Thursday, October 1, 2015

Color Atlas of Chemical Peels

Color Atlas of Chemical Peels

Color Atlas of Chemical Peels
Buku ini diterbitkan tahun 2006  oleh Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg  Adalah buku edisi  Pertama.

Judul:  Color Atlas of Chemical Peels
Oleh:  Antonella Tosti, et al (Editor)
Penerbit:  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Tahun: 2006
Jumlah Halaman:   230 hal.

Antonella Tosti,MD

Department of Dermatology,
University of Bologna,
Pearl E. Grimes,MD
Vitiligo and Pigmentation Institute
of Southern California and Division
of Dermatology,Department of Medicine,
David Geffen School of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles,
California , USA
Maria Pia De Padova,MD
Department of Dermatology,
University of Bologna, Italy

Lingkup Pembahasan:
Buku ini mengemukakan informasi yang muda dipahami tentang kapan dan bagaimana melakukan chemical peeling.
Pengalaman  dalam dermatologi kosmetik menimbulkan panduan untuk siapapun yang tertarik dalam
belajar lebih banyak tentang tata rias. Buku ini memberikan informasi tentang masing-masing
peel kimia tunggal, sepenuhnya dijelaskan dalam hal sifat-sifatnya, formulasi, indikasi, melakukan
teknik, keuntungan dan kerugian.  Buku ini  juga mengkaji gangguan dermatologis yang berbeda
menunjukkan prosedur langkah-demi-langkah untuk mengupas terbaik yang dapat digunakan untuk memperlakukan mereka. Buku ini adalah buku yang up-to-date yang akan membantu
dokter meningkatkan keterampilan dalam bidang  ini.

Daftar Isi Buku:
Part I  Types of Chemical Peels: Advantages/Disadvantages – an Illustrated Algorithm
1   Types of Chemical Peels   3

    Antonella Tosti, Maria Pia De Padova, Matilde Iorizzo
    1.1 Advantages/Disadvantages  4
    1.2 How to Choose the Best Peeling for the Patient  6

Part II Modalities of Application
2  Glycolic Acid    13

    Gabriella Fabbrocini, Maria Pia De Padova, Antonella Tosti   
    2.1 History 13
    2.2 Chemical Background 13
    2.3 Properties. 13
    2.4 Formulations 13
    2.5 Indications 14
    2.6 Contraindications  14
    2.7 Peeling Preparation 14
    2.8 Peeling Technique 16
    2.9 Post-peeling Care  and Complications 19
    2.10 Disadvantages 19
    2.11 Side Effects 19
    2.12 Results 20
    2.13 Informed Consent 20
    References 21
3  Jessner’s Solution 23
    Pearl E.Grimes
    3.1 History 23
    3.2 Chemical Background 23
    3.3 Formulations 24
    3.4 Indications 25
    3.5 Contraindications  25
    3.6 Skin Preparation 26
    3.7 Peeling Technique 27
    3.8 Post-peel Care 27
    3.9 Advantages of Jessner’s Peeling 27
    3.10 Disadvantages of Jessner’s Peeling 27
    3.11 Side Effects 28
    3.12 Patient’s Informed Consent 28
    References 29

4  Pyruvic Acid  31
    Ilaria Ghersetich,  Benedetta Brazzini, Torello Lotti, Maria Pia De Padova,  Antonella Tosti
    4.1 History 31
    4.2 Properties  31
    4.3 Indications 31
    4.4 Formulations 32
    4.5 Contraindications 32
    4.6 Peeling Preparation (Home Treatment) 32
    4.7 Peeling Technique 32
    4.8 Post-peeling Care 35
    4.9 Side Effects 35
    4.10 Advantages 35
    4.11 Disadvantages 35
    4.12 Results  35
    4.13 Patient’s Informed Consent  38
    References  39

5  Resorcinol  41
    Ilaria Ghersetich, Benedetta Brazzini, Torello Lotti, Maria Pia De Padova,  Antonella Tosti
    5.1 History 41
    5.2 Chemical Background and Properties 41
    5.3 Formulations 41
    5.4 Indications  42
    5.5 Contraindications 42
    5.6 Peeling Preparation 44
    5.7 Peeling Technique 44
    5.8 After Peel Care 45
    5.9 Side Effects 45
    5.10 Advantages 46
    5.11 Disadvantages 46
    5.12 Patient’s Informed Consent  46
    References  47

6  Salicylic Acid  49
    Pearl E.Grimes
    6.1 History 49
    6.2 Chemical Background/Properties 49
    6.3 Formulations 50
    6.4 Indications 50
    6.5 Contraindications 50
    6.6 Patient Preparation 51
    6.7 Peeling Technique 51
    6.8 Post-peeling Care and Complications  55
    6.9 Advantages 55
    6.10 Disadvantages 56
    6.11 Side Effects. 56
    6.12 Patient’s Informed Consent  56
    References  57

7  Trichloroacetic Acid   59
    Christopher B.Harmon,  Michael Hadley, Payam Tristani
    7.1 History 59
    7.2 Chemical Background  59
    7.3 Chemical Formulations  59
    7.4 Classification of Peel Depths   60
    7.5 Indications  61
    7.6 Facial Versus Non-facial Skin  63
    7.7 Peeling Preparation  63
    7.8 Peeling Technique  64
    7.9 Post-peeling Care  65
    7.10 Complications  66
    7.11 Advantages/Disadvantages of TCA Peels 66
    7.12 Conclusion 66
    References  67

8  Deep Chemical Peels  for Photoaging  69
    Marina Landau
    8.1 History  69
    8.2 Chemical Background 70
    8.3 Formulations 70
    8.4 Histology  71
    8.5 Indications and Patient Selection 72
    8.6 Contraindications 72
    8.7 Pre-peeling Preparation 73
    8.8 Preparation of the Skin 73
    8.9 Peeling Preparation 74
    8.10 Peeling Technique 75
    8.11 Aftercare 79
    8.12 Complications 85
    8.13 Advantages 87
    8.14 Disadvantages 87
    8.15 Patient’s Informed Consent  87
    References  88

9  Deep Chemical Peels for Post-acne Scarring   91
    Marina Landau
    9.1 History and Classification  91
    9.2 Indications  93
    9.3 Contraindications 93
    9.4 Pre-peeling Preparation 93
    9.5 Peeling Technique 94
    9.6 Aftercare 96
    9.7 Advantages 96
    9.8 Disadvantages 96
    References 100
10 Combination Salicylic Acid/ TCA Chemical Peeling   103
    Pearl E.Grimes
    10.1 History  103
    10.2 Chemical Background/Properties 103
    10.3 Formulations  104
    10.4 Indications 104
    10.5 Contraindications 105
    10.6 Peeling Preparations 107
    10.7 Peeling Technique  108
    10.8 Post-peeling Care and Complications 109
    10.9 Advantages 109
    10.10 Disadvantages 109
    10.11 Side Effects 109
    10.12 Patient’s Informed Consent  109
    References 110

Part III  How to Choose the Best Peeling for the Patient
11  Acne  113

    Vincenzo Bettoli, Alessandro Borghi, Maria Pia De Padova, Antonella Tosti
    11.1 Definition 113
    11.2 Epidemiology 113
    11.3 Pathophysiology 113
    11.4 Clinical Patterns 114
    11.5 Clinical Types  119
    11.6 Differential Diagnosis 121
    11.7 Therapy 122
    References. 131

12 Actinic Keratosis  133
    Ilaria Ghersetich, Benedetta Brazzini, Maria Pia De Padova, Antonella Tosti
    12.1 Definition 133
    12.2 Etiology 135
    12.3 Clinical Types 135
    12.4 Histopathology 136
    12.5 Diagnostic Criteria  136
    12.6 Differential Diagnosis 136
    12.7 Therapy 136
    12.8 Management of the Patient 138
    References 138

13  Chemical Peels in Dark Skin  139
    Pearl E.Grimes
    13.1 Definition 139
    13.2 Epidemiology 139
    13.3 Morphologic and Physiologic Skin Differences in Dark Skin  139
    13.4 Peeling Indications in Dark Skin 140
    13.5 Peel Selection 140
    13.6 Peeling Preparation 141
    13.7 Peeling Techniques 143
    13.8 Superficial Peeling Agents 143
    13.9 Summary 147
    References 148

14  Melasma   149
Matilde Iorizzo, Antonella Tosti, Maria Pia De Padova
    14.1 Definition 149
    14.2 Epidemiology 149
    14.3 Etiology 150
    14.4 Clinical Features 150
    14.5 Diagnostic Criteria 151
    14.6 Therapy 152
    14.7 Why Is a Combined Chemical Peel Useful for Treating Melasma? 158
    References 159

15 Photoaging 161
Pearl E.Grimes
    15.1 Definition 161
    15.2 Etiology 161
    15.3 Epidemiology 162
    15.4 Clinical Types 164
    15.5 Therapeutic Intervention 164
    15.6 Bleaching Agents 168
    15.7 Chemical Peels for Photoaging  169
    15.8 Superficial Peeling Agents 169
    15.9 Medium-Depth Peeling 170
    15.10 Summary 173
    References  173

16 Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation  177
Teresa Soriano, Pearl E.Grimes
    16.1 Definition 177
    16.2 Epidemiology 177
    16.3 Etiology 177
    16.4 Clinical Types 178
    16.5 Diagnostic Criteria  178
    16.6 Differential Diagnosis 178
    16.7 Therapy 178
    16.8 Topical Agents 178
    16.9 Chemical Peels 180
    16.10 Summary 182
    References 182

17  Rosacea 185
Maria Pia De Padova, Matilde Iorizzo, Antonella Tosti
    17.1 Definition 185
    17.2 Epidemiology 185
    17.3 Pathology 185
    17.4 Clinical Types (Clinical Stages) 185
    17.5 Diagnostic Criteria 191
    17.6 Differential Diagnosis 191
    17.7 Therapy. 191
    17.8 Erythrosis 191
    17.9 Papulo-Pustular Rosacea 192
    17.10 Rhinophyma 192
    17.11 How to Perform the Best Peeling for the Treatment of Rosacea  193
    17.12 Peeling Technique 196
    References 198

18 Solar Lentigo  199
Ilaria Ghersetich, Benedetta Brazzini, Maria Pia De Padova, Antonella Tosti
    18.1 Definition  199
    18.2 Epidemiology 199
    18.3 Etiology 199
    18.4 Clinical Features 199
    18.5 Pathology  200
    18.6 Diagnostic Criteria 200
    18.7 Therapy  200
    References  205

Part IV   Management of the Patient
19 Management of the Patient   209

    Maria Pia De Padova,  Antonella Tosti
    19.1 Patient Selection   209
    19.2 Patient Evaluation  209
    19.3 Instructions 209
    19.4 Photographs 210

Subject Index  213


Color Atlas of Chemical Peels Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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