Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Theories of Geographic Ontological Approaches to Semantic Integrations Concepts

Theories of Geographic Ontological Approaches to Semantic Integrations Concepts
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2008  oleh CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. USA adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Theories of Geographic Ontological Approaches to Semantic Integrations Concepts
Oleh:   Marinos Kavauras, et al
Penerbit:  CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. USA
Tahun: 2008
Jumlah Halaman: 340  hal.


Marinos Kavauras
dan Margarita Kokla
National Tehnical University of Athens Greece

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini terdiri dari tujuh belas bab disusun dalam lima bagian. Bagian 1 Pengantar set konteks dengan menekankan pentingnya filsafat, kognitif, dan teori-teori formal dalam melestarikan semantik konsep geografis di representasi pengetahuan, pengembangan ontologi, dan integrasi. Bagian 2 terbentang isu-isu teoritis penting berkaitan dengan subjek dan tujuan dari buku ini. Bagian 3 Realisasi pendekatan ontologis membutuhkan sejumlah alat formal dan konseptual struktur. Bagian 4 mencakup integrasi ontologi dari sudut pandang pelaksanaan, menyajikan pendekatan, pedoman, kasus, dan contoh. Akhirnya, Bagian 5 upaya post-review situasi kontemporer penelitian ontologis dalam ilmu GI, dengan penekanan pada isu-isu memberikan cara untuk memajukan penelitian. Dalam rangka untuk membuat membaca lebih mudah, struktur yang agak datar dengan bersarang minimal
terpilih. Referensi silang antara bab juga dihindari. Ini dibuat mungkin dengan memperkenalkan beberapa penjelasan yang diperlukan tapi minimal lokal, sehingga lebih bab mandiri.

Daftar Isi:


Preface   xiii
About the Title   xiv
Focus and Readership   xv
Organization xv
Acknowledgments   xvi
The Authors   xvii

Part 1 The Context
Chapter 1 Introduction  3

    1.1 Geographic Reality, Concepts, and Knowledge Representation    3
    1.2 Geographic Concepts    6
    1.3 Dimensions of Geographic Concepts   8
    1.4 Semantics and Ontologies  10
    1.5 Perspectives    12
        1.5.1 The Philosophical Perspective   14
        1.5.2 The Linguistic Perspective    14
        1.5.3 The Cognitive Perspective    16
        1.5.4 The Artificial Intelligence/Information Science Perspective   17
    1.6 Data, Information, Knowledge (and Wisdom)   18
    1.7 The Core of the Matter   19
    1.8 Upshot   21
    References   22
Chapter 2 Geographic Ontologies   27
    2.1 Notions and Perspectives     27
    2.2 Geographic Ontology Types and Related Issues   28
        2.2.1 Ontology Types    28
        2.2.2 Ontology Components   29
        2.2.3 Formality    29
        2.2.4 Structure  29
        2.2.5 IS-A Hierarchies   30
        2.2.6 Parts   30
        2.2.7 Multiple Inheritance   31
        2.2.8 Cover, Use, and Usability   31
        2.2.9 Definitions  32
        2.2.10 Relations and Properties   33
        2.2.11 Top-Level Ontologies  34
        2.2.12 Maps as Ontologies  34
        2.2.13 Methodology-Driven Ontologies  35
    2.3 Ontological Vagueness   36
    References   40
Chapter 3 Semantic Interoperability  43
    3.1 Notions and Perspectives   43
    3.2 Semantic Heterogeneities   45
    3.3 Geospatial Interoperability Efforts  48
    3.4 Core Issues  48
    References  49

Part 2 Theoretical Foundations
Chapter 4 Ontologies  55

    4.1 Ontology in Philosophy  55
    4.2 Formal Ontology  58
    4.3 The Problem of Universals  59
    4.4 Ontology in Computer Science  62
    4.5 Top-Level Ontologies  65
    4.6 Ontology in the Geospatial Domain  69
    References  76
Chapter 5 Concepts   83
    5.1 Ontology of Concepts   83
    5.2 Theories of Concepts   85
        5.2.1 The Classical Theory of Concepts   86
        5.2.2 Probabilistic Theories of Concepts   86
        5.2.3 Theory-Based Theories of Concepts   89
        5.2.4 Neoclassical Theories of Concepts  90
        5.2.5 Conceptual Atomism  91
    5.3 Functions of Concepts   91
    5.4 Kinds of Concepts   92
    5.5 Properties and Relations   92
        5.5.1 Properties    92
        5.5.2 Relations  95
    References    100
Chapter 6  Semantics   105
    6.1 Introduction  105
    6.2 Meaning  106
    6.3 Wierzbicka’s Semantic and Lexical Universals  108
    6.4 Modes of Meaning   110
    6.5 Meaning and Definitions   111
        6.5.1 Basic Notions of Definitions   111
        6.5.2 Types of Definitions   113
    6.6 Geospatial Semantics   115
    References   120

Part 3 Formal Approaches
Chapter 7 Knowledge Representation Instruments  125

    7.1 Knowledge Representation  125
    7.2 Knowledge Representation and Context   128
        7.2.1 Context   28
        7.2.2 Context Formalization  128
        7.2.3 Context in Geographic Applications  130
    7.3 Knowledge Representation and Natural Language  132
    7.4 Formal Instruments  132
    References   134
Chapter 8 Formal Concept Analysis   139
    8.1 Basic Notions of Formal Concept Analysis  139
    8.2 Many-Valued Contexts 144
    8.3 Applications of Lattices and Formal Concept Analysis  146
    8.4 Semantic Factoring  147
    References   148
Chapter 9 Conceptual Graphs  151
    9.1 Defining Conceptual Graphs  151
    9.2 Representing Conceptual Graphs  151
    9.3 Basics of Conceptual Graphs  152
    9.4 Operations over Conceptual Graphs   153
    9.5 Conceptual Graphs in Geographic Applications  154
    References   156
Chapter 10 Channel Theory  157
    10.1 Introduction   157
    10.2 Basics of Channel Theory  157
        10.2.1 Classification 157
        10.2.2 Sum of Classifications 159
        10.2.3 Local Logic  160
        10.2.4 Infomorphism 160
        10.2.5 Channel  162
    References  163
Chapter 11 Description Logics  165
    11.1 Introduction  165
    11.2 Description Logics Syntactic Elements 165
    11.3 Description Logics Languages   166
    11.4 Description Logics Knowledge Organization and Modeling  167
    11.5 Reasoning in Description Logics   168
    References  169
Chapter 12 Natural Language and Semantic Information Extraction  171
    12.1 Semantic Information Extraction from Text    171
    12.2 Semantic Information Extraction from Definitions  173
    12.3 Main Semantic Properties in Geographic Concept Definitions  177
    12.4 Main Semantic Relations in Geographic Concept Definitions  178
    References   180
Chapter 13 Similarity  183
    13.1 The Notion of Similarity  183
    13.2 Measures of Similarity  184
    13.3 Portraying Similarity  185
    13.4 Similarity and Context  187
    References   188

Part 4 Ontology Integration
Chapter 14   Integration Framework   193

    14.1 The Ontology of Integration  193
    14.2 Ontology Integration  194
    14.3 Integration Frameworks  196
    14.4 An Extended Framework  201
    14.5 Process I: Extraction  204
    14.6 Process II: Comparison, Identification, and Reconciliation of Heterogeneities  205
    14.7 Process III: Integration 206
        14.7.1 Integration Architecture Terminology  207
        14.7.2 Principle behind an Integration Approach  210
    References  215
Chapter 15 Integration Approaches   221
    15.1 Classification of Approaches   221
    15.2 PROMPT  221
    15.3 KRAFT  223
    15.4 CHIMAERA  225
    15.5 MOMIS  225
    15.6 GLUE  227
    15.7 ECOIN  228
    15.8 FCA-Merge   229
    15.9 IF-Map  231
    15.10 Architecture-Based Approaches to Geointegration  232
    15.11 A Concept Comparison Approach   235
    15.12 Intensional–Based Geointegration Approaches  238
    15.13 Extensional–Based Geointegration Approaches  243
    15.14 Comparative Presentation   245
    References   248
Chapter 16   Integration Guidelines   253
    16.1 General Guidelines and Scenarios 253

        16.1.1 Scenario 1: Concept Comparison Focusing on the Ontologies’ Structure 254
        16.1.2 Scenario 2: Concept Comparison Based on Similarity  255
        16.1.3 Scenario 3: Mapping to a Shared Ontology  255
        16.1.4 Scenario 4: Advanced Ontology Mapping  256
        16.1.5 Scenario 5: Ontology Merging  256
        16.1.6 Scenario 6: Advanced Ontology Merging  257
        16.1.7 Scenario 7: True Integration 258
        16.1.8 Scenario 8: Extensional Integration 258
        16.1.9 Scenario 9: Integration Based on Natural Language Documents   259
        16.1.10 Scenario 10: Temporal Integration  259
    16.2 Integration Scenarios and Working Examples  260
        16.2.1 Scenario 1: Ontology Merging   263
        16.2.2 Scenario 2: Concept Comparison 269
        16.2.3 Scenario 3: True Integration  275
   Semantic Information Extraction  275
   Concept Comparison 277
   Integration 286
        References  291

Part 5 Post-Review
Chapter 17   Epilogue  295
    17.1 Closing issues  295
    17.2 Hindsight   295
    17.3 Foresight  298
        17.3.1 Theoretical Issues and Knowledge Elicitation  298
   Ontological Research  298
   Concepts  299
   Semantics  300
        17.3.2 Formal Approaches    300
        17.3.3 Integration Approaches  305
        17.3.4 Algorithm Design  305
        17.3.5 Evaluation of Ontology Integration 306
    17.4 Afterwo   306

References   307
Index   311

Email: zanetapm@gmail.com

Theories of Geographic Ontological Approaches to Semantic Integrations Concepts Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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