJD Griffiths, et al (Editor)
Penerbit:  BMJ Publishing Group, London
Tahun: 2004
Jumlah Halaman: 146  hal.


MJD Griffiths

Unit of Critical Care, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,
Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK
TW Evans
Unit of Critical Care, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,
Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini membahas tentang gangguan pernafasan pada manusia.

Daftar Isi: 

Contributors vii
MJD Griffiths, Evans TW 1
1.    Pulmonary investigations for acute respiratory failure
J Dakin, MJD Griffiths 3
2.    Oxygen delivery and consumption in the critically ill
RM Leach, Treacher DF 11
3.    Critical care management of community acquired pneumonia
SV Baudouin 19
4.    Nosocomial pneumonia
Ewig S, A Torres 24
5.    Acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome: definitions and 

K Atabai, MA Matthay 31
6.    The pathogenesis of acute lung injury / acute respiratory distress syndrome

        Bellingan GJ 38
7.    Critical care management of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
  JT Granton, SE Lapinsky 45
8.    Ventilator-induced lung injury
T Whitehead, AS Slutsky 52
9.     Ventilatory management of acute lung injury / acute respiratory distress syndrome
JJ Cordingley, BF Keogh 60
10.    Non-ventilatory strategies in acute respiratory distress syndrome
         A Cranshaw, MJD Griffiths, Evans TW 66
11.    Difficult weaning
J Goldstone 74
12.    Critical care management of the resulting respiratory failure from chronic obstructive 

         pulmonary disease
AC Davidson 80
13.   Acute severe asthma
P Phipps, CS Garrard 86
14.   The pulmonary circulation and right ventricular failure
K McNeil, J Dunning, Morrell NW 93
15.   Thoracic trauma, inhalation injury and post-pulmonary resection of lung injury in 

         intensive care
ED Moloney, MJD Griffiths, P Goldstraw 99
16.   Illustrative case 1: cystic fibrosis
Thomas SR 106
17.    Illustrative case 2: interstitial lung disease
AT Jones, RM du Bois, Wells AU 110
18.    Illustrative case 3: pulmonary vasculitis
ME Griffith, Brett S 114
19.   Illustrative case 4: neuromusculoskeletal disorders
N Hart, Simonds AK 117
20.   The illustrative case 5: HIV-associated pneumonia
RJ Boyton, Mitchell DM, OM Kon 120
21.   Illustrative case 6: acute chest syndrome of sickle cell anemia
V Mak, SC Davies 125
22.    7 Illustrative case: the assessment and management of massive haemoptysis
Lordan JL, A Gascoigne, PA Corris 128
Index 135

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Respiratory Management in Critical Care Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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